General Education Learning Outcome (GELO) for English Composition (EC) General Education Area 4A 4A GELO EC 1: Students will be able to write a college-level research paper that shows ability to use quotations correctly, follows the conventions of MLA format and of standard written English, and shows adequate topic development. Assessment Method: Assessment will be done department wide in even-numbered years in the spring semester, in March. Each instructor will submit the first six research papers from their fall English 1A sections to the department coordinator. The coordinator will code the papers and black out student and instructor names. The entire department will take a day in March to evaluate the papers using a rubric which assesses how the student does in five categories: MLA format; use of quotations; citations; works cited list; and writing. Each category will be assessed on a scale of 1-4, with 4 being high. Anonymous results for individual instructors will be compiled, distributed, and discussed. Evaluation Rubric for late-semester English 1A research papers No Evidence (1) Rubric for Assessment of GELO EC 1 Inadequate Evidence Adequate Evidence (3) (2) Clear Evidence (4) Quotations and summaries The essay almost never employs quotations and/or summaries correctly to support claims. Quotes or summaries may be “dropped” into the paper without proper lead ins or lead-in punctuation. They are integrated with insufficient context, making it difficult for the reader to decipher who is speaking, what the person’s credentials are, etc. Quotes may be poorly chosen and contribute little to the argument. Or, source material may simply be absent. The essay sometimes (up to half the time) employs quotations and/or summaries correctly to support claims. Quotes or summaries may be “dropped” into the paper without proper lead ins or lead-in punctuation, but at least half the time, this is handled correctly. In up to half the instances, quotes or summaries are integrated with sufficient context. In these instances, quotes are mostly well chosen and contribute to the argument. The essay almost always employs quotations and/or summaries correctly to support claims. Quotes or summaries are virtually never “dropped” into the paper without proper lead ins or lead-in punctuation, but almost always, this is handled correctly. Quotes or summaries are almost always integrated with sufficient context. Quotes are mostly well chosen and contribute to the argument. The essay employs quotations and/or summaries correctly to support claims. Quotes or summaries are all carefully brought into the paper, with proper lead ins and lead-in punctuation. Quotes or summaries are well chosen and are all integrated with sufficient context. The source materials contribute to the overall tone and authority of the paper. MLA manuscript format The essay does not use MLA manuscript format. The essay has 4 or more variances from standard MLA manuscript format. The essay has 3 or fewer variances from standard MLA manuscript format. The essay has no variances from MLA manuscript format. Revised 9/8/10 MLA Citation The essay consistently fails to employ the MLA system of parenthetical source citations correctly if at all. Its Works Cited page is missing, or if present, it contains many major formatting errors. The essay employs the MLA system of parenthetical source citations, but generally does so unevenly and/or incorrectly, clearly demonstrating an incomplete knowledge of the basic conventions of MLA citation and of the connection between intext citations and Works Cited entries. Its Works Cited page contains many minor errors and occasional major formatting errors. The essay employs the MLA system of parenthetical source citations with sufficient correctness, clearly demonstrating an adequate knowledge of the basic conventions of MLA citation and of the relationship between in-text citations and the Works Cited entries. It may still demonstrate some punctuation errors in the citations or some difficulty with less-common citation types. Its Works Cited page is adequately formatted, with only minor errors. The essay employs the MLA system of parenthetical source citations with nearly complete correctness. Its Works Cited page is adequately formatted, with few or no errors. Conventions of Written English Mark the paper as a “1” if there are five or more, combined, major and minor errors per page. Mark the paper as a “2” if there are four or more minor errors per page and three major errors per page. Mark the paper as a “3” if there are no more than three minor errors and no more than two major errors per page. Mark the essay as a “4” if there are no more than two minor errors and one major error per page. Thesis and Argument Development The essay lacks a thesis and logical supporting evidence. The essay has a thesis that is too broad and unfocused, and/or the thesis is not an assertion dealing with a debatable topic. Essay’s development is weak because the supporting evidence is not adequately relevant, detailed and/or logical. Sources are poorly chosen, limited and/or not utilized in an appropriate manner. The essay may simply be a report. The essay has a thesis that is narrow and focused enough to adequately cover. The thesis makes some form of an assertion dealing with a debatable topic. The thesis is adequately developed with supporting evidence that is sufficiently relevant, detailed and logical. Sources are generally wellchosen for their appropriateness and credibility and are suitably utilized as proof for the thesis. The essay has a thesis that is narrow and focused. The thesis is an assertion on a debatable topic and is effectively developed with supporting evidence that is relevant, detailed and logical. Sources are well-chosen and effectively utilized as proof for the thesis. Passing grade: a score of 3 or above (out of 4) on all five categories. Revised 9/8/10