CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY CLASS INFORMATION SHEET Spring 2009 Marcy Williams ( Office: Shima 234; 954-5587 Office Hrs: Monday-Friday 2-3 or by appointment REQUIRED TEXTS: 1. Miller, Barbara. 2008. Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World. Boston: Pearson. (Custom Edition for Delta College—-must be shrink-wrapped with the “Student Access Code.”) 2. Kris Holloway. 2007. Monique and the Mango Rains: Two Years with a Midwife in Mali. Waveland Press. COURSE GOALS: Students will examine anthropological concepts related to present-day societies. Students will be able to apply anthropological concepts to their own lives and the world around them. STUDENTS' OBLIGATIONS: 1. Students should attend classes without excessive absences. I will drop students who have excessive absences within the first four weeks of the semester. AFTER THE FIRST 4 WEEKS, STUDENTS ARE RESPON-SIBLE FOR DROPPING THE COURSE THEMSELVES. 2. The two midterms and final exam will consist of multiple-choice and essay questions. I provide study guides that present the due dates for readings , key terms, and essay questions. I will construct the exams from these study guides. While I offer two midterm exams, only one midterm grade counts toward the course grade (you get two chances to perfect your grade or can opt to not take the 2nd midterm; there are no make-up exams). 3. Most quizzes and many assignments will be “online” with the “Course Compass—My Anthro Lab.” However, since some students may not be able to buy the Miller book right away, I will offer the first two quizzes in class. For these you will need to purchase the “15-item” quiz strip (you will also need one of these for each midterm & will need the “50-item” quiz strip for the final exam). Also, bring some 3x5 index cards to each class as you will use them for inclass writing. 4. Students will be placed in small groups of 6-8 students near the beginning of the semester. These groups will “create” a culture that follows the holistic framework covered in class. Each student will be responsible for writing a paper describing a certain “part” of the culture. In week 16 (May 4-8) we will have class sessions devoted to a “World Simulation Game” where the “cultures” created in the class will interact in order to recreate world history, including colonialism and globalization. 5. Plagiarism/Cheating Policy: I WILL FOLLOW SCHOOL POLICY which is to file an "ACADEMIC DISHONESTY FORM" WITH THE DEAN AND GIVE YOU A "Zero" FOR THE ASSIGNMENT ON WHICH YOU CHEATED OR PLAGIARIZED. 6. Classroom etiquette: At our second class meeting, we will discuss the “norms” for polite, productive classroom conduct. Students will decide what “rules” they want enforced and “how” they will be enforced. 7. The last day to drop the course without a "W" notation on your transcript is February 6th. The last day to drop the course with a "W" is Aprill 22nd. After April 22nd, you must receive a letter grade. COURSE CONTENT: Unit 1: Defining Anthropology & Anthropological Method Unit 2: Economic & Political Connections Worldwide Unit 3: Kinship: Family & Marriage Unit 4: Symbolic Organization (religion, ritual, folklore, etc.) Unit 5: Inequality & Global Issues METHOD OF EVALUATION: Midterm #1 (Units 1 & 2 =Feb. 19/20) OR --50 points Midterm #2 (Unit 3=March 17/18) Paper (individual part on the “Culture”) --50 points Group Work (wiki threaded discussion & peer grade) --40 points Quizzes (10 quizzes) --40 points Participation (exercises, 2 study plans, etc.) --40 points Final Exam (units 1-5) --80 points --300 points