Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

At Global Star Enterprises (GSE) we are committed to ensuring a workplace free of discrimination
and harassment. We are committed to providing a safe and pleasant working environment where
all employees experience good working relationships. GSE values the diversity of its workforce and
the strengths that this brings to the organisation.
GSE openly fosters equal opportunities for all in the implementation of all policies and procedures
in the workplace by ensuring the following:
employment decisions will be based on merit
no sexual, racial or other harassment will be tolerated in the workplace
all employees will be treated fairly
diversity of employees will be valued
employees potential shall be fully utilised and developed
all policies and procedures that are developed will be inclusive of EEO principles
all staff shall receive training in EEO and related issues
1. What is Equal Employment Opportunity?
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), means the absence of discrimination or less
favourable treatment in the workplace. The following grounds for discrimination apply
under Federal and State laws:
1.1.1. sex
1.1.2. marital status
1.1.3. pregnancy or potential pregnancy
1.1.4. race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
1.1.5. impairment/disability (past, present or future)
1.1.6. parental status
1.1.7. lawful religious belief or activity
1.1.8. lawful political belief or activity
1.1.9. age
1.1.10. industrial activity
1.1.11. lawful sexual activity
1.1.12. physical features
1.1.13. career status
1.1.14. breastfeeding
1.1.15. gender identity
1.1.16. sexual orientation
1.1.17. personal association with person identified by reference to one of the above
Global Star Enterprises is a fictional company created for educational and training purposes only.
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2. What is discrimination?
Discrimination is the unfair and unlawful treatment of anyone who may be part of the
above mentioned groups, or someone who may identify with such a person.
Discrimination can be either direct or indirect. Direct discrimination occurs when unfair
and unlawful treatment or distinctions are made between individuals and groups.
Indirect discrimination may be unintentional but is still a form of discrimination and can
include policies, rules or practice that have a discriminatory effect against an individual
or group.
3. What is harassment?
Harassment is any form of unwelcome behavior or language that results in offending,
intimidating or humiliating a person.
Harassment may be of a sexual or any other nature and is unlawful.
Unwelcome behavior may be exhibited as a single act or repeatedly and is considered
harassment either way. It can result in lack of confidence, unfavourable work conditions
and loss of productivity. Even if the unwelcome behavior was not intended to cause
harm, for example, a joke is still considered harassment and is unlawful behavior.
Harassment can take many forms from direct harassment such as; unwanted sexual
advances, name calling, abuse and threats, through to indirect harassment where no
actions are taken against a person; however, the person may be made to feel
uncomfortable in the workplace.
4. What to do if you are harassed
If you feel that you are being harassed, it is important to tell the person to stop what
they are doing and that the behavior is unacceptable. Some people may interpret
silence as consent to their behavior so it is important that you verbally inform the
harasser that you do not wish them to continue. If the behavior does continue inform
your direct supervisor or an EEO contact officer.
5. What GSE will do
It is GSE’s responsibility to ensure that harassment does not occur in the workplace.
Complaints about harassment will be taken seriously and will be investigated by the
organisation by an EEO trained officer. If the investigation finds that the harassment did
occur appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that it ceases immediately. Actions
may include warnings and disciplinary procedures. Any employee making a complaint
that they have been harassed shall not be victimised or treated unfairly during or after
the investigative process.
6. Responsibilities of Management
It is management’s responsibility to ensure that harassment does not occur in the
workplace. If management observes harassing behaviors they are to take necessary
actions to stop it. They are to warn the individual(s) involved that it is not acceptable
and that they will face disciplinary actions if the behavior continues.
Managers must ensure that they themselves do not engage in any form of harassing
behavior. They are to ensure that all staff receive EEO training and are aware of GSE
EEO Policy.
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Staff who observes or who are experiencing harassment may approach management
who must then act on the complaint. The manager will keep the information confidential
and may refer the people to an EEO officer if he/she feels they are not the appropriate
person to deal with the situation.
7. Responsibilities of GSE employees
Employees are legally obliged to ensure that they do not harass other employees,
managers, or supervisors of GSE.
8. Consequences of discrimination and harassment
Employees of GSE are expected to adhere to the EEO policy and guidelines contained
within. If a complaint about harassment or discrimination is made it shall be taken
seriously, remain confidential and will be investigated by an EEO Officer.
If the complaint is found to be proven, appropriate actions shall be taken. Warnings will
be given, disciplinary action taken and possible dismissal if the situation is serious or
does not cease.
Harassment and/or discrimination will not be tolerated at Global Star Enterprises.
Global Star Enterprises is a fictional company created for educational and training purposes only.
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