Ideology Web Survey Assignment Name____________________ Mrs. Wiens Now that you have taken the paper survey and determined where you are on the political spectrum, you can see if your results hold firm. To do this, please complete the following assignment. It is due THURSDAY. Steps to take for this assignment follow the links below. There is a wide range of political ideology quizzes available on the web. Not all are reliable. Some are poorly written. Others have an agenda. Beware of this while you have fun! The Pew Research Center - See where you fit on their typology scale. Pew Research Center The Political Compass - Find out where you belong on the liberal/conservative, authoritarian/libertarian spectrum. Political Compass PBS – Where Do You Fit? Political Party Quiz Go To Quiz: Political Spectrum Quiz (blocked at CHS) On the Issues: Every Political Leader On Every Issue Vote-Match Quiz Political Philosophy Quiz - Conservative vs. Progressive, Libertarian vs. Authoritarian Philosophy Idealog - Find out where you belong on the liberal/conservative, authoritarian/libertarian spectrum. Take the self-test. Click on: English Idealog How Conservative or Liberal Are You? The quiz will generate code for you to put on your own website if you have one. But you can still use the results to figure out where you stand. Conservative Liberal Libertarian Purity Test - Find out how libertarian you are. Libertarian Purity Test Politopia Politopia Quiz The World's Smallest Political Quiz World's Smallest Political Quiz Select Smart 2012 Ideal Candidate STEPS TO SUCCESS: Step 1. Take the paper survey (attached below.) Print your results. Step 2. Take any two or more of the online surveys. (The more surveys, the more info you will have for writing the paper.) Step 3. If possible, encourage your family members to take the paper survey (attached below) and/or the online surveys. Record their results. Step 4. Write a 2- page informal essay incorporating responses to some of the following questions. Your paper will have a relaxed style but a strong structure. You may inform and persuade but you are free to write in a conversational style. However, that doesn’t mean you can be sloppy! Begin by determining the main idea of the paper ie your thesis. For example, you may decide that your parents have overwhelmingly exerted the greatest influence on your political ideology. Then ask yourself How do I know this is true? Why is this so? Next, identify two or three main points. For example: Firstly, the surveys demonstrate the striking similarities you have with your parents, and secondly, your home is like a mini American Government classroom. Use evidence from the surveys and your personal experiences to back up your claims (main ideas). You don’t have to address all the questions; they are just to get you thinking. This paper should be typed (double-spaced, Times 12-font, one-inch margins.) Do the results of the surveys correlate with each other? How are they different? How can you explain the differences? Were you surprised by the results? Did the results match where you thought you were? Did they match whom you supported in the 2012 election? Is there a political party that "fits" your ideology? What issues were the most important ones to you? If the surveys had only been composed of those questions, would the results have been different for you? How can you apply the results of these tests to what you feel the purpose of government should be? What do you think the terms liberal and conservative really mean in today's political climate? How do your results correlate with your family’s results? Does this surprise you? Which survey do you think was the most valid and why? Student handout Ideological Survey Question 1. The Federal Government places too many restrictions on modern corporations. 2. Union workers receive wages and benefits so high that they damage their company’s ability to compete. 3. High government taxes hurt the economy. 4. Only people who cannot work should be eligible for welfare programs. 5. Illegal immigration lowers wages and increases crime. 6. New government programs should be created to further assist poor people in the United States. 7. The wealthy should be taxed at a higher percentage than the lower and middle classes. 8. One of the best ways to help the poor is to set policies that help businesses earn a profit and create new jobs. 9. Government programs discourage able-bodied people from helping themselves. 10. The government should not restrict abortion and other reproductive choices. 11. The government has a special responsibility to assist minorities. 12. Faith-based organizations should be used to improve poverty and crime in local communities. 13. Public funding should not be used to support religious institutions including schools. 14. Government should not financially support art projects that are morally objectionable. 15. The First Amendment should protect pornography from government censorship. 16. Free trade between the U.S. and other nations is generally beneficial. 17. America’s high crime rate is directly traceable to a cycle of poverty, poor health care, poor education, and discrimination. 18. A less regulated capitalist system increases innovation and creates long-term economic success. 19. Gay marriage should be legal. 20. Economic success should take precedent over environmental policies. 21. The federal government should not get involved in setting academic standards for local public school districts. 22. Americans should have a right to affordable health care. 23. The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. 24. Limiting the sale and possession of firearms does not violate the second amendment right to bear arms. 25. The giving of a prayer before public school sporting events, activities and other programs should be allowed. T/F L/C TOTAL Conservative Responses: -________ TOTAL Liberal Responses: _________ Answers: For your TRUE responses, use the following key to score… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C C C C C 6. L 7. L 8. C 9. C 10. L 11. L 12. C 13. L 14. C 15. L 16. C 17. L 18. C 19. L 20. C 21. L 22. L 23. L 24. L 25. C After you have coded your responses, characterize them again as "strong liberal," "weak liberal," "moderate," "weak conservative," or "strong conservative," but this time do it according to the following scheme: 21-25 16-20 21-25 16-20 10-15 Liberal responses Liberal responses Conservative responses Conservative responses of either responses = = = = = Strong Liberal Weak Liberal Strong Conservative Weak Conservative Moderate Political Socialization Interview Assignment (Revised 09-12) Each person goes through a process of political socialization that guides one’s political choices for life. Political science states that parents are the number on agent of political socialization, and now is your opportunity to put that affirmation to a test. Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________ The Issues My response Name: The response of my mom/dad/guardian (Choose primary caregiver) Check here if similar Check here if different What do you believe about government regulations on corporations? What should the government do about illegal immigration? Are you prochoice or prolife? What are your thoughts on the current welfare (workfare) system? Do you favor Keynesian economic theory or supply-side economics? Should violent criminals be given the death penalty? Should same-sex marriage be allowed? What is your opinion about foreign aid in the form of military assistance? What is your opinion of the Republican party? Questions to answer for your paper: Have you been politically socialized by your parents? What do you believe are the greatest influences on your political socialization? Name___________________________ Period ________ Grading Rubric Your Scores Development and Analysis. Perceptive analysis of the results of your surveys. Use of insightful details from the surveys, the world of politics, and your life to support your analysis. Focus and Organization. Good essay structure with an introduction containing a clear thesis statement, smooth transition between paragraphs, main ideas with supporting details the thesis, and a strong conclusion. Mechanics and Style. Correct English grammar, spelling, and punctuation; requires minimal editing Attachments. Grading Rubric and Survey results are attached to paper 15 TOTAL 40 Comments: 10 10 5