Island Studies Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006, pp. 125-142
Islanders’ Perspectives on Sustainable Living
Gillian Cambers
Sea Grant College Program
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
An internet forum, supported by the Small Islands Voice initiative, has since 2002
provided a place where islanders from around the world could discuss issues and
problems and also learn from the experiences of others. This paper provides a reflective
overview of the discussions over the past four years and attempts to identify some
specific characteristics that relate to islanders in their approaches to everyday living. An
analysis of the forum respondents shows that approximately two-thirds are male; one half
come from the Pacific islands; and more than half are employed in island-based
occupations. Discussions have covered infrastructural development; resource
management; environmental, social and economic issues. The overview indicates
islanders are very willing to speak out and take ownership of their issues and problems
and their discussions show a significant level of understanding about the need to balance
limited resources and economic development. Proposals for action are practical and
feasible and there is a strong vein of common sense running through the responses. Most
significantly, islanders show a deep love for their island homes, and attitude of caring
about the future development of their islands, and a willingness to try and solve their
problems themselves.
Keywords: islands, islanders, Small Island Voice, SIV Global forum, UNESCO