Imperialism and Colonialism

Imperialism and Colonialism - Africa and Asia
Essential Question
How did relatively few states achieve hegemony over most of the world?
Prentice Hall - Chapters 8, 9, 12, 18, 19
Western Tradition - Chapter 8 (7) The Spirit of British Imperialism
Students will:
- memorize the geography of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
- trace current geographic boundaries, regional conflicts, and social stratification in Africa back to the
legacy of imperialism
- analyze the motives for European imperialism and colonialism
- explain the effects of European imperialism on native cultures and societies
- read and discuss instances of imperialist resistance by native populations
- critique the twentieth century rise of nationalism in Africa and Asia with reference to the history of
imperialism in those areas
- search for and interpret for examples of neo-imperialism in today’s world
- memorize the geography of South Asia
- trace current geographic boundaries, regional conflicts, and social stratification in India back to the
legacy of imperialism
- analyze the motives for European imperialism in India
- analyze the effects of colonial rule of life in India
- Recount the British motives for imperialism in India
- Contrast the system of British rule in India with European rule in sub-Saharan Africa
- Understand the role of the Sepoy Rebellion and the Amritsar Massacre in nationalist movements
- Explain what factors are necessary to allow nonviolent resistance to be an effective means of change
- Describe the evolution of Gandhi from a loyal British subject to the leader of Indian independence
- Trace the events and people responsible for the independence of India
- Discuss the problems of partition and explain the point of view of each side
- Critique the current situation over Kashmir and trace its roots to Partition
Study Questions
Imperialism: 8.1, 9.5
1. Define imperialism and explain how nineteenth century imperialism differed from earlier
colonial efforts.
2. Justify the arguments in favor of imperialism from the 19th century perspective and from the
20th century perspective.
3. Justify the arguments in opposition to imperialism from the 19th century perspective and
from the 20th century perspective.
4. Explain the causes of nineteenth century imperialism under each of the following:
A) Economic B) Political C) Social D) Militaristic E) Religious F) Ideological
5. Define each of the following as related to imperialism: A) Surplus Capital B) colony C)
Sphere of influence D) protectorate E) leasehold F) concession G) “White Man’s Burden”
H) Social Darwinism
6. If imperialism proved to be so expensive, why did countries continue to be imperialistic?
7. How did imperialist rivalries help cause World War I?
Africa: Impact of Imperialism on 20th Century History: 8.2, 12..2, 19
1. Identify and/or define EACH of the following, date them, and show how they affected the
international relations between he major colonial powers: A) Boer War B) Fashoda Incident
C) Berlin-to- Baghdad Railroad D) Cape to Cairo Railroad E) Moroccan Crises F) Berlin
2. What was the magnificent African cake? What was the problem with the way it was
3. Explain how African colonies were used by the European powers. How did this contribute to
economic under development of the region?
4. What were the advantages and disadvantages of imperialism for the NATIVE populations in
the colonial dependencies?
5. How did European drawn boundaries in Africa contribute to the political and social unrest
among the nations and states there?
6. . Identify and explain the significance of each of the following: A) Belgium B) King Leopold
C)Patrice Lumumba D) Mobutu Sese Seko E) Boers F) Nelson Mandela G)ANC H) PAC
I) Umkhonto we Sizwe J) F.W. DeKlerk K) Afrikaaners L) Apartheid M) Jomo Kenyatta
N) Kwame Nkruma O) C.I.A. P) Pan-Africanism
7. How did the Belgians treat the Congolese during colonization? Explain the history of Belgian
8. What was the “rubber terror?”
9. How did the 20th century history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire,
formerly Belgian Congo) reflect Cold War superpower interference in international affairs?
10. How did the 20th century history of Ghana reflect similar interference?
11. How is the history of South Africa different from the history of other African states?
12. What are the major cultural groups in South Africa?
13. How was civil disobedience used by the ANC in South Africa? To what effect?
14. When did Apartheid finally end in South Africa? How did it end?
15. What are the significant events and who are the significant individuals in the 20th century
struggle to end Apartheid?
16. How and where is nationalism reflected in the 20th century African independence
India and South Asia: Impact of Imperialism on 20th Century History : 8.4, 12.3, 18.1
1. Define and relate the following terms to the unit of study:
a) British East India Company b) Sepoy Rebellion c) Amritsar Massacre d) Muslim League e)
Indian National Congress f) Mahatma Gandhi g) Jawaharal Nehru f) Great Salt March g)
Muhammed Ali Jinnah h) homespun I) Bangladesh j) Indira Gandhi k) Benazir Bhutto l)
Kashmir m) partition
2. What was India like (politically, socially, etc.) prior to imperialism?
3. How was India used by England? How did this effect its economic development?
4. Explain Britain’s system of colonial rule? How did this affect life for the Indian population,
both good and bad?
5. Explain Britain's system of colonial rule in India. How did this affect life for the Indian
population - good and bad?
6. Explain the role of the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress in resisting British
7. How did Gandhi’s policy of active non-violent resistance work to end British imperialism?
8. What were the reasons for the partition of India into two states?
9. How are the current problems between India and Pakistan related to the partition?
Asia: Impact of Imperialism on 20th Century History: 8.5, 9.1, 12.4, 12.5,
1. Identify and explain the significance of each of the following: A) Manchu or Quing Dynasty
B) Opium Wars C) Taiping Rebellion D) Boxer Rebellion E) Open Door Policy F) Pu Yi G)
Empress Dowager H) Sun Yixian I) Queen Liliuokalani J) Spanish American War
2. How was imperialism in China different from imperialism in Africa?
3. Define sphere of influence, which countries had spheres of influence in China? Where were
4. Where did the United States imperialize in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
5. Identify, give dates where appropriate, and explain the significance of each of the following:
A) Shogunate B) Emperor C) Shogun D) Daimyo E) Matthew Perry F) Treaty of Kanagawa
G) Emperor Mutsuhito H) Meiji Restoration I) Diet J) Russo-Japanese War K) Greater East
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
6. Why was Japan ‘s experience in the age of imperialism different from China’s?
7. How did Japan respond to the imperialist threat? To what effect?