US Government – Honors

US Government – Honors
Chapter 1 Essay Response
You will respond to the following prompt in essay form. Listed below are the
requirements of the essay response:
- The essay should be at least two pages, but not more than 4.
- Double space the introduction, body, and conclusion only; leave the title and
personal information in single space.
- Leave the side margins at 1.25” and the top/bottom margin at 1”
- Essays have an introductory statement and a conclusion…. Do not forget these.
- Essays also have a body. I do not care how many paragraphs are in the body, but
rather that the essays “flows” throughout and makes sense.
- You need to cite any quotes you may use. (Citation style is your choice)
- The essay is in response to the Federalist Papers 10 and 51 (pages R80 – R84 in
your book)
- Do not be afraid to research the concepts brought up by these writings.
- PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS. I may mention a thing or two about these
- The essay is worth 25 points. I will be looking at the content of your writing
AND how well the essay itself is written.
In your own words, explain what Madison is saying in these two documents. Also,
explain how these two documents play a role in our current government. Use at least
three examples to support your opinions.
Points: 25 total
Opening and Closing Statements……………………………5 points
Summarization of both Federalist Papers ………………….. 5 points
Identification AND explanation of three examples …………12 points
- A total of three examples from both Federalist Papers. (You
Do NOT need three examples for each paper, just a
total of three)
Grammar, spelling, and syntax ……………………………... 3 points