JB USA Activity Workshop Form Name of the Activity Objective(s) Time Place Planner(s) Facilitator(s) ASK Materials Needed Preparation Needed DIVING TO THE DEPTHS OF THE CULTURAL ICEBERG Participants will explore the many facets of culture and the great need in modern society for increased cultural understanding. 1.5 hours Detroit Intercultural Summit Julie Ann, Maxine, Veronica Julie Ann, Maxine, Veronica (A)(S)(K) Sticky notes or paper w/ tape, markers, pens, large paper Make posters and create examples ACTIONS Activity TIME NEEDED 10 min. Cultural Influences: Give each participant three (3) sticky notes/pieces of paper with tape on the back and ask them to write down the three aspects of their culture that they believe have influenced them the most. Once finished, participants will be asked to put 15-20 their sticky notes on the wall on a sort of “sliding min. scale” that goes from least visible to most visible (i.e. can this aspect of your culture be captured in a photograph?).Once all of the sticky notes are on the wall, we will ask the participants to each share one of the aspects of culture that they wrote. Adages: Give everyone a piece of printer paper. 30 min. Ask them to write an adage from their culture in the middle of the paper (i.e. The early bird gets the worm).Then, ask them to write down what aspects of their culture that the adage relates to (i.e. work ethic, concept of time). We will first show them an example that we make. Then, we will all go through the process together with another adage that we choose. Finally, they will FACILITATOR Maxine Maxine Veronica Debriefing individually do their own (5-10 min.). At the end, we will ask a few people to share their adage without the related aspects of culture and have the group propose related aspects of culture and then compare what the group says to what the individual says. Now is the time to create our iceberg. We will first 15 min. explain the concept of the iceberg – “Just as 9/10 of an iceberg is out of sight below the water line, so 9/10 of culture is out of sight to the casual observer and out of the conscious awareness of persons from that culture.” We will then create our own iceberg on a blank sheet of paper, asking participants to come up with ideas. Nacirema: Read the story of the Nacirema 15-30 culture (a strongly veiled story about American min. culture, described in an unfamiliar or unusual way). Discussion of the story: 1. Where do you think these people are located? 2. How do you feel about these customs? 3. Do you think they’re strange? If you do, would you say that means they’re ridiculous or primitive? 4. Do you see any connection between the customs of the Nacirema and the aspects of culture contained in the iceberg? After discussion, reveal that Nacirema is American spelled backward and discuss the meaning of different parts of the story. TIME QUESTIONS NEEDED Have you ever judged a culture negatively based 5 on customs that you didn’t understand? Do you feel that your culture gets negatively 5 judged based on customs that others don’t understand? How? Why is it important to understand the true depth 5 of a culture? What benefits come out of this cultural understanding? What do you feel prevents you from gaining a 5 deeper understanding of others’ cultures? Is there anything else that you want to discuss or 5 share? Veronica Julie Ann FACILITATOR Julie Ann Maxine Veronica Julie Ann Maxine Notes Evaluation: Looking at the results of the written activities we do; evaluating the discussion; fist of five