13 December Minutes

ABATE of Ohio
Franklin County Chapter
December 8, 2013
Meeting called to order at 12:06 by Randy Paul.
Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Mission statement by Kolman.
Welcome by Kolman – no new members or visitors attending. Thank you to Colombibi’s the new winter
meeting place.
Kolman then gave instructions for Regional and County elections of officers. Voting to take place during
the meeting and results will be announced at the end of the meeting.
Legislative Report given by J.R. Gantner:
 CDC – AMA (American Motorcycle Association) is seeking a meeting with the head of the CDC to
see if the agency is seeking to reduce motorcycle ridership by pushing for a federal mandatory
helmet law. AMA questions what expertise and authority the CDC and it’s task force have in
the traffic arena. Motorcycling is not a disease to be cured.
 AMA Board of Directors adopted a lane-splitting position statement at their October meeting.
They believe that lane splitting can have safety benefits as well as help reduce traffic
congestion. They continue to place significant emphasis on motorcycle operation and
passenger safety. Passing the legislation may be the easiest part. Significant effort would be
required to educate law enforcement and the public.
 EPA – proposal would require less ethanol to be produced in 2014. The reduction is due to the
declining markets since Congress passed the Renewal Fuels Standard in 2007. The proposal is
open for public comment for 60 days before it could become final.
 Connected Car – Telematics – the technology of sending, receiving and storing information
about you and your car is happening and will continue to happen. Fighting against this
technology is useless, it is happening. The fight we Ownership make a case for is that the data
is the property of the vehicle owner.
 Voter turnout. Most Ohioans stayed home as others decided for them. About ¾ of Central Ohio
voters did not vote in the November elections. For Franklin county only 19.4% of voters
exercised their rightl
Treasurers Report by Kim Chafin
Beginning balance
Paid Out
Overage to State office $82.62
Ending balance
Motion made to accept the Treasurers report as read made by –Robin Pickens second by Ginger
Motion to waive the reading of the November Meeting Minutes made by Robin Pickens Seconded by
Cindy Balach.
Products Report by Crystal Young
Points Program – now is the time to record and add up your points for 2013. The program is a way to
recognize your participation in events and activities held by ABATE and other motorcycling
organizations. Points card are available and those wishing to participate for 2013 need to complete the
card and turn it in to Kolman by the January meeting. Point rockers will be handed out at the Legislative
Seminar in Febuary. Points patches are available.
Year Pins awarded:
Ed Williams – 12 years
Tim Horesky – 10 years
Patty Horesky – 10 years
State Report by Jim Elgin
Upcoming events –
 CycleFest – Dayton – Region 6 will be manning a booth for Abate. The booth will be in exchange
for advertising space in the Outspoken.
 Easy Rider Bike Show – Region 9 – will be manning a booth for Abate. Again the booth will be in
exchange for advertising space. This years show will be on Sat & Sun only this year . Feb 8th &
 Anyone who would like to help in the booth for either events should let Jim know.
Old Business:
Toy Run – No incidents or accidents were reported. Estimated number of bikes was about 500
Kim gave the financial figures for the event.
*Auction - $4404
*Donations - $75
*Food- $935
*Special Draw - $161
*Certificate Raffle - $151
*Grab Bags - $139
*Color Guard - $500
*Insurance - $160
Total= $5243.88
Less the 30% leaves $3670.72 for toys.
Motion was made to use the funds to adopt a military family for Christmas by Robin Pickins
Seconded by Burgess
Harley Stock– suggested using 10% of funds for a military family the rest for toys
Roger Wright – donate to Vet Organization family assistance – suggested all the funds
Robin Pickins – Has a contact that gives out names of family members and a wish list for the family. We
buy the gifts and give them to the family.
Jim Elgin – Reg 5 supports Children Services and buys toys, clothing, food for a family
Burgess – as a vet he reported that Visa cards are not given out so gift cards can not be cashed out and
not used for the intended purpose.
Ginger Bowen - opposed to buying gift cards for a family but not opposed to supporting military familys
with toys or clothing from a wish list
Steve Crabtree- what are the expectations from FF4Kids about the amount given to them? What could
be the fall out from not totally supporting the FF4Kids as we have done in the past? Is it feasible to
change who we donate to this late in the year?
Tim Horesky- Need to consider the cost of buying gift cards. We would be able to get more if we actually
buy the gifts rather than cards.
Roger Wright – How can we vote on a change of action without all the information this year?
Crystal Young – Is supporting the military familys just for Christmas or can it be done all year around?
Kim Chafin – When do the FF4Kids earmarked funds need to be paid out? (Jim Elgin reported that all
earmarked funds for 2013 must be paid out by Dec 31st)
Joe Pickins – In the past it’s been a small amount of members that participate in the toy shopping event.
Is it feasible to buy for familys feasible?
Steve Crabtree – donate to an agency for Military this year to lessen the burden of going and buying the
Kolman – Back to the motion – expectation of members and others that attend the Toy Run is that the
proceeds from the run go to FF4Kids.
Burgess – yes for a split of the proceeds
Randy Paul – yes – split the of the proceeds
Cindy Balach – yes – split of the proceeds
Joe Pickins – bad press from years past has cost us donations and attendance at the auction and the
amount of funds raised
Harley Stock – it’s about the kids- suggested a split of 50% to each
Robin Pickins – split the amount 50%
Motion reread – To use the funds to adopt a Military family for Christmas
Vote – Yes – 26
No – 3
Abstained – 0
New Motion – The proceeds should be split 50/50 between FF4Kids and to support a Military Family
By Rob Wild seconded by Dave Stucky
Vote – Yes -24
No – 3
Abstained – 0
Suggested that next year we plan in advance as to who will benefit from the run. Wally suggested that
we invite National Guard or other organizations to a meeting for an informational presentation about
supporting Military programs.
New Business:
Reiterated the Points Program and how to participate
State Legislative Seminar will be held January 31 –February 1 at Deer Creek State Park. The fund raiser
will be held on Friday Night
Delaware Swap Meet at the Delaware Fairgrounds – 3rd Sunday in Dec.
Election Results - Franklin County
Coordinator – Harley Stock
Deputy Coordinator – Brian Nissley
Sargent of Arms – Randy Paul
Legislative – J.R. Gantner
Products – Crystal Young
Secretary – Kathy Gantner
Election Results – Regional Officers
Coordinator – Kolman Fuzy
Deputy Coordinator – Harley Stock
Treasurer – Kim Chafin
Legislative – J.R. Gantner
Webmaster – Tony Losego
Secretary – Kathy Gantner
Meeting adjourned 1:25 pm
Minutes submitted by:
Kathy Gantner