Eric Letourneaux - ESL

These were the essay choices:
Cause/Effect Essay (Blueprints p. 118) – CHOOSE ONE
1. Why you selected your major
2. The effects of peer pressure
3. Why some students cheat
4. Why more and more students are taking online classes
5. Why people exercise
6. Why people keep pets
7. The effects of computers, tablets, cellphones on our everyday lives
8. The environmental effects of bottled water
9. The effects of stress on students in college
10.Why growing numbers of people shop online
The purposes of this exercise are to:
1. Practice editing
2. Learn from peers
3. Compare writing styles
4. Review essay organization
5. Understand what makes an essay stand out
6. Acquire new ideas from reading
Do the following steps:
Read all the essays
Which topic was selected the most? Why do you think it is?
Which essay was the best written and why?
Which essay was the most interesting and why?
Let’s look at one of the essays together and do peer-editing on the
white board.
Why growing numbers of people shop online
Nowadays, shopping online become a popular. A lot of people shopping online
because they think it is a kind of fashion. Although people will go to the Mall in the
holiday, they always shop online at ordinary time. There are several reasons for why
more and more people shopping online.
First of all, online store always send email to people, they can know information
about discount quickly, I think this is company way to attract customer. So people will
buy a lot of clothes, handbags or shoes online.
Second, people become more and more lazy. With the procedure of world
development, people do not buy food by themselves. They can take out the food. People
remain within doors and want to do everything. So they just depend on internet. People
chose shopping online is convenience than go to the mall. For example, this thanks giving
days, I went to the mall, and there were a lot of crazy people lineup. You need to wait too
long time if you want to buy some sign. If you shopping online, you do not need to line
up, you can spend 5 minutes and buy the same price things.
Finally, some people have busy work. They do not have time to the shopping mall.
People want to use weekend to eat dinner with friends or family. So they only have on
way to filling them chest for some women. They are not only shopping online, but also
save time to rest enough.
To summarize, a lot of reasons can provide why growing numbers of people shop
online. Convenience, save time, cheaper and so on, there are more benefits for people
shopping online.
Word Count:286
Why growing number of people shop online
We can see that there are more and more people do the in door shopping, such as TV
shopping, online shopping. Beside those two choice shopping on the internet are more
popular. There may have some reason why people prefer to shop online.
For one reason, shopping online are more convenience than going to shopping mall.
People can buy what they want just by scanning the website and click the mouse in their
house. They do not have to drive far away from their house and hold the shopping bags,
because the posted company will send the package to their home, and people just need to
sign their name on it.
Another reason why growing numbers of people shop online is they can have multiple
choice. You may find that you can not always buy what you want in the shopping mall. A
shopping center can not include that most brands. But, if you go online shop, you can
google so many brands. Because most of brands has their online store. the goods online
are omniform. So people can easily find the goods they like.
Moreover, there is another advantage about shopping online is save time. People who
under the stress in society have a lot of things to do in each day. They do not have enough
time to go to the shopping center. Then online store because an effective way for them to
buy some stuff. It is not only for convenience purpose, but also save a lot of time of
To sum up, the reason why more people prefer to shop online may include that
convenience us, several choices and save our times. Although people stiu like to go to the
shopping mall, you can not deny that online store may become a truancy in people’s life.
Word Count:292
Why growing numbers of people shop online
Do you know shop online? Today, many people like buying many things online.
Shopping online is a new idea in our life. People shopping online because shopping
online can buy cheaper things, shopping online can buy many things which can't buy in
mall, and shopping online very comfortable.
First, shopping online can buy cheaper things. Everyone knows the shopping mall
need many salesmen and need a mall. These things need much money, so you will get
expensive things. If you buy things online, you will only pay the goods which you need.
So shopping online is a cheaper way.
Second, shopping online can buy many things which can't buy in mall. In the
shopping mall many things we can't find the size and we like shape, but shopping online
we can find more choose. We can find anything online. Because when you shopping
online, you will get the choose from all the world. So you can buy many things which
you can't buy in shopping mall.
Third, shopping online is a comfortable way. Shopping online is a easy way to buy
some things which you need. When you shopping online, you need not go outside. You
can lie in bed buy anything which you want to get. You need not walk a long stance to
buy somethings. So shopping online is really a easy way to buy somethings.
In the end, shopping online is really a better way to buy somethings because
shopping online can buy cheaper goods, shopping online can buy many things which you
can't buy in shopping mall, and shopping online very comfortable. I suggest you
shopping online. I hope everyone can know how to shopping online.
Word Count:287
Stress to Students
“My daughter is a student in Harvard”! Some parents said, and they will tell their friends
to show it. In fact, students have many stresses in school, does these parents know? I am a student
in college, but not in Harvard, having a lots stress. I will tell you my stress after.
Firstly of all, I have been paid my bill since that day. When the first day, I was going to
college. That means I was not a child, I have to pay my tuition. It is a problem for a new adult. I
have to find a job, and do many jobs every day. In the same time, I could not lost my study.
However, I learned how to plan my life. It is an only good thing for my future.
Secondly, I have to learn many courses in the new place. I have to study many here, not
only in the class, such as the relationship with my roommate, classmate and the teachers, also the
new rules, for example, some teachers who are strict, the student have to pay more tension in their
class. How many credit I can get. I have to do more jobs about this to make my school life more
Finally but not the least, what my future is. Which job I could choice. Is that job good to
me? The choice is serious to me. I have to spend more time to know which job I like the best.
How much money I will get? There are a lot of worried about future. If it is a bad choice, you will
be a poor. So how to find a good job is more difficult.
In conclusion, there are many stresses in the college. Not only thing to show how great to
be a student in a school. The tuition, the study and the future are all perplex to me. Howeverb , I
couldn’t know what will happen in the future. The only thing I can do is that enjoy my life now.
To do my best when I am in a trouble, and keep my dream, never give up.
Word Count:361
Online classes
As technology developed, Internet becomes the most popular technology that
people use in daily life. You can do a lot of things on Internet, such as play video games,
video chat, online shopping, and even taking online classes. Online classes become
popular because it’s more convenient and cheaper.
Most people choose online classes rather than go to school because it’s more
convenient. As we know, not all students have transportations, so it’s not easy to go to
school to take the course that they want. If taking online classes that they don’t need take
a long way. On another hand, person who taking the online classes is not always is
student. People who may have job to do on regular daytime, people who may have
family or children that need to take care. They can taking online classes and do those
things at same day, they just need to mange their time.
Second reason why more and more people are taking online classes is the price.
As times by, education is very important for everyone now. And the educational fine is
heavy for most people. A lot of people can’t offer to go to school. And the texts books
are very expensive. If they taking online classes that will much easy for them.
Online class is very useful for everyone. They can absorb knowledge online, and
manage their own time. It’s more convenient and cheaper. That’s why more and more
people choose taking online classes.
Word Count:247
Why People Exercise
The increasing numbers of people who like doing exercise everyday make exercise
become the part of our daily life. There are many benefits of doing exercise regularly.
First of all, exercise can help people prevent weight gain and management their
body line. People absorb too much calories can make them over weight. However, doing
exercise can burn calories. This is why some people like to take a walk when they eat too
Second, exercise can make us have an health conditions and keep far away many
diseases. Regular exercise can help people decrease the risk of getting diseases or health
problems such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, cancer and so on.
Third, doing exercise can help people improve their mood and spirit. The physical
activities can arouse many brain chemicals which maybe make people feel happy and get
relax. What’s more, doing exercise regularly can increase people self-confident.
Doing exercise is very good for people both on physical and on mental. Keeping
doing exercise will help people get a health body and a happy life.
Word Count:180
Why students cheating
Students cheating is a very normal phenomenon now. But do you know Why do
students decide to cheat? A doctor said “The reasons for this are rather many. Obviously
laziness may be one that is the most common. It is the most often cited, the fact which
students just do not feel the need to study. Therefore, they decide to find shortcuts in their
examinations and their studies”.
Students who lazy is the biggest part to easy to cheating on the exams. They don’t study
during the class time and also play on free time. So when the exams coming they are
afraid of get a low grade. A psychologist said that "students who usually do not study,
when they cheating their mentality like gambling. If cheating they may pass the exams.”
Because they are lazy and cheating is the easiest way to gambling to get better grade.
Another point is that some good students cheating. They can pass the exams but they
want more higher grade. So they will cheat during the exams. These students know it is
very dangers but they also try it.
Therefore, no matter what your reason is. Does it worth for being caught and got
punished . You all know the answer. Although you are not smart enough to have
excellent grades, you should be proud of yourself that you try to get good grades by your
own abilities, not cheating.
Word Count:240
Keep Pets
Now, the most of families have pets, and the people usually keep pets are cat or
dog. But why people like to keep pet? I think pet is a coach fellow in our life. In our
free time, they can play with us. When we had a bad mood, they can make us feel
First of all, they are coach fellow in our life. For example, in China, a lot of old
people their sons or daughters working in the other city. May be they back to home
a few times once a year. So they in order to eliminate the feeling of loneliness, they
should keep a pet, the pet is a coach fellow in their life. And the pet can bring happy
to them.
In addition, keep a pet can play with us. For example, in our school, many people
keep a dog or cat. When we finished the whole day’s class, we back to home and
finished our homework. May be it is too early, and we have much free time. So if we
have a pet, we can play with them, like go to outside to take a walk with our pet. It is
a good idea.
Finally, keep a pet, it can bring happy to us. When we had a bad mood, like today
we lose a book. If we often to think about it, it can make our mood becomes worse.
So we need a thing to transfer our thoughts. Now we can play with our pet, and pet
always can bring happy to us, and make us feel better. Then we can forget thing
quickly and better to do other things.
To summaries, keep pets is a good choice in our life. If we chose keep a pet, we
also need to keep it well, because it is our coach fellow and our partner. We should
treat our pets, and it can bring to me more happiness.
Word Count:327
Why people keep pets?
Faced by people, you never know their mind exactly, and you might have some trouble to
contact with them. For instance, if they don’t like you and they would not tell you, so you still
keep contacting with them, thus, it is become embarrassed in certain situation. However, if you
contact with pets, they defiantly show their natural instincts to face you.
People usually treat their pets to be their friend, because they can play together and take care to
each other. For example, when people feel bored and don’t want to talk to others. They will are
willing to accompany their pets, because it’s relax and comfortable. Also, when people in the
danger, their pets will feel something wrong, and then use their way to save their master. Pets will
sacrifice their life to save their master’s life.
Second, pets would never betray people, as long as they recognize you and master, they will
treat you like their parents and the most important friend. Also, they don’t pretend and tell a lie to
people. When they are happy or unhappy, you can see from their behavior or voice obviously.
And they are loyal to people, never abandon people even if they don’t have money or something
can be taken advantage of them. They don’t want to return, they just want to make you happy and
In conclusion, pets not only people’s friend, but also protector. They will always listen to you
and never betray you, so these are the reasons people always keep pets to accompany them.
Therefore, pets is an indispensable part of thing in our life, we can not live without “him”.
Word Count:280
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