How to Quote and Cite a Play in an Essay Using MLA Format

How to Quote and Cite a Play in an Essay Using MLA Format
The Modern Language Association (MLA) has very specific guidelines for quoting and citing information from
a play within the text of an essay. While the citation is the same no matter who or what you are quoting, the
method of quoting the play depends on several factors. This information should help you quote and cite plays
correctly in MLA format.
Step 1
Remember that any exact wording from the play must be properly formatted as a quote (as we will describe)
and cited. Failing to adequately quote and cite material is a form of plagiarism and can have dire
Step 2
Use a lead-in for all quotations. A lead-in is a short explanation of the quote and who is saying it. For
example: When she saw the car crash, Jane turned to Steve and said, "Look what happened." Do not use
floating quotations--do not just stick quotes into a paragraph with no setup or lead-in.
Step 3
Cite all quotations from a play using the author's last name and the act number, scene number and line
numbers. If your copy of the play is not numbered, you'll have to count the speeches to get this number.
Some plays do not have scene numbers; if so, simply omit it. Place everything in parentheses at the end of
the sentence that contains the quotation. Follow this construction if you want to cite a quote from Arthur
Miller's "The Crucible" that comes from Act 2 and lines 15-17 (this play does not have scenes): (Miller
Step 4
Quote a monologue (one character's speech) or one side of a piece of dialogue by simply including a leadin, enclosing the exact wording in quotation marks and adding a citation. Add a comma before the
quotation. Example: To impress the successful Bernard, Willy exaggerates his son Biff's success, "Well,
he's been doing very big things in the West. But he decided to establish himself here" (Miller 2.281-282).
Step 5
Quote a long monologue (four or more lines) delivered by a character by setting it off in block format. This
means that, instead of enclosing it in quotation marks, you put the quotation on a separate line from the
lead-in and indent it 10 spaces. For block quotes, end the lead-in with a colon. Don't forget to cite it.
Willy continues his delusional discussion with the nonexistent Ben:
Without a penny to his name, three great universities are begging for him, and from there the
sky's the limit, because it's not what you do, Ben. It's who you know and the smile on your face!
It's contacts, Ben, contacts! The whole wealth of Alaska passes over the lunch table at the
Commodore Hotel, and that's the wonder, the wonder of this country, that a man can end with
diamonds here on the basis of being liked! (Miller 2.202)
Step 6
Quote sets of dialogue between two or more characters by also using block format and putting the
characters' names in all capital letters. Don't forget a lead-in and a citation that includes all speeches being
quoted. Example:
Willy's delusions consistently show how much Happy and Bernard idolized Biff, especially when they
argue over who will carry his football gear:
BERNARD. Biff, I'm carrying your helmet, ain't I?
HAPPY. No, I'm carrying the helmet.
BERNARD. Oh, Biff, you promised me.
HAPPY. I'm carrying the helmet. (Miller 2.213-216)