Descriptive Essay of Place.doc

Descriptive Essay Rubric
Title of Essay reflects content: Yes
No (2 points)
Introduction and Thesis
paragraph clearly
states subject of
essay and captures
reader's attention.
Thesis statement is
effectively crafted.
paragraph states
subject of essay
but is not
paragraph attempts
to state subject of
essay but does not
contain a clear
No attempt is made
to state the subject
of the essay in an
Sensory Details
Essay includes
Includes some
engaging details
details that appeal
that appeal to the
to the five senses.
five senses (taste,
touch, sound, sight,
Includes only a few Includes no details
details that appeal that appeal to the
to the senses.
Word Choice
Writer uses vivid
words and phrases
that linger or draw
pictures in the
reader's mind, and
the choice and
placement of the
words seems
accurate, natural
and not forced.
Writer uses vivid
words and phrases
that linger or draw
pictures in the
reader's mind, but
occasionally the
words are used
inaccurately or
seem overdone.
Writer uses words
that communicate
clearly, but the
writing lacks
sophistication, or
Writer uses a
limited vocabulary
that does not
strongly or capture
the reader's
interest. Jargon or
cliches may detract
from the meaning.
Figurative Language
Personification, etc.
Writer effectively
uses simile,
metaphor, and
personification to
describe the
Writer uses one
example of simile,
metaphor, or
personification to
describe the
Writer may try to
use simile,
metaphor, and
personification but
does so incorrectly.
Writer does not
include simile,
metaphor, or
personification in
Organization and
Writer organizes
the essay in
multiple, fullydeveloped
paragraphs with
transitions and
links that connect
the body
paragraphs back to
the thesis.
Writer organizes
the essay in
paragraphs with
some transitions
and links that
connect the body
paragraphs back to
the thesis.
Writer organizes
the essay in
paragraphs that
need further
Transitions and
links to the thesis
are inadequate.
Writer does not
organize the essay
in paragraphs.
There are no
transitions or links
back to the thesis.
Sentence Structure
(Variety, Clarity, Fluency)
All sentences are
with varied
Most sentences are
with varied
Most sentences are
but have a similar
Sentences lack
structure and
appear incomplete
or rambling.
Grammar and Mechanics
There are no errors There are some
There are errors
in grammar or
errors; however,
that distract the
these errors do not reader.
distract the reader.
There are serious
errors that interfere
with the reader's
understanding of
the essay.
Total Score: ________/28
Descriptive Essay: A Place
A Model from Ethan Frome: How does Wharton describe Starkfield?
One would have supposed that such an atmosphere must quicken the emotions as well as
the blood; but it seemed to produce no change except that of retarding still more the
sluggish pulse of Starkfield. When I had been there a little longer, and had seen this
phase of crystal clearness followed by long stretches of sunless cold; when the storms of
February had pitched their white tents about the devoted village and the wild cavalry of
March winds had charged down to their support; I began to understand why Starkfield
emerged from its six months’ siege like a starved garrison capitulating without quarter.
Twenty years earlier the means of resistance must have been far fewer, and the enemy in
command of almost all the lines of access between the beleaguered villages; and,
considering these things, I felt the sinister force of Harmon’s phrase: “Most of the smart
ones get away.” But if that were the case, how could any combination of obstacles have
hindered the flight of a man like Ethan Frome? (Wharton, “Prologue” to Ethan Frome)
In the passage above, Starkfield is compared to a___________________________.
Who is the “enemy” in this comparison?
What literary devices are used to describe Starkfield?
Find two examples. Underline the phrases in the text and identify the devices.
Your Task: Write a description of a special place. Your tone (attitude towards your
subject) can be positive or negative, but this setting must have some personal
significance. You must express what that significance is in a thesis statement. Your
entire description must illustrate the validity of that statement. Lastly, using Edith
Wharton’s description of Starkfield as a model, create an extended metaphor (or use
another literary device) that features an original, creative comparison of your place to
something else.
a complete rough draft for peer editing
MLA format (typed, double-spaced, title, heading, headers, etc.)
2 pages in length (minimum)
thesis statement
extended metaphor (or other literary device)
editing for sentence clarity and variety
Rough Draft due:
Final Draft due: