American Government Final

American Government/Economics
”What It Means To Be a Citizen”
Final Reflective Essay
The purpose of this essay, due on Finals Day, is to reflect on the concepts, principles, “Big
Ideas”, skills and attitudes acquired or developed during your past year of study. It should focus on
the ideas and your thinking; it is not a report. However, evidence to support your assertions and
ideas are important in order to create a thoughtful reflection on your learning.
Each one of you should think about your own understanding of the workings of our economy
and government as well as your role in society. You should analyze your own thoughts and
attitudes about the values, beliefs, and systems that direct the government and economy and,
consequently shape the society in which you live. This paper should focus on your own
understanding and participation with how our society works, including positives and negatives. I
want to know what you’ve learned this year and what you believe will have a lasting effect on your
1. To begin your reflection, look over your notes, projects and powerpoint lectures from this
year. Many of them are still posted on my website.
 What did it teach you about government? economics? you?
 What are the “Big Ideas”? themes?
 What specific information from the class can you use to explain your learning?
2. Next, organize your notes/brainstorm. Look for common themes/ideas/patterns.
 Will you write chronologically or thematically?
 What original observations or knowledge can you add?
 What is your attitude regarding your rights and responsibility in society?
 Has your thinking changed through the year? How?
3. From these, select three concepts or themes (at least one each from Econ and AmGov)
that are the most meaningful.
 Remember, this is a reflection not a report.
 What did you learn?
 How did you learn it?
 How do you know?
Your paper should be at least 2 typed, double-spaced pages, 12 font, 1” margins.
Proofread! Others will be reading your work. Do not put your name on the paper; use your
STUDENT NUMBER. It is due at the beginning of Finals Day. You will participate in this activity
by reading a fellow student’s essay and highlighting the most significant statement, observation, or
comment (in your opinion). You will repeat this three times. A class discussion will follow.
-----------------Cut here and staple lower portion to the front of your essay----------------------Student Number _______________________
Period ________
1. 3 concepts, themes, Big Ideas clearly explained
2. Reflection on the how the concepts connect to you
3. Mechanics (grammar, spelling, etc.)