Course Title – Lit Lab 12 Unit 2: Horror in Literature / Research writing Standards Content/Essential Questions Time: November / December Instructional Activities/Strategies Resources Assessments what is expected for learning activities and assessments 1.1 A, C, D, E, F, G, H 1.2 A, B, C 1. 3 A, B, C, E, F (literature circles and discussion) 1.4 B (Perkin’s), C 1.5 A, B, C, D, E, F 1.6 A, B, C, D, E, F (literature circles and discussion) 1.7 A, B, C 1.8 A, B, C (Perkin’s and Fright Fair Assessment) What are the themes in Frankenstein and how do they connect to the world? (beauty, revenge, pursuit of knowledge, ambition, science, alienation & rejection, friendship, and nature) How can you compare/contrast components of horror and other literary elements in Frankenstein and Dracula? What were the essential literary pieces of Frankenstein that we read and studied? ___________________ What are the essential pieces of a formalized research paper and how can you integrate them into your own writing about a CTE topic? ADAPTED Frankenstein (the novel) & Dracula RESOURCES: (excerpts) & the Perkin’s research paper Critical Reading Series: MONSTERS Power Point introduction of P84 Frankenstein’s Frankenstein characters and Monster background [structured note-taking, P155 discussion] Dracula Terror in Introduction of time period [ Transylvania Introduction and continuation of content vocabulary to support Jamestown reading comprehension and aid in Signature Reading writing [highlighting, definitions] Study guides to assist with The Language of comprehension, interpretation, and Literature: analysis of literature [paraphrase, American summarize, discussion] Literature Grammar usage - Commas (Comma usage powerpoint presentation, to coincide with Perkin’s paper & explore in text) Readers Handbook Reading: (Frankenstein and Dracula) Read and think critically in small groups through discussion Read-alouds [comprehension questions during reading) Movie comparisons/contrasts [Venn, writing sample] Thematic posters/presentations Retold Classic Myths Volume 2: See Strategies List (attached) Completed Research paper ADAPTED ASSESSMENTS: Go My Access Free Write Research Speech Fluency Journal responses Formative: Ticket in/ticket out Questioningteacher/student Closing Question Quizzes Journal 3-2-1 (3 things Course Title – Lit Lab 12 READING ADAPTATION: Critical Reading Series: MONSTERS Lesson 9: Frankenstein’s Monster p84-91 reading and comprehension checks you learned, 2 things you want to learn more about, 1 confusion) you still have KWL Lesson 17: Dracula Terror in Transylvania p154-161 Individual packets: short story with questions from Jamestown Reading series based in individual reading levels Continue Perkin’s research paper (topic forms, references, note cards) Daily independent reading (SSR) and journaling FLUENCY – daily fluency practice at individual levels; cold read test monthly Small/large group discussions Think/Pair/Share Venn Diagram