presenter confirmation letter - For Medical Professionals

Continuing Professional Development Office
[Doctor Name, Credentials]
[Organization Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]
Dear Dr. [Last Name],
Thank you for agreeing to participate as a presenter on the topic of [insert
topic] for the certified CME activity [Insert Title of Activity], which will
be held on [Day, Date] in [City, State]. This letter is designed to assist
you in preparing for your presentation and to assist us in providing a
quality educational experience for our participants. Our audience consists
of [Insert Target Audience]. We anticipate approximately [#] people will
attend the activity. [If applicable: We anticipate that this activity will
be funded through an education grant(s) from [commercial interest name].
[Choose option 1 or 2 and delete the other]
[Option 1]: Aurora Health Care (Aurora) will reimburse reasonable travel
expenses (policy attached), and you will receive a faculty stipend payment
of $[ amount] upon completion of the activity. [Option 2]: It is
understood that a faculty stipend is not being provided for this event.
Any reasonable travel expenses may be submitted to Aurora for
It is our policy that faculty does not accept additional payments or
reimbursements from any commercial interest, or other source, for
presenting at an Aurora certified CME activity. If you plan to attend the
entire meeting you are welcome to claim full credit minus your
The overall purpose and objectives of this activity have been determined by
the Course Director and Planning Committee members. They are as follows:
Objectives: [Insert objectives here, may need to copy from Application]
Attached, you will find a Summary of Activity Details and a checklist of
items needed for your upcoming CME activity. Please review the attached
material with special attention to due dates. It is extremely important to
adhere to the timelines provided as we must have all activity materials to
meet promotional deadlines.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions on the above content or
the attachments.
Very Best Regards,
Aurora Health Care
Enc: Objectives Form [Remove if this form is not used]; Faculty Fees and
Reimbursements Policy,
Presenter Agreement [Remove if no stipend], Disclosure Form (paper form
option) and CME Disclosure Instructions (online option)
Please return the materials via one of the methods listed below:
[CME Coordinator/Planner name, & address ]
[CME Coordinator/Planner FAX number]
[CME Coordinator/Planner EMAIL address]
[CME Coordinator/Planner Name] at [tel number]
Logistics and details for your presentation:
[Date of CME activity]
[Name and address of venue] Room:
Example - Breakfast, lunch, dinner
[Conference room
Faculty Stipend: [Choose option 1 or 2 and delete the other]
Option 1
Option 2
Your faculty stipend is $ [amount]. All travel expenses will be
reimbursed upon submission of original receipts.
None. It is understood that a faculty stipend is not being
provided for this event. Any reasonable travel expenses may be
submitted to your Aurora CME Coordinator/Planner for
Lecture Time:
[Example - Begins at 12:00 noon and extends for 50 minutes,
leaving 5-10 minutes for questions and discussion.]
Submit the following items:
These are needed by the deadline to ensure
CME credits can be provided
1. Disclosure/Attestation Form Due Date:[Date]
As a faculty member, this form must be completed prior to your
presentation. Aurora uses the disclosure with attestation as a tool
to identify and resolve any potential conflicts of interest.
Peer Review – Following the disclosure you may be asked to submit
your presentation slides and/or content prior to the activity. Aurora
will review the content to determine whether it meets our regulatory
and quality criteria, including balance, scientific rigor, and
freedom from commercial bias.
Two options to submit the Disclosure:
1a. Paper Form Option:
Use the Disclosure Form enclosed and email
or fax to the CME Coordinator/Planner
1b. On-line Option: Read the CME Disclosure Instructions enclosed to
submit online. Then use the links provided below to begin:
On Caregiver Connect, there is a link in Quicklinks called, "Conflict of Interest Disclosure" -it is the link to
the software/website login:
On the external website, there is a link under the Research heading
called, "Conflict of Interest Disclosure" –it links to the form:
P:\Word Data 08\CME Aurora\Forms Active\Letters and Memos\Presenter Confirmation Letter 2014.doc
Created 12/2013; Updated 8/26/14
2. Objectives Form (attached)
Due Date: [Date]
This information is needed to meet promotional deadlines and grant
application submission. Please add your presentation-specific
objectives to the form. Also, please review the information on the form
for accuracy.
3. Presenter Agreement (attached-IF A STIPEND IS BEING PD) Due Date:
Aurora is required to adhere to the restrictions set forth by the Stark
III Law. Please review the presenter agreement letter and sign in the
designated area. Agreements received after this date will result in a
delay of processing your stipend.
4. Curriculum Vitae/Resume/Bio pg. ----OPTIONAL--used as an introduction
Due Date: [Date]
Please forward a current copy
5. Electronic Presentation Due Date: [Date]
For PowerPoint presentations, we are requesting that they be submitted
by the deadline date above. Please email your presentation to the CME
6. Handouts
Due Date: [Date]
We may make copies of your presentation/materials as handouts. If you
have any articles or other handouts that you would like to reference,
please submit it by the deadline date above.