Macbeth Final Essay

British Literature I
Macbeth Analysis (75 pts)
Option 1: Essay
As part of our Macbeth closure, write a focused, well-supported argument essay (~800–1300 words) that
covers one of the following topics.
1. Ambition is one of the major themes of this novel. In a textually supported essay…
a. Describe how this theme is integrated throughout the play
b. Describe what life lessons we can learn about ambition by reading/viewing this play
2. Manhood is another theme that is in this play. In a textually supported essay, answer the
following questions relating to this theme:
a. What views of manhood are brought up in this play?
b. How can a distorted understanding of manhood detrimentally affect our society?
c. What do you think is the proper view of manhood?
3. Peer pressure is another theme in this play. In a textually supported essay...
a. Describe how this theme is integrated in the play
b. Describe what we can learn about peer pressure by reading/viewing this play
4. Violence is a theme in Macbeth. In a textually-supported essay, answer the following questions:
a. How does violence play a major role in this play?
b. What are some of the lessons we can learn about violence from reading/viewing this
5. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both strong and intriguing characters who have an interesting
marriage relationship. In a textually supported essay, answer the following questions:
a. How are these two characters alike?
b. How do these two characters differ?
c. Which of these two characters do you consider the true villain in the play and why?
Option 2: Create your own assessment
Don’t feel limited to these questions or assessments only. If you have an essay topic or another type of
final assessment in mind that is related to the play, see Mr. Kennett to describe your idea and get
approval by Thursday, December 2nd.
The draft of the essay will be due on Wednesday 12/08/10.
The final draft will be due Friday 12/10/10
Please plan accordingly.
British Literature I
Macbeth Analysis (75 pts)
A successful paper reflects the following criteria:
the essay’s claim/thesis is supported by logical reasons & specific evidence/data from the
play; higher level thinking/analysis (not summary) dominates the essay
the essay remains clearly focused; the essay’s meaning flows smoothly from a clear
beginning ----> middle ----> end
the writing engages the reader; sentence structure variety and language is appropriate for
the intended audience; includes at least 1 metaphor or simile
the essay adheres to the principles of standard written English; typewritten copy (standard Times 12 pt
font, double spaced)