College Prep Poetry #6 Narrative Poem “The Raven” – pg. 940 Complete questions 1-6 1) I feel that that he doesn’t have much patience because he is getting mad at the raven quite easily. 2a) Lenore was his love and she died. 2b) You can tell that he had very strong feelings for her and that he gets very emotional when the speaker thinks about her. 3a) He describes his mood as weak and weary. 3b) I would describe the speaker as lonely because he still upset over Lenore’s death and also depressed. 3c) The bird continually pestering him caused his mood to change and when he thought of Lenore. 4a) The only word the bird said was never more. 4b) I think it is just repeating a sound. 5a) The raven seems more courageous to as the speaker thinks, “argue or yell” with/at him. 5b) My impression of the raven changes when he keeps repeating the same word. It just makes him seem like he is just stupid and doesn’t know what he is saying. 6) I don’t think a parrot would be as effective because a raven is more of a symbol and being of death and sorrow to represent Lenore, rather than a parrot. List at least 3 poetic devices found in the poem (Name the literary device and list the example from the poem.) EX: Simile – “And the river flows like a stream of glass” - Line 4 (from “Sympathy”) Personification-“But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only; That one word, as if his soul in that word he did outpour.” Line 55,56 Alliteration-“And the raven, never fitting, still is sitting, still is sitting.” Line 103 Rhyme-“Thrilled me-filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; Tis some visiting entreating entrance at my chamber door-.” Line 14,16 Rate the poem on the following scale accompanied by a 1-3 sentence specific explanation for the rating. Approval Rating Scale: Liked it! It was ok. UGH! Did not like it! I didn’t really care for this poem. I didn’t really like it too much because many parts of the poem were hard to comprehend and I think the poem was dragged on a little bit too far, like it was too long for a poem in my opinion. Label this page: Raven Home Work Activity: Paraphrase the poem “The Raven” stanza by stanza. OR Find a song that illustrates the theme, mood, and situation of “The Raven.” Explain the connections you see between the song and the poem, and include a copy of the lyrics. OR Find a piece of art work that illustrates the theme, mood, or situation of “The Raven.” Explain the connections you see between the art work and the poem, and include a copy of the art work or at least the title of the work and the artist’s name The title of the artwork is, “Starry Night” by Vincent VanGough. I think this poem relates to the mood of the poem because in the poem the setting seemed like it was at night and during a starry dark night which is like in the artwork. Also, the mood of the poem is sad and lonely and cold, which is what, makes me think of this piece of art. =h95SOSzqma1hoM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=150&ei=S4XITaLuLYL4gAe9yYDBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dstarry%2Bnight%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1G1ACAW_EN US397%26biw%3D1345%26bih%3D516%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1