Lesson Plans 14-15 Term 1 week 6 English 12

English 12 Lesson Plans of Linda Robinson: Week #6 10/6/14 - 10/10/14
Backward Design -- At the end of the stated time, students will be able to:
Media and Non-Fiction Texts— (4 weeks)
Evaluate sources including ads/editorials/websites/etc. for relationships between intent, opinion,
and factual content (12.2a)
Determine author’s purpose and intended effect on audience for media messages (12.2b)
Generate and respond logically to literal/inferential/evaluative/synthesizing/critical thinking
questions before, during, and after reading texts (12.5a)
Recognize/analyze ambiguity/contradiction/paradox/irony/overstatement/understatement in text
Vocabulary – (18 weeks/14 units) WIDA words: metaphor, epic, and couplet
Denotation and connotation; interpret connotation (12.3c)
Expository Writing--- (4 weeks)
Produce arguments that develop thesis that demonstrates informed judgments, addresses counter
claims, and provides effective conclusions. (12.6b)
Clarify/defend position with precise, relevant evidence (12.6c)
Adapt content/vocab/voice/tone to audience/purpose (12.6d)
Use variety of rhetorical strategies to achieve specific purpose (12.6e)
Create arguments that are externally supported and free of errors in logic (12.6f)
Revise writing for clarity of content, depth, and technique of presentation (12.6g)
Use computer tech to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish (12.6h)
Apply grammatical conventions to editing for language/spelling/punctuation/capitalization (12.7b)
English 12 Classes
(1) CRISS: Plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Benchmark A’s shout-out!
(3) Vocab: Power point review of words of Unit 5 – QUIZ follows. Then power point intro to words of Unit 6
(SOL 12.3)
(4A) 3rd Period ONLY: Literature---( Finishing 5 weeks Anglo-Saxon through Medieval Periods
includes fiction/poetry/non-fiction) In lit books, students will begin reading the Prologue to Canterbury
Tales (pg 144-166). Students will complete a graphic organizer on the pilgrims as they are introduced. Identify
irony and forms of satire in use – how can we recognize it, and what is Chaucer implying by it? How does
recognition alter our understanding of the pilgrim? Which groups does Chaucer most often satirize, and what is
revealed about the author’s beliefs? Discuss purpose of the Prologue. WIDA – locate metaphors and review
definition; define couplet, and identify this (the heroic couplet) as the form in which the prologue is written (SOL
12.3, 12.4).
(4B) 2nd Period: Literature---( Finishing 5 weeks Anglo-Saxon through Medieval Periods includes
fiction/poetry/non-fiction) In regard to students’ reading of Canterbury Tales Prologue – Check
for accuracy of graphic organizer. Discuss Chaucer’s depiction of characters – who does he
seem to admire/like, and to what degree are others satirized/criticized (and for what)? Apply
knowledge of forms of satire – students will provide examples they found in the lit. WIDA –
locate metaphors and review definition; define couplet, and identify this (the heroic couplet) as the form in which
the prologue is written (SOL 12.3, 12.4)
(5) Literature -- Reading Analysis: Teacher presentation with projection and handouts will introduce students to
the Feudalism, the Code of Chivalry, and to elements of the medieval romance. (SOL 12.4, 12.3).
(6) Reading Analysis – Read and comprehend narrative text and poetry—relate to themes and issues of
different historical periods. Class will begin to read “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” pgs 230-243) while also
listening to audio excerpts. As we read, students will analyze the story for evidence of feudal culture/values and the
ideals of chivalry as represented in Gawain’s behavior. They will also locate elements of legends and medieval
romances. Understand the actual nature of the test and challenge presented, as well as the quest Gawain must
undertake. Understand the Christian influence in the theme of repentance and redemption at the end of the tale;
identify other themes presented in the story. Notice use of archetypal narrative elements (SOL 12.3, 12.4)
(7) Summation of what was learned today
(1) Quiz on Vocab Unit 5
(2) Power point review of Vocab Unit 5; intro to Unit 6
(3) Projection and handout on Feudalism and Chivalry
(4) Graphic organizer on pilgrims in Canterbury Tales’ Prologue
(5) Audio CD of Canterbury Tales’ Prologue, and “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
(1) Bring Vocab workbook AND LIT BOOK tomorrow. Bring Time Machine novel Wed.
(2) Read The Time Machine ch. 1-4 for Wed. reading-check quiz – bring completed reading guide
(3) Due Thurs.: sentences/paragraph using 10 of Vocab Unit 6’s words
(4) Test Thursday on Chaucer and the Lit of the Middle Ages == review game Wed.
(5) Quiz next Mon. On Vocab Unit 6
for 2nd
(1) CRISS: Plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) STAR STUDENT updates
(3) Vocab: In workbook, students will complete Unit 6 Ex.1 – pg 71-72. Sharing follows (SOL 12.3)
(4) Reading Analysis – Read and comprehend narrative text and poetry—relate to themes and issues of
different historical periods. Class will FINISH reading “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” pgs 230-243) while
also listening to audio excerpts. As we read, students will analyze the story for evidence of feudal culture/values
and the ideals of chivalry as represented in Gawain’s behavior. They will also locate elements of legends and
medieval romances. Understand the actual nature of the test and challenge presented, as well as the quest Gawain
must undertake. Understand the Christian influence in the theme of repentance and redemption at the end of the
tale; identify other themes presented in the story. Notice use of archetypal narrative elements (SOL 12.3, 12.4)
(5) Small Group Work: Students will complete a study guide for the test on Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, and
Medieval Literature. After completion, review/correct for accuracy (SOL 12.3, 12.4, 12.5).
(6) Selected team leaders will choose their teams for tomorrow’s review game for test of Chaucer, Canterbury
Tales, and Medieval Literature.
(7) CRISS Summation – reflection on what was learned today (SOL 12.4).
(1) Audio CD of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
(2) Study guide for the test on Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, and Medieval Literature.
(3) Class rosters for team selection
(1) Bring Vocab workbook AND Time Machine novel tomorrow!!! (Lit book NOT needed)
(2) Read The Time Machine ch. 1-4 for tomorrow --- reading-check quiz – bring completed reading guide
(3) Due Thurs.: sentences/paragraph using 10 of Vocab Unit 6’s words
(4) Test Thursday on Chaucer and the Lit of the Middle Ages == review game tomorrow
(5) Quiz next Mon. On Vocab Unit 6
7:30 JMAM for
3rd period
(1) CRISS: Plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Literature: Reading Analysis – Read and comprehend narrative text and poetry—relate to themes and
issues of different historical periods. READING CHECK QUIZ on ch. 1-4 of The Time Machine (open book),
followed by discussion of the chapters. Examine style, and students’ response to it. Students will analyze why the
author gives the characters no names. Teacher will explain the allusion of the sphinx statue. Students will describe
the creatures first seen by the Time Traveler, building toward a later understanding of the allegorical/metaphorical
nature of the story (SOL 12.3, 12.4).
(3) Vocab: In workbook, students will complete Unit 6 Ex.2 – pg 72-774-763. Sharing follows (SOL 12.3)
(4) Jeopardy Review game for test on Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, and Medieval Literature.
(1) Open-book quiz on ch. 1-4 of The Time Machine; reading guide for ch. 5-8
(2) Eggsbert set; Jeopardy review questions for test on Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, and Medieval Literature.
(1) Bring Vocab workbook DAILY – Lit book not needed until further notice
(2) Due tomorrow.: sentences/paragraph using 10 of Vocab Unit 5’s words
(3) Test Thursday on Chaucer and the Lit of the Middle Ages == review game tomorrow
(4) Quiz next Mon. On Vocab Unit 6
(5) Read ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine for next Wed. – reading check quiz – complete reading guide
(1) CRISS: Plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Vocab: Students will turn in their sentences/paragraphs written with 10 of this week’s vocab words from Unit 5
(SOL 12.3, 12.6);
(3) Unit Test on Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, and Medieval Literature. (SOL 12.3, 12.4, 12.5)
(4) Expository Writing: Teacher will provide instruction on the construction of an expository essay, especially the
introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement that sets forth an argument concerning the main idea of the
essay; a logical progression of thought; provision of evidential support; a clear and separate conclusion. Understand
the meaning of “expository”, and the purposes of an expository paper. Rubric distributed and discussed (SOL
(5) Group Work: Students will brainstorm topics for our upcoming expository essay unit. Share ideas. (SOL
(1) Test on Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, and Medieval Literature.
(2) Handout on Expository writing – from Online Writer’s Lab (OWL)
(3) Expository topic brainstorming form
(4) Expository essay rubric
(5) Expository essay – declaration of topic
(1) Bring Vocab workbook DAILY -- reading an example of expository writing tomorrow
(2) Quiz Mon. On Vocab Unit 6
(3) Due Monday – paper stating topic chosen for expository essay
(4) Read ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine for next Wed. – reading check quiz – complete reading guide
(5) Quiz next Friday on literary elements and characterization terms
(1) CRISS: Plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Terms of literary analysis: Discuss terms for stages of plot development, and how these relate to our reading
of The Time Machine thus far. Review a handout of all literary and characterization terms. Divide students into
GROUP WORK – make each group responsible for teaching part of the handout (SOL 12.3, 12.4, 12.1).
(3) Non-Fiction Texts: In Vocab Workbook, students will read the non-fiction essay on pgs 74-76, then answer
questions on pgs 76-78. Discussion follows (SOL 12.5)
(1) Handout on literary and characterization terms; practice quiz on same
(2) Answer sheet for pgs 76-78 in vocab workbook
(1) Bring Vocab workbook DAILY
(2) Quiz Mon. On Vocab Unit 6
(3) Due Monday – paper stating topic chosen for expository essay
(4) Read ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine for next Wed. – reading check quiz – complete reading guide
(5) Quiz next Friday on literary elements and characterization terms