Macbeth questions for each Act (Due first lesson after September holidays – by email please) ACT 1: 1. What are the witches planning at the beginning of the act? 2. What does the Captain report to Duncan about the battle? 3. What title is given to Macbeth for his bravery in the battle? 4. What happened to the original Thane of Cawdor and why did he lose his title? 5. How do the witches greet Macbeth after the battle? 6. What news is brought by Ross and Angus? 7. What makes Macbeth change his mind about becoming king? 8. What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says “unsex me”? 9. What has Lady Macbeth planned to do to the King? 10. Why does the King go to Macbeth’s castle? 11. How sure is Lady Macbeth that this plot will succeed? ACT 2: 1. What does Lady Macbeth ask of Banquo at the beginning of Act 2? 2. What is Macbeth trying to convince himself of in his soliloquy? (when an actor is speaking to himself) 3. How guilty does Macbeth feel after committing the murder? 4. What is the first reaction to the King’s death and whose is it? 5. What does Macbeth do to the people he says murdered Duncan? Why does he do this? 6. Why do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to flee? ACT 3: 1. Why does Macbeth have Banquo killed? 2. Why does Macbeth hire murderers to kill Banquo instead of doing it himself? 3. How does Macbeth feel about being King? 4. What happens when the murderers try to kill Banquo and his son? 5. What does the ghost of Banquo do to Macbeth’s conscience? 6. How does Lady Macbeth make Macbeth feel better after seeing Banquo’s ghost? ACT 4: 1. What are the witches doing at the beginning of this Act? 2. What three things does Macbeth learn from the witches and apparitions and how does he react to them? 3. How does Macbeth react when Macduff leaves? 4. How does Macduff react to the news that his family has been slaughtered? 5. What action has been taken by Macduff and Malcolm? ACT 5: 1. What does the doctor hear when Lady Macbeth is talking? 2. Why won’t the doctor or gentlewoman tell anyone what they have seen or heard? 3. What is Macbeth’s current psychological condition? 4. Why doesn’t Macbeth put his armour on when he goes out to do battle? 5. What is said that frightens Macbeth before he is killed by Macduff? 6. Who decides who becomes King and who does he choose?