Jessica Mehr Spring 2006 Memoir with Self Portrait Due February 6, 2006 Personal essays are first person accounts of an often commonplace, but memorable experience the author has had. While an academic essay requires facts and logic to support its argument, a memoir relies on memory, narration, and description to prove its point. Yes, it has a point! Although they are essentially stories, memoirs must have meaning—an implied thesis that is conveyed through description, detail, and personal reflection. For this assignment, you will write a 5-6 page (1600 word) personal essay and create a Self Portrait. This essay should be typed with name, date, and word count in the upper left hand corner. Your self portrait should be printed in color or burned onto a CD, and must include a brief paragraph explaining your goals and manipulations. This essay is worth 10% of your final grade. It should: Be written in the first person. Make it personal, but not too personal. Be sure to select a subject that you feel comfortable sharing with the class. Be meaningful. This meaning (or thesis) can be implied or stated outright. It’s up to you whether or not you want to extensively reflect on what happened, or simply give us your thoughts at the time and allow us to infer the effect of this event. Use narration to tell your story, incorporating dialogue into the text Use descriptive language to “show, not tell.” Think carefully about what you want your reader to experience when reading your memoir, and then use your language, tone, and sentence structure to create that experience. Be cogent and focused. Don’t let the story wander around aimlessly, or pad it with tons of description that serves no clear purpose. Self Portrait: For the second portion of this assignment, you will compose a portrait of yourself that reflects how you see yourself now, how you saw yourself then, or a combination of both. You might start with a photo of yourself or an object and manipulate it using Photoshop or Paint. Alternatively, you might create something using glue and construction paper. In selecting your preferred technology, consider what you are trying to say and what would be the best venue for conveying this to your audience. Images are arguments. Your self portrait should create a dominant impression of you that makes sense in relation to your memoir. Consider the importance of things like size, color, and visual perspective to get your visual message across. Your portrait must be printed in color at the Hicks DLC or burned onto a CD. Include a brief explanation of what you were trying to accomplish with your portrait (about 1/2 page).