UNIT THREE: Personal Responsibility This unit considers Christian views on what it means to be human, the importance of commitment and responsibility, and how these influence attitudes towards sexual relationships and the use of drugs. Human Sexuality and sexual relationships 2 key definitions to make sure we are all clear: Human Sexuality: How people express themselves as sexual beings. For example, choosing whether to be in a relationship and deciding when to have sex. Age of consent: The legal age in which you can agree to have sex. Why is the legal age of consent fixed at 16 in the UK? Some key words (examiners like to see key words so please use them!) Pre-marital sex: Adultery: Chastity: (You can use the Silver Ring thing as an EXAMPLE of chastity.) Celibacy: Please remember adultery does not just mean infidelity (cheating) It is ANY sex outside of a marriage. Key thought: The Christian belief that sex is part of a committed, loving relationship, and brings new life into the world, forms and influences Christian attitudes towards many issues related to sex. Christian teachings on sex before marriage Christians who would defiantly be against sex before marriage are ……………. Other Christians who would argue that sex before marriage is sometimes ok are called…………. A lot of Christians believe that sex is for creation (having children). What key quote can you think of that supports this idea? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Quotes and teachings that show sex before marriage is NOT ok. Quotes and teachings that show sex before marriage IS ok. Christian responses to homosexuality You need to remember that within Christianity there are strong differences of opinion over the issue of homosexuality. Make sure you are able to explain the different responses to it. Homosexual: To be attracted to a person of the same sex. Why may some Christians believe that homosexuality is wrong? List reasons and quotes. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Some other Christians (mainly those in the Church of England) would argue that as long as two people are involved in a loving and committed relationship then homosexuality is acceptable. Christians may also believe that they should show compassion towards homosexual people and treat them in the same way as any other human. Chastity and sex outside of marriage Chastity: Sexual purity. Not having sex outside of marriage. In the Bible, sex outside of marriage is seen as a sin. Matthew 15:19 ‘For out of the heart come evil thoughts; murder, adultery and sexual immorality’ What other key quote (found in the 10 commandments) can you give to show sex outside of marriage is wrong? ………………………………………………………………………………………..... Christians also have the belief that their body is…………………………………. You need to know why some Christians are against sex before marriage, not only through the quotes above. Christians would also say that sex before marriage can lead to unwanted pregnancies, spread STI’s and that casual sex does not express any sort of love or commitment. You can also use the example of the silver ring thing when discussing Chastity so long as you relate it back to whatever the question is asking you. Contraception So, we have looked at attitudes to sex, sex before marriage. The next logical step would be to look at contraception! Contraception: The artificial and chemical methods used to prevent pregnancy taking place. Artificial: Also known as barrier methods. E.g. Condom Emergency: Morning after pill Natural: only form of contraception agreed by Catholics: The rhythm method. When thinking about contraception you need to be able to put it into context – it is do to with Christian attitudes to family and children. In two different colours, identify which of these quotes support or go against the use of contraception and then annotate WHY. ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ ‘Every sperm is sacred’ Christian attitudes towards Drugs For the exam you will need to know the different types of drugs, why people take drugs and Christian responses to drug taking and those who are addicted to drugs. You can find the definitions of the different types of drugs in your glossary. Why do people take drugs? Give 3 reasons below – 1. 2. 3. Although the Bible does not refer to most drugs and their use, it does contain many references which Christians use to inform their responses to drugs. Their views are related to how they might harm the body and affect the relationship with God and others – ‘Your body is the temple of God’ Eucharistic Wine: Many churches will use wine in their Eucharist or Holy Communion because at the Last Supper Jesus shared the cup of wine. Abstinence: Some Christian denominations such as The Salvation Army are called abstinence movements because they do NOT drink any alcohol at all. ‘Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the spirit’ (Ephesians 5:17-18) What are the effects of drugs? Christians believe that they should ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ so things that can harm themselves or others are a problem for Christians. You need to make sure you understand the different ways drugs may harm the following: How do drugs effect; The individual ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. The family (of a drug addict) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Society ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….... Drug behaviour and Christian attitude: You need to give specific examples of the sorts of things Christians and Churches do to help people with addictions. This would include the work of The Salvation Army which was founded especially to help those with drugs and alcohol problems. Checklist (tick when you feel confident) Explain the terms sexuality, chastity, adultery, homosexuality, contraception, prescribed drugs and illegal drugs. Explain Christian beliefs and attitudes related to sexuality, chastity and sexual relationships outside of marriage including adultery. Outline the effects of drugs and give reasons why people drugs. Explain Christian attitudes related to drug taking and give examples of how they respond to addicts. Practice Exam Questions a) Why might people take drugs? (2 marks) b) Explain how Christian beliefs and teachings might influence the attitudes of Christians to drinking alcohol (6 marks) Read through this model answer and identify the Point, Example and Explain. Christian attitudes towards drinking alcohol come from various references in the Bible. For example, some Christians such as Catholics would use wine in their Holy Communion services. They do this because at the last supper Jesus gave out wine and said ‘drink this in remembrance of me’. Other Christians will always abstain from drinking alcohol such as those in the Salvation Army who do not drink any alcohol. This is because they would believe in the quote ‘your body is the temple of God’ which suggests that your body is a gift from God and you should not damage it in any way. Therefore drinking alcohol is wrong because it can change the way you behave and can cause damage. c) ‘Sex before marriage is always wrong’ Do you agree?