Personal Narrative Script

Personal Narrative Script:
The first time I saw it, I knew that I was going to have a good time there. The feeling that
I got when they scanned my ID and let me through the gates for the first time was like
nothing I had ever experienced before. I was a scared little freshman, unsure of what was
going on or what to expect but the magic engulfed me and made me feel like I was on
cloud nine. I cheerfully walked to the side of the stadium and lined up with the rest of the
students waiting for CMS to pull the gates and let us in to the bowl and when they did, I
ran as fast as I could up the rest of the hill and then down the steps until I had finally
made it to my seat in section 6. I had so many emotions running through my mind. At the
end of the night, I had rushed the field with the rest of the students. It was Halloween,
and the Ducks had just beaten USC 47-20. This was my first game at Autzen and I could
not have asked for a better experience.
That was four years ago and my last time being at Autzen as a student has now passed.
I’ve spent four wonderful years in that stadium and the magic that I experienced when I
went to my first game still hasn’t faded away and still causes me to get that amazing
feeling every time I enter those gates. It’s a feeling of joy and happiness, like I have
finally found a place where I belong.
I’ve experienced every range of emotion in Autzen Stadium. From extreme happiness
like the time we won the Civil War to send us to the Rose Bowl for the first time in 15
years to the not so happy moments that I still don’t really like to talk about. I’ve invested
so much time and emotion into that stadium and in return, I’ve made friends with some
great people and I’ve received the most precious memories that I will cherish for the rest
of my life.
There’s never been a time when I’ve been unhappy to go to Autzen. Even when it was
6:00 in the morning on a cold, rainy day in October for a noon kickoff, I didn’t complain.
Watching the sunrise at the stadium surrounded by some of my best friends was
something that I’ll never forget. As much as I say that sitting outside the gates for hours
can be annoying, I secretly love it.
Over the years I have moved from that spot in section 6 in my first game and I’ve now
secured myself a spot in the coveted front row of Section 8. Being in the front is like
nothing I had ever experienced before and if possible, it made me fall in love with Autzen
even more and there is never a time where it isn’t fun.
Now that I’ve had my last spring game as a student, I truly don’t know the next time that
I will be back in the comfort of Autzen stadium. I’m happy for my friends that will still
be able to go back and carry the tradition of sitting outside the gates, and cheering from
Section 8, but I am sad that I won’t be able to join them anymore.
Saturdays in Autzen have defined my fall terms for the last four years. Now that I have to
graduate, I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back and visit. The not knowing when
I’ll be back is what breaks my heart the most but I know that as soon as I make my
return, I will be welcomed with open arms and I know that I’ll always be able to call
Autzen Stadium home.