Companion Poem

Companion Poem
Name ________________________________________
L.A., Per. _________
Date _________________
Both “A Man” and “Moco Limping” illustrate the emotional challenges that can be brought on by physical challenges. For this assignment, you will also focus on “visible” and
“invisible” challenges. Please choose one of the two alternatives explained below.
In “A Man,” all of our attention focuses on the narrator, who struggles to get beyond all of the things he cannot do. But what about the others in his life? The CBS video clip,
“Caring for Wounded Warriors,” mentions that for every one “visible” victim of traumatic injury, there are eight other “invisible” victims. The “invisible” victims in this clip, of
course, were the soldier’s wife and daughter. For this choice, you will write a poem about one of the “invisible” victims of trauma. You could think about “A Man’s” wife,
daughter, son, best friend, mother, father, nurse, or other caregiver. You may structure your poem exactly like “A Man,” or you may create your own framework. “A Man” is
written in free verse; you may use rhyme and rhythm if you please. Your poem must be at least 18 lines long. Like all poets, you must focus on diction and use at least five
powerful words heavy with connotation, emotion, and tone. Mark these five words in your poem using whatever metacognitive marker you use that means, “this is important!”
Below your poem, include a meaningful illustration. Complete a draft on the reverse or a separate sheet of notebook paper. Your draft must be completed before the final and
turned in with the final for credit.
In “Moco Limping,” the physical challenges are borne by Moco, while the emotional challenges are borne by his owner. Throughout most of the poem, the owner’s attention is
focused on his own disappointment in the dog’s limitations and imperfections. The owner wanted a dog that could perform like the champion dogs we watched on the clip of
agility competition. Instead, he ended up with a dog more like the former “champion” we saw in the second clip who needed the wheeled cart to help him around the course. For
this choice, you will write a poem about someone who is disappointed in and/or embarrassed by someone else. You may structure your poem exactly like “Moco Limping,” or you
may create your own framework. “Moco Limping” is written in free verse; you may use rhyme and rhythm if you please. Your poem must be at least 18 lines long. Like all poets,
you must focus on diction and use at least five powerful words heavy with connotation, emotion, and tone. Mark these five words in your poem using whatever metacognitive
marker you use that means, “this is important!” Below your poem, include a meaningful illustration. Complete a draft on the reverse or a separate sheet of notebook paper. Your
draft must be completed before the final and turned in with the final for credit.
TITLE: ______________________________________