FINAL ESSAY FOR WORLD HISTORY HONORS DUE: 01-27-2011 TASK: WRITE A 5-PAGE ESSAY TO ANSWER QUESTION # 18 OR QUESTION # 15 ON THE WALL. QUESTION # 18: Can we predict who will rule the world this century based on historical and present time information? QUESTION # 15: what role has the UN played in the promotion of world peace? GUIDELINE 1. Create a graph organizer with the key issues you will use to support your thesis (hand this guideline in with the essay). 2. Formulate specific questions that you want to answer addressing different aspect of your essay. For example, economics, population, political system, natural resources, educational and technological advancements, involvements in wars, and overall state of optimism of the population. 3. Begin to research each specific topic and created a database for all your sources. 4. Develop your thesis paragraph and show to the teacher no later than 01-15. 5. Use at least one citation in each paragraph. 6. Use footnotes. GRADING 1.FINAL SCORE: 200 POINTS 2. THESIS PARAGRAPH PRESENTEND ON TIME (01-15) 20 POINTS. 3. GRAPH ORGANIZER: 20 POINTS 4. PROPER CITATIONS IN EACH PARAGRAPH: 20 POINTS 5. COMPREHENSIVE USE OF FOOTNOTES: 20 POINTS 6. WELLWRITTEN ANALYTICAL ESSAY FOLLOWING RUBRIC GUIDELINE: 70 7. COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY: 20 POINS Essay Rubric Corrected By: _____________________________ ____ Lacks Clear vision ____Paragraph organization program ____Essay organization problem ____Doesn’t support ideas w/examples ____Lacks concrete historical evidence ____Summary ____Not all parts of prompt address ____Off topic ____Weak word choice ____Lacks academic/hist.Vocab. ____Inconsistent vocab ____Grammar problems ____Too Short ____Lacks/incorrect citations ____Redundant ____Poor Layout Grammar: ____Proper letter size/shape ____Proper Eng. (no text messaging) ____Proper punctuation ____Proper capitalization ____Complete sentences Document Appearance: ____Proper header (name, date, block, assignment title) ____Professional looking (no extra marks, rips, or tears) Document Content: ____Each response meets the assignment requirements