Romeo and Juliet

Name: ________________________________
Intro to Genre
4th Quarter 2012
Ms. Yatco
Answer all questions in full sentences on loose-leaf. If you choose to type your homework, remember to
double space and to use 12 point Times New Roman font. Label the Act and Scene numbers for each
homework assignment. Answers will be collected for a homework/quiz grade, so be thorough in your
responses. Be sure to keep track of due dates (listed below).
Friday, March 30: Romeo and Juliet 1.1 reading due (Act 1, Scene 1).
Monday, April 2: Vocabulary Unit 11 due.
Tuesday, April 3: Romeo and Juliet 1.2 reading due (Act 1, Scene 2).
Wednesday, April 4: Romeo and Juliet 1.3 reading due (Act 1, Scene 3).
Thursday, April 5-Sunday, April 15: EASTER VACATION! 
Monday, April 16: Bring your vocabulary books to class. We will do Unit 12 together in class.
Tuesday, April 17: Romeo and Juliet ALL Act 1 reading due.
Thursday, April 19: Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Questions #1-15 due.
Friday, April 20: Faculty Retreat – No school! 
*Monday, April 23: VOCABULARY TEST: Units 11-12 / William Shakespeare’s 448th Birthday 
Tuesday, April 24: Romeo and Juliet ALL Act 2 reading due.
Thursday, April 26: POEM IN YOUR POCKET DAY!!
Friday, April 27: Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Questions #1-13 due.
Monday, April 30: Vocabulary Unit 13 due.
Tuesday, May 1: Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Questions #14-25 due. / Windows Tea! 
Wednesday, May 2: Romeo and Juliet ALL Act 3 reading due.
Friday, May 4: Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Questions #1-6 due.
Monday, May 7: Vocabulary Unit 14 due.
Thursday, May 10: Romeo and Juliet ALL Act 4 reading due.
Friday, May 11: Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Questions #7-22 due.
*Monday, May 14: VOCABULARY TEST: Units 13-14
Wednesday, May 16: Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Questions #1-12 due.
Thursday, May 17 (plus Friday, May 18): ASCENSION THURSDAY! No school! 
Monday, May 21: Vocabulary Unit 15 due.
Tuesday, May 22: Romeo and Juliet ALL Act 5 reading due.
Friday, May 25: Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Questions #1-13 due.
Monday, May 28: MEMORIAL DAY! No school! 
**Tuesday, May 29: A Separate Peace (a novel) by John Knowles DUE. Take notes as you read.
You will have a reading check quiz on this date.**
Tuesday, June 4 (tentative): 4th Quarter Unit Exam – Romeo and Juliet, A Separate Peace
Note: You only have two vocabulary tests this quarter. Study well. You will not be tested on Unit 15,
but it will be on the final exam (which covers vocab units 8-15, grammar, and all 3rd-4th quarter literature).
Romeo and Juliet 1.1.103-235
1. In his conversation with Montague, when and where does Benvolio say he saw Romeo?
2. What reason does Benvolio give for not speaking with Romeo?
3. How does Montague describe his son Romeo’s behavior at home?
4. Re-read lines 150-156, in which Montague describes Romeo with a simile. The first four lines (150-153)
describe how Romeo does not reveal his feelings to others; explain what the last three lines of the simile
(154-156) say about him.
5. What strategy does Benvolio suggest to Romeo to deal with his girl problems? Quote and cite the line
(identify the act.scene.line).
Romeo and Juliet 1.2.1-108
6. How does Capulet first respond to Paris’s request?
7. a) Quote and cite (identify the act.scene.line) the line where Capulet explains what has happened to his
other children. b) What poetic device is this?
8. What two things does Capulet require Paris to do in order to marry Juliet?
9. Why does Capulet’s servingman need help from Romeo and Benvolio?
10. How does the servingman reward Romeo and Benvolio for their help?
11. a) Quote and cite the line where Romeo uses personification to defend Rosaline against Benvolio’s
advice to try to find someone better. b) What other poetic device is used in this line?
Romeo and Juliet 1.3
12. We learn Juliet’s exact age from the nurse. How much longer is it until Juliet turns fourteen?
13. Who was Susan and how do you think Susan’s death affected the relationship between Nurse and Juliet?
14. a) Lady Montague says of Paris, “Verona’s summer has not such a flower” (1.3.83). What poetic device
is this? b) Who else has been compared to a flower? Quote and cite the line.
15. Juliet has two different reactions to her mother’s questions about marrying Paris. a) What is her first
reaction? b) What is her second reaction?
Romeo and Juliet 1.4
16. a) What is a pun? b) Quote and cite one pun found in lines 1-30. c) Explain the pun.
17. What is intuition? (Look it up if you don’t know.)
18. What is tone?
19. What is a monologue? (Vocab alert!)
20. Why will Romeo and the other Montagues be able to get into the party at the house of the Capulets?
21. Why does Romeo think it might not be wise to go to the party?
22. When Mercutio mocks (makes fun of) Romeo’s belief in dreams, Romeo puns on Mercutio’s line.
Quote and cite the two lines of dialogue that produce the pun.
23. Describe two things the faerie of the night, Queen Mab, does that make the tone of Mercutio’s
monologue turn from playful to bitter.
24. What does Romeo blame for the bad fate he fears?
25. Why does Romeo go to the party anyway?
Romeo and Juliet 1.5
26. What is Tybalt’s reaction when he recognizes Romeo?
27. Why does Capulet tell Tybalt to leave Romeo alone?
28. When Tybalt continues being belligerent, what is Capulet’s response?
29. a) What kind of imagery do Romeo and Juliet use when they flirt with each other? b) Give two examples
and cite the lines.
30. What is Romeo’s reaction when he realizes he has fallen in love with a Capulet? Cite the line(s).
31. What is Juliet’s reaction when she finds out she has fallen in love with a Montague? Cite the line(s).
Romeo and Juliet Act 2: Prologue
1. What poetic device begins the prologue/chorus of Act 2?
2. Copy line 8 from the prologue and explain the metaphor.
3. Copy lines 9 and 10. What do they mean?
4. Copy lines 11 and 12. What do they mean?
Romeo and Juliet 2.1
5. What is Mercutio’s mistaken assumption?
6. Explain why this scene is an example of dramatic irony.
Romeo and Juliet 2.2
7. What does Juliet say before she realizes Romeo is present?
8. To what does Romeo compare Juliet when he hears her speak?
9. What does Juliet mean when she says “wherefore art thou Romeo”? (Hint: She does not mean “Where is
10. Copy (and cite) lines 46-47. a) What poetic device is used? b) What does Juliet mean in those lines?
11. In lines 125-131, a) what simile and b) what metaphor does Juliet use to describe the new love?
12. What plan do the lovers make?
13. Why do you think Romeo and Juliet are ready to marry so quickly?
Romeo and Juliet 2.3
14. What is Friar Lawrence doing at the beginning of the scene?
15. What does he say about flowers after Romeo enters? Quote and cite the line(s).
16. How do Friar Lawrence’s comments affect our understanding of Juliet’s metaphor from scene 2?
(Relate/Compare Friar Lawrence’s comments to Juliet’s metaphor.)
17. What is Friar Lawrence’s first reaction to Romeo’s love for Juliet?
18. Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry them?
Romeo and Juliet 2.4
19. In the beginning of the scene, what do we learn that Tybalt has done?
20. What do Romeo’s friends suspect Romeo has been doing?
21. What news does the Nurse give Romeo?
22. What message does Romeo give the Nurse to pass on to Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet 2.5-6
23. In at least three sentences, describe how the Nurse delivers Romeo’s message to Juliet.
24. Describe your reactions during the scene.
25. How does Shakespeare describe the marriage ceremony itself?
Romeo and Juliet 3.1
1. What choices does Benvolio give Mercutio and Tybalt? Why?
2. What does Romeo tell Tybalt when Tybalt calls him a villain?
3. Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?
4. What does Mercutio repeat after he is stabbed?
5. As he lays dying, Mercutio uses at least two poetic devices to describe his wounds (3.1.97-102). Identify
two and explain what he means.
6. Why does Romeo fight Tybalt without thinking about Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet 3.2
7. Find four examples of Juliet’s personification of “night” in her monologue. Quote and cite the lines.
8. a) Identify the poetic devices in lines 28-33. b) What two things does Juliet compare herself with in
those lines?
9. How does Juliet misunderstand the Nurse?
10. Juliet compares the pain she feels at Romeo’s banishment to the pain she feels at Tybalt’s death.
Find and cite the line(s).
Romeo and Juliet 3.3
11. Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence after he is banished for killing Tybalt. How does Romeo react to
his sentence?
12. What is Friar Lawrence’s response to Romeo’s attitude?
13. What news of Juliet does the Nurse bring?
14. What plan does Friar Lawrence suggest?
Romeo and Juliet 3.4
15. Paris again comes to Capulet to request Juliet’s hand in marriage. What is Capulet’s response this time?
16. Why do you think his attitude towards this marriage has changed?
Romeo and Juliet 3.5
17. Find one example of foreshadowing in this scene. Copy and cite the line(s).
18. Lady Capulet says to Juliet, “Thou weep’st not so much for his death / as that the villain [Romeo] lives
that slaughtered him” (3.5.82-83). Juliet replies, “I do with all my heart, / and yet no man like him doth
grieve my heart” (3.5.87-88). How are those lines an example of dramatic irony? Be sure to explain fully.
19. Find at least three other examples of dramatic irony in the conversation between Lady Capulet and
Juliet. Give examples and cite the lines.
20. What does Lady Capulet suggest to take Juliet’s mind off her grief?
21. What is the Nurse’s advice?
22. How does Juliet react to her parents’ orders?
Romeo and Juliet 4.1
1. What four things does Juliet say she would do in order to have a life with Romeo?
2. How does Friar Lawrence respond to Juliet’s distress?
3. What plan does Friar Lawrence propose?
4. Why do you think Friar Lawrence agrees to help the young lovers?
Romeo and Juliet 4.2
5. What does Juliet tell her parents when she returns from her visit to Friar Lawrence?
Romeo and Juliet 4.3
6. What do you think Juliet’s state of mind is like when she is alone in her bedroom with Friar Lawrence’s
7. What are the four fears Juliet thinks through before she takes the potion?
Romeo and Juliet 4.5
8. Identify and explain (in full sentences) the poetic device(s) in lines 33-34.
9. Identify and explain (in full sentences) at least two poetic devices in lines 41-45.
10. How does Friar Lawrence describe Juliet’s two natures?
11. Why does Friar Lawrence say Capulet should be happy? Cite the lines.
12. How is Friar Lawrence’s advice consistent with (similar to) his advice to Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet 5.1-2
1. a) What is Romeo’s dream at the beginning of 5.1? b) What do you think the dream means?
2. a) What simile does Romeo use to describe poison in lines 63-69? b) What does this simile suggest
about poison?
3. Romeo uses two metaphors for poison in lines 84-91. Identify the two metaphors and explain why
Romeo makes these two comparisons.
4. Why is Friar Lawrence’s letter not delivered?
Romeo and Juliet 5.3
5. Romeo personifies the Capulet tomb in lines 45-48. What did Capulet say earlier that is similar?
6. How does Paris view Romeo’s presence at the Capulet tomb?
7. In lines 92-96, how does Romeo explain that even in death Juliet looks beautiful?
8. What are Romeo’s last words?
9. How does Juliet first try to kill herself on finding Romeo dead?
10. What metaphor does Juliet use in killing herself?
11. What characters die in this scene?
12. When the Prince demands an explanation of the events, Friar Lawrence says:
“I am the greatest, able to do least,
Yet most suspected, as the time and place
Doth make against me, of this direful murder.
And here I stand, both to impeach and purge
Myself condemned and myself excused.” (5.3.232-236)
a) What does he mean?
b) Why might he be condemned for the events?
c) Why might he be excused for the events?
13. Which do YOU think – should Friar Lawrence be condemned or excused for his role? Why?
Use at least three details from the play to support your opinion.