Illustration Essay Assignment: Topics & Requirements

Sample 1: Essay Assignment for Illustration Essay
First Draft Due Date:
Revision Due Date:
During the last week, we have been discussing the basic components of paragraphs and
essays. In particular, we studied topic sentences and thesis statements. We also focused
on illustration paragraphs and essays to learn how to use specific examples to support a
thesis statement and topic sentences. Now it is time for you to apply the skills we practiced
in class to your writing by composing an illustration essay that addresses a specific topic.
Topic Choices
Not every subject is appropriate for an illustration essay. Therefore, you should review the
“Suggested Topics” of Evergreen. Also, consider the following topics as you brainstorm and
What can’t you live without?
A student’s life is a complicated one.
The benefits of being single or attached.
Your peers and the teacher are the audience for this essay.
Essay Requirements
1. Your essay must contain an extended thesis statement in the opening paragraph.
2. Your essay must contain at least three topic sentences, each appearing in its own
paragraph. The essay can contain more than three topic sentences if you so choose, but
each additional topic sentence must also appear in its own paragraph.
3. Your essay must contain specific examples to support each topic sentence.
4. Your essay must contain a concluding paragraph.
1. Review the brainstorming, clustering, and drafting steps I asked you to complete. You
will want to follow these steps again as you write a new essay or revise the writing
sample composed during the first class period.
2. Review the paragraphs you composed during class.
3. Review the exercises on topic sentences, thesis statements, and detailed examples we
completed in class.
4. Use the paragraphs and essays we discussed in class as models for your own essay.
Writing Center
If you attend the Writing Center for assistance with this essay assignment, then be sure to
take all homework and journal assignments with you so the tutor can provide as much
assistance as necessary. Also, take with you this copy of the assignment.
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