AP US Government & Politics Policy Paper Objective: The goal of

AP US Government & Politics Policy Paper
Objective: The goal of this assignment is for you to become deeply knowledgeable about a
public policy issue in America and apply it throughout the semester to important concepts that
you learn in this course.
Political Issue: An issue that arises when people disagree about a problem and how to fix it.
Public policy: A choice that government makes in response to a political issue. A policy is a
course of action taken by the government in order to address an issue.
Select a public policy issue from the list below that you are interested in learning more about.
You may select a public policy issue that is not on this list as long as it is approved by Mr.
Crandall. It is important that the American government is actively addressing the issue and that
there is some degree of disagreement regarding the government’s policy.
Write a one page introduction to and overview of your public policy issue. Include the following:
Definition of the issue
Definition of key terms related to the issue
Key players involved (people, organizations, companies, groups, etc. affected)
Timeline of past events related to the issue
Controversies/debates regarding the issue
After completing Unit 1: Constitutional Underpinnings (Chapters 1-3), write a one-page analysis
of your policy issue in relation to the following questions:
How does the Constitution relate (or not relate) to the issue?
o Is this important?
How does the issue relate to federalism?
o What is the role of the federal government?
o What is the role of state and local governments?
o Is there cooperation and/or conflict between the various levels of
After completing Unit 2: Political Beliefs, Political Behaviors, Mass Media (Chapters 6, 7, 10),
write a one-page analysis of your policy issue in relation to the following questions:
Is there consensus on this issue?
How do conservatives feel about this issue?
How do liberals feel about this issue?
What do polls show about public opinion on this issue?
How does the media cover this issue?
How has the media influenced public opinion on this issue?
How is this issue related to elections/electoral behavior?
After completing Unit 3: Political Parties and Interest Groups (Chapters 8, 9, 11), write a onepage analysis of your policy issue in relation to the following questions:
What is the Republican Party’s official position regarding this issue?
What is the Democratic Party’s official position regarding this issue?
Is there disagreement within the Republican Party on this issue?
Is there disagreement within the Democratic Party on this issue?
What interest groups are connected to this issue and what are their positions?
How influential have various interest groups been in shaping policy in relation to
this issue?
How important is this issue during political campaigns and elections?
After completing Unit 4a: Congress and Presidency (Chapters 12-14), write a one-page analysis
of your policy issue in relation to the following questions:
What is the President’s current position on this issue and what actions has he
taken to influence government policy on this issue?
What powers does the President have relative to other groups in influencing
government policy on this issue?
What is Congress’ current position on this issue and what actions has it taken to
influence government policy on this issue?
o Is there agreement in Congress regarding this issue?
What powers does Congress have relative to other groups in influencing policy
on this issue?
What committees and people in Congress are most influential in shaping policy
on this issue?
Will there be any significant change in regards to the government’s policy on this
issue in the near future as a result of the President or Congress’ actions?
After completing Unit 4b: Bureaucracy and Judiciary (Chapters 15-16), write a one-page
analysis of your policy issue in relation to the following questions:
What departments, agencies, and/or commissions deal with this issue? Explain
each of their roles.
What power does the bureaucracy have in influencing policy and creating
regulations in connection to this issue?
What judicial decisions have been made that have impacted this issue?
Are there current cases pending that may have an impact on this issue?
After completing Unit 5: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Chapters 4-5), write a one-page
analysis of your policy issue in relation to the following questions:
What civil liberties are related to this issue?
o First Amendment connections?
o Due process connections?
o Privacy rights connections?
o Etc.
What civil rights are related to this issue?
o Are their racial, ethnic, gender, or religious connections?
o Are their age, sexual orientation, or disability connections?
What groups/governmental institutions have been involved in this issue and its
impact on civil liberties and civil rights?
Based on the six pages of analysis you have written, write an introductory and conclusion
paragraph to this paper that include the following:
o Revise your first overview of the issue so that it incorporates the
information you discovered throughout your research. The introduction
should include:
 Definition of the issue
 Definition of key terms related to the issue
 Key players involved (people, organizations, companies, groups,
etc. affected)
 Timeline of past events related to the issue
 Controversies/debates regarding the issue
o Create a thesis statement that makes an argument about how the
American government has dealt with this public policy issue.
o Summarize all of your findings.
o Provide informed commentary about the importance of this issue in
relation to other policy issues.
o Assess the government’s policies regarding the issue.
o Make some predictions about how this issue will continue to impact our
government and society.
Present your findings to the class in a PowerPoint presentation that includes at least one slide for
each of the eight pages of analysis.
Public policy issues you can choose:
 Health care
 Economy
 Deficit
 Unemployment
 Welfare
 Revenue/taxes
 War
 Relations with foreign countries
 Immigration
 Government spending
 Gun control
 Education
 Abortion
 Affirmative action
 Entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid)
 Regulation
Feel free to choose your own issue, but remember it must be an issue that the American
government is actively addressing and there should be some degree of disagreement
regarding the government’s policy on this issue.
o If you choose your own issue, you must get it approved by Mr. Crandall
before beginning any research/writing.