USE OF RHETORIC IN AN ADVERTISEMENT 1 Hussam Azzam Dr. Richard Matzen WRITT112:Essay 1 11-4-2014 Use of rhetoric in an advertisement Advertisement is one of the most important aspects in the success of any business since it sensitizes the intended market about the availability of the goods or services on offer as well as their accessibility. Strategic marketing involving intensive advertisements translates in increased sales volume and consequently higher profits (McQuarrie & Phillips, 2008). This paper analyzes a case example of the use of rhetoric in the dairy industry in America that enhances high sales volume In any form of advertisement, it is important that the advertiser creates some sense of moral persuasion on the customers or otherwise convinces them of the product quality, efficiency or other characteristics that make it outstanding among others similar commodities offered by competitors. In order to attain competitive advantage, businesses use images or videos that not necessarily relate to the product itself but that which identifies much with the customers (McQuarrie & Phillips 2008). The process of using videos or pictures that not necessarily associate with the product but rather identify with the customers is known as rhetoric in advertisement. A case example of the use of visual rhetoric in advertisement USE OF RHETORIC IN AN ADVERTISMENT 2 This picture is an advert creation by Goodby Silverstein & Partners intended to encourage people to purchase and drink cow milk as a dietary requirements for good health (Finnegan & Hope 2008). It depicts a hulk man used in the advertisement in the milk industry especially by the Got Milk campaign. The hulk in the picture has no ideal relationship with the milk industry but it is the image of an icon with whom a good proportion of customers identify. The successful foster between the Hulk authority and the milk industry convinces USE OF RHETORIC IN AN ADVERTISMENT 3 the customers to purchase the milk not just, because they are willing and able to buy it but because of the moral persuasion excited by the relationship that they attach to the hulk man. Moreover, the hulk image is a mere creation of the computer depicting a healthy and able-bodied man. This picture demonstrates a man in good health and is so commonplace with the milk customers. The use of this picture allures customers to bear the perspective of the Hulk and relate it to the milk on sale. Milk customers are motivated to buy the milk associated to the hulk man pursuant to the fact that hulk authority is depictive of the milk purity or personal health that has a great bearing on customer persuasion. The hulk bears a good cultural currency, which the customers allude to be transferred to the milk products that they purchase. The fact that a celebrity is used to advertise the milk products is not the sole motivation for the customers’ acclaim for milk but also the ability of the icons to sometimes look ridiculous when making adverts. The hulk man in the milk advert stands out as a superhero since during its use in the American Got Milk campaign, their movies thrilled a good section of the audience and therefore a good proportion of customers inevitably identified with it. In essence, the customers endeavor to associate with the hulk butin the process involuntarily yields to the purchase of the milk. It is representative of a chain of transferred relationships, which lead to increased desire to purchase and drink milk in order to attain a similar condition of health as the hulk man. A relative movie of the hulk man that concurrently advertised the milk campaign ended up in the slogan “want strong bones, calcium may help prevent osteoporosis” a blend of this movie and the pictorial impression facilitated the persuasion of a great number of Americans to drink milk. This advert has had a financial bearing in the lives of Americans through boosting of milk sales and a proportionate improvement in the health conditions of the inhabitants (Shimp 2010). USE OF RHETORIC IN AN ADVERTISMENT 4 Got Milk campaign depicting the hulk man primarily undertook to underscore the significance of taking milk on human health. The hulk is used as a representative of a physically fit and able-bodied man that results from drinking milk. Although to some individuals, the pictures may epitomize man at the verge of fighting physical battles but ideally, the association of the man with the milk on sale satisfactorily fosters product image that grossly identify customers with the milk inustry and persuades the potential customers to continually purchase and drink milk (Shimp 2010) . In conclusion, it is undeniable that images, whether still or pictures or movies, bear a significant r ole in communicating ideas and persuading customers in an unnoticeable means. Strategic advertisement ensures that rhetoric is applied in a manner that ideally draws the attention and willingness of a potential and active customer to the purchase of the goods in question. The suitability of color use in advertisement rhetoric helps achieve a visual impression of the product on sale as expected by the customers. USE OF RHETORIC IN AN ADVERTISMENT References McQuarrie, E. F., & Phillips, B. J. (2008). Go figure! New directions in advertising rhetoric. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe. Olson, L. C., Finnegan, C. A., & Hope, D. S. (2008). Visual rhetoric: A reader in communication and American culture. Los Angeles: Sage. Shimp, T. A. (2010). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Bottom of Form 5