

Jr. High Specific:




Pictures Of God

Okay, they’re not photographs, actually. God has always been a little too – well expansive to fit into a photograph. So instead.

God uses Word pictures in the Bible to describe his loving self to us.

Jr. High Tough Stuff

Kurt Johnston tackles the hard questions on living life that he gets from his own junior high students in “Tuff Stuff”.

Topics for the “Tuff Stuff” series include:




50 Short


5 Lessons

 Fitting In

Why All the Bad/Sad Stuff

Aren't All Religions the Same?

 How Do I Know What's True?

 End Times


Jr. High Bible Stuff

With Grapple Jr. High, you get the most age-relevant and innovative tool available for helping junior highers navigate through and find the answers to their biggest questions about God, others, and themselves. Your junior highers have inquisitive minds and an overwhelming desire for real relationships--give them a place to investigate that speaks their language and makes them feel safe.

In the “Bible Stuff” series, junior high pastor Kurt Johnston digs into the Bible and puts a practical, relevant face on five deep biblical truths.

Topics for the “Bible Stuff” series include:

16 Lessons

5 Lessons

 A Camel, A Needle, And A Rich Guy

 The Most Important Word That You Hardly Ever Use

 Jesus

 Paul Who?

 Jesus Calms the Storm







J.H. & S.H.:









Happiness is Serious






Leadership comes to each of us in varying degrees. Some people are born leaders, both naturally and spiritually gifted to envision goals, motivate people, secure resources, and make decisions. Others seem to be more content in a follower’s role.

But sooner or later, if by no other force than time and aging, each person becomes a leader.

In this series, see the kind of heart God can use. Five major incidents in the life of David show the kind of courage, love, worship, forgiveness, and repentance, those whose hearts beat in sync with the heart of God.

But that’s where the Sermon on the Mount helps. In Matthew

6 Jesus addressed core issues of spiritual life. He pointed out the hypocrisy and ineffectiveness of homemade religion, and drew people back to true spirituality based on the reality of

God and his Word. He showed us how to cut through the fluff and crud of false religion and rediscover the real thing.

Following his lead, let’s lead students to the genuine article.

This series looks at what true happiness is and how we can experience it. It will lead students to consider laying down their lives, take up their crosses, and follow Jesus, knowing that in the end they’ll find nothing but pure happiness.

To summarize, the book of James seems to fit a youth ministry crowd perfectly. It is basic, entry-level, in-your-face

Christianity. A real workout. Nothing fancy. No glamor-cize at the club. Just crunches, push-ups, and heavy bag work in a smelly basement gym.

But if you’re up to the challenge, James will shape you into a hard-body believer.

This series takes a close look at the life of Jospeh in the Old

Testament. This study will hopefully help students gain confidence in their faith.

This series is designed to reopen the pipes. To give us insight into five facets of this rare jewel. And to help us build skills for giving away that which we so want to receive. When people start loving Jesus-style, lives are changed and relationships are transformed. And that’s what all true believers really desire to see. What’s the greatest thing in the world? This thing called love.



7 Lessons

5 Lessons

4 Lessons

8 Lessons

5 Lessons

5 Lessons

5 Lessons







11 Supernatural

12 Timothy



Coach Me


Enjoy the stories, but feel their sting. The truth is pointed right at our hearts. It’s designed to heal not hurt, even though growth and change can be painful.

If you’re like me, you need regular refresher-courses on your evangelistic imperatives. That’s the purpose of this series of studies. In the Apostle Paul we see both bulldog devotion to calling, and practical insights into how to minister more effectively in our world. Let’s look at him!

This is a great in-depth series on the book of Proverbs. This can also be a strategic series. The world conspires to make our kids soft and fat. Like Romans 12:1-2 suggests, it is out to squeeze people into its mold. Kids are taught image over substance, sound-bite truth over serious thought, pleasure over principles, and consumption over production.

It is the intent of studies like these to build into students a greater reliance on the power of God and a greater expectation of his intervention in their lives.

This is an in-depth study on 1 Timothy that will help students,

1. Recognize the hindrances that can slow our spiritual growth. 2. Understand the responsibility of maintaining a strong Christian testimony and 3. Encourage other Christians to rise above mediocrity in their lives

Life requires coaching and the process of becoming like God is no different. We all need to find ways to be coached ourselves and to be a part of the coaching process in the lives of those around us. That’s why this series will challenge a student to consider the full spectrum of discipleship. On the one side it will ask them, as a student, if they are coachable. Are they listening to the voice of God and obeying what they are hearing? On the opposite end, it will challenge them to consider what responsibility and opportunity they might have to invest their life in others too. As a small group leader you know this intuitively. This is a great series to help your students evaluate how well they are listening to you and God, and give them a chance to consider how they might be used by God to do the same for others.

Have you ever wondered where God was during some of the tough events in your life? Have you ever experienced a time when God seemed to ignore you? Have you ever felt like your prayers have gone unanswered? Have you ever felt overwhelmed or inadequate because of a task God has prepared for you?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you will find yourself in the company of some of the great heroes of the faith. Doubt hits everyone occasionally. Moses, Sarah,

6 Lessons

5 Lessons

4 Lessons

6 Lessons

5 Lessons

4 Lessons

3 Lessons







Living On Purpose

Minor Prophets,

Major Messages



The Essence

Serving Others in


21 Surrendering Your

Life to Honor God

Thomas, John the Baptist — they all battled with doubt in some form. However, doubt didn't destroy their faith. Their doubt built their faith. This series will look at what doubt is, the reasons we doubt, and how to successfully deal with doubt to strengthen our faith.

This series looks at some key elements in a purpose driven life. Discipleship, Evangelism, Fellowship, Ministry, Worship.

There are 12 Minor and 4 Major Prophets in the Bible. They are defined as such not by the significance or influence of their words, but by the volume of recorded material. So Daniel is a

Major Prophet based on how big the book of Daniel is and

Obadiah is a Minor Prophet based on the fact that his writings fit on one or two pages. Here is the list of Minor and Major

Prophets we find in the Bible in order of their appearance. The

Minor Prophets in red are the ones we will examine in this series.

This series will examine the story of Ruth as she is transformed from a Moabite woman outside of the will of God to a God-fearing woman in the heart of God’s plan and in the bloodline of David.

This series will look at ownership and management of the money and possessions we have and how we can be wise stewards (or managers).

Designed to help ground students in the very basics of the

Christian life.

You are God’s Masterpiece

Wanna Be Great? Serve!

Congratulations! You’re Gifted!

Your Unique Personality

Serving From Experience

Serving with Passion


Living Worship


Worthy of Worship

Surrendering Your Past

Surrendering Your Future

Worshipping God or Worshiping Idols

No Regrets

5 Lessons

7 Lessons

4 Lessons

3 Lessons

6 Lessons

6 Lessons

6 Lessons





Roaring Lambs

Case For Christ

How to Deepen Your

Relationship With


(Student Edition)

Case For Christ

(Youth Edition)

25 Becoming a

Contagious Christian

1. Helping students integrate their Christian Beliefs with real life.

2. Bleeding Hearts in Bleating Sheep

3. Welcome to the Ghetto

4. Welcome to the World

5. The Salt of the Earth

6. Careers 101

7. Roaring Lambs

Questions Worth Asking:

1. Since Evil and Suffering Exist, a Good God Cannot

2. Miracles Contradict Science: There fore They Cannot 3. Be


4. Evolution Explains Life, So God Isn’t Needed

5. It’s Intolerant to Claim Jesus Is the Only Way to God

6. A Loving God Would Never Send People To Hell

7. I Still Have Doubts, So I Can’t Be a Christian

8. Power Of Faith

Questions Worth Asking:


Did Jesus Really Think He was God?


Was Jesus Crazy to Claim to Be God?


Did Jesus Match the Identity of the Messiah?


Can You Trust Christ’s Biographies?


Is There a Case for Christ Outside the Bible?


Did Jesus Fake His Death?


What Happened to the Body?


What did Jesus Do after Easter?


So What?


Communicating Your Faith in a style that Fits.


Why be come a Contagious Christian?


Being Yourself


Building Relationships


What’s God’s Story?


Crossing the Line


Putting it Together



1. Now that you know God personally, what’s next?

2. You were born to know God

3. God is incredible

4. Jesus is God

5. God lives in you

6. You’re a new creation

7. The Christian Life is Impossible

8. Jesus Lives through You

9. We’re at war

10. Live with no regrets

6 Lessons

7 Lessons

9 Lessons

7 Lessons

9 Lessons

27 Adopting the Values

That Jesus Did

28 Step Off: The hardest 30 Days of

Your Life!

Devotion: Wholly, Wholly, Wholly

Acceptance: Here’s Some Neighborly Advice

Humility: Going the Extra Mile

Love: It’s for Enemies, Too!

Reality Check: Putting Your Values into Action

Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord?

Make some big changes? Need a bit of a boost to get you goin’?

Then this experience is for you. Not only will you be challenged mentally, but you will be asked to do some pretty crazy things!





Take the Plunge:

Journey into Prayer

Finding: The Jesus


Walk Across The


Youth Alpha

Because you have real questions…Jesus has real answers!

5 Lessons

30 Lessons













The Life of Noah is a study that communicates the well-known children’s story of Noah and the ark to a 21st century audience with teaching by Chris Seay. Chris expounds on this exciting story of Noah’s faith-stretching endeavor to build an ark when the odds seemed against him.

Chris uncovers the prominent themes of Noah’s challenge to stand up for God in a world full of sin and trust God with the task of building the ark no matter how impossible it seemed. Presentday hurricanes and tsunamis provide a modern-day glimpse into the despair caused by the flood, yet God in His faithfulness rescues us from the storms of life.

The Life of Nehemiah is study made for a 21st century audience by comparing the ancient story of Nehemiah's courageous journey to rebuild a city in ruins with the horrific devastation of Hurricane

Katrina. With teaching by Marcus "Goodie" Goodloe. Goodie unpacks the emotions, vulnerability and challenges Nehemiah tackled as he stood face to face with a decision to risk his life for the sake of trusting God and living in obedience to Him.

The Life of Mary is a study that unfolds Mary's life and transforms it to a 21st century audience with teaching by Margaret Feinberg.

Author of more than 20 books and articles including

Twentysomething: Surviving and Thriving in the Real World, Just

Married and Simple Acts of Faith, Margaret's insightful discoveries on Mary's unique situation brings to life her fears and struggles.

For a man with so much hope for the future, Joseph spent a good part of his life rejected, abandoned, and imprisoned. How did he endure the abuse, betrayal, disappointment and injustice so prevalent in his life? This four-part series takes a look at how the choices Joseph made helped him overcome every obstacle life threw at him.




4 Lessons

4 Lessons

4 Lessons

4 Lessons










Revolution 2

Jesus: Fact or


Downpour: He will come to us like the rain.

Author: James


1. Home Hurts

2. Stealing Home

3. The Honor System

4. Smart Dating

5. Loving

6. Love Song

7. Why Me?

8. Q & A

9. One Decision Away

10. Decisions, Decisions

11. The Grace Place

12. The Least of These

13. Much to do about nothing.

Don’t Waste Your


Author: John Piper

Based on the book: Desiring


The Blazing

Center: The soulsatisfying

Supremacy of God in All Things.




13 Lessons

The landscape of our lives has become dry and scorched. But heaven is bursting with the blessings God wants to rain down on us – not a drizzle but a deluge. With its powerful call to revival,

James MacDonald’s 12 session bible study lead believers to lift up their eyes and return to the Lord. When we do, He will heal us…revive us…and restore us. That was the message God gave

Hosea, and it’s still true today.

God created us for mare than the American Dream.

Nevertheless, millions of people waste their lives in pursuit of the innocent idols of this world because they never discover the simple, obvious, glorious, biblical reality that “God’s steadfast love is better than life.” (Psalm 63:3) They are never gripped by the truth that “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians

1:21). They have not been awakened to a passion for God’s supremacy in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus

Christ. Our prayer is that God would use this study to awaken in you a consuming desire to not throw your life away on “Fatal success.” Our desire is that Jesus Christ would explode into your life, unite your fractured dreams and fragmented heart, and produce a single, holy, all-embracing passion for his name.

Everything revolves around Him. And as the most valuable and glorious person who exists, God is loving, not conceited, when He calls us to worship Him. His pursuit of glory and our pursuit of joy are not odds – because God is most glorified in use when we are most satisfied in Him.

12 Lessons

10 Lessons

7 Lessons



Battling Unbelief

Author: John Piper

3:16 Stories of


Author: Max


No one sins out of duty. We sin because it offers some promise of happiness. That promise enslaves us – until we believe that

God is more desirable than life itself (Psalm 63:3). Only the power of God’s superior promises in the gospel can emancipate our hearts from servitude to the shallow promises and fleeting pleasures of sin.

A twenty-six-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything in the

Bible, return here. We all need the reminder. The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God’s treatment is prescribed in John 3:16.

10 Lessons

12 Lessons

LIFE JOURNEYS: (Video Series)




Life Journeys: Stop Looking

For the Will of God

Life Journeys: A Walk on the

Wild Side


In Stop Looking for the Will of God, Jeff Lucas encourages us not to get so caught up with discovering

God’s plan for our lives that we neglect seeking God


Join Jeff Lucas for A Walk on the Wild Side – a look at the story of Jonah and what it has to teach us today about partnering with God in mission.




4 Lessons

4 Lessons





1 Rain








Things don’t always work out the way we want them to, or the way we think they will. Sometimes we don’t even see it coming. We get hit with some form of pain out of nowhere leaving us feeling desperate and helpless. That’s the way life is. Still, it makes us wonder how God can let these things happen to us. How God can just stand by and watch us suffer.

Where is God when it really hurts? Maybe God is actually closer to us than we think. Maybe it’s when we’re in these situations, where everything seems to be falling apart, that God gets an opportunity to remind us of how much he really loves us.

I love those shoes. Really? The same way I love my wife? What’s up with the word “love”? It doesn’t have much meaning when we use it so loosely.

Maybe we don’t really get it. Maybe we don’t understand what real love is.

What it involves to really love somebody. What it means to give yourself to someone else. We mistake things like friendship, commitment, or lust for love, but God wired us a certain way to experience all that love was really meant to be. Not to hold us back or to make us miss out on the best that life has to offer. God created love, and wants us to feel it all in the way it’s meant to be felt.

We want to know why we are here. If our lives really matter. How our religion is relevant to this life. Today. We want to understand what significance this minute, hour, week, month, and year has to our lives.To our world. We need a God who cares about this life, in this world, right now. We want to understand why everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do matters. We don’t want to just sit back and wait for something to happen or someday to come. We want to know if all the choices we make now will shape our world and lives for eternity. Because we want our lives to have meaning today, and our lives today to have meaning forever.

Why do we do the things we do? Why do we go to church or give money away? Because we’re supposed to or because we think God needs it? Do we honestly put on our best clothes for an hour once a week, stand and sit at all the right times, and sing all the appropriate songs for God’s sake, or because it’ll make us look better to the world around us? We’re tired of all the empty rituals and routines. And so is God. God hates it when we call ourselves Christians but ignore all the things he really cares about. He hates it when we go through hollow religious routines out of some feeling of duty or obligation. God doesn’t want the meaningless rituals. God wants our hearts.




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1 Lesson





7 Luggage





Why is silence so hard to deal with? Why is it so much easier for us to live our lives with a lot of things going on all the time than to just be in silence? We’re constantly surrounded with “voices” that are influencing us on how to think, feel, and behave. Movies, music, TV, Internet, cell phones, and a never-ending barrage of advertising. There’s always something going on. Always noise in our lives. But maybe there’s a connection between the amount of noise in our lives and our inability to hear God. If God sometimes feels distant to us, maybe it’s not because he’s not talking to us, but simply because we aren’t really listening.

We always think we know what’s missing from our lives in order to really make us happy, don’t we? If only I had that car, or that job, or if only I could lose those 15 lbs, then I’d be happy. Really? How often do we want something only to find out that it wasn’t that great after all? Sometimes we ask God for things and if he doesn’t deliver right away, we start questioning whether God really understands or even cares. Do we really trust God? Do we trust that God is good and sees a bigger picture than we ever could? It’s easy to want what’s right in front of us, but maybe God knows what’s better for us, and sometimes we just can’t see it.

Maybe a friend turned their back on you. Maybe someone you loved betrayed you. We all have wounds and we end up carrying around these things that people have done to us for weeks, months, and sometimes even years. It isn’t always easy to forgive these people and after a while these hurts can get really heavy. So the only way to feel better seems to be somehow getting back at the people that hurt us, to get revenge. But does revenge ever truly satisfy? Maybe forgiving isn’t something you do for someone else to let them off the hook. Maybe forgiveness is about you.

God didn’t create you to carry these wounds around. God created you to be free.

Believing in God is important, but what about God believing in us?

Believing that we can actually be the kind of people we were meant to be.

People of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, and hope. People who try to do the right thing all of the time. Who act on the endless opportunities around us every day for good, beauty, and truth. It’s easy for us to sometimes get down on ourselves. To feel “not good enough” or feel like we don’t have what it takes. But maybe if we had more insight into the culture that Jesus grew up in and some of the radical things he did, we’d understand the faith that God has in all of us.

God loves everyone, so a Christian should, too. In fact, Jesus said that the most important thing in life is to love God with everything we’ve got and love others the same way. But it’s not always easy to love everyone around us, is it? Sometimes we strongly disagree with other people’s political views, religious beliefs, behaviors, or something else, and it makes it hard to love them when we feel like we’re right and they’re very wrong.

But Jesus doesn’t separate loving God and loving others. So maybe the best way for us to show our love for God is actually by loving other people no matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it’s the only way.

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1 Lesson


11 Rhythm

12 Mathew




14 Breathe

A lot of us have done things in our lives that we’re ashamed of. Some are small things, and some of us have really big and devastating things. Some of us even have things that people close to us don’t know about. Personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we don’t have to deal with it. Because we don’t know how to deal with it, do we? We’re afraid that if we try it’s just going to make everything worse. But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we’ve done has impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn’t changed how God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and always will, and there’s nothing we can do to change that.

What does it mean to have a relationship with God? What does it look like?

For a lot of us it’s a hard thing to fully understand. If God is an infinite spirit with no shape or form, how can we possibly relate to that? And what about Jesus? He said he came to give everyone life in its fullest. He came to show us how to live. Maybe it’s through trusting Jesus and living the kind of life he taught us to live – a life of truth, love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice – that we have a relationship with God. Maybe the way we live every day, every single choice we make, determines how in tune with God we are.

Suffering the loss of someone we love can be the most difficult thing in life to deal with. One moment we have them and the next they’re gone. What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to feel? The truth is, there’s no certain way we’re “supposed” to feel. Whatever we’re feeling, it’s okay.

It’s okay to feel shock, anger, denial or whatever we may feel. It’s okay.

And if we don’t feel anything at all, that’s okay too. It’s okay to have no answers and no explanations. Because sometimes all the reasoning and comforting words in the world just isn’t what we need. What might help us however is to understand how Jesus dealt with this kind of loss.

There’s a popular bumper sticker that reads “God Bless America,” but hasn’t America already been blessed? It’s easy for us to fall into a mindset of viewing “our” world as “the” world, because it’s all we generally see.

We’re constantly bombarded with images of the latest styles and models of everything, and it can easily leave us feeling like what we have isn’t enough because we see people that have even more than us. But how does what we have compare to what most people in the world have?

Maybe what we have is enough; maybe it’s more than enough. Maybe God has blessed us with everything we have so we can bless and give to others.

With everything that we’ve got going on every day, how many of us ever think about our breathing, about the meaning of breathing? Yet, for thousands of years, people have understood that our physical breath is a picture of a deeper spiritual reality. In the Bible, the word for “breath” is the same as the word for “spirit.” There’s an inherent dilemma at the core of what makes us human. We’ve all been created in the image of God and possess immense power and strength. And at the same time our lives are incredibly vulnerable and fragile. Maybe if we had more insight into the meaning of breathing, we would better understand how God created us as human beings.

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1 Lesson





17 Today





Some of the central claims of the Christian faith are the source of many discussions and heated debates. But are we always debating the right things? Maybe some of our discussions would change significantly if we had more insight into the actual circumstances that surrounded the first people of the Christian movement – if we had a better understanding of the things they did in the context of the world they lived in. Maybe some of the claims of the Christian faith that we typically perceive to be unique aren’t really that special at all. And at the same time maybe we don’t always put enough emphasis on the things that truly should matter in our lives.

We all get angry about things from time to time – some of us more often than others. For some of us, it feels like we’re constantly on the brink of losing it, where it doesn’t take much to get angry about anything. And this kind of anger can be seen everywhere we go – at work, in traffic, at the store, at home. But what is really at its the root? Anger is often looked at as a bad thing, but are there things actually worth getting angry about?

Maybe if we had a better understanding of our anger and where it comes from, we could learn how to channel it towards something constructive – something that’s bigger than ourselves.

How much time and energy do we spend wishing things were how they used to be? We often think about times in our past when things were different and want our lives to be like that again. Some of us have even come to believe that our best days may actually be behind us. But if we’re in some way hung up on the past, what does that mean for our lives now?

How are we and those around us affected if we’re not fully present? If we’re longing for the way things used to be, what does that really say about our understanding and appreciation of our lives today? Maybe we need to learn to embrace our past for what it is, in order to live our lives to the fullest, right here, right now.

We all compare ourselves to others. We spend our lives wondering what others think and say about us. Some of us even wish we were someone else. We question why we are the way we are and not the way we wish we could be. Some of us have let the expectations of others dictate who we’ve become. We act a certain way to be accepted but know that we’re being untrue. But why are we so concerned with what other people think, say, or look like? What does it say about us if we are unable to accept who we are? Maybe if we really knew our true selves, we wouldn’t give so much attention to other peoples’ lives and live more in tune with the life God wants for us.

Many of us have experienced situations where we’ve prayed and it felt like

God wasn’t listening. And yet other times we’ve prayed or known someone that prayed and the situation changed. Does God answer prayer?

Sometimes, but not all the time? Or does God always answer prayer and it's just that sometimes God says no? Some of us are angry with God for not answering the prayers we’ve prayed for years. Why did he answer their prayer but not ours? What if there’s more to prayer than just God listening and answering? Maybe if we understood how Jesus prayed, our concepts and expectations of prayer would change.

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1 Lesson

20 Shells

21 She

Do you often find yourself saying, “I’m so busy” or “I just have so much to do”? It’s easy to get overwhelmed with appointments, gatherings, to-do lists. But what are we really doing with our time? Many of us are running from place to place and it seems like life is just passing us by. We’re doing so many things, a little bit of everything, and yet it doesn’t feel like much of a life. But most of us find it hard to say no. We feel obligated. There are so many good things to do. So many good causes to join. But while we’re busy doing all these good things, are we missing out on something great?

Maybe saying no would be easier if we knew what it meant to say yes.

Do you often find yourself saying, “I’m so busy” or “I just have so much to do”? It’s easy to get overwhelmed with appointments, gatherings, to-do lists. But what are we really doing with our time? Many of us are running from place to place and it seems like life is just passing us by. We’re doing so many things, a little bit of everything, and yet it doesn’t feel like much of a life. But most of us find it hard to say no. We feel obligated. There are so many good things to do. So many good causes to join. But while we’re busy doing all these good things, are we missing out on something great?

Maybe saying no would be easier if we knew what it meant to say yes.

1 Lesson

1 Lesson





Go Fish: Because of what’s on the line.





Winners Play By

The Rules

How to Make

Decisions With



Because you don’t set out to be just like everybody else.

The Best Question

Ever: Learning to

Foolproof your life.


Fishing stories. We’ve all heard them. “It was this big.” “You should have seen the one that got away.” People love to tell stories of their fishing adventures. When it comes to faith, however, most people clam up. Why is it we can’t talk about what God has done in our lives as naturally as we can spin fishing tales? In this 6-part DVD, Andy Stanley explores the motivation behind sharing your faith and how it can become a natural part of your life.

In kindergarten, ignoring the rules was a blast – especially if you could get away with it. But as adults, we understand that rules are for our protection…and that if we breat God’s rules, we cause heartache and broken relationships. In this six-part DVD,

Andy Stanley clearly explains God’s basic set of life rules, which, when lived, hold the power to improve your current relationships and mend hurting ones.

God has a wonderful and fulfilling plan for your life. Yet determining God’s will can be a difficult process, especially when you need to make a decision quickly! Discovering God’s Will takes you through the important steps of decision making as you being to discover the personal vision God has for you.

Break out of the crowd. None of us sets out to be like everybody else, but it happens. Life begins to squeeze us into a mold until one day we wake up feeling trapped and hemmed in.

Unfortunately many people think the answers is to run away, but they only end up making the same bad decisions over and over again. So how do you break the cycle and break out of the crowd? The breakaway DVD is designed to renovate your thinking by exposing you to four core beliefs that have the power to change the trajectory of your life.

Prepare yourself. You are about to be introduced to a single question that will revolutionize the way you make decisions.




6 Lesson

6 Lessons

8 Lessons

6 Lessons

6 Lessons








Destined For


Destined For


Destined For


Destined For



Can you be secure in your relationship With God?

How can God’s forgiveness become real?

Knowing who you are in Christ

Experiencing God’s Presence and Power

Can you Trust the Bible?

Freedom from the performance trap

Living in God’s Power for a lifetime.

Can we trust the Bible?

Intensifying your passion for God

Communicating with God

Loving Other Unconditionally

Experiencing Relational intimacy

Digging deeper into God’s word

Discerning God’s will

Growing in Prayer and Worship

Intimate Life Ministries Summary

Making the most of your Tim, Talent, and Treasure

Developing a heart for ministry

Your Spiritual Journey

Helping others know Jesus: A Biblical Model

Helping other know Jesus: Making it practical

Making disciples.

When All Is Said And Done

Living with an Eternal Perspective

Knowing God’s Character

Intensifying Your Passion For the Great Commission

Insights from the Ministry of Jesus

Developing You Ministry Strategy

Finishing Well




8 Lessons

8 Lessons

7 Lessons

6 Lessons








Gama Girls

Captivating: Heart to Heart

An invitation into the beauty and depth of the feminine soul

Authors: John and Stasi


The next step in the Captivating revolution – takes women on an intimate journey toward healing and restoration as women who know they are loved by

God. Every woman in her heart of hearts longs to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty. God placed these desires in women’s hearts to help them discover who they are meant to be, the role that is their to play, and to draw them more deeply into His heart.

10 Lessons



1. Wild At Heart (VHS Series)

Author: John Eldredge

2. Guys:


A man needs adventure…in his work, in his love and in his spiritual life. Deep in his heart he wants a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue because that’s how God created him. The problem is that deep wounds from earlier years have taken away his confidence and, in some cases, his masculinity.

The church can reclaim these wounded warriors for

God. It begins with understanding what makes a man come alive and what stirs his heart.




8 Lessons

12 Lessons
