ELA EOC Writing Project Final

English I or English II Graduation Project
Listed below are required pieces for the writing folders and literacy notebook in English IV.
These pieces represent artifacts of the student’s writing ability, their independent reading, and
their ability to respond intelligently to reading. For the senior year portfolio, the documents
should reflect the following:
Writing Folder Requirements:
Four Formal Process Papers:
 College Admission Essay (all process components required; teacher-created rubric with
comments and score; district cover sheet)
 Persuasive essay (all process components required; teacher-created rubric with comments
and score; district cover sheet)
 Literary analysis (all process components required; teacher-created rubric with comments
and score; district cover sheet)
 Performance Based Assessment: Documented Persuasive essay (all process components
including all research process; teacher-created rubric with comments and score; district
cover sheet
Timed Writings:
 Expository (diagnostic)
 Persuasive (diagnostic)
 Expository (first nine weeks)
 Persuasive (second nine weeks)
 Expository (third nine weeks)
 Persuasive (fourth nine weeks)
Informal Process Papers:
 Revision of Expository diagnostic essay
 Revision of Persuasive diagnostic essay
 Group literary analysis
 Creative/Reflective project
Literacy Notebook Requirements:
Prewriting section with extensive idea generation and revision application
Craft section with extensive notes and lessons on craft
Conventions section with extensive lessons and notes on conventions
Reading documentation—just include list of books completed, documentation of
daily/weekly independent reading
Responses to reading—indication that student responded to independent and classroom
reading on a regular basis; responses should represent application of reading/literary
analysis lessons that were taught in class
Reading mini-lessons—extensive lessons and notes on reading lessons and literary
analysis lessons
Word Work—lessons on vocabulary and lists of words collected by students to add to
their extensive vocabularies.
ELA Writing/Reading Projects
STAAR ELA Committees
Project: Reflection for Literacy Notebook and Writing Folders
You will review the pieces of writing in your English IV writing folder. Follow the directions
below and produce a written reflection (typed) in response to your writing growth this year.
1. Re-read the required writing folder pieces from the first nine weeks (diagnostic essays,
process paper, and timed writing; informal revised paper).
2. Re-read the required writing folder pieces from the second nine weeks (diagnostic essays,
process paper, and timed writing; informal revised paper. Compare your first nine weeks
work with your second nine weeks work. Use the Fletcher/Morris pyramid to reflect on
the writing growth that took place over the nine week period.
3. Re-read the required writing folder pieces from the third nine weeks (diagnostic essays,
process paper, and timed writing; informal revised paper. Compare your second nine
weeks work with your third nine weeks work.
4. Re-read the required writing folder pieces from the fourth nine weeks (diagnostic essays,
process paper, and timed writing; informal revised paper. Compare your third nine weeks
work with your fourth nine weeks work. Reflect on the writing growth that took place
over the nine week period.
5. Again, review the work that you completed over the year. Reflect on the writing growth
that you have made over the course of the year. Select one area where you know that you
need work. Also, review your literacy notebook and the writing lessons that your teacher
has conducted this year.
Write a minimum of two pages (double spaced; 12 point, Ariel type), discussing how you have
applied what you have learned this year and your plan to improve your writing.
Things to consider:
 Are all required pieces present in your writing folder? If not, how might missing
work have impacted your growth as a writer over the year?
After reviewing your written pieces, how did you personally work to improve your
writing over the school year? Did you utilize your literacy notebook regularly? How
might that have impacted your growth as a writer over the course of the year?
Look carefully at your drafting process. How frequently did you try out the revision
and editing techniques that your teacher taught you? How might that have impacted
your writing growth over the course of the year?
After reviewing your years’ work, do you believe that you did everything that you
could as a learner to improve your ability as a writer? Why do you believe this?
How do you believe your efforts impacted your writing?
ELA Writing/Reading Projects
STAAR ELA Committees
Part I: Writing Reflection Rubric
Writing Reflection
Not Yet
Needs a heading that includes:
Name, class period and project title are
Subheading: Writing Reflection
Student considers and responds to bulleted
Depth of
Student considers few of the
bulleted items and fails to
reflect on his or her effort and
its impact on his or her writing
Student fails to adhere to
writing conventions (i.e.,
spelling, capitalization,
ELA Writing/Reading Projects
 Are all required pieces present in your
writing folder? If not, how might missing
work have impacted your growth as a
writer over the year?
 After reviewing your written pieces, how
did you personally work to improve your
writing over the school year? Did you
utilize your literacy notebook regularly?
How might that have impacted your
growth as a writer over the course of the
 Look carefully at your drafting process.
How frequently did you try out the
revision and editing techniques that your
teacher taught you? How might that
have impacted your writing growth over
the course of the year?
 After reviewing your years’ work, do you
believe that you did everything that you
could as a learner to improve your ability
as a writer? Why do you believe this?
How do you believe your efforts
impacted your writing?
Student adheres to all writing conventions.
STAAR ELA Committees