Dans l’ensemble, vous avez bien suivi la structure introduction-une ou deux parties-conclusion. Je
vous en félicite.
Pour les textes, beaucoup n’ont cependant pas mis le texte en contexte. En ne repérant pas le
contexte républicain, vous êtes complètement passés à côté des idées républicaines présentes dans les
deux textes. J’avais pourtant insisté sur ces idées aux deux derniers cours.
Voici quelques propositions de plan selon les sujets :
The Role of the State in XXth century America
Problematics : The role of the state depends on the party in power but also on historical conditions.
I-Difference of intervention according to the party in power
-The Republicans : no intervention in the economy, reduced welfare programs, self-help
-The Democrats : concerned about social issues, more tolerant of minorities, more interventionist
policies (welfare).
II-Historical circumstances
-Governmental intervention during crises : World War I, World War II, Great Depression
-during prosperous times, difference between Republicans and Democrats= marked.
Anticommunism in XXth century America
Problematics : Was anticommunism fully justified in the United States ?
I-A weak influence in American politics
-social measures take care of people, so they do not turn towards Communism, eg New Deal. Trade
unions are not radical.
II-Strong government fight against Communism
-1920s : Red Scare and immigration policies
-1950s : McCarthyism
III-Public opinion on Communism
-1960s : the New Left inspired by Communism
-but not shared by a more traditional middle-class.
Defending black people’s rights in XXth century America.
Problematics : How did black people organize their revolt and what were the effects or the
consequences of these fights ?
I-The different movements and actions to defend black people’s rights
-peaceful movements, 1950s-60s, Civil Rights Movements, Martin Luther King, freedom riders.
Defending right to vote.
-radical movements : Black Panthers, Black Power, Malcom X. Fighting for economic rights.
II-Federal measures
-Supreme Court decisions : Brown vs Topeka, Bakke vs University of California
-Laws : Civil Right Act of 1964, 1968
-busing, affirmative action
Conclusion : Defending black people’s rights is still a priority for some groups due to the dreary
conditions most of them still live in
« Women’s achievement towards equality’, Linda Reivitz, 1985
Context : after the feminist fights of the 1960s. Republican Reagan is president.
Problematics : What is the situation of the fight for women’s rights in the 1980 ?
I-« Achievements »
-19th amendment
-1960s movements : NOW, Women’s lib ; Civil Rights Act of 1964 ; ERA (1972). Bigger role in
II-Women in the 1980s : tradition and poverty
-women : the first victim of poverty : single mothers
-women still cast in a traditional role : the mother
-politically : rejection of the ERA in 1982
II-Reivitz’s answer
-a Republican answer : policies emphaiszing the responsability of the father and pushing mothers to
-a feminist answer : greater involvement in politics is the key to women’s emancipation. Gender gap :
women care for different issues than men.
« Listen America », Reverend Jerry Falwell, 1980
Context : During the 1980 elections, Reverend Falwell supported Republican Reagan through the
conservative group he created in 1979 : the Moral Majority.
I-A denunciation of the situation
-denoucing the young, the feminists, the protest movements, the disillusion after the Vietnam war, and
the Democrats
II-Need for a change
-need for leadership
-need to go ‘back’ : Regan’s slogan (‘American is back.’)
III- Defending the traditional Republican values
-family, law and order, religion, pride, patriotism