2016 AACE® INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL PAPER (PAPER ID) The title of the paper goes here (6-10 Words) The names of all authors go here Abstract— Include an abstract of your paper that accurately reflects your paper’s content. The abstract should be limited to 175 words. After the paper and presentation slides are finalized, review the abstract and make changes as necessary to synchronize the final abstract with the finished paper and presentation. PAPER ID.1 Copyright © AACE® International. This paper may not be reproduced or republished without expressed written consent from AACE® International 2016 AACE® INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL PAPER Table of Contents Your paper must include a table of contents listing all major section headings of your paper. Additionally you must include separate lists of all tables, figures, equations, etc. Do not include page numbers. List of Tables List of Figures List of Equations PAPER ID.2 Copyright © AACE® International. This paper may not be reproduced or republished without expressed written consent from AACE® International 2016 AACE® INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL PAPER Introduction Present an introduction to the paper that may expand upon the abstract. This should tell reader the topics that are to be presented and outline the structure of the paper. Body of Paper The manuscript (not including tables, figures, and references) should not exceed 7,500 words. Papers should meet a 3,000 word minimum criteria. The paper is required to be written in third-person form. A technical writing style (not conversational) must be employed. Humor and cartoons are not acceptable in a technical paper. Papers need to be clear and transparent, and convey facts, figures, and methodologies in a manner that is objective. Do not capitalize generic categories or functions such as: project manager, cost estimate, procurement, etc. Generic categories are not proper titles and are, therefore, not capitalized. The only time these titles would be capitalized is when there is a specific person's name that associated with "project manager". For example: "the President ordered Congress to..." In this case, "President" refers not only to the office of the United States but to a specific individual. Next example: "The president ordered ham and cheese during lunch." In this instance, "president" is a generic title, and the sentence context does not suggest confusion with "the President of the US." Papers and presentations cannot contain commercials for individual/company products or services. Refrain from using company/product names and logos. Do not submit papers on company letterhead. Commercial vendors may not author or co-author papers referencing their own companies or products. When referring to AACE International, the legal reference must be “AACE® International” or “AACE®”. It is incorrect to use the references “AACEI or AACEi” as those are also trademark violations. Use of any Microsoft product names must be annotated as Microsoft® Excel®, Microsoft® Word®, or Microsoft® Project®, the first time it is used and also placed in a footnote on the first page they are used. The following must be placed in the footnote: ”Microsoft®, and Excel® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.” Photographs/screenshots/graphics from third party sources (including AACE) will need to be accompanied by a copyright release statement. PAPER ID.3 Copyright © AACE® International. This paper may not be reproduced or republished without expressed written consent from AACE® International 2016 AACE® INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL PAPER Footnotes and Endnotes are permissible in order to provide clarity. References and citations must be in the Reference section of the paper. This is how a reference is to be made throughout the paper. [1, p.xxx] Heading 2 Heading 3 Figures and tables should be included in a paper when appropriate to help the reader understand certain data or ideas, and must be referenced in the manuscript text. All figures and tables must have a number and a title using “AACE Caption Case” (e.g. “Figure 1 – Operability Data”). Captions titles are limited to 10 words or less. Figures, tables and other graphic elements submitted for publication should be professionally created, and should be scaled so that type is readable in a standard 8.5”x11” format. If possible, include figures, table, charts, graphs and photographs as separate files (in the best quality/resolution available; 300 dpi or higher.) This is an example of a table. ABC 123 Table 1 – Table Description DEF 456 GHI 789 Equations should be numbered and formatted “flush right”, as shown below. Be sure to define all terms and variables used in the equation. This is an example of an equation. E = MC² (Equation 1) Conclusion A conclusion should clearly demonstrate that everything promised in the abstract and introduction has been addressed. References List all of your references in the order they first appear in the paper and then number the list. PAPER ID.4 Copyright © AACE® International. This paper may not be reproduced or republished without expressed written consent from AACE® International 2016 AACE® INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL PAPER Within the text of your paper, refer to a reference by identifying the reference number and page number within hard brackets. See example below: Sample citation: Thomas Edison defined genius as 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. [1, p.144]. Sample reference: No. Description 1 Breyfogle, III, F 1999 Chapter 9, Six Sigma Measurements Implementing Six Sigma: Statistical Methods First Edition Page(s) 144, 155-163 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (Author) (Year Published) (Chapter) (Title) (Edition) (Page) (Publisher) PAPER ID.5 Copyright © AACE® International. This paper may not be reproduced or republished without expressed written consent from AACE® International