MBark's 3/30/00 STILL VERY FORMATIVE (and totally speculative) theory about What Actually MAY Have Happened in Dealey Plaza & Oak Cliff by Martin Barkley posted to the internet at: 11:11 PM, CST, 3/31/00 PART ONE I would like, in the next few pages, for you searchers of truth to embark upon a little journey with me. Our destination is deeper below the surface of Dealey Plaza than I have taken anyone besides my closest confidants until now. I have made references to certain parts of this data to several hundred people over the course of the past eight years. Select parts of the coming information were first noticed in the late '60s through the early '80s - other portions dawned on me prior to 1992. It all began to start coming together for me when the "PDC" info. I wrote about on the JFKassassination Research Forum (between 11/2/99 & 11/18/99) was first presented to me by a very brave and compassionate woman in late 1992. By '95 it was much more clear, for sure: Dallas couldn't afford, then or now, to "admit" about a shooter stationed at the northern end of the triple overpass . . . When I say several hundred people are aware of parts of this information, I am referring to those people I've interacted with in totally informal settings, at assassination research symposiums, and during those times that I worked within The Sixth Floor "Museum" and at Robert Cutler's "The Conspiracy Museum". As late as this past November, on the grassy knoll, I was still trying to sort through certain implications of my private information when Jack White very rightfully asked me: "What's the SIGNIFICANCE of this PDC stuff, Martin?" I earnestly responded: "Jack, I don't know for sure. If what I was told is real, it could explain what a WHOLE HECKUVA LOT of the cover up was needed FOR - - to cover THIS situation was perhaps why so much photo trickery may have become necessary." Jack then looked at me as if he expected more of an explanation. I wanted to give him more, then and there, but decided to wait. Frankly, even to that point in late November, '99, I was still a tiny bit worried that Mr. Jack White could possibly wear more than one hat within the work we all attempt. I wasn't convinced that his verbal dueling with his former friend and research partner Gary Mack wasn't a staged disagreement. The Mack tie to JW had kept me from even trying to decide about Jack long ago. Sorry, Jack, I should have never worried that you were one of Mack's operatives. By watching and listening very closely since July, I've determined for myself that Jack was never part of that very organized (and talented) Smear and Disinformation Machine that has affected us all for however long each of us have researched this case. I should've gained the benefit of your wisdom, Jack, at LEAST 15 yrs. ago. In the process of satisfying myself with regard to Jack's sterling motives, I decided I needed to "make a public campaign" out of The Sixth Floor/Gary Mack situation. My effort on this began back in July. Pilloring The Sixth Floor, however, was something that cried out for someone to do, anyway. No one else seemed to be making any sort of progress against that "juggernaut of control" against Warren Commission critics. My July through February strategy needs to be CONTINUED - - no matter WHERE "the machine" surfaces within OUR work. But that is all a separate issue for some other time and place. Let is suffice (here) that I simply VEHEMENTLY object to that tourist trap's psychologically-based extreme LACK of true historical balance. Okay, what I wanted to go ahead and tell Jack that day, at length, follows: (it is all still a "guess" - - pure speculation on my part) A. I think what "Abby" told me about "PDC" is true. B. I think extreme measures have been taken to cover the "situation" Abby spoke of (from almost the very second an amazing "accident" happened. .) This "accident" may have been SO startling on the knoll that day that it might have even caused a fatal heart attack to an onlooker (near Emmitt Hudson?). C. The "significance" of an additional man almost wounded on 11/22/63? C1--The "accidental wounding" of PDC might not have been as "accidental" as the killing of J.D. Tippit. Mr. "C" was as close as a brother to JDT, and had been since the early '50s (minimum). C2--PDC told me that he learned of JD's death on the telephone, awakened from sleeping due to his night shift job the night before. He was asked: "Have you heard that your best friend just got killed?" He responded: "No, I just woke up." They came back with: "Well, P_____, J.D. was apparently killed by the same guy who shot the President." PDC looked at me in the retelling of this and said: "Martin, I didn't know until that moment that Kennedy had been assassinated." I'll insert here, again, that PDC completely denied what "Abby", her sister "Cora", and their mother stated to me (several times) had happened as far as their household receiving this telephone alert about PDC's grave wounding, and his impending/probable death having occurred on 11/22/63 in circumstances around JFK's murder. Apparently, _ _ _/"PDC" (as I've decided to call him) "pulled through" with several months recovery time that Abby spoke to me about in the very first telling of the incident to me in late '92. C3--I asked the three ear witnesses above whether their collective memories could possibly be "off kilter" a little with the passage of time. They responded: "Well, he had to retire from his job due to the effect of this wounding." That pretty well hushed me up. :o) Mr. C later confirmed this to me when I went to visit him (about being JDT's best friend and him having to retire due to a gunshot wound!). I also asked these three women if they had possibly confused the situation with later murders (maybe Bobby's?). They made the point that they couldn't pay attention to the coverage of the JFK funeral, etc., due to their worry about cousin P______. Abby particularly convinces me that she is not anything but TOTALLY clear about her memory. Her mother sounded absolutely certain, too. "Cora" I am not quite as comfortable about. She was the youngest in the room that day when the telephone rang. D. The ULTIMATE significance? Let me answer this in several parts. But first, I must add (to C3 above) that PDC immediately pointed me toward "evidence" (a newspaper story) that his wounding had (according to him and the newspaper story) occurred six years LATER in 1969. Then, he said, he finally decided to accept retirement instead of trying to stay "on the job" in '71 .. (photographic "evidence" SEEMS to support PDC's denial, also). And, for some reason, I'll bet dozens of Dallas/Oak Cliff citizens can attest to the truth of PDC's denial, too. - - - Remember, I'm a Dallas native of three and a half decades... I harbor no illusions about what some "haters" are capable of. You've got to have grown up around the power of certain "violence-oriented" GROUPS to understand what I'm getting at with these prior two sentences. D1-- If Abby's, Cora's, and their mom's 1992 recollection about that '63 phone call was right, I believe we have an explanation for many of us longtime researchers' suspicion that a major screw up of some sort happened that day. Such an unanticipated disaster would've occurred within what was otherwise a masterfully-designed, "Dallas Power"-aided, execution of JFK. Without a "safe base" from which to put JFK into a shooting gallery atmosphere, a safe assumption that he would, indeed, die couldn't have been relied upon. See, I don't necessarily distrust the actions of more than ONE Secret Service agent in all this (Greer). . . as far as "pre-knowledge", anyway. If Jack Martin/Suggs' account is anywhere near truthful, maybe a drastic mistake like I'm believing happened could have sent an already "edgy" Guy Bannister over the top. So maybe it wasn't that LHO didn't get wasted in the process that troubled Bannister. If the set up was as I imagine it, neither "LHO" nor his impersonators would know much of anything, anyway. If they did, they'd be afraid to open their mouth and spill it. D2-- If D1 happens to be the heart of the matter, we may finally have WHY officer Tippit's murder seems so strangely handled, and WHY the "evidence" doesn't seem to add up on his death anymore than it does on JFK's. Such a revelation as what I speculate about above would require REAMS of printed word pages to go into sufficiently. But, mostly, it would immediately point toward DALLAS' COMPLICITY in the cover up. And, if we ever find that we can't trust Dallas Officialdom (and have evidence of this fact) on something like this possible major ramification, doesn't that lead us right back to SQUARE ONE in this case? By this I mean what was the rest of the nation and world's immediate impression that day? By . . . say, 12:50 CST, 11/22/63? In the less exotic world of normal murders and their investigation, the detectives would have to say they have an extremely strong suspect with The City of Hate around JFK's strangely "non-secure" motorcade. In everyday homocides, that strong suspect gets "put away" about 90% of the time. But not Dallas - - not in this case. The country's immediate suspicious view of Dallas started moderating pretty quickly. The additional news that a valiant Dallas cop had fallen in Oak Cliff "connected-the-dots" instantly for most folks.----Oh, he was attempting to question an obviously rabid killer who probably is at least CONNECTED to the minutes earlier event in Dealey Plaza . . uh, ok--- Dallas boys in blue are "on the ball"-- that's good to know, at least. Then, "Oh, they've ALREADY picked the guy up in a theater - wow, that's top police work!" Well, the thing worked out for my home town, I guess. The suspicions could've turned ten times uglier than they did. Were it not for the fiasco in the police basement in which the rabid president and cop killer "gets what's coming to him" in many eyes, most of us researchers would never have gotten the bug to find out what really happened. Was Ruby "turned on" to do this deed by the crooks, the feds, . . . his neighbors and friends in Dallas????????? Was Dallas still trying to "sell something" in this case two days later? In regard to the above worries about Dallasites or Dallas officialdom, I must once again urge all of you to become aware of what was floated into the public record by Dale Myers in his book "Malice" (p.309-310). It reminds me of the saying that: "a lady cannot be just a little bit pregnant. . " It is my opinion that DM's effort with that book became "limited hangout", whether its author (and his helpers) were fully aware of that or not. PART TWO Here's a scenario I've envisioned (call it a "theory" if you MUST) but remember, folks, it is PURELY speculative. Please consider my admonitions re: this "theorizing" from my post on JFK Today of 3/29/00, at 1:02 AM (EST). Also consider, though, that every fiber of my longtime researcher being screams at me THIS primary belief: SOMEBODY WALKED IN FRONT OF ONE OF THE "SNIPERS-FROM-THE-FRONT'S" BULLETS! THAT PERSON PROBABLY RECEIVED A FATAL HEAD WOUND. How might it have played out? My candidate for the "dead Secret Service agent" reported by A.P. very early on is: TIPPIT A.--JDT notified "at last minute" (security's sake) to drive home and put on his "Sunday-go-to-Meetin'" suit (or maybe his old Army kakhis?). Thus, he's home and gone before noon time lunch. Does neighbor (and later historian) Rosemary Rumbley truly see him in his driveway as she relates in her "Unauthorized History" of Dallas? If so, I'm wrong already. (It was AFTER the assassination, says Rumbley). Ironically, The Sixth Floor sells this paperback book of Ms. Rumbley's in their so-called bookstore. . . B.--J.D. "reports for duty" to Dealey Plaza in time to help secure the north side of Elm, the overpass, etc.--he receives some i.d. and lapel pin(?) that shows him to be a Secret Service man. He's been doing some mechanical work the night before and at home with a friend and didn't use enough soap on his fingernails afterwards (or the next morning, either--probably overslept. . .) J.D. is picked for this duty because of his military background (knows how to keep his mouth shut). Maybe he was told to stash his pistol and other i.d., wallet, etc. in Patrol #10 before stepping out on the knoll as "S.S." - - maybe JDT feels honored to be selected to impersonate an SS guy . . . It is impressed upon him NOT to get the big head over it, though, he's just there to push the crowd around when necessary. C.--The overpass is cleared of gawkers. . railroad men still have some access, but most start "knocking off" for a smoke break and to catch a glimpse of the motorcade. They gather up mostly around that area behind the Mack/White "BadgeMan" position. They smoke, talk, and "cut up" as guys with sudden unexpected freedom do. Soon these workers are joined by some S.O. deputies who wander away from their main group at the n.e. corner of Main and Houston. Bill Decker has told 'em to step outside their office and onto that corner just outside. He doesn't mean for them to wander away (oh, maybe a FEW are "ok'ed" to do so). Anyway, these deputies add to the second hand smoke wafting upwards into and hanging inside that canopy of trees there. Again, this is the eastern end of the picket fence--NOT the triple overpass bridge end! Now "The Guys" have commandeered the best place to "goof off" and smoke and not get into trouble, because they're basically out of sight with guys like JDT securing the area IN FRONT of the picket fence. Decker is too busy keeping Curry busy to notice his instructions aren't being totally followed. Before long the "little party" there in that easternmost wooden fence corner entices even Lee Bowers out of his tower to join the fun. . . Meanwhile, a couple of DPD officers (White and Foster) are entrusted with the triple overpass security. Everything appears "well in hand" until the first shot cracks the festive atmosphere. D.--As the shot toward JFK's car rings out, it sounds "tinny" . . almost like a firecracker, or a motorcycle backfire. Several reasons for this: it is a single shot, taken in hopes that no others will be needed. A special, highly accurate, .22 automatic rifle with "strange" ammo is used. The shot comes from where? The Upper North Storm Drain (where the concrete of the overpass stops and the WESTERN end of the picket fence begins). We are NOT talking about the opposite end of the picket fence discussed in C above! This concrete bunker is a perfect sniping position. The sniper knows that some of those SS guys are almost as good a shot as he is. He might need to drop his upper body down further into that concrete pit that surrounds him if they raise their rifle back in his direction. Meanwhile, he's protected on the ground above by a well-connected ex-Railroad investigator who hates JFK as much as he does. The sniper shoots from about a ten inch gap below that picket fence. It's the best set up this professional killer has ever been provided. ------------------------Personally, folks, MBark here has watched this spot (The Upper North Storm Drain) through the years. I've seen "the gap" come and go. I've also seen the pit itself not even be visible due to dirt completely obscuring what's below. I haven't seen it be this way in the last 13-14 years, though. It used to totally amaze me that so FEW people were aware of this concrete structure in the ground up on the triple overpass. Because I've noticed it all along (since '67 or so, anyway), I guess it has added to my curiousity about HOW that point on the overpass seems to almost be PURPOSELY "overlooked" by so-called interested Dallasites. . . And THEN they paved over the other one on the south side . . . odd. Psychological? Reverse psychology? When they first did that to the south side, I figured their plan at the time was to do it to the north side, too, but that never happened. Maybe in another 25 years Dallas will want to "memorialize" that spot and put a LIVE internet cam THERE instead of where they have it now . . . :o) But not for awhile, I'm sure: the FBI Dealey Plaza model the folks at The Sixth Floor are so proud of doesn't even include a triple overpass in its depiction of the area! Of course, that helped The Warren Commission geniuses immensely! -----------------------Back to the first shot: keep in mind that such an early shot, fired toward JFK (up close to Houston St.) was originated from a much higher elevation than what's been considered by most of us before. Such a "shot frame" is available from there. D."finale"--The other reason this first shot is so "tinny" sounding is this: perhaps that first shot was tried just as JFK's limo was coming out of its turn onto Elm . . . in which the car turns so wide that it almost hits the corner curb nearest TSBD. Perhaps the full sound of that shot "stopped" WAY back, far west of the corner where JFK was breathing some of his last breaths ... Perhaps that very first shot struck officer J.D. Tippit as he "held secure" that area in front of the picket fence . . Tippit's habit, attested to by several strangely "irritated sounding" fellow officers, was that J.D. tended to look downwards too much when he should be paying closer attention. . . . . . . The strange "tone" some of JDT's brother officers seem to take in their official statements and other unofficial comments always drastically bothered me. They actually sound "put out" with the poor dead man! They sound disrespectful (to me) about JDT's head-drooping manner and his inability to do well on the written tests for advancement in the department. The other reason for a weaker shot sound, of course, would be that the follow up shot to "the disaster shot" was one MORE shot from this smaller caliber weapon (used before a bigger caliber is used later, as the limo got closer). The .22 was used in hopes of the greatest accuracy possible and a cleaner, more mysterious assassination. They didn't even want to take more than one shot, much less have a Dallas cop get hit in the head!!!!! This 2nd .22 shot becomes what most people report as Shot #1. The shot that hits Tippit is the sound people describe earlier as a railroad torpedo type of noise. The expert sniper (Roscoe White?) was rattled considerably after JD's absentminded "wander" into the bullet, but he tries again and hits JFK in the throat. The "special ammo" (or even a more standard .22 round) ranges downward into one of JFK's lungs. Along the way, it hits the spine causing the splaying outward of JFK's elbows (Thornburne Effect). J.D. had been told to maintain at least twenty feet toward the street, especially after the car turns off Houston. This was stressed STRONGLY to him, but there he was, lookin' down at the ground at the wrong time . . . E.--Well, all this "gets us started", I suppose. I'm not totally ruling out Badgeman, Gordon Arnold, BlackDog Man, the Upper South Storm Drain, etc., - - I just feel there is too much overlooked indication that SOMEBODY, badly wounded AT LEAST, "hit the ground" and a pool of blood existed somewhere near that prone figure(Gordon Arnold?--or was GA's great emotion in "TMWKK" actually great acting, instead?--or even some kind of psychological/hypno trick imposed upon Mr. Arnold?). Maybe the blood WAS up on the sidewalk up by TSBD. Maybe there was blood at BOTH places... maybe someone got hit on the knoll and was quickly grabbed up from the steps area, and "leaked" more blood up by TSBD (being brought inside the chain link fence of TSBD's loading dock area?). Very important, I feel, is this: what is the REAL reason that emotional scene from Gordon Arnold was cut out of later editions of "TMWKK"? Normally, THAT scene would be the "sizzle that sells the steak" for someone like Nigel Turner, television producer . . . Remember, too, with regard to my speculative scenario: in the earliest seconds of the first noise/shot, the crowd was pretty much "hypnotized" by the approaching car of The PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. and his fair lady, Jackie... most had never laid eyes upon celebrities of that magnitude. Their senses, otherwise, were probably pretty well "out of commission". A man could've gotten hit, immediately drug up the stairs and away, and everyone would've had their backs to the whole thing . . . (and their eyes glued to a dark blue Lincoln convertible). "WRAP UP" for PARTS ONE & TWO: In an extensive hand out portfolio (approx. 25 sheets) I gave out to 15-20 people at Dallas' Union Terminal and at The Grand Hotel around 11/22/98, I provided considerable "philosophy" on this case. One of those sheets included my understanding that one of the very best ways to "hide the truth" is to place a "similar-in-thrust", but totally deceptive lie at the opposite end of the spectrum (or opposite end of a straight line) away from the TRUE story. To "get at" the truth under this kind of altered reality, a searcher is at LEAST 180 degrees away (if not 180 to 360 degrees by the time propaganda kicks in--like a false historical museum operation). These kinds of deceptions are performed to keep the "riff raff" royal subjects of the so-called "elite" at bay. It works. It works when we LET it work. In what I've written today, exact truth is still unfortunately unknown to the general public. A solution to our stalemate may exist, however: I believe we might be able to "track backward" from things INSISTED UPON by officialdom and be closer to pinning things down. Here's a few more "wonderings": a. Don't we need to realize that Sen. Ralph Yarborough may have unintentionally provided the chance for a "Gordon Arnold-style Cover Story" to flourish? It was within his early comments that news reporters printed that RY had commented on a young man in uniform who looked as though he'd been a combat veteran by the way he dropped on the knoll. Did RY possibly see a kahki-uniformed JDT drop like a rock up on the knoll? I also have a guess as to who the SS dressed guy might have been if that is what RY saw (has to do with the heart attack scenario I mentioned earlier in this piece). b. Shooter(s) from front -- no "real" shots from the rear. c. Shooter(s) from front and SIDE (no "triangulation"); may be good to even CONSIDER only one "true" shooter (from front only). d. One "decoy" in the s.e. 6th floor window at TSBD? Almost a physical "double" of Marguerite's son, Lee (maybe named John Thomas ______), just as Treasury Agent Ellsworth described the uncanny resemblance of one of his assigned gun-running suspects to LHO. A shot from this decoy purposefully into the soft earth near the manhole cover on the south side of Elm? It would be important to guard this round in the ground from the minute it is fired there (chain-of-possession for a conviction on the M-C rifle, don't 'ya know!). Also, maybe a "created otherwise" bullet mark on the aluminum trim of the limo's interior windshield framing? e. No "wild shot" down toward the overpass/Tague; shot that "went wild" actually from front & was "wild" only because it struck either the windshield of the limo or JBC's "thrashing about" wrist (tangential strike off of the wrist). This altered flight path winds up striking the curb at the s.e. corner of Houston and Main. It breaks a piece of curb there and a small, spindly little lady bends over, picks it up, takes it back to her office in the Old Red Courthouse. At the time, she tries to interest the deputies across the street in it, but they don't seem to care. She keeps that piece as a paperweight for a number of years afterward, showing it off and telling the story to newer employees over lunch. This lady worked for a state agency in the building. I interviewed her a year or so before her death. She denied the story at that point, but was evasive-to-the-max! In regard to the above: the FBI never changed their investigative stance to include Tague (...and I know that all "good" conspiratorialists believe THAT is the "proof" that the single bullet theory was ushered into existence). Has it ever occurred to anyone that this was a "con" to get us "all hot and bothered" and actually HELP SELL "Lee Harvey in the so-called Sniper's Nest", or AT THE VERY LEAST, "sell" a shooter to the rear of the car? Maybe the shallow wound in JFK's back was PUT THERE to "offset" Malcolm Perry's early words re: anterior entrance to JFK's neck? f. Why is all the uproar/"insistence" on NO SHOTS FROM THE FRONT (by officialdom/big media) even a reality in the first place? Dallas, seemingly, was not worried about a "conspiracy" being declared, just as long as it was the right KIND of conspiracy (commie/socialist/leftist, or some right wing extremist as H.L. Hunt was perceived to be, and like Gen. Walker WAS). Thus, what's the REAL problem of the front shot's existence AFTER the direct threat of WWIII is no longer "bought" by the public? I feel there are two basic reasons for this: 1."Big D" WANTED a conspiracy involving Cubans and/or Russians to be declared (hence, Bill Alexander's "quick pen" on that earliest, later "rethought" indictment against LHO). Alexander never backed off from his attitude on the matter. Henry Wade and the influences upon him seemed to be the moderators on this language about the "International Communist Conspiracy" that BA had scribbled at first. "Big D" and its benefactors (Big Business-in-general; Big Defense contractors; Big Oil/Old Money; and of course, certain individual meglomaniacs perched here and there) wanted East Berlin back at almost any cost. They felt they had to have it back in order to get back on track as far their popularly held ideas toward world business domination and the TRULY big bucks that we see now from that endeavor that America sometimes used to shun. Papa Joe Kennedy was basically an isolationist at heart. Maybe his boys had a certain amount of watered down respect for the concept? Yep, in D.C. in Nov.'63, the Brothers Kennedy held sway. In Dallas, maybe it was JBC and The Brothers Cabell . . . 2.-In "Big D" it was known that if Russian-tied or Castro-tied suspects were "involved" to BLAME, their so-called "squeeky clean" city couldn't be too heavily criticized in the aftermath ('ya can't cover ever durn window in town, they'd say). This is why LHO was "set up from the start" (Spring, '63?). But LBJ quickly became a HUGE problem for Dallas-tied folk. It seemed he didn't want to "chance" WWIII! Suddenly, LHO is a SOUTHERN lone nut as well! This was NOT what Dallas had in mind! LHO needed to be MORE of a Castroite.... he needed to be MADE INTO "a violent type guy". So, . . . . when given lemons (like a horrendous "accident") . . . just make "lemonade" out of it - - ;o] . . .down in "Garrison Country", though, Guy Bannister wasn't refreshed by this "lemonade". He was just very, very worried by the unbelievable, almost laughable, "accident on the knoll" - - - he figured THAT one could never be kept under wraps and it would ALL COME DOWN on his and his fanatical buddies' heads, when THEY never had enough power to GIVE THE GO SIGNAL on killing JFK. But they would be the ones to fry for it . . . END of Martin Barkley's CURRENT brew of Semi RESPONSIBLE SPECULATION & Other "data" Curious "factoids" to close Part One & Two: Last week I was thumbing through my late father's University of Oklahoma yearbooks. In my dad's Freshman year book ('48), his picture happens to appear on the same page (p.162) with one Arlen Specter of Kansas. In looking at Arlen Specter's boyish visage on his fraternity's page (p.405), I immediately notice a face before I put a name with it. The guy looks amazingly like JACK RUBY! Well, let's see what this guy's name is. Hmmmm... Stanley Rubenstein. Being born in Norman, OK., I begin to worry just a little . . . Then I peruse the '49 O.U. yearbook. "Stanley" still looks like "Jack". U.S. Senator-to-be Specter is gone (on to Yale?/Philly?), but maybe the "new" Freshman on p.177 can take up Specter's empty chair. Name? Farris Rookstool II. Let's see . . I remember eavesdropping on a conversation between Farris III and the Prince of Monaco in '94 in which Albert was regaled with Farris' tale of spending almost every Saturday morning in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Decker. They'd feed him breakfast. Prince Albert looked impressed to me. I guess he decided Farris III might be "an inside kind of guy"? Golly, gee: I hope Ferris III and I weren't Nazi "test tube" experiments or something back in our daddies' OU days . . Now, settle down - - just a joke . . . guess I'm getting a little too inspired by the great geneaology research of Bruce Campbell Adamson, huh? BTW, the only time I ever met or passed words (even briefly) with Rookstool was at the so-called museum at 411 Elm in '94. Farris III sure seemed "at home" around that place. Maybe THEY paid him rather than the FBI??????? Maybe, I shouldn't even finish up with this one from the same two yearbooks . . also in '49: ONE Charles Briggs (p.110), a Sr. also in '48: ONE "Dallas" Briggs (p.156), he's a Freshman and he looks like he could be the younger brother of Charlie (from his pic) Ahh, DALLAS just kind of "gets in your soul". ***************************** gettin' ready to say "bye" now . . "Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio (and Roger Craig)? . . the nation turns its lonely eyes to you . ." The Flyin' Red Horse is to Dallas as Mr. Sam was to Lyndon as Papa Joe was to Joe, Jr. as Moe was to Curly and Larry as "corporate" was to John B. Connally as CBO was to OCB (I'm down and secure) In MY Greek mythology book, Pegasus loses its left wing suddenly and becomes a murderous stallion deluxe Oh, well - Adios, for a time, "MBark the Independent" Several things I would like to touch on in regard to my long post. First, some typos: 1. Para 1 under "PART ONE" JFKassassination Research Forum should be: JFKresearch Assassination Forum (sorry, Rich, for that error. BTW, I still think your collection of posters and the general direction/admin of your forum is "tops"-- especially minus a certain poster besides me who USED to post there. 2. Para 7 under "PART ONE" ". . some other time and place. Let "IT" suffice (here) that I simply . . 3. PART ONE, "C." - - should be "almost KILLED" instead of "almost wounded". 4. I've never quite pinned down (D1) the exact spelling of Guy Bannister's last name. Two "n"s or just one? Jim Garrison uses just one, but I sometimes wonder if the "double n" that comes and goes re: G.B. over the years shouldn't alert us to something . . . anybody know on this? 5. D2, second para: Hey, folks, I promise I used to know how to spell "homicide". Perhaps all these years of listening to the sleaze has gotten to me. I mean of course: implications wrapped around the New Orleans homosexual community's "involvement", David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, (even Jim Garrison seemingly gets tarred by "other side" writers), and the biggie: J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson. Maybe that's why "homocide" suddenly jumped off my fingers to this post . . 6. In the last para before "PART TWO" Dale Myers' disinformative "interpretation" book is actually titled: "WITH Malice" instead of just "Malice". -Funny, I only think "malice" when I think of that so-called definitive word on the killing of J. D. Tippit. AGAIN, I urge discussion/"reflection" re: pp. 309-310. No one, besides yours truly, seems to see the importance to our efforts that this passage reflects. "Big D" actually ADMITS TO some COVER UP re: the events of that historical day!?!? (especially in light of PDC???). End of "errata" section - at least all I've noticed in a quick reread.