another version college questions

Art Academy
1. 500 word artist statement: should describe the type of art that interests you, your creative
process artist, your artistic goals, and what you are looking for in an art school.
1. Write about a time you faced a challenge.
2. Why UC? How do you think this will benefit you later in life?
3. What major are you thinking about? Why did you pick this school to pursue it?
1. Please read the following statement and write a responsive essay incorporating insights from
your own faith and personal experiences. Please use a separate sheet of paper.
This statement is paraphrased from an article written by Baptist scholar and former United
States President, Jimmy Carter.
“It has been said that the measure of a society is found in how they treat weakest and most
hopeless citizens. As Americans, we are blessed with circumstances that protect our human
rights and our religious freedom, but for many people around the world, deprivation and
persecution have become a way of life.”
There has been much debate within religious and political circles as to how involved Americans
should be in defending the freedoms of the rest of the world. As a Christian and an American,
how would you respond to these issues? If you were the President and the decision was yours to
make, how involved would America be in policing and protecting the basic human rights of the
rest of the world?
2. Describe one of your best learning experiences inside the classroom. (Choose one!) We are
looking for a specific incident: a particular encounter in class, of an academic nature. Regale us
with relevant details of this incident, so as to make it very clear why the learning experience was
3. Describe one of your best learning experiences outside the classroom. For example, you could
discuss a favorite book that you read independently of any class assignment. Again: be specific
and make it clear why the experience was valuable.
4. Tell us why you deserve this scholarship.
5. Why is Georgetown a good choice for you?
6. What social activities have prepared you to succeed at Georgetown?
1. Write an essay on “How I think EKU will change my life.” Must be 1-page, single spaced and
2. In what ways do you hope to impact your profession after receiving your degree? (300 words or
3. Who has been the most influential person in your life and why? (300 words or less)
4. Review the outcome of a current event and describe a.) Why you agree or disagree with the
outcome; or b.) What could have been done to change the outcome? (300 words or less)
U of L
1. Imagine a leadership project you might propose to undertake if chosen for the Brown Fellow
Program, in 500 words or less.
2. Short essay describing a potential undergraduate research project and a 700 word essay on a
previous Grawmeyer Award winner.
University of North Carolina
1. People find many ways to express their inner world. Some write novels; others paint, perform,
or debate; still others design elegant solutions to complex mathematical problems. How do you
express your inner world, and how does the world around you respond?
2. It’s easy to identify with the hero- the literary of historical figure who saves the day. Have you
ever identified with a figure who wasn’t a hero- a villain or a scapegoat, a bench-warmer or a bit
player? If so, tell us why this figure appealed to you- and if your opinion changed over time, tell
us about that too.
3. Carolina students conduct original research and work to solve problems in almost every
imaginable field. If you could spend a semester researching a specific topic or problem, what
would you choose and why?
4. Tell us about a group project in which you had to collaborate with your peers. How did it go?
5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received or given?
6. Tell us about a recent dream. What do you think it meant?
7. In our history various people have taken stands against injustice, or what they viewed as
injustice. Often at great personal risk. Have you ever taken a stand against something you
considered unjust- or if you haven’t, do you have an idea of what it would take for you to take
such a stand? Please explain.
Not listed
1. What are the reasons for your academic success?
2. What drives you to be successful?
3. If you could make one change in yourself, what would it be and why?
4. Describe the person who has influenced your success the most and tell how they helped you.
1. Describe an incident or situation in your life which piqued your intellectual curiosity.
1. Personal Essay: Please write an essay (250 words minimum) on a topic of your choice or on one
of the options listed below.
a. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma
you have faced and its impact on you.
b. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its
importance to you.
c. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that
d. Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music,
science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.
e. A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to
the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that
illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an
encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.
Wake Forest
1. Wake Forest is rethinking admissions. How has college admissions made you rethink yourself?
Describe the culture in which you grew up. What are its strengths and weaknesses?
1. What topics, problems, or areas of communication do you plan to investigate in your graduate
2. Why did you select the Graduate Program in the College of Communications and Information
Studies at University of Kentucky as the program appropriate to your goals?
3. What in your educational or professional background has prepared you to enter the
Communication Graduate Program in the College of Communications and Information Studies at
the University of Kentucky?
What are your immediate and ultimate career goals?
Which faculty do you believe offer the closet match to your interests and educational needs?
What factors contribute to your decision to enter graduate school now?
What demonstrates your suitability for graduate study in this program? Build an argument for
your admission.
8. 500 word essay on the topic: How will I contribute to diversity at the University of Kentucky?
University of Chicago
1. Find x.
2. Dog and cat. Coffee and Tea. Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye. Everyone knows there are
two types of people in the world. What are they?
3. Salt, governments, beliefs, and celebrity couples are a few examples of things that can be
dissolved. You’ve just been granted the power to dissolve anything: physical, metaphorical,
abstract, concrete… you name it. What do you dissolve, and what solvent do you use?
4. “Honest is the best policy, but honesty won’t get your friend free birthday cake at the diner.” –
Overheard in the city of Chicago.
Does society require constant honesty? Why is it (or why is it not) problematic to shift the truth
in one’s favor, even if the lie is seemingly harmless to others? If we can be “conventionally
honest” what other virtues might we take more lightly?
1. What opportunities do you think this scholarship will give you?
2. What makes you an acceptable candidate for NKU? What accomplishments did you do while in
high school?