Bibliography Of Our Current Collection: Asian Area Studies Titles on Asian Area Studies Purchased With CWIL Funds India, a national culture? / edited by Geeti Sen. New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications ; New Delhi : India International Centre, 2003. DS 428 .I52 Regular McVeigh, Brian J. Nationalisms of Japan : managing and mystifying identity / Brian J. McVeigh. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2004. DS 822.25 .M43 Regular Allison, Anne, 1950- Nightwork : sexuality, pleasure, and corporate masculinity in a Tokyo hostess club / Anne Allison. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994. GT 3415 .J3 A45 Regular Kondo, Dorinne K. Crafting selves : power, gender, and discourses of identity in a Japanese workplace / Dorinne K. Kondo. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1990. HD 6197 .K65 Regular Yamazaki, Tomoko, 1932- The story of Yamada Waka : from prostitute to feminist pioneer / Tomoko Yamazaki ; trans. by Wakako Hironaka & Ann Kostant. Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha International ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed in the U.S. through Harper & Row, 1985. HQ 1763 .Y39 Regular Allison, Anne, 1950- Permitted and prohibited desires : mothers, comics, and censorship in Japan / Anne Allison. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2000. HQ 18 .J3 A43 Regular Sturdevant, Saundra Pollock. Let the good times roll : prostitution and the U.S. military in Asia / Saundra Pollock Sturdevant and Brenda Stoltzfus. New York : New Press : Distributed by Norton, c1993. HQ 231.85 .A5 S78 Regular Yamazaki, Tomoko, 1932- Sandakan brothel no. 8 : an episode in the history of lowerclass Japanese women / Yamazaki Tomoko ; translated by Karen Colligan-Taylor. Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c1999. HQ 232 .A5 Y313 Regular White, Merry I., 1941- The material child : coming of age in Japan and America / Merry White. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1994. HQ 796 .W47 Regular Plath, David W. Long engagements, maturity in modern Japan / David W. Plath. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c1980. [1993 printing] HQ 799.97 .J3 P5 Regular Willcox, Bradley J. The Okinawa program : how the world's longest-lived people achieve everlasting health--and how you can too / Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox & Makoto Suzuki. New York : Three Rivers Press, [2002?] RA 776.75 .W49 Regular Ashkenazi, Michael. Food culture in Japan / Michael Ashkenazi and Jeanne Jacob. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2003. TX 724.5 .J3 A88 Regular Golden arches east : McDonald's in East Asia / edited by James L. Watson. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1997. TX 945.5 .M33 G65 Regular Titles in our collection on Asian Women In reverse order by date Promises of empowerment : women in Asia and Latin America / edited by Peter H. Smith, Jennifer L. Troutner, and Christine Hunefeldt. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2004. HQ 1726 .P76 Regular Women, war, and peace in South Asia : beyond victimhood to agency / editor, Rita Manchanda. New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, 2001. JZ 5584 .S64 W66 Regular Faces of the feminine in ancient, medieval, and modern India / edited by Mandakranta Bose. New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. HQ 1741 .F33 Regular Women in Asia : tradition, modernity, and globalization / edited by Louise Edwards & Mina Roces. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000. HQ 1240.5 .A78 W63 Regular Other pasts : women, gender and history in early modern Southeast Asia / edited by Barbara Watson Andaya. Honolulu : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, c2000. HQ 1745.8 .O78 Regular Ramusack, Barbara N. Women in Asia : restoring women to history / by Barbara N. Ramusack and Sharon Sievers. Bloomington, In : Indiana University Press, c1999. HQ 1726 .R36 Regular Bangladesh : strategies for enhancing the role of women in economic development. Washington, D.C., : World Bank, c1990. HQ 1240.5 .B36 B216 Regular Macmillan, Margaret Olwen. Women of the Raj / Margaret Macmillan. New York, N.Y. : Thames and Hudson, 1988. DS 428 .M167 Regular Shiva, Vandana Staying alive : women, ecology, and development / Vandana Shiva. London : Zed Books, 1987. HQ 1240.5 .I4 S54 Regular Desai, Neera. Indian women : change & challenge in the international decade, 1975-85 / Neera Desai, Vibhuti Patel. Bombay : Popular Prakashan, 1985. HQ 1742 .D44 Regular Shah, Nasra M. Women of the world : Asia and the Pacific / by Nasra M. Shah. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census : For sale by Data User Services Division, Customer Services (Publications), Bureau of the Census, [1985] Reference HQ 1760.5 .S52 No Loan The Endless day : some case material on Asian rural women / edited by T. Scarlett Epstein and Rosemary A. Watts. Oxford, England ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1981. HQ 1745.6 .E56 Regular Asian women in transition / Sylvia A. Chipp and Justin J. Green, editors. University Park : Pennsylvania State University Press, c1980. HQ 1731 .A83 Regular Whyte, Robert Orr, 1903- Rural Asian women : status and environment / by R. O. Whyte and Pauline Whyte. Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1978. HQ 1726 .W62 Regular Titles in our collection on Asian-American women In reverse order by date (some overlap with Asian-American literature) Foo, Lora Jo. Asian American women : issues, concerns, and responsive human and civil rights advocacy / by Lora Jo Foo. [New York : Ford Foundation, 2002]. E 184 .O6 F66 Regular Chang, Grace. Disposable domestics : immigrant women workers in the global economy / Grace Chang ; foreword by Mimi Abramovitz. Cambridge, Mass. : South End Press, c2000. HD 6095 .C48 Regular Ho, Wendy. In her mother's house : the politics of Asian American mother-daughter writing / by Wendy Ho. Walnut Creek : AltaMira Press, c1999. PS 153 .A84 H6 Regular Her mother's ashes 2 : more stories by South Asian women in Canada and the United States / edited by Nurjehan Aziz. Toronto : TSAR, 1998. PR 9197.32 .H47 1998 Regular Hune, Shirley. Asian Pacific American women in higher education : claiming visibility & voice / Shirley Hune. Washington, DC : Association of American Colleges and Universities, Program on the Status and Education of Women, c1998. LC 2633.6 .H85 Regular Dragon ladies : Asian American feminists breathe fire / edited by Sonia Shah ; preface by Yuri Kochiyama ; foreword by Karin Aguilar-San Juan. Boston : South End Press, c1997. HQ 1426 .D78 Regular Lim, Shirley Among the white moon faces : an Asian-American memoir of homelands / Shirley Geok-lin Lim. New York : Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1996. PS 3562 .I459 Z46 Regular The Asian-American almanac : a reference work on Asians in the United States / Susan Gall, managing editor ; Irene Natividad, executive editor. Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research, c1995. Reference E 184 .O6 A824 No Loan Her mother's ashes, and other stories by South Asian women in Canada and the United States / edited by Nurjehan Aziz. Toronto : TSAR Publications, 1994. PR 9197.32 .H47 1994 Regular Barringer, Herbert R. Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States / Herbert R. Barringer, Robert W. Gardner, Michael J. Levin. New York : Russell Sage Foundation, c1993. E 184 .O6 B37 Regular O'Hare, William P. Asian Americans : America's fastest growing minority group / by William P. O'Hare and Judy C. Felt. Washington, D.C. : Population Reference Bureau, 1991. E 184 .O6 O36 Regular Home to stay : Asian American women's fiction / edited by Sylvia Watanabe and Carol Bruchac. Greenfield Center, NY : Greenfield Review Press, c1990. PS 647 .A75 H58 Regular Making waves : an anthology of writings by and about Asian American women / edited by Asian Women United of California. Boston : Beacon Press, c1989. E 184 .O6 M235 Regular The Forbidden stitch : an Asian American women's anthology / edited by Shirley GeokLin Lim, Mayumi Tsutakawa, Margarita Donnelly (managing editor). Corvallis, OR : Calyx Books, c1989. PS 153 .A84 F66 Regular Titles in our collection on Asian History, Politics & Government In reverse order by date Class, caste, gender / edited by Manoranjan Mohanty. New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, 2004. HN 690 .Z9 S6 Regular Barsamian, David. The checkbook and the cruise missile : conversations with Arundhati Roy : interviews / by David Barsamian. Cambridge, Mass. : South End Press, c2004. JZ 1318 .B36 Regular Oldenburg, Veena Talwar. Dowry murder : the imperial origins of a cultural crime / Veena Talwar Oldenburg. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. HV 6250.4 .W65 O43 Regular Roy, Arundhati. Power politics / Arundhati Roy. Cambridge, Mass. : South End Press, c2001. JQ 231 .R69 Regular Somers Heidhues, Mary F. Southeast Asia : a concise history / Mary Somers Heidhues. London : Thames & Hudson, 2001. DS 525 .S66 Regular The United States, Japan, and Asia / Gerald L. Curtis, editor ; contributors, C. Michael Aho ... [et al.]. New York : W.W. Norton, 1994. E 183.8 .J3 U73 Regular Gokhale, Balkrishna Govind, 1919- India in the eyes of the British : three views / Balkrishna Govind Gokhale. Notre Dame, Ind. : Cross Cultural Publications, c1990. DS 468 .D61 Regular Manz, Beatrice Forbes. The rise and rule of Tamerlane / Beatrice Forbes Manz. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1989. DS 23 .M296 Regular Stein, Burton, 1926- Vijayanagara / Burton Stein. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c1989. DS 461 .S819 Regular Encyclopedia of Asian history / prepared under the auspices of the Asia Society ; Ainslie T. Embree, editor in chief. New York : Scribner ; London : Collier Macmillan, c1988. Reference DS 31 .E56 No Loan Bayly, C. A. (Christopher Alan) Indian society and the making of the British Empire / C.A. Bayly. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988. DS 463 .B35 Regular Asia 1988 yearbook. Hongkong : Far Eastern Economic Review, c1988. Reference DS 35 .A83 1988 No Loan Chaudhuri, Nirad C., 1897- Thy hand, great anarch! : India, 1921-1952 / Nirad C. Chaudhuri. Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, [1988], c1987. DS 480.45 .C49 Regular Renford, Raymond K. The non-official British in India to 1920 / Raymond K. Renford. Delhi ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1987. DS 428 .R41 Regular Cunningham, Henry Stewart, Sir, 1832-1920. British India and its rulers / by H.S. Cunningham. Delhi : Daya Publishing House, 1986. DS 463 .C97 Regular Kulke, Hermann. A history of India / Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund. Totowa, N.J. : Barnes & Noble, c1986. DS 436 .K96 Regular Lebra-Chapman, Joyce, 1925- The Rani of Jhansi : a study in female heroism in India / Joyce Lebra-Chapman. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c1986. DS 475.2 .L19 L4 Regular Piscatori, James P. International relations of the Asian Muslim states / by James Piscatori. Lanham [Md.] : University Press of America ; New York : The Asia Society, c1986. DS 35.7 .P67 Regular Asian issues 1985. [New York] : Asia Society ; Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1986. DS 526.7 .A83 Regular Engineer, Asgharali, 1940- Indian Muslims : a study of the minority problem in India / Asghar Ali Engineer. Delhi : Ajanta Publications (India) : Distributors, Ajanta Books International, 1985. DS 432 .M8 E57 Regular Ziring, Lawrence, 1928- The Asian political dictionary / Lawrence Ziring, C.I. Eugene Kim. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio, c1985. Reference DS 31 .Z81 No Loan Bongard-Levin, Grigorii Maksimovich, 1933- Mauryan India / G.M. Bongard-Levin. New Delhi : Sterling Publishers, c1985. DS 451 .B71 Regular Brown, F. Yeats Indian history : a panoramic view / F. Yeats Brown. Delhi : Discovery House, 1985. DS 436 .B877 Regular O'Donnell, Charles Peter, 1904- Bangladesh : biography of a Muslim nation / Charles Peter O'Donnell. Boulder, Colo. : Westview, 1984. DS 394.7 .O26 Regular The Aftermath : Asia / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, c1983. DS 35.2 .A25 Regular Mehta, Ved, 1934- A family affair : India under three prime ministers / Ved Mehta. New York : Oxford University Press, 1982. DS 480.84 .M49 Regular Sahgal, Nayantara, 1927- Indira Gandhi, her road to power / Nayantara Sahgal. New York : F. Ungar, c1982. DS 481 .G191 S1 Regular British imperial policy in India and Sri Lanka, 1858-1912 : a reassessment / editors, Robert I. Crane and N. Gerald Barrier. New Delhi : Heritage Publishers, 1981. DS 463 .B86 Regular Titles in our collection on Asian-American History Selected titles, alphabetical by author/title Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984. Manzanar / photographs by Ansel Adams ; commentary by John Hersey ; [compiled] by John Armor & Peter Wright. [New York] : Times Books, 1988. D 769.8 .A6 A63 Regular The Asian-American almanac : a reference work on Asians in the United States / Susan Gall, managing editor ; Irene Natividad, executive editor. Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research, c1995. Reference E 184 .O6 A824 No Loan Barringer, Herbert R. Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States / Herbert R. Barringer, Robert W. Gardner, Michael J. Levin. New York : Russell Sage Foundation, c1993. E 184 .O6 B37 Regular Cao, Lan. Everything you need to know about Asian American history / Lan Cao and Himilce Novas. New York : Plume, c1996. Reference E 184 .O6 C36 No Loan Chan, Sucheng. Asian Americans : an interpretive history / Sucheng Chan. Boston : Twayne, c1991. E 184 .O6 C454 Regular Chang, Iris. The Chinese in America : a narrative history / Iris Chang. New York : Viking, c2003. E 184 .C5 C44 Regular Chang, Pang-Mei Natasha, 1965- Bound feet & Western dress / Pang-Mei Natasha Chang. New York : Doubleday, 1996. HQ 1767 .C43 Regular The Columbia documentary history of the Asian American experience / edited by Franklin Odo. New York : Columbia University Press, c2002. Reference E 184 .O6 C63 No Loan The Committee of 100 presents American attitudes toward Chinese Americans and Asian Americans : including Conversations with Americans about Chinese Americans and Asian Americans. New York, NY : The Committee, [2001] E 184 .O6 C65 Regular Daniels, Roger. Concentration camps USA: Japanese Americans and World War II. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1971] D 769.8 .A6 D18 Regular Distinguished Asian Americans : a biographical dictionary / edited by Hyung-chan Kim ; contributing editors, Dorothy Cordova ... [et al.]. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1999. Reference E 184 .O6 D57 No Loan Foo, Lora Jo. Asian American women : issues, concerns, and responsive human and civil rights advocacy / by Lora Jo Foo. [New York : Ford Foundation, 2002]. E 184 .O6 F66 Regular Hosokawa, Bill. Nisei : the quiet Americans : the story of a people / by Bill Hosokawa. Niwot, Colo. : University Press of Colorado, c1992 E 184 .J3 H72 Regular The house we live in [videorecording] / produced by Llewellyn M. Smith ; Independent Television Service. [San Francisco, Calif.] : California Newsreel, c2003. Audio Visual Collection E 184 .A1 R12 v.3 Audio-Visual Hunh, Jade Ngc Quang, 1957- South wind changing / Jade Ngc Quang Hunh. Saint Paul, Minn. : Graywolf Press, 2000, c1994. E 184 .V53 H88 Regular Ichioka, Yuji. The Issei : the world of the first generation Japanese immigrants, 18851924 / Yuji Ichioka. New York : Free Press ; London : Collier Macmillan Publishers, c1988. E 184 .J3 I16 Regular Irons, Peter H., 1940- Justice at war / Peter Irons. New York : Oxford University Press, 1983. KF 7224.5 .I71 Regular Japanese American history : an A-to-Z reference from 1868 to the present / Brian Niiya, editor ; the Japanese American National Museum ; foreword by Daniel K. Inouye. New York : Facts on File, c1993. Reference E 184 .J3 J35 No Loan Kessler, Lauren. Stubborn twig : three generations in the life of a Japanese American family / Lauren Kessler. New York : Random House, c1993. CT 274 .Y39 K47 Regular Kikuchi, Charles. The Kikuchi diary; chronicle from an American concentration camp; the Tanforan journals of Charles Kikuchi. Edited and with an introd. by John Modell. Urbana, University of Illinois Press [1973] D 769.8 .A6 K48 Regular Kingston, Maxine Hong China men / Maxine Hong Kingston. New York : Vintage Books, 1989. In Process IP Kingston, Maxine Hong Conversations with Maxine Hong Kingston / edited by Paul Skenazy and Tera Martin. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, c1998. PS 3561 .I52 Z466 Regular Kingston, Maxine Hong Hawaii one summer / Maxine Hong Kingston. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 1998. PS 3561 .I52 Z468 Regular Kingston, Maxine Hong Through the black curtain / Maxine Hong Kingston. Berkeley : The Friends of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1987. PS 3561 .I52 Z477 Regular Making waves : an anthology of writings by and about Asian American women / edited by Asian Women United of California. Boston : Beacon Press, c1989. E 184 .O6 M235 Regular O'Hare, William P. Asian Americans : America's fastest growing minority group / by William P. O'Hare and Judy C. Felt. Washington, D.C. : Population Reference Bureau, 1991. E 184 .O6 O36 Regular Personal justice denied : report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Washington, D.C. : The Commission : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1983. D 769.8 .A6 P46 pt.1 Regular Rabbit in the moon [videorecording] / a Wabi-Sabi production ; a film by Emiko Omori. [Hohokus, N.J.] : New Day Films, [2001?] Audio Visual Collection D 769.8 .A6 R33 Audio-Visual Shimabukuro, Robert Sadamu. Born in Seattle : the campaign for Japanese American redress / Robert Sadamu Shimabukuro. Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2001. D 819 .U6 S45 Regular Sung, Betty Lee. The adjustment experience of Chinese immigrant children in New York City / Betty Lee Sung. Staten Island, N.Y. : Center for Migration Studies, 1987. F 128.9 .C5 S95 Regular Takaki, Ronald T., 1939- Strangers from a different shore : a history of Asian Americans / Ronald Takaki. Boston : Little, Brown, c1989. E 184 .O6 T136 Regular Tan, Amy. The opposite of fate : a book of musings / Amy Tan. New York : Putnam 2003. PS 3570 .A531 O67 Regular Ten Broek, Jacobus, 1911-1968. Prejudice, war, and the Constitution / Jacobus tenBroek, Edward N. Barnhart, Floyd W. Matson. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1975 printing, c1954. D 769.8 .A6 T28 Regular Tsai, Shih-shan Henry, 1940- The Chinese experience in America / Shih-shan Henry Tsai. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c1986. E 184 .C5 T87 Regular Weglyn, Michi, 1926- Years of infamy : the untold story of America's concentration camps / by Michi Weglyn. New York : Morrow, 1976. D 769.8 .A6 W41 Regular Wu, Frank H., 1967- Yellow : race in America beyond Black and white / Frank H. Wu. New York : Basic Books, c2002. E 184 .O6 W9 Regular Zhou, Min, 1956- Growing up American : how Vietnamese children adapt to life in the United States / Min Zhou, Carl L. Bankston, III. New York : Russell Sage Foundation, c1998. E 184 .V53 Z48 Regular Zia, Helen. Asian American dreams : the emergence of an American people / Helen Zia. New York : Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001, c2000. E 184 .O6 Z53 Regular Titles in our collection on Asian and Asian-American literature (criticism) In reverse order by date (some overlap with Asian-American Women) Idema, W. L. The red brush : writing women of imperial China / Wilt Idema and Beata Grant. Cambridge : Harvard University Asia Center, 2004. PL 2278 .I344 Regular Innes, Catherine Lynette. A history of Black and Asian writing in Britain, 1700-2000 / C.L. Innes. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002. PR 120 .B55 I55 Regular Ho, Wendy. In her mother's house : the politics of Asian American mother-daughter writing / by Wendy Ho. Walnut Creek : AltaMira Press, c1999. PS 153 .A84 H6 Regular Devi, Mahasweta. Imaginary maps : three stories / by Mahasweta Devi ; translated and introduced by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. New York : Routledge, 1995. PK 1718 .D495 A613 1995 Regular Three American literatures : essays in Chicano, Native American, and Asian-American literature for teachers of American literature / edited by Houston A. Baker, Jr. ; with an introduction by Walter J. Ong. New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1982. PS 153 .M56 T5 Regular Kim, Elaine H. Asian American literature, an introduction to the writings and their social context / Elaine H. Kim. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1982. PS 153 .A8 K49 Regular The Literatures of India : an introduction / Edward C. Dimock, Jr. ... [et. al.]. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1974. PN 99 .I3 L77 Regular Kripalani, Krishna, 1907- Modern Indian literature; a panoramic glimpse. Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co. [1971] PK 2903 .K92 Regular The Novel in India; its birth and development. Edited and with an introd. by T. W. Clark. Berkeley, University of California Press [1970] PK 5423 .N93 Regular Derrett, M. E. The modern Indian novel in English. A comparative approach. [Bruxelles], Editions de l'Institut de sociologie, Universite libre de Bruxelles [1966] PR 9737 .D43 Regular Renou, Louis, 1896- Indian literature. Translated from the French by Patrick Evans. New York, Walker [1964] PK 2903 .R41 Regular