ACT 5 QUESTIONS Scene 1 Summarize the scene. Roderigo and



Scene 1

1. Summarize the scene.

Roderigo and Cassio fight; Cassio injures Roderigo and Iago injures Cassio

Iago kills Roderigo

Iago accuses Bianca of playing a role in the attack (tries to deflect blame); he asks everyone to keep an eye on her

2. How does Iago intend to dispose of Cassio and Roderigo? What actually transpires?

Iago has ignited anger in Roderigo so that Roderigo will fight Cassio

Iago does not care if both men die  “Now, whether he kill Cassio, / Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, / Every way makes my gain” (5.1.12-14).

Both men wound one another but neither is mortally wounded. Iago kills

Roderigo, for fear that Roderigo may reveal the truth about Iago. Cassio lives but is wounded in the leg (by Cassio in the dark).

3. What reversal of fortune does Iago suffer in this scene? How is it brought about?

Roderigo fails in his task (does not kill Cassio); this leaves the possibility for

Othello and Cassio to reunite wide open.

Iago takes matters into his own hands by wounding Cassio (yet acting like his hero, to evade suspicion) and killing Roderigo

Scene 2

1. Summarize the scene.

Othello kills Desdemona in Cyprus

Emilia announces the murder

Iago is revealed to be the mastermind behind the tragedy and he kills Emilia for revealing this

Othello kills himself because he realizes the gravity of the situation

Brabantio is dead (dies from a broken heart)

2. How does Iago's treachery finally work itself into the public eye?

By listening to Othello, Emilia learns that the handkerchief which she found was then found in Cassio’s chambers (her husband planted it there)

Iago denies the truth but Emilia has connected the story to reveal the truth about her husband

3. How do you explain, with reference to what we know about Iago's character,

Iago's refusal to explain his actions?

His explanation would sound crazy (immature)

Pride  Iago’s plan was fuelled by jealousy. Since Othello was judged for succumbing to jealousy, Iago hesitates to reveal his true motivation

Out of spite, he does not want to be controlled; does not want to be told to explain himself

4. Record the line in which Othello explains what (in his own eyes) his fault is that has brought tragedy on himself. Do you agree with Othello's assessment?

Justify your answer.

 “Speak / Of one that loved not wisely, but too well” (5.2.338)

He maintains that he has not loved with moderation but that he loved too intensely; because of his intense love for his wife, he was unable to come to terms with her alleged betrayal

Final Death Count: FIVE

Roderigo, Desdemona, Emilia, Othello, (Brabantio – from a broken heart)


Consider the entire play and its larger themes when jotting down your thoughts about the following questions. These are discussion questions so you can explore many different possibilities and perspectives in your responses. Be sure to offer as much support as possible from the play (not all must be quotations) for the conclusions that you draw.

They do not need to be in complete sentences.


Does Othello fit the conventions of the tragic hero? How?


How does Shakespeare maximize the pity and fear inspired by this play? PATHOS


Does Shakespeare intend for us to read Iago as a man or a devil?


What is Shakespeare's commentary on women? On relationships?


What is it that makes Othello one of

Shakespeare's most shocking, most disturbing and most controversial plays?


Does Othello fit the conventions of the tragic hero? How?

His death restores order to the play

He suffers inwardly (doubt, jealousy, guilt) and outwardly (physical death)

Tragic Flaw: jealousy

Tragic Error: believes what he sees but he is blind to the reality

Upper class (General)

Evoke pathos (pity) from the audience


How does Shakespeare maximize the pity and fear inspired by this play? PATHOS

PITY o everyone is being manipulated by Iago (innocent victims) o Desdemona’s murder and her unwillingness to accuse her husband o the audience knows Othello’s honourable nature BEFORE Iago destroys his life

FEAR o makes people wonder how well one can know those closest to them

(trust) o frightened by humankind’s ability to deceive/manipulate one another o if the most noble people are falling victim to vice/manipulation, then it is easy for a common person to face moral corruption


Does Shakespeare intend for us to read Iago as a man or a devil?


Soliloquys show that he is pure evil

 hell motif + personal connections

 jealous (like Lucifer of God)

4. What is Shakespeare’s commentary on women? On relationships?

WOMEN o Desdemona

loyal to men, virtuous, passive, patient, respected (for a time) but then killed o Emilia  strong-willed, vocal, disrespected o Bianca  loyal, disrespected

Women are used and at the disposal of their men

RELATIONSHIPS o Negative o Women are the victims o Men use women o Men conspire against women

5. What is it that makes Othello one of Shakespeare’s most shocking, most disturbing, and most controversial plays?
