United States History I Final Exam Study Guide Identifies: You should be able to identify all the following people, places and terms. Identify means that you understand the historical significance, characteristics, and relationship of that person, place or term. Make sure your understanding is complete and detailed. The more you know the better off you will be for the final exam. Essays: You should be prepared to write well developed essays about the following topics. Your answers should indicate that you understand the historical significance of your topic and should include multiple, specific supporting historical facts, including the relevant people, places and terms associated with the event. From Nationalism to Sectionalism Identifies: 1. Treaty of Ghent (Components) 2. Monroe Doctrine 3. Era of Good Feeling 4. The Corrupt Bargain Election (1824) 5. Jacksonian Democracy 6. Spoils System 7. Trail of Tears 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Nullification Crisis (Tariff 1828 / 2832) Lowell Mills hiring practices 262 National Bank Veto Manifest Destiny Purchase of Florida Republic of Texas Mexican War (Causes and Results) Essay Topics: 1. Andrew Jackson as “the reign of King Andrew” and others as “the Era of Jacksonian Democracy.” 2. What were the causes and effects of Manifest Destiny? Events Leading to the American Civil War Identifies: 15. Missouri Compromise of 1820 16. John Brown 17. Underground Railroad 18. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 19. Compromise of 1850 20. Popular Sovereignty 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Dred Scott decision Bleeding Kansas Fugitive Slave Acts Lincoln-Douglas debates Caning of Charles Sumner Election of 1860 Essay Topics: 4. Choose two events below. Describe the event and explain how each event demonstrated 1 of the 4 “Underlying Causes” of the American Civil War. Events Compromise of 1850 Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott v. Sandford Uncle Tom’s Cabin Lincoln-Douglas Debates Raid on Harper’s Ferry 1. 2. 3. 4. Underlying Causes Slavery as a growing moral issue in the North, versus its defense and expansion in the South. Constitutional Disputes over the power of the federal government at the expense of states’ rights. Economic Differences between the industrial North and the agricultural South. Political Blunders & Extremism on both sides which resulted in this unnecessary national tragedy Civil War Identifies: 27. Secession 28. Fort Sumter 29. War of attrition 30. War strategies: N. & S. 31. Conscription 32. Lincoln’s main goal 33. Border States 34. Bull Run 35. Emancipation Proclamation 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Gettysburg Gettysburg Address Martial law Writ of habeas corpus Copperheads Anaconda Plan Greenbacks Blockade Mass. 54th regiment Essay Topics: 5. What were the strengths and weaknesses between the North and South during the American Civil War (PRIMES) 6. Causes and Effects of the Emancipation Proclamation? Reconstruction Identifies: 45. Black Codes 46. 14th Amendment 47. Carpetbaggers & Scalawags 48. Goals of Congressional Reconstruction 49. Impeachment of President Johnson 50. 51. 52. 53. Sharecropping Ku Klux Klan Freedmen’s Bureau Election of 1876 Essay Topics: 7. What were the main ideas within the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, and explain two ways in which white Southerners found ways around the amendments? 8. Describe how the federal government was successful or failed in accomplishing their three Reconstruction goals: Developing a plan to readmit rebellious confederate southern states back into the Union. Create a society where the recently freed African Americans had social, economic and political freedoms. Help rebuild the social and economic war devastated southern states