Committees and constitutions - The University of Western Australia

Minutes of the meeting of the Senate held in the Senate Room, University, Crawley on
Monday 1 November 2010, at 4.00 pm
The Chancellor (Dr M Chaney) in the Chair, the Pro Chancellor (Dr P Flett), the Vice-Chancellor
(Professor A Robson), Mr J W Biggs, Dr S Boyd, Professor S Bunt, Mr R Cooper, Mr S Dawkins,
Ms E Greeney, Mr J Inverarity, Dr S Juniper, Professor N Laing, Mr J Langoulant, Professor A
McKinley, Mr L Rowe, Ms H Silbert, Professor K Simmer, Ms J Thomson.
By Invitation: the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professor W Louden), the Executive Director
(Academic Services) and Registrar (Mr P W Curtis).
Ms P Hass, University Secretary.
Dr L Hayes, Dr A Howarth.
The Chair invited members to declare interests in relation to any item on the agenda. No
interests were declared.
that the minutes of the meeting held on 23 August 2010 be confirmed.
Governor’s Appointee – Ref F19784
The Chancellor congratulated Mr Inverarity, who had been re-appointed to Senate for a second
four year term of office expiring on 21 October 2014.
Election of one Member of the Academic Board under Section 8(1)(e) of the University of
Western Australia Act 1911 elected by and from the Academic Board – Ref F12641
The Chancellor also congratulated Professor K Simmer, who had been re-elected by the
Academic Board for a two-year term to 31 December 2012.
Election of two persons under Section 9(1)(g) of the University of Western Australia Act
1911 enrolled as students elected by students – Ref F13782
Members noted that Mr Tom Antoniazzi had been elected as the student representative on
Senate for a one year period from December 2010 to November 2011 and that Ms Emma
Greeney had been elected as the student representative for a two year period from December
2010 to November 2012.
Members also noted that Ms Mendel Baba had been elected as the Postgraduate student
representative for a one year period from December 2010 to November 2011.
The Chancellor thanked the two outgoing student members Mr Nik Barron and Ms Jane Thomson
for their valuable contribution during their period of office and noted Senate’s appreciation.
Senate noted that in accordance with Statute 14 clause (2)(2) made under the University of
Western Australia Act 1911, the Vice-Chancellor, on the 27 September 2010 conferred the
respective degrees, graduate diplomas and graduate certificates on the following candidates:
Bachelor of Arts
Christen John Bell
Kate Rebecca Burke
Karyn Lauren Cameron
Katherine Eleanor Moore
Sophie Jane Elizabeth Moore
Tan Shu-Min
Pelham Christopher Byrne Vaughan
Bachelor of Arts with Second Class
Honours (Division A)
Joanna Lillian Gould
Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies)
Si Ching Jane Ng
Tang Yat Man
Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies)
Ravinder Singh Maan
Bachelor of Commerce
Loo Hui Chi
Nur Rasyidi Mohamed Azmi
Hamish Aaron Robson
Kee Jin Tan
Pelham Christopher Byrne Vaughan
Anthony Vu
Bachelor of Economics
Daniel Van Heerden
Bachelor of Economics with First Class Honours
James Edward Hindley Paterson
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Brendan Mitchell Day
Bachelor of Engineering
(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Jeevitha D/O Nantha Kumaran
Bachelor of Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering)
with Second Class Honours Division B
Hamish Aaron Robson
Bachelor of Engineering
(Petroleum Engineering)
Aliff Fiqri Razak
Bachelor of Environmental Design
Alastair Douglas Meadly Black
Keegan Nash Buck
Sanchia Peche Stowe
Mark Zuvela
Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science
Andrew Robert Walker
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
David Benjamin Chenik
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
with Honours
Charlie McLeod
Bachelor of Music with Second Class Honours
(Division B )
Casey Anne Jenkins
Bachelor of Science
Jos Frans Ellison
Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours
(Division A)
Janine Margarethe Kuehs
Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours
Talitha Casey Santini
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Seyed Jannathul Marzuka
Shumei Roseline Su
Yang Yuzheng
Zhang Wei Sheng
Bachelor of Science
(Exercise and Health Science)
Jack Ian Cook
Bachelor of Science (Marine Science)
Anthony Timothy Sokol
Bachelor of Science
(Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
Khor Zhi Wei Gilbert
Bachelor of Science
(Pharmaceutical Science)
Noor Adibah Binte Mohd Noor
Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
Jessica Lauren Fragomeni
Executive Master of Public Administration
Brendan Joseph Mooney
Master of Business Administration
John Bernard Davidson
Marc Epple
Gordon Jared Loh Ooi Li
Wentao Ma
Markus Heino Mikli
Master of Civil Engineering
Wai Nang Yau
Master of Commerce
Christoffer Overeng Haugan
Master of Criminal Justice with Distinction
Grit Scheithauer
Master of Dental Science
Catherine Ga Ying Nip
Master of Education Research Methods
Tze Leung Yuen
Master of Educational Studies with Honours
David Perry
Master of Engineering in Microelectronics
Sneha Praful Chheda
Master of Finance
Qiu Sze Hwee
Master of Forensic Science
Chan Sze Hung Cheryl
Kate Johanna Ruddenklau
Master of Human Resources
and Industrial Relations
Diana Lynn Andrew
Master of Logistic Engineering and Management
Lei Chen
Zheng Yun Guo
Ji Hua
Xi Jia Li
Peiming Shi
Lu Ting Sun
Master of Oil and Gas Engineering
Vinith Bhandary
John Mathew Thoppil
Master of Pharmacy
Stephen Gerard Moynihan
Master of Public Health
Jenny Ann Donnelly
Master of Science (Analytical Chemistry)
Nawaf Fuad N Alsowidan
Master of Science
(Ore Deposit Geology and Evaluation)
Cain Jordan Fogarty
Master of Science in Agriculture
Master of Science in Natural Resource
Alexandre Manuel Sitoe
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Endodontics)
Edward James Houston
Doctor of Education
Fuxiao Li
Doctor of Philosophy
Steven Andrew Broomfield
Pankaj Saxena
Graduate Diploma in Applied Anthropology
Tanya Jane McIntyre
Graduate Diploma in Arts
Peta Braedon
Graduate Diploma in Business
Imogen Christine Bale
Thomas Martin Hastings
Lee Andrew Zehnder
Graduate Diploma in Commercial
and Resources Law
Amarja Tyrone Rocque
Graduate Diploma in Educational Management
Shaun Tate
Graduate Diploma in Engineering
Timothy Ross Verne
Graduate Diploma in Engineering
in Power Systems
Jeevitha D/O Nantha Kumaran
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
Finola Barr
Rachel Victoria Oakeley
Graduate Diploma in Natural Resource
Management Policy and Planning
Delma Kaye Baesjou
Graduate Diploma in Oil and Gas Engineering
Gareth Cooks
Han Yu
Brett Marec Nardi
Thomas Kurishinkal Sebastian
Lie Wang
Dawei Zhang
Graduate Diploma in Professional Studies in
Clifford Wan
Yuen Sau Wai Athena
Graduate Certificate in Arts
Katherine Anne Saxon
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science
Adriane Peta Markham
Graduate Certificate in Modern Languages
Nobuyoshi Kobayashi
Graduate Certificate in Natural Resource
Management Policy and Planning
Delma Kaye Baesjou
Graduate Certificate in Oil and Gas Engineering
Naweed Siddique
Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Rheumatology
Senq-J Lee
Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Sleep Science
Elaine Yik-Lun Chan
Anne-Marie Gibson
Andrew Christos Halkas
Graduate Certificate in Regional Development
Jennifer Anne Peate
Graduate Certificate in Science
Jeremy Borino
that the candidates named below be admitted to their respective degrees:
Bachelor of Arts
Leon Trevelyan Mitchell
Vivian Lyall Paver
Wendy Helena Reynen
LaLa Alexandra Trail
Victoria Lyle Watson
Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours
Wendy Helena Reynen
Bachelor of Commerce
Dean Ross Cochrane
Peter Kevin Wallace
Wong Wei Zhi
Bachelor of Economics with
Second Class Honours (Division A)
Sijie Wang
Bachelor of Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering)
with Second Class Honours (Division B)
Yue Sun
Bachelor of Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering)
with Second Class Honours (Division A)
Luke Steven Ormerod
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
with Second Class Honours (Division A)
James Paul Quinton
Bachelor of Laws
Vivienne Louise Lister
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of
Surgery with Honours
Lauren Jane Megaw
Bachelor of Science
Luke Steven Ormerod
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Genetics)
Lee Jinwei Jeremy
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Alexis Ellen McLeod
Ong Yee Eng
Bachelor of Science
(Exercise and Health Science)
Jacqueline Cutts
Matthew Lee Pavlich
Master of Business Administration
Deirdre Celene Bourbon
Corrine Yen Fern Wong
Master of Business Administration
Carlota Maria Soares Praxedes Treasure
Master of Education
Wing Lam Cheung
Master of Education with Honours
Jo-Anne Elizabeth Starkie
Master of Education Research Methods
Etta Ngar Tak Chiang
Christopher Robin Massey
Master of Manual Therapy
Nichola Jayne Roberts
Master of Pharmacy
Alexis Ellen McLeod
Alison Jennifer Mees
Master of Science
(Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
Paula Michele Dalgleish
Doctor of Philosophy
Anthony Thomas John Hunt
Degree of Doctor of Psychology
(Clinical Psychology)
Yarissa Joneen Herman
that the candidates named below be admitted to their respective diplomas:
Graduate Diploma in Business
Graham Keith Harmsworth
Liew Thian Hock
Steven Joseph Stanbrook
Alan Philip MacKenzie Thom
Graduate Diploma in Business
and Engineering Asset Management
Anthony Luke McDonald
Graduate Diploma in Education
Sheldon James Ingham
Nantha Priya Ramu
Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical
Alexis Ellen McLeod
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Christina Angela Read
that the candidates named below be admitted to their respective certificates:
Graduate Certificate in Applied Anthropology
Stuart James Bradfield
Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Rheumatology
Prasan Deep Rath
Graduate Certificate in Urban Design
Susan Anita Oosthuizen
Amendment of Award conferred at the Graduation Ceremony held on 15 September 2010 –
Ref 20160267
The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences had advised that as a result of an administrative
error, Miss Emily Joy AGER (Student ID: 20160267) had been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of
Science (Natural Resource Management) instead of the Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource
Management) with Second Class Honours (Division B) at the Graduation Ceremony held on 15
September 2010.
to approve the award of a Bachelor of Science (Natural and Resource Management) with Second Class
Honours (Division B) to Miss Emily Joy AGER in place of the Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource
5.1.1 Amendment of Award conferred at the Graduation Ceremony held on 15 September 2010 – Ref
The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences had advised that as a result of an administrative
error, Miss Jordan MAKER (Student ID: 10324661) had been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of
Science (Natural Resource Management) instead of the Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource
Management) with Second Class Honours (Division A) at the Graduation Ceremony held on 15
September 2010.
to approve the award of a Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource Management) with Second
Class Honours (Division A) to Miss Jordan MAKER in place of the Bachelor of Science
(Natural Resource Management).
2011 ADMISSION AND QUOTA PLAN – REF 10/01/016/001
Members noted the 2011 Admission and Quota Plan which followed previous Admission and
Quota Plans in describing the policies and arrangements for admitting students to courses and
specified the planned numbers of students to be admitted in defined categories.
Members also noted the Plan had been developed in consultation with faculties and subsequently
endorsed by the Planning and Budget Committee at its meeting held on 13 October 2010.
The Chancellor reported that the following people had accepted invitations for the award of
Honorary Degrees and Chancellor’s Medals in 2011:
Justice Robert French – Doctor of Laws (Public Sector and Academic Achievement)
Ms Geraldine Doogue – Doctor of Letters (Community Service)
Mr Richard Goyder – Doctor of Commerce (Private Sector)
Justice Neville Owen – Doctor of Laws (Community Service)
Mr Peter Pang – Doctor of Engineering (Private Sector)
Ms Sherry Hopkins
Dr Richard Vaughan
Emeritus Professors – Ref F12209
that the title of Emeritus Professor be conferred upon the following:
Winthrop Professor Arun M Dharmarajan
Professor Allan White
Winthrop Professor John Taplin
Winthrop Professor Keith Punch
Professor Doug McEachern
Professor John Campbell Murdoch
Winthrop Professor Dennis Haskell
Dr Paul G McCormick
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Rescission of Postgraduate Courses:
Graduate Certificate in Arts; Graduate Certificate in Communication Studies; Graduate
Certificate in Modern Languages; Graduate Diploma in Arts; Graduate Diploma in
Communication Studies; Graduate Diploma in Modern Languages; Master of Arts (by
Coursework); Master of Arts in Italian Language and Linguistics (by Coursework); Master of
Arts in Modern German Language and Culture (by Coursework); and Master of
Communication Studies (by Coursework)– Refs F5300, F5275, F5299, F5274, F5262, F5265,
to approve that the Graduate Certificate in Arts; Graduate Certificate in Communication
Studies; Graduate Certificate in Modern Languages; Graduate Diploma in Arts; Graduate
Diploma in Communication Studies; Graduate Diploma in Modern Languages; Master of
Arts (by Coursework); Master of Arts in Italian Language and Linguistics (by Coursework);
Master of Arts in Modern German Language and Culture (by Coursework); and Master of
Communication Studies (by Coursework), be not available for new enrolments from
Semester 1, 2012;
to approve the rescission of the courses leading to the Graduate Certificate in Arts;
Graduate Certificate in Communication Studies; Graduate Certificate in Modern
Languages; Graduate Diploma in Arts; Graduate Diploma in Communication Studies;
Graduate Diploma in Modern Languages; Master of Arts (by Coursework); Master of Arts
in Italian Language and Linguistics (by Coursework); Master of Arts in Modern German
Language and Culture (by Coursework)and Master of Communication Studies (by
Coursework), respectively from the date that students currently undertaking the courses or
enrolling in 2011 complete their course in accordance with the relevant rules; and
to approve the deletion of the courses from the Schedule of Courses.
9.1.2 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences - Rescission of the Master of Dental
Science – Ref F6563
to approve that the Master of Dental Science be not available for new enrolments from
Semester 1, 2011;
to approve the rescission of the course leading to the Master of Dental Science from
Semester 1, 2011; and
to approve the deletion of the course from the Schedule of Courses.
9.1.3 Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics - Introduction of the Electrical and
Electronic Programme in the Master of Engineering – Ref F5406
to approve the introduction of the Electrical and Electronic Programme leading to the
Master of Engineering with effect from 2011; and
to approve the inclusion of the programme in the Schedule of Courses.
that the Jean Rogerson Bequest Fund Regulations be amended as recommended.
The 2008 Review of the Berndt Museum of Anthropology (Berndt) and the Lawrence Wilson Art
Gallery (LWAG), identified both institutions as ‘tremendous assets’ of the University and though
in general performing well, the Review Committee noted there was ‘significant potential to
improve further’.
Amongst its recommendations was the creation of a single University Collection that would
incorporate all of the cultural assets of the University into one unified collection, stored on a single
database and managed by professional registration staff.
The Vice-Chancellor, after extensive consultation had agreed in principle with the establishment
of a University Cultural Collections Board. Since then the Director, Cultural Precinct had
consulted widely within and outside the University.
to approve the proposed constitution of the UWA Cultural Collections Board as recommended.
The University accepted the generous donation of the Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art
(CCWA) from the Cruthers family in 2007.
A condition of the Deed of Gift to the University was that ‘The Senate shall establish the CCWA
Advisory Committee (CCWA Advisory Committee) which shall report to the Senate through the
Vice-Chancellor, for the purposes of administering all aspects of the CCWA…’
In discussions with the family and their legal representatives Jackson MacDonald the following
membership was agreed upon:
(a) the UWA employee who holds the office designated as the Director Cultural Precinct,
who will be the nominee of the Vice-Chancellor on the Committee and who will act as
(b) one member nominated by the Senate;
(c) one member nominated by the Foundation;
(d) the CCWA Curatorial Advisor, as defined in Schedule 1;
(e) the UWA employee who holds the office designated as the CCWA Curator.
The Executive Assistant to the Director Cultural Precinct is proposed as Executive Officer to the
to approve the proposed constitution of the Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art Advisory
Committee Collections Board as recommended.
The University of Western Australia and the Cassamarca Foundation agreed by Deed executed
on 4 June 2002 to establish the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) to promote NeoLatin and Italian Studies within approved Universities in Australia.
Under clause 4 of the Deed the UWA Senate is requested to fill a vacancy where a member
ceases to be a member of the Committee.
One of the members of the Committee has recently retired. The Committee recommended that
Dr Francesco Ricatti, Cassamarca Lecturer in Italian, University of the Sunshine Coast be
appointed to the Committee for a two year term.
Senators had before them a copy of Dr Ricatti’s Curriculum Vitae.
to approve that Dr Francesco Ricatta, Cassamarca Lecturer in Italian, University of the Sunshine
Coast be appointed to the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies Foundation Committee for a two
year term.
Members noted that under Statute 20 Clause 5, the University levied an annual Amenities and
Services Fee in accordance with the UWA Act on all students except those who, in accordance with
the Higher Education Support Amendment (Abolition of Compulsory Up-front Student Union Fees)
Act 2005 (Commonwealth) (“VSU Act”), chose not to use the amenities and services for which the
Amenities and Services Fee was levied and were therefore exempt from payment of the fee.
Given the current uncertainty regarding the new VSU/ASF legislation currently before Parliament, the
Guild recommends, and the Executive concurs, that the 2010 fee levels be retained for 2011 ($120
for full-time students with appropriate pro rata reductions for part-time and off-campus students) and
retention of the current distribution between the Guild and the Sports Association (70:30 after
deduction of the administrative cost of collecting and distributing the fee).
(i) to approve the Amenities and Services fee for 2011 of $120 per EFTSL (with appropriate
pro rata reductions for part-time and off-campus students); and
(ii) a 70:30 distribution of fee income between the Guild and the Sports Association, net of a
deduction to cover administrative costs.
Report of the meeting of the Audit and Review Committee held on 23 September 2010
15.1.1 Animal Ethics Committee – Annual Report – Ref 12717
The Animal Ethics Committee Annual Report for 2009 had been submitted to the Audit and Review
Committee for consideration to ensure that the University met statutory obligations under the Animal
Welfare Act 2004 (W.A). A copy of the report without attachments had been circulated with the
agenda. No material issues had been identified by the Audit and Review Committee.
Members noted the Annual Report of the Animal Ethics Committee.
15.1.2 Annual Report 2010 – Key Performance Indicators – Ref F869
Members noted that under the Financial Management Act 2006 (WA) the University is required to
provide each year an annual report including a financial statement, operations information and key
performance indicators.
In 2009 the State Government introduced a new Treasurer’s Instruction (TI904U) which required
universities to provide KPI’s and targets approved by their governing bodies.
The Audit and Review Committee at its meeting of 23 September 2010 considered proposed KPI’s
and associated targets for the 2010 Annual Report. It was noted that the performance indicators
remained unchanged from those used in the 2009 Annual Report. Updated values and preliminary
unaudited figures of those performance indicators were provided to the Committee and revised
targets proposed.
The proposed set of indicators is the same as that used in the past for the purposes of
compliance with the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 and the Financial Management
Act 2006. This proposal is considered more appropriate to the legislative compliance
requirements than use of a new set of indicators based on the Operational Proprieties Plan
(OPP) which has a specific internal performance focus. The OPP indicators and targets provide
detailed monitoring of the University’s progress against the many dimensions of its ambitious
agenda, whereas the Annual Report was intended to provide an overview of the University’s
performance to reassure the State Parliament and the public that it was effectively and efficiently
fulfilling its mission.
to approve the key performance indicators and suggested targets for the 2010 Annual Report.
15.2 Report of the meeting of the External Environment Committee held on 25 August 2010
15.2.1 The Impact of Australia’s Workforce Outlook on the University of Western Australia
The External Environment Committee had commissioned a project in mid-2008 to consider the
impacts of Australia’s workforce outlook with a view to developing a strategy for the University to
address workforce challenges.
This project produced a report entitled “The Impact of Australia’s Workforce Outlook on the University
of Western Australia” which concluded that in relation to its own internal situation, the University was
undertaking substantial activity in planning, human resource management, education and research to
address workforce challenges. However the report noted that less activity was evident relating to the
external environment, and suggested a range of further opportunities to strengthen the University’s
response to predicted increasing skill and labour shortages.
At its meeting held on 30 September 2009, the Committee considered and resolved to refer that
report to Senate. The main findings of the report were presented to the Senate meeting on 26
October 2009. Senate resolved (R88/09) to ask the University to prepare a response to the report
which was subsequently considered by Senate on 15 February 2010. Senate then referred the
Workforce Outlook Project back to the External Environment Committee for further consideration.
The External Environment Committee reconvened its Workforce Outlook Project Steering Group
to reconsider the issues raised in the original report in light of subsequent developments,
including points raised in Senate discussion and the University’s response to the original
recommendations. A new report was subsequently developed and presented at the External
Environment Committee meeting held on 25 August 2010. The External Environment
Committee resolved (R10/9):
“That the revised Workforce Outlook Project report be transmitted to Senate for their
consideration and approval.”
Members considered the report and resolved to endorse its five recommendations.
to approve the Workforce Outlook Progress Report and endorse the following recommendations:
1. that the University continue to influence the direction being taken in the national research
workforce strategy, either directly with the government or through appropriate channels such as
the Group of Eight.
2. that the University provide a comprehensive annual report to Senate that describes the University’s
current staffing profile and outlines strategies being undertaken to enhance the staffing profile with
specific attention to:
(i) the University’s performance and strategies in relation to attracting high-quality staff and retaining
key staff, including remuneration levels, workplace flexibility; and other factors (local, national and
international) affecting the University’s capacity to attract staff; and
(ii) the mix of staff with respect to age, gender and cultural diversity, including Indigenous staff.
3. that the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) be asked to:
(i) convene a working group to examine Australia’s workforce issues and consider an appropriate
structure to foster research regarding Australia’s workforce outlook which:
 supports emerging knowledge (social and technological) due to the effects of ageing that
will impact on the workforce; and
 facilitates grant and research funding in this area; and
(ii) report annually to Senate on the research being done on Australia’s workforce outlook.
4. that the University prepares an annual report for Senate that:
(i) summarises its latest intelligence on demand for courses and the workforce outlook;
(ii) highlights key developments in its course offerings in response to future skills and workforce
(iii) presents key changes in the University’s student profile; and
(iv) summarises the spread of teaching across various modes of course delivery including
provision of evening and weekend classes, intensive and block modes of teaching, and
mixed modes of teaching.
5. that the University investigate arrangements with partner universities in Australia and
overseas for UWA alumni to access life-long learning at those institutions, and make
reciprocal arrangements for access to UWA by alumni of those partner universities when
those alumni are in Perth. The objective is to continue to build the talent pool on which UWA
might draw as well as provide better opportunities for life long learning for UWA alumni.
15.3 Report of the meeting of the Strategic Resources Committee held on 26 October 2010
15.3.1 Write-Offs December 2010 – Ref F8072
Bad Debt Write-offs
to approve the request that debts to the amounts listed in the minutes of the Strategic Resources
Committee meeting of 26 October 2010 be written off.
Asset Write-offs
to approve the request that assets to the amounts listed in the minutes of the Strategic Resources
Committee meeting of 26 October 2010 be written off.
15.3.2 Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre
The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) had offered through the
Education Investment Fund grant application process a sum of $34million towards the Indian
Ocean Marine Research Centre Project.
The project involved construction of a new building on the Crawley Campus for marine research
and will bring together researchers and technical staff from UWA, Australian Institute of Marine
Science (AIMS), CSIRO and the State Government. The estimated cost of this facility is
The project also included refurbishment of the Waterman’s Bay Marine Research facility to be
equipped with seawater facilities for direct experimentation. The estimated cost of this part of
the project is $11million.
The research areas involved include:
 Offshore engineering;
 Biodiversity;
 Ocean policy; and
 Maintenance/management of coastal infrastructure.
Members had before them a copy of the report of the meeting of the Strategic Resources
Committee held on 26 October 2010 setting out the Funding and project milestones.
(i) to authorise the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the university to accept the Department of
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) grant offer of $34million towards the
$63million Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre (IOMRC) project and negotiate the terms of the
grant agreement with the commitment of $12million from the University towards the Indian Ocean
Marine Research Centre facilities;
(ii) to approve the allocation of $12million from the capital program towards the IOMRC project; and
(iii) to endorse further contributions (in land or kind) to the value of $9.2million from UWA including the
use of land at Crawley.
that in compliance with the requirements in Statute 1, provision be made for Senate meetings on
the following dates in 2011:
Monday, 21 February – Meeting of the Senate Executive Committee
Wednesday 16 and Thursday, 17 March – Strategic Directions Seminar
Monday, 9 May
Monday, 25 July
Monday, 26 September
Monday, 7 November
Monday, 12 December
Members had before them the Report of the Vice-Chancellor dated 1 November 2010. The
Vice-Chancellor highlighted the following issues covered in or arising from his report:
The award of the 2011 Rhodes Scholarship to Miss Jackie McArthur, a UWA Law Faculty
The successful Alumni functions held recently in New York, London and Oxford.
The receipt by two UWA staff members of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council
UWA’s hosting of and win at the Australian University Games with Monash University in
second place and the University of Sydney in third place.
The success of UWA in winning a high number of research linkage grants
Senate noted the positive report of the Chair of the Perth International Arts Festival attached to
the Vice-Chancellor’s Report.
Members had before them the 2010 Report on Alumni Relations. At its meeting of 22 October
2007, Senate had noted that UWA Strategic Plan for Alumni Relations (2007-2011) which had
been finalised by the Office of Development.
The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the following issues covered in or arising from the Report:
The increasingly strategic direction of alumni engagement activities, networks and groups.
The results of the 2009 Graduate Census and constructive recommendations about
alumni communication, services and events summarised in Attachment I “2009
Graduate Census Results”.
In discussion it was observed that in analysing and implementing the census recommendations
the University will involve Convocation.