Study guide

AP Psychology
Using Disorders Vocabulary
Find the term that corresponds to the descriptions below.
Abnormal behavior
Anorexia nervosa
Antisocial personality disorder
Anxiety disorders
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Bipolar disorders
Bulimia nervosa
Catatonic schizophrenia
Conversion disorder
Disorganized schizophrenia
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative disorders
Dissociative Fugue
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Dysthymic disorder
Eating disorders
Generalized anxiety disorder
Major depressive disorder
Medical model
Mood disorders
Negative symptoms
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Panic disorder
Paranoid schizophrenia
Personality disorders
Phobic disorders
Positive symptoms
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Psychological disorders
Psychotic disorders
Somatoform disorders
Social phobia
Undifferentiated schizophrenia
Fill in to proper term to fit each description
1. _____________________ Proposes that mental illness is often displayed when there
is an interaction between a genetic disposition and an environment, which may allow the
disorder to emerge.
2._____________________ Term used to classify the stereotyping of individuals who
have been diagnosed as mentally ill.
3. _____________________ Individuals suffering from this ailment often have a fear of
leaving their own home (or other perceived safe place), as they are afraid that they may
be trapped somewhere from which escape may be impossible.
4.______________________ Consistent but relatively mild symptoms of Bipolar
5._______________________Psychotic disorder characterized by irrational suspicion of
6._____________________The belief that mental illness should be classified as a
7. _______________________The tool used by clinical psychologists to determine
which behavioral characteristics an individual is exhibiting and if they potentially are
suffering from a mental illness.
8. ______________________Illness characterized by excessive weight loss and extreme
dieting, causing the individual to be drastically underweight but with the illusion that they
are still heavy.
9.___________________Legal description to describe those who are not responsible for
their own actions.
10. ___________________Disorder characterized by flight to a distance place in addition
to a new taking on a new identity, may last a few hours to a few weeks.
11. ___________________ A consistent yet minor depressive disorder.
12.____________________A disorder characterized by anxiety provoking thoughts and
related irrational behaviors.
13. ____________________Disorders characterized by physical complaints without
physical evidence to support the complaint, based on psychological concerns.
14. _______________Individuals who fit this category display shallow-attention seeking
behavior, even if it may put them in harms way.
15.________________A set of disorders characterized by a loss of touch with reality.
16. ________________Classification that represents a lack of characteristic such as
withdrawal into an inner world or a lack of emotional responses.
17._________________ Characterized by the loss of memory (primarily episodic) not
due to organic causes.
18. ___________________Characterized by a horrific experience that leaves both
psychological and occasionally physical symptoms of the episode long after the event has
19._____________________Demonstrated by clearly psychotic symptoms without the
lack of motor ability, loose word associations or mistrust of others.
20._____________________Characterized by an overwhelming sense of impending
doom without a specific object or event to which the anxiety is associated.
21. ____________________ the experience of a sensory experience that does not actually
22. ____________________Characterized by a “split” in one’s personality in which an
alternative personality or personalities take over while the core personality experiences
an episode of “lost time”.
23.___________________Set of disorders in which an irrational fear is directed towards
a specific object or event.
24._____________________The instance in which an individual’s characteristics
necessitate a diagnosis of more than one illness.
25._____________________Illness characterized by overeating followed by purging,
may be difficult to identify as the individual is often not significantly below average
26. ____________________ Illness characterized by an individual who is preoccupied
with their health and makes frequent complaints about physical illness without the
actually presence of physical symptoms.
27. ____________________Characterized by intense levels of activity accompanied by
the lack of a need for sleep and often with “flight of ideas” and risky decision-making.
28. ____________________Behavior that violates cultural norms and may place the
individual in an anxiety provoking state.
29.__________________Characterized by an intense and irrational fear of interacting
with others.
30. __________________Disorder characterized by immobility accompanied by
psychotic symptoms
31. __________________ Individual displays manipulative, aggressive and unlawful
behavior over a long period of time with little regard for others or remorse for what they
have done wrong.
32. __________________Disorder characterized by intense dread and panic that
something awful will occur. Also characterized by physical symptoms such as shortness
of breath and hypertension.
33. ________________Disorders characterized by a significant change in temperament
that can range from a manic state to a potentially suicidal state.
34. _______________False beliefs that an individual will cling to regardless of evidence
to the contrary.
35. __________________Characterized by inability to attend to stimuli for long periods
of time, hyperactivity and impulsiveness
36.___________________ Disorders characterized by consistent worry that something
terrible will occur.
37. _________________A mood disorder in which one alternates between a manic state
and a state of hopeless depression
38. _________________ Disorders that are deemed as socially inappropriate or are
disruptive to the individual’s daily life or which cause them some degree of
psychological suffering
39. _________________ Disorder characterized by depressed mood for at least two
weeks, no longer interested in activities previously found enjoyable and often suicidal
ideation a suicide attempt or a specific plan for suicide.
40. ________________Disorders characterized by long-standing traits that make it
difficult to interact or get along with others.
41. ________________Loss of physical functioning in an organism with the lack of
physical evidence
42. -________________The process of distinguishing between illnesses in order to
identify from what a person is suffering.
43. -________________Psychotic disorder traditionally characterized by a disturbance in
speech such as loose word associations.
44. ________________Disorder characterized by unhealthy eating habits, which
encompass the range of activities from overeating to starving oneself to binging and
45. ________________The study of disorders within a given population
46. ________________Experiences characterized by the excess of sensory inputs such as
the experience of hallucinations or delusions.
47. ________________Diagnosis about the potential outcome of an illness, including the
potential for recovery
48. ________________Disorders characterized by a “splits” or separations from one are
self, may involve issues with personality or memory.
Answer Guide
1.Diathesis–stress hypothesis Proposes that mental illness is often displayed when there is
an interaction between a genetic disposition and an environment, which may allow the
disorder to emerge.
2. Stigma: Term used to classify the stereotyping of individuals who have been
diagnosed as mentally ill.
3. Agorophobia: Individuals suffering from this ailment often have a fear of leaving their
own home (or other perceived safe place) as they are afraid that they may be trapped
somewhere from which escape may be impossible.
4. Cyclothymia: Consistent but relatively mild symptoms of Bipolar disorder.
5. Paranoid schizophrenia: Psychotic disorder characterized by irrational suspicion of
6. Medical model: The belief that mental illness should be classified as a disease.
7. DSM-IVR: The tool used by clinical psychologists to determine which behavioral
characteristics an individual is exhibiting and if they potentially are suffering from a
mental illness
8. Anorexia nervosa: Illness characterized by excessive weight loss and extreme dieting,
causing the individual to be drastically underweight but with the illusion that they are still
9. Insanity: Legal description to describe those who are not responsible for their own
10. Dissociative fugue: Disorder characterized by flight to a distance place in addition to
taking on a new identity, may last a few hours to a few weeks.
11. Dysthymic disorder: A consistent yet minor depressive disorder.
12. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: A disorder characterized by anxiety provoking
thoughts and related irrational behaviors.
13. Somatoform disorders: Disorders characterized by physical complaints without
physical evidence to support the complaint, based on psychological concerns.
14. Histrionic personality disorder: Individuals who fit this category display shallowattention seeking behavior, even if it may put them in harms way.
15. Psychotic disorders: A set of disorders characterized by a loss of touch with reality.
16. Negative symptoms: Classification that represents a lack of characteristic such as
withdrawal into an inner world or a lack of emotional responses.
17. Dissociative amnesia: Characterized by the loss of memory (primarily episodic) not
due to organic causes.
18. Posttraumatic stress disorder: Characterized by a horrific experience that leaves both
psychological and occasionally physical symptoms of the episode long after the event has
19. Undifferentiated schizophrenia: Demonstrated by clearly psychotic symptoms
without the lack of motor ability, loose word associations or mistrust of others.
20. Generalized anxiety disorder: Characterized by an overwhelming sense of
impending doom without a specific object or event to which the anxiety is associated.
21. Hallucinations: The experience of a sensory experience that does not actually exist.
22. Dissociative identity disorder: Characterized by a “split” in one’s personality in
which an alternative personality or personalities take over while the core personality
experiences an episode of “lost time”.
23. Phobic disorders: Set of disorders in which an irrational fear is directed towards a
specific object or event.
24. Co-morbidity: The instance in which an individual’s characteristics necessitate a
diagnosis of more than one illness.
25. Bulimia nervosa: Illness characterized by overeating followed by purging, may be
difficult to identify as the individual is often not significantly below average weight.
26. Hypochondriasis: Illness characterized by an individual who is preoccupied with
their health and makes frequent complaints about physical illness without the actually
presence of physical symptoms.
27. Mania: Characterized by intense levels of activity accompanied by the lack of a need
for sleep and often with “flight of ideas” and risky decision-making.
28. Abnormal behavior: Behavior that violates cultural norms and may place the
individual in an anxiety provoking state.
29. Social Phobia: Characterized by an intense and irrational fear of interacting with
30. Catatonic Schizophrenia: Disorder characterized by immobility accompanied by
psychotic symptoms.
31. Antisocial personality disorder: Individual displays manipulative, aggressive and
unlawful behavior over a long period of time with little regard for others or remorse for
what they have done wrong.
32. Panic Disorder: Disorder characterized by intense dread and panic that something
awful will occur. Also characterized by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath
and hypertension.
33. Mood Disorders: Disorders characterized by a significant change in temperament
that can range from a manic state to a potentially suicidal state.
34. Delusions: False beliefs that an individual will cling to regardless of evidence to the
35. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Characterized by inability to attend to
stimuli for long periods of time, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
36. Anxiety Disorders: Disorders characterized by consistent worry that something
terrible will occur.
37. Bipolar disorders: A mood disorder in which one alternates between a manic state
and a state of hopeless depression.
38. Psychological disorders: Disorders that are deemed as socially inappropriate or are
disruptive to the individual’s daily life or which cause them some degree of
psychological suffering.
39. Major depressive disorder: Disorder characterized by depressed mood for at least two
weeks, no longer interested in activities previously found enjoyable and often suicidal
ideation a suicide attempt or a specific plan for suicide.
40. Personality disorders: Disorders characterized by long-standing traits that make it
difficult to interact or get along with others.
41. Conversion disorder: Loss of physical functioning in an organism with the lack of
physical evidence.
42. Diagnosis: The process of distinguishing between illnesses in order to identify from
what a person is suffering.
43. Disorganized schizophrenia: Psychotic disorder traditionally characterized by a
disturbance in speech such as loose word associations.
44. Eating disorders: Disorder characterized by unhealthy eating habits, which encompass
the range of activities from overeating to starving oneself to binging and purging.
45. Epidemiology: The study of disorders within a given population.
46. Positive symptoms: Experiences characterized by the excess of sensory inputs such
as the experience of hallucinations or delusions.
47. Prognosis: Diagnosis about the potential outcome of an illness, including the
potential for recovery.
48. Dissociative disorders: Disorders characterized by a “splits” or separations from one
are self, may involve issues with personality or memory.