POMPTON LAKES PUBLIC SCHOOLS HEALTH 6 COURSE OF STUDY Dr. Paul Amoroso, Superintendent Mr. Vincent Przybylinski, Principal Mr. Anthony Mattera, Vice Principal Frances J. Macdonald, Mathematics Supervisor K-12 BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Jose A. Arroyo, Mrs. Catherine Brolsma, Mr. Shawn Dougherty, Mrs. Nancy Lohse-Schwartz, Mr. Garry Luciani, Mr. Carl Padula, Mr. Tom Salus, Mrs. Stephanie Shaw, Mr. Timothy Troast, Jr. UNIT OVERVIEW Content Area: Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Unit Title: Nutrition and Exercise-Physical Health Target Course/Grade Level: Health 6 Unit Summary: In the Nutrition and Exercise Unit, students will develop a personal “Wellness Chart” which will allow them to log their daily eating habits, exercise, resting heart rate (RHR), and sleep hours. At the end of each week, the students and teachers will assess the “Wellness Chart” and make any subtractions and any other modifications as needed. Once or twice a week, students will participate in any exercise workout/circuit in the gymnasium (Fitness Day). This circuit includes muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory health (Wii Dance and Sports), shuttle run, jump rope, walking/jogging track, and weight training (age appropriate). These activities will be included on each Wellness Chart, as well as, goal setting and a parent/guardian signature. Students are encouraged to include their parent(s)/guardian(s) with this assignment. Classroom lessons include a focus on age and developmentally appropriate exercises and an intensive focus on the Food Guide Pyramid with information on Fast Food choices. A final project will entail a meal and exercise plan designed by each student over a period of one month. This is to be reviewed by the teacher and then presented to the class by the student. Primary interdisciplinary connections: 21st Century Health and Wellness 21st century themes: Health Literacy Unit Rationale: Middle school students will become educated on the need for healthier individuals in the US. Their education will enable them to make healthy choices and help eliminate childhood obesity and those illnesses associated with weight. Students who are taught to make healthy choices are more successful in their future when faced with larger, more difficult situations. LEARNING TARGETS Standards Standard 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Standard 2.2 Integrated Skills: All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Standard 2.6 Fitness: All students will apply health-related and skill-related concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Content Statements Related Content Statements for Standard 2.1 Discuss the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of wellness. Discuss how health data, such as blood pressure, body composition, and cholesterol, can be used to assess and improve wellness. Discuss how health knowledge, health choices, self-control, resistance, and self-management skills influence wellness. Discuss how technology impacts wellness. Discuss factors that influence food choices. Compare food choices based on nutrient content and value, calories, and cost and create a healthy meal plan. Analyze nutrition information on food packages and labels. Discuss the short- and long-term benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices. Related Content Statements for Standard 2.2 Demonstrate effective decision making in health and safety situations Analyze significant health decisions and discuss how the outcome(s) might have been different if a different decision had been made. Explain how personal ethics influence decision making. Use health data and information to formulate health goals. Develop strategies to support the achievement of short- and long-term health goals. Present health information using a multimedia approach, adapting the wording and delivery method for the topic and audience Related Content Statements for Standard 2.6 CPI # Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Unit Essential Questions How will I know if I have made the right decision? How will I know if I have designed an appropriate wellness plan for myself? Why do I need to track what I am doing every day? How will my decisions impact my future? Unit Enduring Understandings Young adults are faced with obesity and related diseases that are decreasing their life span. Young adults need to be involved in the decisions associated with healthy eating and exercise. Exercise needs to be increased in young people’s lives on a daily basis. Unit Learning Targets Students will ... Research the common illnesses associated with poor eating habits, food choices, and lack of exercise. Participate in a web-based conference involving guest speakers which include doctors, intuitionalists, and fitness instructors. Develop, modify, and present a Wellness Chart. Serve as an educator to the younger student body and their own families. Reflect on how their Wellness Chart is working for their individual needs. EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Summative Assessment: After the four weeks of the Exercise and Nutrition Unit, students will look into their Wellness Chart folders and document the positive and negative components. They will then devise an action plan that explains how to maintain this plan, omitting negative components. A reflective essay will be submitted to the teacher and discussed amongst the class. Equipment needed: classroom with Smartboard and projector with a laptop connection. Instructor will also develop a Wellness Chart template with available space to enter meals, # of sleep hours each night, exercise at school, exercise at home, Resting Heart Rate, and goal setting. Teacher Resources: http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/438824/fitness_nutrition_experts_get_middleschoolers_to_fight_ fat/index.html http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/take_charge.htm http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/problems/friend_eating_disorder.html http://www.education.com/reference/article/exercise-middle-childhood/ Formative Assessments Wellness Charts Discussion groups monitored by the teachers Verbal presentations Participation in Web Conference Research Q & A Sessions Demonstrations Personal Action Plans Reflective Essays LESSON PLANS Lesson Lesson 1 Criteria for Wellness and Assessment Lesson 2 Exercise Stations-specific for all major exercise components Lesson 3 Fitness Days Timeframe 1 - 40 min. class period 3 - 40 min. class periods 5- 40 min. class periods Lesson 4 Peer Presentations of Wellness Charts 3- 40 min. class periods Lesson 5 Web Conference 2 - 40 min, class periods Teacher Notes: Make sure Web Conference does not conflict with regular school calendar or when students have music lessons. Also, schedule conference so that it is going to include guest speakers. Organize student presentations in clusters of 5-10 / day. Safety issues during Fitness Days – higher elements, weights, spatial awareness of students during actual class time. Curriculum Development Resources: as noted above UNIT OVERVIEW Content Area: Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Unit Title: Healthy Decision Making Target Course/Grade Level: Health 6 Unit Summary: In the Decision Making Unit, students will learn, demonstrate, practice, and feel confident in using the appropriate steps to make a decision. Decision making steps will involve role playing and practice situations that will allow students to devise a plan and follow through with this plan in order for them to make an educated decision. Upon making a decision, it is important for the students to feel confident and comfortable that they made a good choice. Confidence building is done in class with small group activities to help build self-esteem. This unit will be effective for students presently and through their adult lives. Practice and demonstration will help students to be successful when faced to make a decision in life. Primary interdisciplinary connections: 21st Century Health and Wellness st 21 century themes: Health Literacy Unit Rationale: Middle school students will be faced with a spectrum of decisions in their lives. It is our job as Health educators to give them the steps to use in order to make healthy choices. Decision making is essential in dealing with situations on a social, personal, and community level. Decisions include choosing friends, choosing activities to participate in, and recognizing a potentially hazardous situation. LEARNING TARGETS Standards Standard 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Standard 2.2 Integrated Skills: All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Content Statements Related Content Statements for Standard 2.1 Discuss the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of wellness. Discuss how health data, such as blood pressure, body composition, and cholesterol, can be used to assess and improve wellness. Discuss how health knowledge, health choices, self-control, resistance, and self-management skills influence wellness. Discuss how technology impacts wellness. Discuss factors that influence food choices. Compare food choices based on nutrient content and value, calories, and cost and create a healthy meal plan. Analyze nutrition information on food packages and labels. Discuss the short- and long-term benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices. Related Content Statements for Standard 2.2 CPI # Demonstrate effective decision making in health and safety situations Analyze significant health decisions and discuss how the outcome(s) might have been different if a different decision had been made. Explain how personal ethics influence decision making. Use health data and information to formulate health goals. Develop strategies to support the achievement of short- and long-term health goals. Present health information using a multimedia approach, adapting the wording and delivery method for the topic and audience Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Unit Essential Questions Unit Enduring Understandings How will I know if I’ve made a good Young adults will be faced with many different decision that suits the situation? challenges in life in which they will need to make healthful decisions. How can my decisions benefit/hurt me? Based on society, young adults are faced with a Why is it important to use the necessary lot of criticizing when it comes to making steps when decision making? personal decisions. It is our role as teachers to How do I deal with others’ criticizing my develop confident young people. decisions? Decisions directly affect an individual as well How can I learn from making wrong as those around them. decisions? Unit Learning Targets Students will ... Research the six steps in Decision Making. Demonstrate how/when to use the steps in Decision Making. Discuss how good/bad decisions directly affect one another. Create role playing situations to practice good decision making skills. Participate in confidence building exercises to increase self-esteem. Coach/Teach each other to make good decisions based on various situations. EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Summative Assessment: After spending five weeks on the Decision Making Unit, students will devise role playing situations and act out several situations in small groups. The audience will have several questions prepared and approved by the teacher to ask the groups after their presentations. Following all presentations, a rubric will be used to score each student’s Decision Making strategy. A self reflection will be written and handed in by each student for a grade. Equipment needed: Classroom with Smartboard and projector with a laptop connection, Decision Making rubric with all criteria for presentations, Q and A sheets. Teacher Resources: http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/adolescent99 http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-15324719.html http://www.skonline.org/courses/middle-school/mshs/decrefasg1.htm http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/ccl/CellebrateGrowth/Teachers%20Guide.pdf Formative Assessments Class discussions Small group project Q and A among students/sessions Participate in role play situations Reflective essays LESSON PLANS Lesson Lesson 1 Young People and Decisions Lesson 2 Steps Involved in Decision Making Lesson 3 Role Play/Group Collaborations Lesson 4 Confident In Your Decisions Lesson 5 Wrap-up/Final Discussion/Reflection Timeframe 1-40 min. class period 2/3-40 min. class periods 3/4-40 min. class periods 2-40 min. class periods 2-40 min, class periods Teacher Notes: Teacher will assign each student a number in order to put them into groups. Groups may need adjustments depending on strengths/weaknesses of some groups. Curriculum Development Resources: as noted above. UNIT OVERVIEW Content Area: Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Unit Title: Communicable/Non-Communicable Disease Target Course/Grade Level: Health 6 Unit Summary: In the Communicable and Non-Communicable disease unit, students examine various contagious and noncontagious diseases. They will research the ideology, transmission, treatment, and prevention aspects of all diseases. Each student will devise an oral presentation and Power Point presentation on an assigned communicable or non-communicable disease. Students will learn specific methods of hygiene in order to stay physically healthy. Our school nurse will provide the students with a more in-depth study of communicable and non-communicable diseases that are prominent in the United States and abroad. Primary interdisciplinary connections: 21st Century Health and Wellness st 21 century themes: Health Literacy Unit Rationale LEARNING TARGETS Standards Standard 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Standard 2.2 Integrated Skills: All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Content Statements Related Content Statements for Standard 2.1 Discuss the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of wellness. Discuss how health data, such as blood pressure, body composition, and cholesterol, can be used to assess and improve wellness. Discuss how health knowledge, health choices, self-control, resistance, and self-management skills influence wellness. Discuss how technology impacts wellness. Discuss factors that influence food choices. Compare food choices based on nutrient content and value, calories, and cost and create a healthy meal plan. Analyze nutrition information on food packages and labels. Discuss the short- and long-term benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices. Related Content Statements for Standard 2.2 Demonstrate effective decision making in health and safety situations Analyze significant health decisions and discuss how the outcome(s) might have been different if a different decision had been made. Explain how personal ethics influence decision making. Use health data and information to formulate health goals. Develop strategies to support the achievement of short- and long-term health goals. Present health information using a multimedia approach, adapting the wording and delivery method for the topic and audience CPI # Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Unit Essential Questions Unit Enduring Understandings How will I know if I’ve made a good Young adults will be faced with many different decision that suits the situation? challenges in life in which they will need to make healthful decisions. How can my decisions benefit/hurt me? Based on society, young adults are faced with a Why is it important to use the necessary lot of criticizing when it comes to making steps when decision making? personal decisions. It is our role as teachers to How do I deal with others’ criticizing my develop confident young people. decisions? Decisions directly affect an individual as well How can I learn from making wrong as those around them. decisions? Unit Learning Targets Students will ... Research the six steps in Decision Making. Demonstrate how/when to use the steps in Decision Making. Discuss how good/bad decisions directly affect one another. Create role playing situations to practice good decision making skills. Participate in confidence building exercises to increase self-esteem. Coach/Teach each other to make good decisions based on various situations. EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Summative Assessment: After spending five weeks on the Decision Making Unit, students will devise role playing situations and act out several situations in small groups. The audience will have several questions prepared and approved by the teacher to ask the groups after their presentations. Following all presentations, a rubric will be used to score each student’s Decision Making strategy. A self reflection will be written and handed in by each student for a grade. Equipment needed: classroom with Smartboard and projector with a laptop connection, Decision making rubric with all criteria for presentations, Q and A sheets. Teacher Resources: http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/adolescent99 http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-15324719.html http://www.skonline.org/courses/middle-school/mshs/decrefasg1.htm http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/ccl/CellebrateGrowth/Teachers%20Guide.pdf Formative Assessments Class discussions Small group project Q and A among students/sessions Participate in role play situations Reflective essays LESSON PLANS Lesson Lesson 1 Young People and Decisions Lesson 2 Steps Involved in Decision Making Lesson 3 Role Play/Group Collaborations Lesson 4 Confident In Your Decisions Lesson 5 Wrap-up/Final Discussion/Reflection Timeframe 1-40 min. class period 2/3-40 min. class periods 3/4-40 min. class periods 2-40 min. class periods 2-40 min. class periods Teacher Notes: Teacher will assign each student a number in order to put them into groups. Groups may need adjustments depending on strengths/weaknesses of some groups. Curriculum Development Resources: as noted above. UNIT OVERVIEW Content Area: Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Unit Title: Nutrition and Exercise-Physical Health Target Course/Grade Level: Health 6 Unit Summary: In the Nutrition and Exercise Unit, students will develop a personal “Wellness Chart” which will allow them to log their daily eating habits, exercise, resting heart rate (RHR), and sleep hours. At the end of each week, the students and teachers will assess the “Wellness Chart” and make any subtractions and any other modifications as needed. Once to twice a week, students will participate in any exercise workout/circuit in the gymnasium (Fitness Day). This circuit includes muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory health (Wii Dance and Sports), shuttle run, jump rope, walking/jogging track, and weight training (age appropriate). These activities will be included on each Wellness Chart, as well as, goal setting and a parent/guardian signature. Students are encouraged to include their parent(s)/guardian(s) with this assignment. Classroom lessons include a focus on age and developmentally appropriate exercises and an intensive focus on the Food Guide Pyramid with information on Fast Food choices. A final project will entail a meal and exercise plan designed by each student over a period of one month. This is to be reviewed by the teacher and then presented to the class by the student. Primary interdisciplinary connections: 21st Century Health and Wellness st 21 century themes: Health Literacy Unit Rationale: Middle school students will become educated on the need for healthier individuals in the US. Their education will enable them to make healthy choices and help eliminate childhood obesity and those illnesses associated with weight. Students who are taught to make healthy choices are more successful in their future when faced with larger, more difficult situations. LEARNING TARGETS Standards Standard 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Standard 2.2 Integrated Skills: All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Standard 2.6 Fitness: All students will apply health-related and skill-related concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Content Statements Related Content Statements for Standard 2.1 Discuss the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of wellness. Discuss how health data, such as blood pressure, body composition, and cholesterol, can be used to assess and improve wellness. Discuss how health knowledge, health choices, self-control, resistance, and self-management skills influence wellness. Discuss how technology impacts wellness. Discuss factors that influence food choices. Compare food choices based on nutrient content and value, calories, and cost and create a healthy meal plan. Analyze nutrition information on food packages and labels. Discuss the short- and long-term benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices. Related Content Statements for Standard 2.2 Demonstrate effective decision making in health and safety situations Analyze significant health decisions and discuss how the outcome(s) might have been different if a different decision had been made. Explain how personal ethics influence decision making. Use health data and information to formulate health goals. Develop strategies to support the achievement of short- and long-term health goals. Present health information using a multimedia approach, adapting the wording and delivery method for the topic and audience Related Content Statements for Standard 2.6 CPI # Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Unit Essential Questions How will I know if I have made the right decision? How will I know if I have designed an appropriate wellness plan for myself? Why do I need to track what I am doing every day? How will my decisions impact my future? Unit Enduring Understandings Young adults are faced with obesity and related diseases that are decreasing their life span. Young adults need to be involved in the decisions associated with healthy eating and exercise. Exercise needs to be increased in young people’s lives on a daily basis. Unit Learning Targets Students will ... Research the common illnesses associated with poor eating habits, food choices, and lack of exercise. Participate in a web-based conference involving guest speakers which include doctors, nutritionists, and fitness instructors. Develop, modify, and present a Wellness Chart. Serve as an educator to the younger student body and their own families. Reflect on how their Wellness Chart is working for their individual needs. EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Summative Assessment: After the four weeks of the Exercise and Nutrition Unit, students will look into their Wellness Chart folders and document the positive and negative components. They will then devise an action plan that explains how to maintain this plan, omitting negative components. A reflective essay will be submitted to the teacher and discussed amongst the class. Equipment needed: Classroom with Smartboard and projector with a laptop connection. Instructor will also develop a Wellness Chart template with available space to enter meals, # of sleep hours each night, exercise at school, exercise at home, Resting Heart Rate, and goal setting. Teacher Resources: http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/438824/fitness_nutrition_experts_get_middleschoolers_to_fight_fat/in dex.html http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/take_charge.htm http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/problems/friend_eating_disorder.html http://www.education.com/reference/article/exercise-middle-childhood/ Formative Assessments Wellness Charts Discussion groups monitored by the teachers Verbal presentations Participation in Web Conference Research Q & A Sessions Demonstrations Personal Action Plans Reflective Essays LESSON PLANS Lesson Lesson 1 Criteria for Wellness and Assessment Lesson 2 Exercise Stations-specific for all major exercise components Timeframe 1-40 min. class period 3-40 min. class periods Lesson 3 Fitness Days 5-40 min. class periods Lesson 4 Peer Presentations of Wellness Charts 3-40 min. class periods Lesson 5 Web Conference 2-40 min, class periods Teacher Notes: Make sure Web Conference does not conflict with regular school calendar or when students have music lessons. Also, schedule conference so that it is going to include guest speakers. Organize student presentations in clusters of 5-10 / day. Safety issues during Fitness Days – higher elements, weights, spatial awareness of students during actual class time. Curriculum Development Resources: as noted above.