Q & A from Admin Meeting 8/16 & 8/20 1. Email or give copy of TDOE rubrics A: TDOE rubrics are accessible at www.tncore.org , select subject area (ELA or Literacy), scroll to Assessment, select Scoring Resources, rubrics are listed under 6-8 grade band A: Continuums are accessible at www.hixsonms.wikispaces.com , under Professional Development, select Admin Meetings, select 2013-2014, continuums are listed under each grade 6, 7, and 8. 2. Can you provide an example of essay with placement on continuum? A: I will score and annotate an example to demonstrate how to use the continuum. Keep in mind this was a 6th grade task and 6th grade student writing sample. Chocolate Milk Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing STRUCTURE Overall 7 Included claim and counterclaim Lead 6 Stated claim and reasons Transitions 5 Simple transition word/phrase usage Ending 6 Restates main points & offers lingering thought Organization 7 Grouped reasons, distinguished between claim and counterclaim DEVELOPMENT Elaboration 6 Variety of evidence, acknowledged different side Description 6.5 Comparisons to explain and for effect, technical word use, mostly formal tone CONVENTIONS Spelling 6 Most words spelled correctly, no citations Punctuation 6 Sophisticated comma usage, dash used 3. Example of paragraph read & paragraph that cites from text COMPARE THESE PARAGRAPHS UNSUPPORTED: Within the first few paragraphs of The Great Gatsby, the reader becomes familiar with the narrator's distinctive voice. Nick Carraway claims to be telling us about himself, who he is and how he views the world. Events throughout the novel, however, demonstrate that his self perception is not wholly accurate. He says things about himself that his own narration proves false. This ironic opening reveals how Fitzgerald uses the first person narrative, not only to tell us about Gatsby, but also to tell us about Nick. SUPPORTED: Within the first few paragraphs of The Great Gatsby, the reader becomes familiar with the narrator's distinctive voice. Nick Carraway begins by telling us the advice his Father gave to him in his "younger and more vulnerable years," but we soon find out that this speaker is still quite a young man (1). Nick claims he has learned from his father's words and now is "inclined to reserve all judgments," for he believes that "reserving Judgments is a matter of infinite hope" (1). Yet, throughout the novel Nick does little else besides cast judgment on the people he describes. He determines that Jordan is dishonest and "instinctively avoided clever, shrewd men;" and later he tells us she deals in "universal skepticism"(59, 81). He claims that Tom is arrogant, that Daisy wants others to shape her life for her, and that both crush people around them with cruel carelessness (114,151, 180). About Gatsby, Nick offers many judgments. He had "disapproved of [Gatsby] from beginning to end" and felt his mysterious neighbor had "paid a high price for living Too long with a single dream" (154, 162). In the end, Nick groups all of them together and Judges what caused their difficulties: "Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan and I, were all Westerners, and perhaps we possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly unadaptable to Eastern life" (177). Although Nick may start out wishing to refrain. RESOURCES ON USING TEXTUAL EVIDENCE https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/teaching-about-textual-evidence http://www.engageny.org/resource/a-protocol-for-citing-evidence-from-informational-text-fromexpeditionary-learning http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/using_evidence.pdf http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/jgarret/mlacite.htm http://www.mrheyer.com/files/notes/quotation-marks-notes.pdf http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/english/comp/engl095/6-1-Using-Text.pdf 4. Poster of text annotation to use in all HXMS classrooms. Below is a possible one. Still in development stages of creating a school wide annotation guideline. 5. Math CRA continuum for progressing There is no continuum for CRA. I am working to create a sample continuum for each grade based on a state sample. http://rda.aps.edu/mathtaskbank/start.htm http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Academic-ContentStandards/Mathematics/Resources-Ohio-s-New-Learning-Standards-K-12-Mathe/K-8-StandardsProgressions-2-14-12.pdf.aspx (pp.13-21)