“Witch” “Witch” “Witch” “Witch” “Witch” !!! The madness in Salem began during a cold dark Massachusetts winter in January of 1692. Eight young girls began to experience a strange sickness. The girls suffered from delirium, violent convulsions, incomprehensible speech, trance-like states, and odd skin sensations. The worried villagers searched desperately for an explanation. Their conclusion: the girls were under a spell, bewitched -- and, worse yet, by members of their own religious community. Late in November of 1692 growing fear lead to hysteria which eventually consumed the Puritan village of Salem Massachusetts. Several men and women were forced to stand trial for witchcraft. People called them witches and believed the devil had given them special powers. What really happened in Salem over 300 years ago? Over the next few days and weeks you will attempt to answer questions about this evil time in history. Beware that things are not always as they seem. It will take a keen eye and a clear mind to find the truth! YOUR TASK: Recently there have been many inquiries into the events of the “Witch Trials” of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. As part of a grant put forth by the Historical Preservation Society of Massachusetts, You have been selected to partake in a fact-finding expedition. Your dedicated team will conduct extensive research and investigations before finally formulating and presenting your own theories and explanations for the many mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials! The Big Picture: As part of your Quest you will search for very specific information. Throughout the entire process you must keep the bigger picture and some overarching questions in mind. The history of “Witches, Witchcraft and Witch hunts” What was life like in Salem during the late 1600’s? What role did culture and religion play in people’s lives? Who were the key players during this tragic time and what were the reasons for their actions? Your team will begin by reading the Prologue of the Salem Witch Trials at http://www3.nationalgeographic.com/salem/theprologueframe.html provided by National Geographic and Life in Salem 1692 http://school.discovery.com/schooladventures/salemwitchtrials/life/ provided by Discovery Channel. This introduction will set the scene for the strange events that followed in the village of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. As the Historian you are responsible for researching what daily life was like in the village of Salem during the 1690's? What was the culture of the people? What were their religious beliefs and practices? What was the economic and political situation at the time? You will use the Chart to collect all of the information you find. In addition to your textbook, books in our IMC and Centerville Library please use the following web sites. Life in Salem 1692 http://school.discovery.com/schooladventures/salemwitchtrials/life/ Salem Witch Trials Document Archive http://www.iath.virginia.edu/salem/home.html As the Cartographer you are responsible for researching maps and then making one accurate physical map of Salem Massachusetts circa 1692. You must also create one specialty map showing one specific piece of information that will help support your theory about the witch trials. Keep in mind that your physical map must have the following elements: A legend, compass rose, latitude and longitude lines and title with all features printed in black ink and using appropriate coloring. You must also write a one-page description of the geography of the area as well as one paragraph about each of your maps. Work with your team. There are some obvious questions that you might ask yourself when researching. *What was the climate like during the late 1600’s? *How do the rivers affect the geography? *What if any unique features exist in Salem? *What types of plants and animals lived in this region? Salem Witch Trials Document Archive http://www.iath.virginia.edu/salem/home.html As the Detective you are responsible for learning about all of the people involved in the Salem Witch trials and the citizens of Salem during 1692. You will have to delve deep into theses people’s lives. Be sure to critically analyze all the information you gather! As the Detective you must create a detailed character map or web. Things to consider or think about include: * Show all connections that the people of Salem had with each other. Family/Friends/Enemies/Business/Location… *People’s motivation. Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692: Biographies http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/ASAL_BI.HTM Important People Named in Court Records http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/salem/people.html The People Behind the Trials: Discovery http://school.discovery.com/schooladventures/salemwitchtrials/people/ As the Museum Curator you are responsible for researching, gathering and then finally displaying art or artifacts that you find during your investigation into the events of the Salem Witch Trials. Each piece of art you choose to display must have a written plaque one paragraph in length minimum that introduces patrons to the importance of each artifact and all other information you can find. Keep communicating with your team. They may have information you can use. Some questions you might ask yourself are obvious. *What was the artist’s point of view? *What was the underlying message of these works? *Can you identify any possible exaggerations in the art? *What can these images reveal about the mysterious events of the witch trials in Salem? Images of the Salem Witch Trials http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/salem/generic.html Images of the Salem Witchcraft Trials http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/SAL_PHO.HTM