First Semester: Three Novels & a Novella (19 weeks) AUGUST 2011 Monday Tuesday 16 DUE: Summer Journal DUE: Signed Agreement The Green Book: Late Paper Policy General expectations for AP Literature Wednesday 17 (Distribute extra books) Major Assignments & Journal explained: Thesis, snippets, concision Thursday 18 In class: Auster’s “Why Write?” 22 In class: Nabokov’s “Good Readers and Good Writers” 23 COMPREHENSIVE QUIZ: The Horned Man (discuss ch.1) 24 BLOCK: VQs (1) The Horned Man (ch.1-2) 25 BLOCK: VQs (1) The Horned Man (ch.1-2) 29 30 31 The Horned Man (ch.4) The Horned Man (ch.5) The Horned Man (ch.6) 15 College Essay explained Friday 19 Diagnostic Essay on Summer Reading (in-class) (Read The Horned Man over the weekend for quiz on Tuesday. Plan to re-read entire novel). 26 The Horned Man (ch.3) SEPTEMBER 2011 Monday Tuesday 5 6 NO SCHOOL The Horned Man (ch.9) (Labor Day) 12 The Horned Man (ch.12) 19 Wednesday Thursday 1 VQs (2) The Horned Man (ch.7) Friday 2 The Horned Man (ch.8) 7 BLOCK: VQs (3) The Horned Man (ch.10) 8 BLOCK: VQs (3) The Horned Man (ch.10) 9 13 DUE: College Essay 1 The Horned Man (ch.13) 14 The Horned Man (ch.14) 15 VQs (4) The Horned Man (ch.15) 16 Due: Terms Log DRAFT: HM (one entry only) Workshop & Peer Review 20 DUE: Terms Log: HM 22 BLOCK: VQs (5) Assign SONNETS Crime & Punishment Part 1 (ch. 4-5) 23 29 VQs (6) Crime & Punishment Part 3 (ch. 1-2) 30 Begin… Crime & Punishment Part 1 (ch. 1) Crime & Punishment Part 1 (ch. 2-3) 21 BLOCK: VQs (5) Assign SONNETS Crime & Punishment Part 1 (ch. 4-5) 26 27 28 Crime & Punishment Part 2 (ch. 1-4) Crime & Punishment Part 2 (ch. 5-6) Crime & Punishment Part 2 (ch. 7) The Horned Man (ch.11) Crime & Punishment Part 1 (ch. 6-7) Crime & Punishment Part 3 (ch. 3-4) OCTOBER 2011 Monday Tuesday 4 DUE: Journal 1 Crime & Punishment Part 4 (ch. 3-4) Wednesday 5 BLOCK: VQs (7) Crime & Punishment Part 4 (ch. 5-6) Thursday 6 BLOCK: VQs (7) Crime & Punishment Part 4 (ch. 5-6) 10 11 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL All course books must be purchased before Friday (Teacher In-Service) 12 DUE: College Essay 2 Crime & Punishment Part 5 (ch. 3-5) Part 6 (ch. 1-5) 13 VQs (8) Crime & Punishment Part 6 (ch. 6-7) 14 (End of 1st Quarter) Crime & Punishment Part 6 (ch. 8 & Epilogue) 17 Due: Terms Log DRAFT: C&P (one entry only) Thesis Workshop & Peer Review 18 DUE: Terms Log: C&P AP Essay #1: C&P & Peer Review 19 BLOCK: VQs (9) Begin Tess (ch. 1-3) 20 BLOCK: VQs (9) Begin Tess (ch. 1-3) 21 24 25 26 Tess (ch. 7-11) Tess (ch. 12-14) Tess (ch. 15-18) 27 VQs (10) Tess (ch. 19-22) 3 Crime & Punishment Part 3 (ch. 5-6) Part 4 (ch. 1-2) 31 Tess (ch. 26-29) Friday 7 Crime & Punishment Part 5 (ch. 1-2) Tess (ch. 4-6) 28 Tess (ch. 23-25) NOVEMBER 2011 Monday Tuesday 1 DUE:College Essay Packet Tess (ch. 30-32) Wednesday 2 BLOCK: VQs (11) Tess (ch. 33-34) Thursday 3 BLOCK: VQs (11) Tess (ch. 33-34) 7 8 9 11 Tess (ch. 37-40) Tess (ch. 41-43) Tess (ch. 44-45) 10 VQs (12) Tess (ch. 46-47) 14 15 Tess (ch. 48-51) Tess (ch. 52-55) 16 BLOCK: VQs (13) Tess (ch. 56-59 END) 17 BLOCK: VQs (13) Tess (ch. 56-59 END) 18 Due: Terms Log DRAFT: Tess (one entry only) Workshop & Peer Review 21 AP Essay #2: Tess 22 DUE: Terms Log: Tess Peer Review Tess Essay 23 24 25 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Day) (Read Daisy Miller for quiz on Monday. Plan to re-read) 28 QUIZ: all of Daisy Miller (discuss p.1-2) 29 Daisy Miller (ch. 1 cont.) 30 Daisy Miller (ch. 1 finish) Friday 4 Tess (ch. 35-36) NO SCHOOL (Veteran's Day) DECEMBER 2011 Monday Tuesday 5 6 Daisy Miller (ch. 2 finish) Daisy Miller (ch. 3) 12 13 Daisy Miller (ch. 4 cont.) Wednesday Thursday 1 VQs (14) Daisy Miller (ch. 2) Friday 2 Daisy Miller (ch. 2 cont.) 7 BLOCK: VQs (15) Daisy Miller (ch. 3 finish) 8 BLOCK: VQs (15) Daisy Miller (ch. 3 finish) 9 15 VQ (16) Exam Review Thesis Workshop 16 Daisy Miller (ch. 4 finish) 14 DRAW HAMLET SOLILOQUIES Review AP prompt list in Green Book 19 DUE: Journal 2 FINALS: (periods 1 & 4) 20 DUE: Journal 2 FINALS: (periods 2 & 5) 21 DUE: Journal 2 FINALS: (periods 3 & 6) 22 23 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Three essays: 1. Crime & Punishment 2. Tess 3. Daisy Miller Three essays: 4. Crime & Punishment 5. Tess 1. Daisy Miller Three essays: 6. Crime & Punishment 7. Tess 1. Daisy Miller Daisy Miller (ch. 4) Exam Review Thesis Workshop (Winter Break Begins) WINTER BREAK... WINTER ASSIGNMENTS: Watch Kenneth Branagh’s excellent film of HAMLET. It’s long, so I recommend you do it in two sittings. I think you’ll find it both entertaining and helpful. I also recommend Lawrence Olivier’s version (black & white). And memorize your soliloquy! JANUARY 2012 Second Semester: Drama & Poetry (21 weeks) MONDAY TUESDAY 10 SCHOOL BEGINS DUE: Portfolio 1 Doctor Faustus Introduction: The Faustian Bargain WEDNESDAY 11 BLOCK: VQ (17) Doctor Faustus Discuss "The Tragic Form" THURSDAY 12 BLOCK: VQ (17) Doctor Faustus Discuss "The Tragic Form" FRIDAY 13 Doctor Faustus (Prologue & Act 1) Tropes of ambivalence 16 17 18 20 NO SCHOOL Doctor Faustus (Act 2) Doctor Faustus (Acts 3&4) 19 VQ (18) Doctor Faustus (Act 5) 23 AP Essay 2: Faustus Begin Peer Review 24 Due: Terms Log DRAFT: Faustus (one entry only) Workshop & Peer Review 25 BLOCK: VQ (19) Hamlet QUIZ (Go over Finals) 26 BLOCK: VQ (19) Hamlet QUIZ (Go over Finals) 27 Due: Study Guide Act 1 Hamlet (1.1) “Who’s there?” 30 Hamlet (1.2) Claudius 31 DUE: Terms Log: Faustus 1st SOLILOQUY: "O, that this too, too sullied flesh…" (1.2.133) 9 NO SCHOOL (Last Day Winter Break) (MLK Day) Doctor Faustus (Act 5) Thesis Workshop (Read Hamlet for QUIZ next Thursday) FEBRUARY 2012 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hamlet (1.2) “that within…” Thursday 2 VQ (20) Hamlet (1.3) Ophelia 7 Due: Study Guide Act 2 Hamlet (2.1) Polonius 8 BLOCK: VQ (21) Hamlet (2.2) “Denmark’s a prison…” 9 BLOCK: VQ (21) Hamlet (2.2) “Denmark’s a prison…” 10 2nd SOLILOQUY: "O, what a rogue and peasant slave" (2.2.577) Hamlet (2.2) Spying and counter-spying 13 3rd SOLILOQUY: "To be or not to be" (3.1.64) Hamlet (3.1) Misogyny 14 Due: Study Guide Act 3 15 16 VQ (22) 17 Due: Study Guide Act 4 Hamlet (3.2) Mousetrap Hamlet (3.3) Claudius prays Hamlet (3.4) Bedroom scene Hamlet (4.1,2,3) to England 20 21 NO SCHOOL (Presidents' Birthdays) (In-Service) 23 BLOCK: Roots Post-Test 4th SOLILOQUY: "How all occasions do…" (4.4.34) Hamlet (4.4) Turning point? 24 NO SCHOOL 22 BLOCK: Roots Post-Test 4th SOLILOQUY: "How all occasions do…" (4.4.34) Hamlet (4.4) Turning point? 27 28 Due: Study Guide Act 5 Hamlet (5.1) Graveyard 29 Hamlet (5.2) “The rest is silence” 1 6 Hamlet (1.5) Ghost’s story Hamlet (4.6,7) Claudius & Laertes Friday 3 Hamlet (1.4) “to the manner born” Hamlet (4.5) Ophelia mad MARCH 2012 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 DUE: HAMLET DRAFT Peer Review in class Friday 2 Due: Terms Log DRAFT: Hamlet (one entry only) Workshop & Peer Review 5 AP Essay 3: Hamlet Peer Review in class 6 DUE: Terms Log: Hamlet Finish Peer Review 7 BLOCK: VQ (1-3) AP Multiple Choice Practice 8 BLOCK: VQ (1-3) AP Multiple Choice Practice 9 Re-introduce Poetry Project Read Sample Poetry Essays (Green Book) 12 Poetry: Oliver (Foreword & ch. 1) 13 Poetry: Oliver (ch. 2) 14 Poetry: Oliver (ch. 3) 15 Poetry: Oliver (ch. 4-5) 20 DUE: Hamlet Essay Poetry: Oliver (ch. 7-9) 21 BLOCK: VQ (1-6) POETRY QUIZ (6-11) Poetry: Oliver (ch. 10-12) 22 BLOCK: VQ (1-6) POETRY QUIZ (6-11) Poetry: Oliver (ch. 10-12) 16 (End of 3rd Quarter) AP Essay 4: Poem Peer Review in class (Monday: Read Introduction to Shakespeare’s Sonnets) 23 AP Essay 5: Poem Peer Review in class 19 POETRY QUIZ (1-5) Poetry: Oliver (ch. 6) Intro to Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Draw Sonnets to memorize & recite) 26 Poetry: Oliver (ch. 13-17 & Envoi) 27 POETRY QUIZ (All of Oliver & Intro to Shakespeare’s Sonnets) 28 DUE: Poetry THESIS, INTRO & OUTLINE Workshop & Peer Review 29 AP Multiple Choice Practice 30 AP Essay 6: Poem Peer Review in class APRIL 2012 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 9 DUE: Sonnets Memorized x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 10 DUE: AP Essay Packet x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 11 BLOCK: VQ (1-9) AP Multiple Choice Practice 12 BLOCK: VQ (1-9) AP Multiple Choice Practice 13 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 16 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 17 DUE: 1st complete DRAFT Peer Review Poetry Essay DRAFT in class 18 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 19 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 20 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 23 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 24 BLOCK: STAR TESTS (periods 1 & 4) DUE: 2nd complete DRAFT Peer Review Poetry Essay DRAFT in class VQ (1-12) 25 BLOCK: STAR TESTS (periods 2 & 5) DUE: 2nd complete DRAFT Peer Review Poetry Essay DRAFT in class VQ (1-12) 26 BLOCK: STAR TESTS (periods 3 & 6) DUE: 2nd complete DRAFT Peer Review Poetry Essay DRAFT in class VQ (1-12) 27 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ (Spring Break…) 30 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ MAY 2012 Monday Tuesday 1 DUE: Poetry Essay x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Wednesday 2 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Thursday 3 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Friday 4 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 7 AP study 8 AP study 9 BLOCK: AP study 10 AP LIT. EXAM (8 a.m.) BLOCK: x2 Presentation &Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 11 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 14 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 15 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 16 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 17 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 18 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 21 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 22 x1 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 23 BLOCK: VQ (1-15) x2 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 24 BLOCK: VQ (1-15) x2 Presentation & Recitation _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 25 BEACH DAY (No Class) 28 29 FINALS: (periods 1 & 4) Hamlet: Short Answer Exam DUE: Portfolio 2 30 FINALS: (periods 2 & 5) Hamlet: Short Answer Exam DUE: Portfolio 2 31 FINALS: (periods 3 & 6) Hamlet: Short Answer Exam DUE: Portfolio 2 JUNE 1 Minimum Day GRADUATION NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)