Prostate Cancer Research Survey

Prostate Cancer Research Survey
Background to the survey
The Prostate Cancer Charity would like to hear your views on prostate cancer research. In
particular, the Charity would like to know if there are areas, or issues about prostate cancer –
including its causes, diagnosis, treatment and the experience and needs of people affected by
the disease – where you feel more research is needed to help overcome some of the gaps in
our knowledge about the disease.
By taking part in this short survey you can tell us your priorities for prostate cancer research –
the survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The results of the survey will be used to inform the work of the Prostate Cancer Priority Setting
Partnership (PCPSP). The PCPSP is a partnership between the Prostate Cancer Research
Foundation, the Prostate Cancer Support Federation and the James Lind Alliance. This
partnership was set up to identify uncertainties about prostate cancer that need to be
addressed through research and they have asked The Prostate Cancer Charity to contribute to
this work. The Prostate Cancer Charity is a member of the PCPSP Steering Group.
The Prostate Cancer Charity will also use the results to inform its own research programme and
policy work.
Who should take part?
The survey is open to:
Men who have, or have had prostate cancer
The partners, family members, friends or carers of men who have, or have had prostate
Healthcare professionals
Closing date: 16th October 2009
Please turn the page to start the survey.
Complete the survey
Please answer the questions by entering an ‘x’ in the relevant box, or writing your own
comments when asked to.
1. Which of the following sentences best describes you? (tick the relevant box):
I am a man who has, or has had prostate cancer
I am the partner, family member, friend or carer of a man who has, or has had
prostate cancer
I am a healthcare professional (please specify)
Other (please specify)
2. Where do you currently live?
Northern Ireland
Other (please specify)
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement
“There is a need for greater investment in research into prostate cancer in order to
properly address the gaps in our existing knowledge of the disease”
Don’t know
4. Please list the areas where you feel more research is needed into prostate cancer.
5. Please explain why you feel more research is needed in each of the areas you listed in
the previous question.
6. How would you rate the importance of the following areas of research into prostate
Please put the following areas of research into order of priority, where 1 = top priority
and 8 = lowest priority. Please tick only one box for each research area.
Research into the causes of prostate cancer
Research into the prevention of prostate cancer
Research into a better diagnostic test for prostate
Research into a test that can differentiate between
slow growing (pussycats) and aggressive (tigers)
forms of prostate cancer
Research into more effective treatments for
prostate cancer
Research into the impact of diet and lifestyle on
prostate cancer
Research into complementary therapies for
prostate cancer
Research into the best ways to support men (and
their families) living with prostate cancer
Additional information
The following questions are optional.
7. Contact details
8. Age (tick the relevant box)
Less than
65 – 69
35 – 44
70 – 74
45 – 54
75 – 79
55 – 59
80 – 84
60 – 64
85 and over
9. How would you describe your ethnic origin? (Please select one answer)
White British (including English, Scottish and Welsh)
White Irish
White Other
Black African
Black Caribbean
Black Other
Asian Indian
Asian Pakistani
Asian Bangladeshi
Asian Other
Mixed White and Black Caribbean
Mixed White and Black African
Mixed White and Asian
Mixed Other
Other Ethnic Group
I do not want to give this information
10. Please tell us the stage of your prostate cancer when you were diagnosed with the
disease (tick relevant box).
Locally advanced
Don’t know
Not applicable
11. Please tell us the stage of your prostate cancer now (tick relevant box).
Locally advanced
I do not have prostate cancer anymore
Don’t know
Not applicable
12. The Charity may want to use some of the comments you have made in this survey in
external reports and press releases. Using the following options, please tell us
whether you are happy for your comments to be used (tick the relevant box):
I am happy for my comments to be used with my
I am happy for my comments to be used
I do not want my comments used publicly
13. Can the Charity contact you in the future with information about other opportunities
for you to tell us about your experience of prostate cancer and help influence the
development of its services, campaigns and other work?
14. The Charity may want to contact you about its services and other ways you can
support its work. If you do not want to receive this information, please tick here
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Your contribution to this important
piece of work is very important to us.
What we will do with the results?
The results of the survey will be used to inform the work of the Prostate Cancer Priority Setting
Partnership (PCPSP). The PCPSP is a partnership between the Prostate Cancer Research
Foundation, the Prostate Cancer Support Federation and the James Lind Alliance. This
partnership was set up to identify uncertainties about prostate cancer that need to be
addressed through research. For more information about the PCPSP visit
The Prostate Cancer Charity will also use the results to inform its own research programme and
the development of the Charity’s policy and campaigns.
Further information
If you would like more information about the Charity’s research programme and policy and
campaigns work, please visit
If you have a question about this survey please contact the Charity by emailing or by calling 0208 222 7622.