THE SYLLABUS CONTENTS First year: -Principles of Economics: (First Year General/ First Year Post) Definition and functions of economics – the economic problem – basic economic decisions – production definition and law – the market system, the price system and allocation of resources – supply and demand theories and elasticity’s – consumer choice theory – the firm theory – the national income and the performance of the economic system – measuring national income and its problems – distribution of national income – macroeconomic problems – inflation, definition, types, effects and different ways of measuring it unemployment, definition, types, effects and different ways of measuring it – the business cycle, definition, types and different stages – macro economic policies – population economics – population theories. -Economic Resources and Development: (First Year General/ First Year Post) The sectoral economic structure – the rise of agrarian system – basic characteristics of the agrarian system – reasons of the collapse of the agrarian system – factors of the shift from the middle ages to the modern ages – the transition period – commercial capitalism – its rise – emergence of industrial capitalism and capital doctrine – industrial revolution, definition, aspects, social and political consequences, capital system and economic crisis – financial capitalism – the structure of modern economic system – development of the Egyptian economy since 18th century and Mohamed Ali's model – the failure of Mohamed Ali's model and connecting Egypt with the modern capital economy – the development of the Egyptian economy structure since the evolution of 1952 revolution to date – economic problem and economic resources – efficient allocation of resources – human resources and the 1 population problem – labor force planning – education economics – investment of human resources – natural resources – agricultural resources – economics of mineral resources and nature of mineral wealth – economics of renewed resources –pollution and its relation to technical progress in production and the rates of resources exploitation – water problem – resource depletion problem – economics of environment conservation. -Microeconomics: (First Year General) Theory of consumer choice (budget constraint and shift of the budget line, consumer equilibrium) – using marginal utility theory in explaining the government subsidies – utility paradox – work, saving preferences – elasticity’s (demand elasticity, supply elasticity, relation of elasticity with revenue, effect of elasticity on market price and equilibrium)- production costs (costs curves and its types, costs and its types, short and long run costs) – price and quantity determination under perfect competition – profit maximization and equilibrium – other markets (monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly monopoly)- general equilibrium theory – welfare economics – deficiency of the market system and the ways of dealing with it (market failure phenomena, public goods, externalities). -Micro economic analysis: Objective – markets – exchange – equilibrium – consumer theory: preferences, utility and the budget constraint – individual choice and the demand curve – market demand and market equilibrium – producer theory: production and cost functions; profit maximization – production and cost functions– firm structure, conduct and performance: industrial organization theory: perfect competition – monopoly – monopolistic competition – oligopoly and game theory – exchange and general equilibrium – market failures: externalities – public goods. 2 -Commercial studies in foreign language: (First Year General) A number of different subjects in principles of economics and foreign trade are being taught in order to train students how to use terms in the fields of economics and foreign trade in foreign language. 3 Second year: -Economies of Money and banking: (Second Year General) The barter system and its problems - Evolution of money, its definition function and types – monetary system and issuance rules – commodity monetary base – obligatory paper monetary base – money supply and internal liquidity – money demand at pre-Keynes economists – money demand and the Keynesian analysis – modern development in money demand analysis – traditional monetary theories: quantity theory of money, the equation of exchange – modern monetary theory, broad lines of Keynesian theory – recent theory of quantity of money; its evolution and basic features – banks and monetary policy; mediator financial exchange institutions – central bank – commercial banks – monetary policy and economic activity – tools of monetary policy under economic liberalization. -Economies Of Money, banking and foreign Trade: (Second Year Post) The previous contents of the money and banking course is being taught in this course, in addition to some chosen topics in foreign trade. -Macroeconomics: (Second Year General) Macro economic tools – methodology of the macroeconomic theory – macroeconomic policy and its objective – national income and its of measurements – determination national income (output) – aggregate demand and aggregate supply determination of employment level – consumption theory – investment theory – government expenditure theory– the foreign sector theory – change in output level – stationary equilibrium – multiplier and accelerator – money and price fluctuations – general equilibrium (commodity market and capital market)– economic cycles – economic growth – stabilization policies – growth theories and recent macro economic problems. 4 -Economies of foreign trade: (second year general) Classical model in foreign trade – new classical model in foreign trade – foreign exchange market – balance of payment – international movements of economic resources – general agreement of tariff and trade (GATT) – development of the international monetary system – international and monetary institutions. -Commercial studies in foreign language: (second year general) A number of different subjects in principles of economics and foreign trade are being taught in order to train the student on how to use terminology’s in the fields of economics and foreign trade in English. 5 Third year: -Foreign trade theory: (third year foreign trade) Introduction to foreign trade and gains from trade - foreign trade theories (classical theory, Hecksher-Ohlin theory, technology theory, diversification, competitiveness theory, balance of payments theory, foreign equilibrium theory, foreign exchange market, international labor movement theory “international immigration”, international capital movement theory “international investment”, foreign trade theory and economic growth theories). -Economics of Public finance and taxing systems: (third year foreign trade/economics/accounting/business/post) The evolution of economic system and it’s effect on public finance – relation between scarce resources and economies of public finance – market failure and the roles of the productive and interventive and neutral State – allocation of resources under the public sector and its role in achieving economic welfare – public goods – applying the marginal analysis on the production of public goods – externalities phenomena (external utilities and costs) – the phenomena of diminishing costs and non-existence of perfect competitive markets as justification of government intervention – public finance tools (government expenditure – government revenues – public debt)- economic effects of government expenditure – types and effects of public revenues – taxes economics – economics of national and foreign public debts – budget deficit – fiscal policy effectiveness in the Egyptian economy – effectiveness of public finance and fiscal policy – effectiveness of fiscal policy with recent problems. -International monetary relations: (third year foreign trade/economics/ international relations) Balance of payments – foreign exchange market – international payments under fixed and flexible exchange rate system – foreign investment and foreign exchange risks 6 – development of the international monetary system – international monetary institutions. -Foreign trade policies: (third year foreign trade) National foreign trade policies (controlling policies on foreign trade – price discrimination policy – import substitution policy – export * policy – infant industries policy – policies for achieving non-economic objectives – policies for achieving internal or external equilibrium and the degree of conflict between them) – regional foreign trade policies (*agreements – economic integration theory) – international foreign trade policies (GATT – IMF – IBRD). -International economic relations: (third year foreign trade/economics/ international relations) Definitions – international commercial relations –GATTUNCTAD – the new international trade system – world trade organization WTO – international investment foreign direct investment FDI – international money markets – multinational corporations – international economic cooperation agreements – regional economic cooperation agreements – Egyptian European association agreement – Egyptian American association agreement – international financial integration – international monetary and financial economic institutions – international monetary fund IMF – world bank WR or IBRD – international development institution – regional monetary and financial institutions – European investment bank – Islamic development bank – Asian development bank – development bank for COMESA countries. -Economic fluctuations: (third year foreign trade/economics) Different theories in business cycles (economic cycles) – Keynesian and monetary theory in business cycles – new traditional and new Keynesian theories in business cycles – modern theory in business cycle – sources and mechanism of the current economic recession – mechanism of the great 7 depression – role of capital and investment in the business cycle – aggregate demand and fluctuations – rational expectations theory – real gross domestic product and the general price level – economic policies and fluctuations – advanced analysis for unemployment problem – fluctuations and economic growth. -Economics of planning and development: (third year foreign trade/ economics/ accounting/ business/ international relations/ post) Economic development – underdevelopment, underdeveloped countries–measurements of development and underdevelopment degrees – development gap – development obstacles models – Duality theory- structural distortions–development theories- big push, balanced and unbalanced growth – stages theory- economic development policies (investment – industrial strategies– long and short term foreign trade policies – financing policies – strategies for satisfying essential needs for development and distribution) – current development problems – new approaches and theories in economic planning – economic systems and political thoughts –government and decisions making – government role in the mixed economy – economic problem dimensions – fiscal policy ,tools and objectives – economic policy theory and mathematical models – implementing economic policy – principals of development planning and planning experiments – economic liberalization and economics transition - the Egyptian planning and development (the Egyptian case). -Specialized studies in English: (third year- foreign trade) A number of different subjects in the field of foreign trade are being taught in order to train the student on how to read and write complete subjects in English. -Agricultural and industrial economics: (third year economics) 8 Technical advancement and competition – market structure innovation – diffusion of new technologies – vertical industrial integration (nature, theories, motives) - monopoly and merging policies (social costs) – market concentration – industrial organization and public policies – characteristics of agricultural activity – micro analysis for agricultural economics and the effect of government intervention in economic activity – problems of the agricultural economy – agricultural and rural development – structure of the agricultural credit – rent and agricultural productivity – agricultural integration – agricultural technologies. -Current international economic problems: (third year economics) Problems of international trade agreements and its effect on developed and underdeveloped countries – different economic blocks and its problems – foreign debts and its economic burden on debtor countries – the impact of economic reform on economic problems – conditions required by international financing institutions in order to benefit from different financing programs – problems associated with capital and labor movement between different countries. -Mathematical economics: (third year economics) Modeling economic phenomena – mathematically: the subject covers mathematical models in economics in the following cases: -Linear and non linear equations equations equations equations equations equations: D, S. -Equilibrium and national income model. -Input - output models. -Differentiation: optimization in consumer and producer choice. -Integration: investment models, consumer and producer surplus. -Exponential and difference equation: growth models. 9 -Linear programming: optimization. -Game theory. -General equation. -Specialized studies in English: (third year- economics) A number of different subjects in the field of economics are being taught in order to train the student on how to read and write complete subjects in English. 10 Fourth year: -Exports and imports regimes: (fourth year foreign trade) Economic importance and rationalizing investment in foreign trade sector– exports and imports regimes (special custom regimes, payment methods in foreign trade, procedures and stages for exporting and importing, monitoring exports, customs clearance procedures) – role of exhibitions and international markets in organizing exports – role of information and knowledge in directing exports and imports systems – maritime transportation and its importance in managing foreign trade – managing exports and imports systems under the addition of public giant projects – commercial terminology’s related to foreign trade sector – presenting some documents used in implementing exports and imports procedures through different stages. -Economics of Maritime, air, and road Transportation: (fourth year foreign trade) Nature and concept of transportation economics – relation between transportation and location – determinants of the demand for transportation – supply of transportation services and pricing policies – transportation and economic development – trade in services and its relation to transportation – challenge of transportation sector in underdeveloped countries – role of transportation sector in achieving international trade efficiency – economics of maritime transportation – supply and demand analysis in freight market. -Foreign trade in Egypt: (fourth year foreign trade) Importance of exports – general trends for commodity exports development - general trends for agricultural exports development – GATT and agricultural goods liberalization and its economic effects on the Egyptian economy – general tends for industrial exports development – sources of financing exports – importance of imports – 11 trends in commodity imports – reasons for the rise in Egyptian commodity imports – development of balance of trade deficit, reasons for the deficit – suggested strategies to overcome the balance of trade deficit. -Customs: (fourth year foreign trade) Definitions and dimensions – custom regimes – customs and trade liberalization – customs globalization – international customs organization– customs development and renovation trends – UNCTAD model for efficiency in trade and its relation to customs sectors –customs evaluation and value determination - origin rules – regional and international agreements –customs clearance. -International economic blocks: (fourth year foreign trade) International economic blocks; definition, importance and the objective of forming it – regional economic integration – definition, objectives and degrees of economic integration – most important experiments in economic integration (the European union, NAFTA, ASEAN, APEC, African economic integration, COMESA, Arab common market) – the future of the world’s economic blocks and the need for a common Arab house – phenomena of merging and internationalizing companies - experiment of Gulf cooperation council – assumed model for economic development integration. -Foreign trade Problems: (fourth year foreign trade) Specialization problem an international trade in raw materials – concentration problem in foreign trade – instability problem in international trade – industrialization problem in underdeveloped countries – determining and instability in exchange rates – international trade restrictions and its effects -under the current economic system – monetary crisis and international trade – international debt problem – WTO and international trade problems in underdeveloped countries – imported inflation – liberalization problems in Egypt. 12 -Specialized studies in English: (fourth year- foreign trade) A number of different subjects in the field of foreign trade are being taught in English in order to train the student how to read and write complete subjects in English. -Economic planning: (fourth year economics) Definition and motives for economic planning (macro and micro) – planning problem and economic policy tools – planning methodology and its types - value criteria and efficiency criterion –planning models – elements of planning operations (investment – choosing the project – prices problem…etc) – planning performance criterion – shadow prices – cases of planning– economic policy approach in planning – current models (input/output – good balances). -Current local economic problems: (fourth year economics/ international relations) Current situation of the Egyptian economy under the regional and the international level – development of the Egyptian economy since the mixed economy (1952-1960), planned economy (1960-1965), war economy (1967-1970), open economy since 1973 and finally the economic reform and reallocation – population problem, power, food security, internal and external debts, Egyptian economic reform problems, economic results for peace in the middle east, the extent of competition and integration between its economies with respect to commodity exchange, human resources and labor movement, monetary and financial cooperation, joint ventures, fields of cooperation in water, environment and technology – the great economic power and the regional economic cooperation in the middle east – problems of privatizing the public industrial, agricultural and services sector – problems of applying Uruguay round on the Egyptian economy - economic liberalization problems in the scope of the fiscal and monetary policies – extent of Egyptian Arabic economic cooperation – competing abilities 13 of the Egyptian economy in the assumed middle east market – problems of the shadow and informal economy – problems of measuring gross domestic product deflator and the price level in Egypt . -Social economics: (fourth year economics)****** Labor as an economic phenomena – labor market – labor productivity and wages determination under free market and under unions intervention – modern theories in labor economics since 1960 till to date – effect of bargaining between the state and labor unions – labor distinguishment – human investment – search for work – institutional theory – new theories in studying labor markets – extent of relevancy of the new theory to underdeveloped countries – informal labor markets – international immigration for labor and international labor organizations – studying labor market in Egypt – economic minorities – election theory and the political market – family surveys and welfare economics – family sector and consumption, work and saving preferences – social structure of economic sectors and markets – various applications (health economics, education…etc). -Population economics: (fourth year economics) Population (problems and policies) – population demographic phenomenon- determinants of population growth (birth, death, life expectancy, immigration) – measuring population growth rate – population growth theories and the optimal population size – population collective needs - social indices – social diseases - standard of living; components, its plan, measurement, enhancement –population behavior indices – social pollution phenomena – population problem in underdeveloped countries and how to solve it – population and work – diseases which can spread collectively, such as HIV, and possible methods to contain, combat and prevent them population problem in Egypt – population policies – social problems economics ( applying economic analysis on important 14 social problems like inflation, unemployment, poverty, discrimination, crime, securing clean environment, economic insecurity and absence of social balance – population economics and the government subsidy – population and the environment – new look to population problem and its relation to social health and its economic impacts. -Economic policies and systems: (fourth year economics) Development of economic systems (family system /rural system/urban economy) – phases of economic systems – recent economic systems – economic policies (objectives/tools) – economic policy models – economic systems in Europe – capitalist system its stages of development – economic systems and international agreements – recent international blocks. -Econometrics: (fourth year economics) Definition, objective and methodologies – mathematical presentation regression models (linear, nonlinear, exponential, quadratic, logarithmic) - simple regression model – multiple regression model – dynamic models – simultaneous equation models – auto-correlation - heteroscedasticity- multi colinearity – evaluating regression models and its use in economic predictions – economic applications on the micro and the macro level. -National accounts: (fourth year economics) Definition and importance of national accounts – basic national accounts (national income accounts, capital accounts, investment accounts, finance accounts and gaps, foreign trade accounts) – input and output tables – planning economic decisions in economic sectors – standardizing national accounts – case studies of public activities. -Development of economic thought: (fourth year economics) Mercantilist’s school and thought – naturalist’s school and thought – traditionalist’s school and thought – Adam Smith, John Stewart Mill, Carl Marx – historical German school – marginal school – monetarist school – structuralism school – 15 welfare analysis – Keynesian school – growth and development thought (Keynesians, monetarists, structuralists) – Chicago school – recent thought. -Economics of Egypt and the Arab countries: (fourth year economics) Characteristics of Arab agriculture, its problems and possibilities of Arab agricultural integration – characteristics of Arab mining, forms and importance – characteristics of Arab industry, its problems and possibilities of integration – characteristics of human Arab – characteristics of financial Arab – possibilities of Arab economic integration – economic reform in Egypt since 1990’s till to date – problem of international reserves in Egypt– currency crisis and dollarization problem in Egypt – sources of comparative advantage and competing advantage in the Egyptian economy specially in the services sector and the food industry. -Specialized studies in European language: (fourth yeareconomics) A number of different subjects in the field of economics are being taught in order to train the student on how to read and write complete subjects in English. 16