Week 4 – ECMC02 – Oligopoly Objectives for this week: (I’ll work you hard but you can have next week off…) 1. Finish up discussion of price discrimination, first, second and third degree 2. Cournot model 3. Cartel or joint-monopoly model 4. Compare to (quasi) competitive model 5. Stackelberg leader model 6. Bertrand model 7. Dominant firm/price leadership model 8. Compare and contrast different models of oligopoly behaviour 1 First-degree price discrimination If consumers each consume one unit and have different valuations of the good, perfect price discrimination is achieved by charging a different price to each individual If consumers are similar, could charge a take-itor-leave it price equal to the total valuation of the good (maximum willingness-to-pay) for the good (= total area under the demand curve up to the quantity where marginal willingness-to-pay = MC). If consumers are similar, could charge a twopart price (two-part tariff) where per-unit cost equals MC and “entry” fee (or fixed fee) equals amount of consumer surplus consumer would normally have received (i.e., fixed fee is designed to capture all consumer surplus and turn it into producer surplus). 2 Second-degree price discrimination Versioning Imagine a situation where there are two types of consumers in a market. Type A have relatively low demand for the good, and want only a small amount. Type B are the keen consumers who would be willing to pay more and want to consume a larger amount. However, you cannot easily identify the enthusiastic consumers and cannot separate them from other consumers. How should you, as the monopolist, produce packages to extract maximum returns from these two groups of customers? How can you design packages (where a package is a particular quantity of the good sold at a particular price) which will encourage the customers to selfselect so that the enthusiastic consumers will pay more? Examples: Lower price for limited service; higher price for more complete service. 3 Often packages are low quality at low price and higher quality at higher price. Then this can be described as a quality discrimination model (or price discrimination with quality being used as instrument of self-selection) 4 Willingess to pay per unit of good Type B Type A Quantity of good (sometimes quality) 5 Take three tries at defining the “best” package from point of view of monopoly producer 1. Take-it-or-leave-it price equal to maximum willingness to pay for each type of consumer Willingess to pay per unit of good Type B Type A Quantity of good (sometimes quality) 6 2. Full price and quantity for Type A; full quantity but lower price for Type B Willingess to pay per unit of good Type B Type A Quantity of good (sometimes quality) 7 3. Lower price and lower quantity for Type A; full quantity but higher price than #2 for Type B Willingess to pay per unit of good Type B Type A Quantity of good (sometimes quality) 8 Third-degree price discrimination Not first degree (perfect) Not second degree (same menu of prices for all) But third…segmenting customers into different groups – dividing the market Not personalized pricing, not versioning, but group pricing Must be able to identify customers with different purchasing characteristics (essentially different elasticities of demand) Must be able to prevent resale between groups E.g., student discounts on TTC, senior citizen discounts on TTC and elsewhere, sales into different markets in the same country or different countries, men’s and women’s haircuts 9 Graphically: 10 Rule for profit maximization: Set MR in each market equal to MC (one production facility) MR1 = MR2 = MC But, since MR1 = MR2, And because MR = P(1 + 1/ED) We know that P1(1 + 1/ED1) = P2(1 + 1/ED2) Or, P1/P2 = (1 + 1/ED2)/(1 + 1/ED1) 11 Let’s say elasticity of demand in Market 1 is -4 and elasticity of demand in Market 2 is -2. What will be the ratio of the prices in these two markets when the monopolist sells in both? Since P1/P2 = (1 + 1/ED2)/(1 + 1/ED1) = (1 – ½)/(1 – ¼) = (1/2)/(3/4) = 2/3 In other words, the price in Market 1 will be 2/3rds of the price charged in Market 2 12 Imagine a monopoly provider of satellite TV signals selling into Vancouver and Toronto. You have to imagine that there are no close substitutes. Imagine demand is given by: QV = 50 – 1/3 PV QT = 80 – 2/3 PT Where Q is measured in thousands of subscriptions per year and P is the subscription price Costs are given by TC = 1000 + 30Q So MC = dTC/dQ = 30 (the cost of servicing one more subscription) 13 Turning around the demand functions, we have PV = 150 – 3QV PT = 120 – 3/2 QT Therefore, MRV = 150 – 6QV MRT = 120 – 3QT Therefore, in Vancouver MRV = 150 – 6QV = 30 or QV* = 20 And substituting into Vancouver’s demand function PV* = 150 – 3QV = 150 – 60 = $90 And in Toronto MRT = 120 – 3QT = 30 or QT* = 30 And substituting into Toronto’s demand function PT* = 120 – 3/2 QT = 120 – 45 = $75 14 How would you calculate demand in the combined markets if you wanted to calculate the monopoly solution when markets could not be segmented? 15 Oligopoly What is it? Why are there so many models? Oligopoly is a market in which there are only a few sellers. How many? So few that they feel the effects of each other’s decisions. Oligopoly markets are ones in which producers engage in strategic behaviour…. …there is strategic interaction 16 What form does competition between these sellers take? Could be collusion, could be a price war, could be an implicit agreement to share the market, could be an advertising war for market share but no price-cutting or, perhaps, one producer will have a dominant position and become a price leader, or a leader in decisions about output. Many other possibilities too. Therefore, many models All contributing to our understanding…. 17 Two broad types of models 1. Good sold is essentially same across producers (Oligopoly models) 2. Good sold differs in important ways from producer to producer (monopolistic competition or product differentiation) Other major issue: What do we assume about entry conditions? In this whole group of models today, entry is assumed blocked in some way In other models, blocking entry is a central strategic concern 18 Cournot Model Augustin Cournot (1838) A simple model assuming simple interaction. Each producer chooses its output assuming other producers will not react (will keep output same) In other words, each producer profit maximizes according to “residual” demand (However, each producer does, in fact, react) We are assuming a stable mature market of producers who do not want to rock the boat Homogeneous good. Assume duopoly. No entry. Firms choose output. 19 Mineral Water – e.g., Evian and Perrier Market Demand: P = 100 – Q or Q = 100 - P Total Costs for each firm TC = 10q Two firms, so that q1 + q2 = Q Firm 1 assumes Firm 2’s output remains constant (q2), so 20 P 100 Market Demand q2 (100 – q2) Residual demand curve for Firm 1 is q1 = (100 – q2) – P or P = (100 – q2) – q1 21 100 Q Therefore, along the residual demand curve… MR1 = (100 – q2) – 2q1 Since MC = dTC/dq = 10, profit max occurs where (100 – q2) – 2q1 = 10 or q1 = 45 – 0.5q2 [Reaction function for Firm 1] Often designated as R1 or R1(q2) 22 Firm 2’s reaction function is identical So q2 = 45 – 0.5q1 [Reaction function for Firm 2] Often designated as R2 or R2(q1) 23 On a graph: R1(q2) q1 90 R2(q1) 45 R1(q2) 45 90 24 q2 Only at “equilibrium point” do Firm 1 and Firm 2 not have incentives to change their output given the output of the other firm (check this) So q1 = 45 – 0.5q2 = 45 – 0.5(45 – 0.5q1) = 22.5 – 0.25 q1 So .75q1 = 22.5 Or q1 = 30 and q2 = 30 25 This equilibrium concept is called a Nash equilibrium after John Nash Sometimes, Cournot-Nash equilibrium In a Nash equilibrium, neither firm/player has any incentive to change his strategy (given the strategy of the other players/firms). 26 We know the outputs. What price will be charged? Each firm produces 30 units of output. Since market demand is P = 100 – Q, we have P = 100 – 60 = $40 Profit is TR – TC For each producer, Π = (40 x 30) – (10 x 30) = $900. Total profit in the industry is $1,800. 27 Cartel or Joint Monopoly Successful cartels - OPEC, bauxite (1970’s), uranium (1970’s), mercury (1930-1970), iodine (1878-1940), cement Unsuccessful cartels – copper, tin, coffee, tea, cocoa Try to jointly act like a monopolist. Restrict output to monopoly level to drive price up. 28 Faced with same market demand as above, how would cartel behave? P = 100 – Q TC = 10Q MR = 100 – 2Q = 10, so Q* = 45 (or q1 = q2 = 22.5, if there are two producers in the cartel) P* = 100 – 45 = $55 Π = TR – TC = (55 x 45) – (10 x 45) = $2025 Or Π1 = Π2 = $1012.50 29 Quasi-competitive model (for comparison purposes) Each firm acts as a price taker, sets P = MC, ignoring potential market power If P = 100 – Q and TC = 10Q, Then 100 – Q = 10 or Q* = 90 Then, P* = 100 – 90 = $10. So Π = 0 30 Comparison QuasiCournot competitive Duopoly Quantity Price Profit 90 $10 $0 60 $40 $1,800 Cartel – Joint Monoopoly 45 $55 $2,025 Cournot Model gives result between competitive and monopoly Firms do not acquire and use knowledge about other firms 31 Stackelberg Model Heinrich von Stackelberg (1930’s) Amendment to Cournot model. Two firms. One firm knows the reaction function of the other firm and maximizes profit subject to the behaviour of the other firm (as described by the reaction function). This firm is the Stackelberg leader 32 Assume Firm 1 is the Stackelberg leader Firm 1 knows Firm 2’s reaction function R2(q1) = 45 – 0.5q1 Therefore, q1 = (100 – q2) – P Or q1 = (100 – [45 - 0.5q1]) – P or P = 55 - 0.5q1 Therefore, MR1 = 55 - q1 = 10 So, q1* = 45 33 Since Firm 2 follows its reaction function q2 = R2(q1) = 45 – 0.5q1 or 45 – 22.5 = 22.5 Therefore, Q* = 45 + 22.5 = 67.5 P* = 100 – Q = $32.50 Π1 = (32.50 x 45) – (10 x 45) = $1012.50 Π2 = (32.50 x 22.5) – (10 x 22.5) = $506.25 Total Π = $1518.75. 34 Comparison QuasiCournot Cartel – competitive Duopoly Joint Monoopoly Quantity 90 60 45 Price $10 $40 $55 Profit $0 $1,800 $2,025 35 Stackelberg 67.5 $32.50 $1518.75 Bertrand Model 36 Price Leadership or Dominant Firm Model I think this model is easiest to learn diagrammatically, and then mathematically. Price MCCF - Sum of marginal costs of competitive fringe Total Demand P* DDF MCDF - Marginal Cost of Dominant Firm Q*CF Q*DF MRDF 37 Quantity Notice first the total market demand curve for the industry as a whole. Then notice the marginal cost curve for the competitive fringe of firms. This is a model in which there is one firm which is dominant and then a fringe of small firms who are so small that they behave like perfectly competitive firms – they take the price that is give by the dominant firm (and then set P = MC to profit maximize). 38 The basic story in this model is that the dominant firm leaves room for the competitive fringe (and therefore profit maximizes according to the “residual” demand curve. Since the fringe of firms behaves like perfect competitors, the sum of their marginal cost curves is essentially their supply curve. It represents the amount that these firms together will want to supply at any possible price. Therefore, the residual demand curve is total demand minus this supply by the competitive fringe. This is exactly what the curve labeled DDF represents. 39 Our story is that the dominant firm profit maximizes using this residual demand curve. That means setting MR = MC for this demand curve. This is exactly where Q*DF comes from (it is the quantity at which MR is just equal to MC for the dominant firm. The dominant firm will charge the profit-maximizing price, which is P*. Once P* is established by the dominant firm, the competitive fringe (who are price takers) will just take this price and set P* = MC. This gives us the profitmaximizing quantity Q*CF for the competitive fringe. 40 We can take an algebraic example. Assume that the overall industry demand curve is P = 100 – Q and that the sum of the marginal costs of the competitive fringe is P = 10 + 4Q. The marginal cost of the dominant firm is constant at MC = 18. The price at which the total demand and the competitive fringe marginal cost curve intersect will give us the vertical intercept of the residual demand curve. Therefore: 100 – Q = 10 + 4Q or 5Q = 90 or Q = 18 and P = $82. Therefore, the vertical intercept is $82. The residual demand curve will join with the industry demand curve exactly at the price at which the quantity supplied by the competitive fringe = 0. Since the equation of the competitive fringe’s MC curve is P = 10 + 4Q, the competitive fringe will supply nothing when P = $10. The quantity demanded according to the industry demand curve is 10 = 100 – Q or Q = 90 at a price of $10. We now have two points on the dominant firm’s residual demand curve. It starts at P = $82 and Q = 0 and it joins the industry demand curve at P = $10 and Q = 90. Since the demand curve is linear between these two points, we can calculate the slope to be (82 – 10)/(90 – 0) = 72/90 = 41 4/5 or 0.8. Therefore, the equation of the (top part of the) dominant firm demand curve is P = 82 – 0.8Q Therefore, the dominant firm’s MR curve is MR = 82 – 1.6Q. Since the MC curve of the dominant firm is MC = 18, we have 82 – 1.6Q = 18 or Q*DF = 40. Substitute this into the equation for the dominant firm demand curve to get the price the dominant firm will charge: P* = 82 – 0.8(40) = $50. At a price of $50, the competitive fringe will supply 50 = 10 + 4Q, or Q*CF = 10. 42