Exam 4

Sociology 112
American Family: Change and Diversity
Exam 4 Review Sheet
Chapter 10
How do the rates of violence and domestic violence in the U.S. compare with other developed nations?
Understand the historical influence of social institutions like the legal system and religion on domestic
violence in the U.S.
What is the relationship between violence in the media and violence in society?
How does the distribution of power between family members affect the risk of domestic violence?
When intimate partner violence occurs, which partner is most likely to be assaulted and/or injured?
Know how each of the conditions associated with wife abuse (economic conditions, occupation, race &
ethnicity, inadequacy of husbands, alcohol abuse, family history of abuse) are related to the incidence
of abuse.
Understand each of the explanations for why wives remain in abusive situations.
Be able to distinguish between mutual violence and patriarchal terrorism.
How do rates of domestic violence in same sex relationships compare with heterosexual relationships?
Know the reported rate of child abuse cases and whether/how much it has changed.
What are the most common reasons for abuse and neglect of children?
How is gender related to the perpetrators and victims of child abuse?
Be aware of the various statistics regarding the incidence of incest and know its causes.
What factors are associated with sibling abuse?
Know the categories of elder abuse, the characteristics of victims and abusers, and the contexts which
contribute to elder abuse?
Understand the social forces that foster and maintain family violence.
Be aware or various strategies for reducing domestic violence and deterring spouse abuse.
Chapter 11
Know the current divorce rate in the U.S., how it has changed over time, and how it compares to other
industrial nations.
Understand how each of the following factors affects the probability of divorce.
cohabitation, age at marriage, premarital pregnancy, presence of children, income, race, and religion
What conclusions do the authors of the textbook draw about the future divorce rate in the U.S.? Why?
Know the consequences of divorce for ex-husbands, ex-wives, and children.
What proportion of ex-spouses and what proportion of children successfully adjust to divorce?
How many American children experience divorce before age 16?
Know the characteristics of the child and the characteristics of the family that are associated with
adjustment problems after divorce.
How do gender, parental status, age, and social status affect remarriage rates?
Be aware of the difference in divorce rates and length of marriage between first marriages and
What proportion of remarriages involves step-children? How do they affect the probability of divorce?
Be able to define the different types of step-families and know the unique experiences and problems of
Know the factors associated with positive adjustment and outcomes for stepchildren.
Be able to identify any unique problems experienced in elderly remarriages.
What conclusion do the authors of the text book draw regarding the “politics of divorce”?
Chapter 12
Be able to distinguish between households and families.
Know the trends in the proportions family households and nonfamily households over the last forty
Be aware of the five global trends in family formation.
How has marriage changed?
Understand the approach to thinking about family diversity suggested by the authors of your text book.
What do they conclude about the cause of diverse family patterns?
What proportion of young men and women will never marry? How can we accurately identify those
who account for most of the increase in the single population?
Be able to define the term “marriage squeeze” and to explain it’s consequences for men and women.
How does long term singlehood affect men and women?
How many Americans are currently cohabiting and how is the rate of cohabitation related to marriage?
Understand how each of the following social characteristics is related to cohabitation.
age, previous divorce, presence of children, attitudes about gender relationships, level of education &
income, race & ethnicity
What is the relationship between premarital cohabitation and marital quality & divorce?
What proportions of gays and lesbians are currently in a steady relationship?
According to information presented in class lecture, what proportion of adults is exclusively
Be aware of the demographic characteristics of lesbian and gay couples.
Understand the gender issues, support networks, and family dynamics of same sex families.
Be able to quantify the progress that has been made in the domestic partner movement.
What is a transnational family?
Define commuter marriages. Explain the reasons for their existence and how they are perceived by
husbands and wives.
Chapter 13
Compare the ideological perspectives of conservatives and progressives regarding the definition of
families and reasons for changes in family patterns.
Compare the level of political organization and media network influence of conservatives and
Be aware of the relevant statistics regarding premarital sexual intercourse, rates of teen pregnancy &
STDs, and sexuality education.
Compare the conservative and progressive approaches to sexuality education.
How do condom distribution programs affect rates of sexual activity, pregnancy, and STDs?
What is the trend in the abortion rate in the U.S. and how does the U.S. rate compare to other
developed nations?
How does social class affect access to abortion?
How many Americans are living below the poverty line? How does this compare with other developed
What are the consequences of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
1996 (Welfare Reform Act)?
Compare the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in the U.S. to that of other industrialized nations.
How have the rates of poverty changed for the elderly and for children over the last 40 – 50 years?
Be aware of the effectiveness and the funding level of the Head Start program.
Compare the U.S. approach to child care with that of other industrialized nations.