Research Paper Topics abortion acid rain adoption adult children of alcoholics tetrachlorodibenzodioxin AIDS (disease) law and legislation government policy prevention psychological aspects aids (disease) in children air pollution air quality ozone layer depletion alcoholism alternative energy renewable energy sources alternative fuels alcohol as fuel automobiles, electric animal experimentation vivisection laboratory animals animals, treatment of livestock factories feedlots animal rights arms control disarmament nuclear arms control nuclear warfare artificial sweeteners aspartame (nutrasweet) assisted suicide athletes - drug use anabolic steroids doping in sports government spending policy budget - United States budget deficits bilingual education biological warfare biotechnology birth order blood banks blood transfusion or blood safety body image plastic surgery Bosnia and Herzegovina United Nations - armed forces campaign finance reform synonym: campaign funds cancer and diet cancer - diet therapy cancer - nutritional aspects nutritionally induced diseases diet in disease capital punishment synonym: death penalty censorship related terms: banned books condemned books freedom of the press libraries - censorship child abuse child care day care centers childbirth at home children of alcoholics children of divorced parents children as witnesses cholesterol cocaine co-dependency pay equity computer crimes criminal justice corrections punishment plea bargaining prison sentences victims of crime sentences -criminal (reform ) cults DNA fingerprints deforestation domestic violence family violence dreams drug abuse narcotic habit drug testing drug testing -employees drugs and employment drugs - law and legislation narcotic laws drugs and sports doping in sports anabolic steroids athletes - drug use drunk driving drinking and traffic accidents eating disorders anorexia nervosa bulimia elections advertising, political campaign funds presidents - election electromagnetic fields electric lines - health aspects computer terminals - health aspects electronic surveillance eavesdropping wire-tapping endangered species wildlife conservation environmental pollution specific types of pollution, i.e., water pollution, air pollution euthanasia aged, killing of the assisted suicide terminally ill right to die eye surgery radial keratotomy lasik garbage crisis refuse and refuse disposal sanitary landfills farm policy agricultural prices - government policy agricultural subsidies farm income fetal tissue research fetus - research fetus - legal status unborn children (law) food additives food irradiation freedom of the press constitution-1st-10th amendment gay rights gay couples homosexuality same sex marriage gays in the military genetically engineered food agricultural biotechnology biotechnology genetic engineering cloning greenhouse effect atmospheric ozone global warming gun control firearms - law and legislation hate crimes hazardous waste sites Yucca Mountain childbirth at home health care reform medical care - United States national health insurance insurance, health - government policy homeland security homeless home schooling homosexuality human reproductive technology illiteracy literacy in vitro fertilization insanity plea insurance liability Internet pornography Internet privacy Japan (management techniques) industrial management - Japan corporations - Japan juvenile delinquency juvenile corrections juvenile administration life on other planets unidentified flying objects malpractice marihuana OR marijuana mass media censorship influence United States violence in mass media sex in mass media mass media and children medical ethics bioethics melatonin (Does it really work?) mercury dental fillings dental amalgams – toxicology microwaves (Are they harmful?) military service - compulsory military service - voluntary military spending United States- military policy war - economic aspects armed forces - appropriations and expenditures NAFTA national health care medical care, cost of insurance, health - United States smoking - law and legislation nuclear power nuclear testing nuclear weapons nutrition cholesterol fast food restaurants food additives sweeteners OR aspartame nutritional supplements parapsychology extrasensory perception pay equity sex discrimination equal pay for equal work pesticides pets - psychological aspects pets - social aspects human-animal relationships political campaigns elections electioneering pollution conservation of natural resources ecology man - influence on nature wildlife conservation pornography moral and religious aspects psychological aspects social aspects prayer in the public schools presidential power prisons (private vs. govt. run?) prostitution prozac (benefit vs. risk?) radon rain forests recycling right to die right to privacy satanism school choice charter schools educational vouchers federal aid to education school violence secret service serial murders sex differences (inherited?) communication intelligence physiological sex discrimination education sex discrimination in sports sex education in the schools teenage pregnancy sex role sexual harassment social security space program astronautics - United States outer space - exploration space flight manned space flight space weapons anti-satellite weapons sports college sports professional sports spousal abuse spying spies espionage stem cells human embryo research medical ethics stress psychology stress physiology psychobiology mind and body student journalism subliminal projection subliminal perception suicide teenage suicide surrogate mothers technology (effects of) television (effects of ) television and children violence in television teenage pregnancy teenage mothers term limits terrorism test tube babies fertilization in vitro, human twins organ transplants vegetarianism video games violence violence in children violence in mass media vitamins dietary supplements natural foods war - environmental aspects water pollution water rights water supply weapons of mass destruction wild horses women athletes women in the military