Ignacio Darnaude Rojas - Marcos




Page Authors and articles

3 Estudios fundamentales de filosofía exosférica .

7 Dr. John E.Brandenburg : The Rainbow


and human destiny in the cosmos.

42 Neil Freer : The alien question. An expanded


67 Beatriz Gato-Ribera : The subanthropic principle.

88 Robert C. Girard : El enemigo alienígena.

117 Daniel Sheehan : Meriting citizenship in our

galactic community : a new human paradigm.

141 Donald M. Ware : Government UFO educational


164 Alfred Lambremont Webre , JD , MEd : Exopolitics


a decade of contact.

251 Randolph Winters : Constitución para el planeta







De entre la copiosa literatura sobre el candente problema OVNI aparecida en el mundo desde

1947 , llaman poderosamente la atención tres

4 opúsculos de llamativa envergadura , que es probable estén entre los diagnósticos ovnilógicos más inteligentes , profundos y avanzados de los que tenemos noticia.

Constituyen nada menos que el más solvente análisis explicativo disponible tras medio siglo de investigaciones exobiológicas , acerca no de los objetos inidentificados en sí mismos -sobre los que ya hay océanos de letra impresa- , sino más bien en torno a los auténticos factores , tanto aparentes y escenificados a propio intento , como las genuínas motivaciones encubiertas , causantes de la realidad parafísica , y que determinan el fenómeno ufológico en su constitución y origen último , al tiempo que revelan los verdaderos y subyacentes por qués de la abrumadora presencia alienígena en este planeta , así como la reacción más aconsejable de la humanidad en el siglo XXI con respecto a la silenciosa invasión alienígena.

Dada la vasta trascendencia de sus esclarecimientos para la raza humana , y en razón de su originalidad , elevación intelectual y extraordinario interés , merece la pena dar a conocer aquí y ahora estas brillantes obras maestras sobre la filosofía cosmocrática , y sus harto útiles respuestas a los qué , quién , cómo , cuándo y sobre todo por qué de la masiva intervención de inteligencias exteriores en el decurso de la civilización terrestre de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.

Sería conveniente pues que tales iluminadoras y definitivas soluciones al impenetrable enigma E.T.

fueran publicadas también en lengua española , en papel y/o en Internet , o al menos que aparecieran entre nosotros en su inglés original.


Esperamos que algún valiente se atreva pronto a hacernos tan valioso y oportuno favor. Desde aquí se lo agradecemos de antemano , en nombre de los ciudadanos y ufólogos de bien.

Los textos en cuestión que le han dado la vuelta como a un calcetín a la ufología convencional , son los siguientes :

1).- Dr. John E. Brandenburg :

“The Rainbow Declaration” and human destiny in the cosmos.

( 1990 Annual MUFON Symposium Proceedings , páginas 114 a 153 ).

( Pedidos a : Mutual UFO Network ( MUFON ) , P.O.Box 369 ,

Morrison , Colorado 80465-0369 , U.S.A. , Tel. (303) 932-77 09 ,

Fax (303) 932-92 79 , e-mail


, página web



2).- Daniel Sheehan :

Earning our

“citizenship” in our galactic community

: the new paradigm.

( 2001 Annual MUFON Symposium Proceedings , páginas 62 a 83 ).

( Pedidos al MUFON , o bien directamente al autor : Daniel Sheehan ,

M.I.T. , N 42 - 20 D , 77 Massachusetts Avenue , Cambridge ,

MA 02139-4307 , U.S.A. , e-mail


, páginas web


y http://www.conspire.com/sheehan.html


3).- Alfred L. Webre :


: a decade of contact.

( Universe Books , U.S.A. , 2000-2001 , 54 páginas. Disponible en

Internet :







, e-mails






Ignacio Darnaude Rojas – Marcos

Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro , 9 ( 2º B )

41004 - Sevilla ( Spain ) e-mail : ummo@hispavista.com

Página Web ( URL /Website ) : http://ignaciodarnaude.galeon.com







HUMAN DESTINY IN THE COSMOS and the Rainbow Declaration by John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D.

This paper was originally delivered at the International MUFON Symposium in 1990

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PDF version of this article


In this paper I will talk about the destiny of humanity in the Cosmos as it is now unfolding before us. I will also talk about the Rainbow Declaration, which is my attempt to bring together what is good and precious from the human heritage with what we now know of the Cosmos, to the end that humanity’s future will be good and it will achieve its appropriate destiny. However, this paper is really about knowledge and dialogue.


Introduction: Star Trek or Star Wars?

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known.” I Corinthians 13:9-12

When we speak of knowledge and the human future, we are speaking of the increase of knowledge. In the future, humanity will know much more than it knows now. It will go places it has never been, do and feel things it has never before experienced. A very important aspect of this knowledge will be to learn more about the other peoples with whom we share the Cosmos. Part of that process of learning is going on now. However, this is not a scientific investigation like any other we humans have done. It is not like studying the motion of bacteria in a test tube; it is a dialogue.

A dialogue is what occurs between two or more sentient beings; it is basically an exchange of information. Humanity is probably now engaged in a dialogue with peoples from other planets that orbit other stars. This dialogue has its origins in the distant past, but it seems to have only begun in earnest in the last fifty years.

Many species seem to have been involved, but only a few species seem to be playing an active continuing role in the present course of this dialogue. We know something of this dialogue, which appears to be between primarily our government and the extraterrestrials. What is reported from this dialogue will be discussed in this paper; however, the reported dialogue will also be used to help create a vision of human destiny in the Cosmos.


It was the consistent theme of the popular series, Star Trek, that the human race would become a great and enlightened power in the Cosmos and be joined in partnership with peoples kindred to humanity. This partnership, known as the

Federation, was made up of interstellar powers more or less in agreement on the ideals of democracy, freedom, and dignity of the individual, reverence for life and even reverence to God. In this Federation, the idea of separate species of intelligence was occasionally transcended so that beings looked on each other as kindred despite their differing biological form.

An equally hopeful, but somewhat darker and more mysterious, vision of the human future was seen in Star Wars. In this vision the humans had created an

Evil Empire and against it a Rebel Alliance composed of humans and other species battled desperately. The theme of Star Wars was hope and the struggle between good and evil on both physical and moral planes, with good being aided by the Force. So there exist different visions of the future.

It is my belief that something more like the world of Star Trek will be the ultimate destiny of humanity and that this destiny is something that we should strive for. But how will such a destiny be accomplished? Can we avoid Star

Wars completely or is it also prophetic? In particular, how will our interaction, our dialogue, with more technologically advanced peoples of the Cosmos, who are already starfaring and have reportedly already arrived here, affect us and how will this shape our destiny? Is our destiny Star Wars or Star Trek?

Humanity is reportedly now engaged in a dialogue with extraterrestrial peoples.

Ufology exists because of a state of honest ignorance of this dialogue on the part of the public. Honest ignorance can be defined as a recognized lack of knowledge. The Ufology movement is a brave vanguard of humanity that admits its ignorance of the Cosmos and those who dwell in it and seeks to erase this ignorance. Because of this we know Ufology will one day cease to exist in its present form because of new knowledge that will appear. Those in Ufology are brave not only because they risk ridicule from those who cling to the everyday, but because this is the real Cosmos we live in—not a fairy tale

— and some pieces of knowledge we will gain we may wish we did not know. But learning unpleasant truths is an essential part of maturing. If you turn away some truths because you cannot bear them, you can never really grow up. But we in Ufology are determined to grow and mature and know.

Knowledge is power, knowledge confers authority, and knowledge confers responsibility. For these reasons, governments often guard certain knowledges carefully. One of the most important concepts in our government’s classification system to safeguard secrets is the concept of “need to know.” Authorities decide what must be done in a situation and who must do it and then portion out, ideally, only those knowledges to each person that are necessary for them to do their job. Usually, such secrecy and portioning out of knowledge occurs in situations thought to gravely impact our nation’s security and defenses. The authority given the government to restrict certain knowledge is a sacred trust that derives from its duty to defend us. But, if the government is concealing a dialogue with extraterrestrials, is it defending us from the knowledge of the ET’s existence, or is this secrecy only part of an effort to defend us from some

9 subgroup of the ETs themselves? I think the answer is some of both, but is this consistent with democracy?

In a democracy the people rule and in order to rule effectively they seek knowledge, and they seek the responsibility that goes with that knowledge. In doing this, they seek responsibility for their own destiny.

It is wholly right that you in Ufology should seek knowledge of this matter.

Humanity’s dialogue with the extraterrestrials is a grave matter, a matter that concerns all humanity and will affect the destiny of humanity. You have a “need to know.” In one sense the Ufology movement is part of the effort of humanity to gain transcendent knowledge. However, in another sense, your efforts to gain knowledge, and the responsibility that goes with it, is an effort to gain control of part of your lives and your children’s lives and the destiny of your people. This is especially true since reports of deep and longstanding government involvement in this dialogue have come out. However, Ufology has succeeded to a degree in entering this dialogue between humanity and the extraterrestrials.

Ufology is a player, I would argue, in the reported dialogue between humanity and the extraterrestrials. The government apparently is keeping much of this dialogue to itself. However, it is also actively sharing information, sometimes in a deliberately garbled form, but information nonetheless. Some of this sharing of knowledge seems to come from the individual human need to confide with others. Some of this knowledge appears to have been released as a result of decisions by higher authorities to create an informed constituency among the public. The cultivation of the Ufology movement’s knowledge by the government represents, in my view, a crude form of democracy.

In this strange experiment in government, the authorities have created a public hearing of sorts where unofficial news and views are aired and reactions considered. Ufology is the multitude who have showed up for this quasi-public hearing. However, the officials who have called this gathering are not available to answer questions. But, I think, the government pays attention to Ufology’s internal debates and responses to the government sponsored leaks.

No dialogue is one way, even if one side tries to make it one way. A dialogue always affects both parties, even if only one side is speaking. The act of giving information to one whom you know will receive it involves you with that person or that people. If a dialogue goes on long enough, information will be revealed inadvertently and pretense is harder to maintain. Ufology has not been a passive partner in this dialogue with the government. Ufology is speaking and will continue to speak, and the government, even if it gives appearances of stopping its ears, is actually listening.

Therefore, all of you in Ufology should consider that you are part of a dialogue with the government.

This is not the only dialogue going of which Ufology is a part. Ufology is actually in a dialogue with the extraterrestrials through abductees and contactees.

As with the government, not all information is very reliable, but it is

10 information. It is possible, in fact, that extraterrestrials monitor the reaction of the Ufology movement to gain some insight into humanity in general. Therefore, all of you in Ufology should consider yourselves as part of a dialogue that will influence human destiny in the Cosmos.

In the remainder of this paper I will discuss three main points:


It is the destiny of humanity to take its place among the stars as an equal with its kindred people among the stars. In discussing this, I will discuss the nature and heritage of humanity.


The cradle of humanity, the Earth, with its nations and history, is a microcosm of the Cosmos and its peoples and history. I will discuss how this concept is derived and its meaning to Ufology. I will also, unfortunately, discuss the first problem in the present that can be addressed by this model: The apparent threat posed to humanity by one group of extraterrestrials, “the grays” or Reticulians and their allies.


Humanity should adopt the Rainbow Declaration or some similar set of principles as its ideal and in doing so will begin the journey to its destiny on the right Way, the Way of truth and light ( ref. 1 ).

Humanity as a Superterrestrial Phenomenon

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou are mindful of him, the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of they hands; thou has put all things under his feet.....” Psalms 8:3-6

In order to understand human destiny one must first understand the nature and origins of humanity. Humanity is not just flesh and blood; it is partly supernatural; it is also the collective mind, dreams and cultural heritage of the human race. Physically we have changed little since the stone age, but in knowledge and technological ability we have changed enormously.

We are a young race, just getting started. Our earliest civilization dates roughly from the Tigris-Euphrates Valley 6000 years ago ( ref. 2 ). In that 6000 years we have expanded and filled the Earth, our flesh and blood has stood on the lunar surface and returned six times. Our probes have landed on Mars and Venus. We, by proxy of similar probes, have visited every major body in the solar system from Mercury to Neptune. Four of these probes have now escaped the solar system and the gravity of the Sun and are on interstellar missions. So a little part of you, the work of your hands, is now on its way to the stars.

Six thousand years is roughly 300 human generations of 20 years or 100 human lifetimes of 60 years. So this is perhaps not even a long time in human terms, but it is the twinkling of an eye in terms of the age of the Earth or even the living things on the Earth. You humans, all in all, have done magnificently.

How did you do it? Did anyone help you? Let us consider what is widely reported. In Ufology, as in many other areas of life, information consists of what

11 is reported to us by others, hopefully we can verify some of what is reported, but often we must simply consider the report and decide for ourselves whether or not we believe it.

It is widely reported that humanity came into being as a result of profound and continuing contact between the human race and an unimaginably powerful extraterrestrial being. This being, or First ET, is called in our language, God. I know and respect the fact that there are many accounts, all subtly different, of this contact, but I will chiefly consult the only account I know well, and this account is called the Bible.

In this account, the First ET is reported to have been of staggering and all encompassing power but was at the same time compassionate towards humanity and controlled in his dealings with them. He is re ported to be the creator of the

Cosmos and therefore extracosmic in addition to being extraterrestrial, having created both heavens and the earth and all they contain.

It is reportedly from God that humans first received their concepts of law and human identity and their place in the scheme of things. I would claim this contact has continually linked our ideas of what was good and pure and truthful to the heavens. It is because of this contact that we long to reach out to the stars and those who live there.

It is in this record of contact with the First ET that we first encounter the human concept of universal laws, both physical and moral, and these are also associated with the stars.

“The Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech and night showeth knowledge. There is no speech or language, where their voice is not heard.” Psalms 19:1-3

We also learned that there was more to reality than what is seen.

We are familiar, in our modern age, of laws of physics being universal. Our sciences had their origins in astronomy and astrology. But from our accounts of contact with the First ET, we also are in formed that there are universal moral laws as well as physical ones that apply on all worlds.

It is also from this record that we encounter our first recognition and warning concerning the dark side of human nature:

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually...” Genesis 6:5

The human race is an aggressive, predatory and vigorous species. It requires the maximum effort of our intellect and compassion to control our instincts to violence and war; sometimes, perhaps often times, these are not enough.

However, the First ET has always encouraged us to be a people of compassion and intellect.

Curiously, it is from this same record of the First ET contact with humanity that

12 we find reports of a possible visitation of Earth by flesh and blood extraterrestrials. These ETs were not only flesh and blood, but could have children by Earth women, indicating they were probably extremely humanoid since they were attracted to Earth women and saw they were beautiful. Mention of this is made in Genesis 6:4.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were formed by the word of God so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:1-3

This was apparently one of many things that God saw happening on Earth that displeased Him. Perhaps even “the last straw,” for it is written that He unleashed the great flood shortly after this. The flood, that primal human catastrophe, is recorded in the legends of almost every people on Earth and wiped out most of humanity, including, we can infer, those offspring of flesh and blood ETs. It is written, God started over with what was left.

Other than this possible mention of flesh and blood ET contact before the flood in the Bible, which may also be mentioned in many mythologies, I have seen no credible evidence of any overt or historically significant contact with flesh and blood ETs in the historical record dating back to 1000 B.C. Geologically, the origin of homo sapiens is sudden, but it has been found that all distinct species seem to appear suddenly. This is called “punctuated equilibrium” in evolutionary biology ( ref. 3 ).

Other than reportings of sightings of strange craft that occasionally appear in the historical record, I can find no evidence of influence by flesh and blood ETs on any historical events. What does show up is a tradition and folklore concerning goblins stealing children, tales of fairies, leprechauns, elves and spirits. This tradition may indicate some ET contact on the fringe of human social awareness, as has been suggested by Whitley Strieber ( ref. 4 ). I think, also, it reflects to a much larger extent, human imagination and love of story telling. These strange accounts also include other things which may be purely terrestrial but not really part of a reality that we understand.

Though the records of events before the primal catastrophe of the Flood are difficult to understand, it remains the one significant human event that may have involved flesh and blood ET contact.

It is worth noting that the record implies that this contact, along with many other things purely terrestrial, had disastrous consequences for the human race because of the manner in which the contact was made. It is written in Genesis 6:2:

“The sons and daughters saw the daughters of men that they were very fair, and they took them wives of all wh ich they chose...”

This record implies that these unions were dictated by the “Sons of God”, a term used sometimes to mean angel, and not by choice of the Earth women. These reported events, and the juxtaposition with the


Flood and God’s displeasure, should be remembered as we consider reports of what is occurring in our own time. It also must be remembered that according to the account of the contact with the First ET in the Bible, evil is not a terrestrial invention; it was present in the Cosmos eons before the first human being.

The Bible and other religious records of Earth, record that both good and evil are not purely terrestrial phenomenon. Ananda Sirisena has pointed out in a two-part article in the British journal Beyond Science (now defunct) that the holy books of

Buddhism remark that sense-desire, which is the source of all unhappiness, is to be found throughout the Cosmos ( ref. 5 ). In the Bible, it is written in Job, 15:15

“The heavens are not clean in His sight.”

It is also written in Revelations 12:7-9 that there was war in heaven between the

Archangel Michael and his angels, and the Devil and his angels. These are only two of many examples one could name. In general, the records of our reported contact with the First ET report repeatedly that the Cosmos, both visible and invisible, is full of good and evil and that these forces struggle against one another, Earth being an important battleground of this Cosmic struggle.

This brings us to the second widely reported ET contact that has influenced

Earth. This being is known as Satan, Lucifer, or the Devil. Like the first ET, he is reported to be non-corporeal. However, he is reported to be a created being and part of the Cosmos whereas God is the Creator. His powers and intellect are reported to be unimaginably great in human terms but, like ours, insignificant compared to God’s. It is also reported that despite his intellectual powers, he often makes mistakes that are apparent even to humans. His first reported error was to try and stage an unsuccessful revolt against his Creator.

Most of what we know about the Second ET, Satan, comes from information reported to be from the First ET This record allows us to make a vivid comparison between them in two important areas: One, dialogue with humans;

The First ET is recorded to be always truthful, though he seldom shows more knowledge than is required. In contrast, the Second ET, Satan, is reported to be a compulsive liar and virtual inventor of treachery. It is reported he often claims to be the First ET and often traps victims with empty promises of forbidden knowledge and technology. Second, relationship with humanity; the First ET is widely reported to love the human race and all other peoples of the Cosmos as if they were his children. However, he is also reported to hold us responsible for our actions, which, knowing the human race, means we occasionally are at odds.

The Second ET, Satan, is reported to be utterly contemptuous and hateful towards humans, especially those who serve him. His hostility is constant, though often expressed through treachery and attempts to corrupt, rather than through open warfare.

It is reported that though the Devil hates humanity and wishes to destroy us, he cannot attack openly because of the presence of the First ET. Therefore, we learn that absence of open attack does not always mean absence of mortal hostility. It merely means that the Cosmos is not simple, and that many factors constrain the actions of its inhabitants.


Humanity is thus not a purely terrestrial phenomenon. Even our science is full of knowledge known first from observation of the stars. If the records of our contract with the First ET are believed, humanity is the product of influences that are not only extraterrestrial but extracosmic, that is, transcending even the stars. If these reported contacts with God are correct, and many believe they are, then humanity knows far more about the Cosmos and its peoples than it realizes.

It knows these things because it knows the Being who made the Cosmos and its peoples, including ourselves. Humanity, and by this, I mean the readers themselves, are possessors of Cosmic knowledge, but they do not know it yet.

However, to know something of humanity one must understand that a part of humanity, like its Creator, is extremely mysterious and some of it is unknowable.

To know something of humanity is to know of its mystery and its magic. There is a part of humanity that only God himself understands. I speak here of a whole category of phenomenon with the inadequate terms “parapsychological” and

“spiritual”—that part of ourselves that is manifest in religion, and yet seems to exist apart from it. One aspect of this was termed by Jung as the collective unconscious ( ref. 6 ). This is the part of humanity that seems to guarantee that no knowledge can ever remain isolated in one portion of the human race, even if they never tell anyone of it. Another can be called human prescience—that human capacity to write or speak of events still far in the future with uncanny accuracy, science fiction being a vast upwelling of this human phenomenon. No statement describing humanity could be complete without referring to this part of humanity which is mysterious and difficult to describe.

Therefore, humanity is a superterrestrial phenomenon. It is partly supercosmic, partly flesh and blood, partly science and cultural heritage, part war and part peace, part plum wine, part espresso, part Mozart, part rock and roll. It is part get along, to move along, part liberty or death. Humanity is partly known and partly unknowable, partly good and partly evil. Humanity is a people of the Cosmos, created by the same Creator that created the Cosmos.

Therefore, you should respect yourself and your people. You know more about the Cosmos than you realize. You are stronger and more marvelous than you know. You should not be arrogant, but you should be proud. You lack knowledge, but you are eager to learn. You are small now but you are going to become great and “becoming is superior to being.” You are a young and vigorous people, just off the train and in the big city for the first time, bent on finding your fortune. So now that we have an image of humanity as it was formed and is, we can speak of the destiny of humanity in the Cosmos.

The Destiny of Humanity

Hints of what our destiny will be are contained, I believe, in the record of our contact with the First ET who pointed us to our goal. He said in paraphrase,

“someday if you follow the Way I have shown you, you can join me in the heavens of which the stars are but a shadow.” God, in fact, showed Abraham the stars and said in Genesis 15:5.


“And He brought him forth abroad, and said, look now towards heaven and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them. And he said, so shall thy seed be.”

There is also another hint, for Jesus told his disciples in Mark 16:15,

“Go ye unto all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

For in the original Greek, the word for world is Cosmos ( ref. 7 ), meaning the whole world, the whole ordered universe.

I know in myself, that humanity is going into space because it yearns to do so.

The goal of its yearning is not just to see strange new worlds; it is to have fellowship with the peoples who dwell amid the stars and share truth with them.

In a sense we are going into space to meet other people and engage in a dialogue that we hope will confirm truths that we already believe. That is part of the reason that Ufology exists, not just because people in Ufology are curious or concerned but also because we seek to be part of that dialogue.

We have, on good account, that such a dialogue is possible, as recorded in

Timothy Good’s book

Above Top Secret.

There is an account of Sid Padrick’s experience ( ref. 8 ) where he encountered startlingly humanoid beings who were kind and respectful and who invited him to pray to God in their “consultation room.” They said they worshipped the same Supreme Being we did. This reported encounter, whose positive, respectful character is such a stark contrast to most reported encounters, give us hope that we will find what we seek in the stars. But you must realize we inhabit a star already.

Our star, Sol, the Sun, is a beautiful golden star from afar. Around it orbits a beautiful blue-white star of a planet called Earth, for that is what our planet looks like from afar. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars are beautiful from Earth, but I tell you when you see the Earth someday from the surface of Mars you will understand that the Earth is the most beautiful planet in the solar system, or even in a hundred solar systems. That is partly why other peoples have come here.

So I will tell you I believe it is the destiny of humanity to go out into ‘the stars and become a great nation and find its place among the stars and among the great nations that dwell in the stars; nations whose people believe in God and justice, equality, and good will as we do, and who, when they read our Bible or the Declaration of Independence, will rejoice that the same truths they know are known elsewhere and from the same source.

Dynamics Between Peoples in the Cosmos

We have now discussed humanity and its destiny, but how will our destiny be shaped by those peoples with whom we share the Cosmos? In particular, is there some model or broad guideline to consult to under stand the dynamics or politics between nations or peoples who have their genesis in different star systems? We can come up with a rough model by assuming that the laws of physics and biology are the same everywhere in the Cosmos. Once such a model of cosmic politics is formed, it can be applied to understand and predict the interactions between humanity and its fellow cosmic peoples.


A model of cosmic politics can be derived from biology. We must assume that the laws of biology are universal, so that they are the same on all worlds, like the laws of physics. Since we know about the laws determining biology on Earth, we would then know about biology laws on all worlds. We must, of course, recognize from the outset that we can only gain a rough understanding at best using this method, but we must have a model and we must begin somewhere. So, we look for basic and fundamental laws rather than detailed ones. We will thus look for laws that describe forests rather than trees. Once we have identified fundamental biological laws, we then try to find laws of politics on Earth that can be derived from them. We will then have a rough model.

The first law of biology can be called “the survival of the fittest.” This means that all life is essentially competitive. This means those who are more intelligent, faster, stronger, more diligent, more fertile, more efficient, and more prudent will eventually dominate over those who have less of these qualities. This seems a harsh law of nature, but in some ways it is actually kind. In any case, nature is not often known to be kind or gentle.

One impact of the first law of biology is that intelligence is favored in predators.

On Earth, predators are generally more intelligent than their prey. They must be or their prey will outwit them and the predators will not eat. The octopus is the most intelligent of all invertebrates and it is a fierce predator. The killer whale is believed to be the smartest of the whales and it is a vicious killer of other whales.

The Chimpanzee is the second smartest land animal, and its capacity for mayhem against other species and even other chimps, rivals our own ( ref. 9 ).

Curiously, researchers were slow to recognize how murderous chimps were to each other—fighting between tribes and occasionally killing their own young.

Perhaps the researchers did not want to believe the chimps were as prone to violence as we are. Even when researchers found out the harsh facts about internal wars between chimps they were reluctant to report it. They feared it would horrify people and dry up research funding. People were not horrified; however, they were enlightened, and chimpanzee research in the wild continues.

The truth makes chimps all the more fascinating and useful to study if human violence is to be understood and controlled.

Another example of the correlation of intelligence and predatory behavior is the line of dinosaurs that appeared to be evolving towards something resembling humanoids before an extraterrestrial event wiped them out ( ref. 10 ).

It is now believed that a line of small predator dinosaurs, roughly resembling miniature Tyrannosaurus Rexs, would have developed into a humanoid intelligence. They stood on two feet and several species had achieved brain to body sizes exceeding all other dinosaurs and even mammals then existing.

However, the impact of a massive asteroid, a clear sign this planet’s history has witnessed extraterrestrial intervention, devastated the planet and cleared the Way for humanity.

Human beings are predatory. Humanity began as hunters and gatherers but

17 hunting behavior did not cease when humans discovered agriculture—it merely changed. The archeological record shows that organized warfare began almost simultaneously with agriculture ( ref. 11 ). Historically, tribes and nations have fought wars and struggled for dominance as a form of biological competition.

The apparent victory of the United States in the Cold War is a demonstration that democracy and free enterprise, while not without their faults, have become dominant, because they are better and more efficient in the long run, or even the short run, than despotism and Marxism. So our own violent history, which despite its violence has produced the triumph of liberty and humanity, can be understood as a vast game of survival of the fittest among groups of rather predatory and aggressive beings.

But there is another law of biology that also played a profound role in this and which we must also factor into our cosmic political model.

The second law of Biology is roughly “the sum is greater than the parts.” Or stated differently, in cooperation and in unity, there is strength. One human cell alone will die; one trillion human cells bound together, each doing its part, will thrive and triumph. So one human can do little, but a large number can move the

Earth and someday change the course of stars. This second law, that cooperation leads to success, is seen not only in biology but in human politics and history.

Together these two laws and the tension between them, competition, and cooperation, apply to and shape intelligent and primitive life. Nations are predatory and competitive and nations that are most competitive and aggressive tend to produce the most works of intelligence and technology such as our own nation and Great Britain. Truly, United peoples and nations are much stronger and efficient than individuals or isolated nations. That is why the most powerful nation on this planet is called the United States. Moreover, the United States is great because it has cooperated with like-minded nations rather than trying to prey on them. So in the United States, the first nation of Earth, this is a sacred trust and responsibility to humanity—not just a privilege. It is through unity and cooperation that the nations of the Earth must face the Cosmos.

So we have two fundamental laws of biology which should apply everywhere in the Cosmos and which profoundly influence the politics of human beings. So these laws should shape politics on other worlds as well, and this means other worldly politics should resemble our own.

We thus have arrived at a model called Mediocrity, that is already known.

The principle of mediocrity states that the Earth and its inhabitants are a representative sample of the Cosmos and its inhabitants ( ref. 12 ). This principle states that intelligent life elsewhere should be quite similar to Earth’s. Similarly it means that even politics and history should be similar. This is the exact same model we arrived at by assuming biological laws were the same on all worlds and that politics was an extension of biology. The principle of mediocrity is the same concept, but arrived at differently.

The cosmic politics model was arrived at by assuming biological laws were the

18 same on all worlds and that politics was an extension of biology. The principle of mediocrity is the same concept, but arrived at differently. Its approach is simply statistical; it assumes Earth and its inhabitants are the results of probability and are part of a distribution of possible world situations, constrained by universal laws of physics. The Earth we know is one random sample of many worlds, so it is most likely that it is typical rather than abnormal. Like all statistical laws, it is a warning to would-be gamblers rather than advice on how to bet the farm. However, our universal, biological, political law, arguments, and mediocrity lead us to the same concept: Earth and its peoples and history are a microcosm of the Cosmos and its peoples and history. The Earth is the Cosmos seen through a glass darkly, not reliable in detail but roughly true. This means we all know much more about the Cosmos than we realize, simply because we have lived on Earth.

We have arrived at a model for understanding and predicting the dynamics and politics between humanity and other peoples in the Cosmos and between other people apart from humanity. This model is called the Human Historical Model of Cosmos Politics or simply the Human Historical Model.

The Earth is an allegory of the Cosmos and an analogue. This means the wisdom of Earth gained by our ancient forbears and written in the holy books of Earth, will guide us in our new journey in the Cosmos. For in some ways, humanity was wiser when it knew less, but that wisdom is not lost to us now if we see its worth. So, we would look to the old as well as the new for counsel as we confront the Cosmos.

The Human Historical Model

The Human Historical Model or, HHM as it will be called henceforth, simply states that interactions between people and nation states in the Cosmos will resemble interactions between nations in human history.

The HHM is a tool for interpreting the behavior of extraterrestrials; it says that if extraterrestrials exhibit certain behavior either singly or collectively, then one should look for an analogous human or human nation’s behavior either in the present or in the historical record. The human historical record is long, and its tribes and nations are myriad. This means we have a vast supply of analogous models and situations on which to draw. However, we should always remember that the model is a rough one and not reliable in detail. Neither is the HHM a substitute for hard investigative work, any more than Einstein’s theory of relativity is a substitute for the Super Collider.

The HHM is a simple idea, but it does not suggest the Cosmos and its people are simple or mundane. Rather, it suggests the Cosmos and its people should be like

Earth’s people, complex, finely textured, full of intrigue and secrets, and like the

Earth full of the strange and exotic. In fact, the HHM suggests that people of the

Cosmos, beyond adherence to basic laws of biology, will be very strange, exotic, and very interesting. The first rule for dealing with the Cosmos according to the

HHM is that high weirdness is to be expected in the Cosmos because it is found on Earth. Whenever intelligence is involved, possibilities become myriad.


Other things can be expected from people in the Cosmos. One thing that can be expected is a desire for contact and communication. Many Cosmic people will be drawn to us simply because of a compulsion or yearning to communicate.

This is a human trait and it is also biologically motivated; cooperation requires communication. So, attempts at friendly contact and communication or dialogue, even if only rudimentary ones, would be expected under the HHM. A related behavior would also be expected.

Display is a form of communication or dialogue that is very common in nature.

Everything from puffer fish, to peacocks, to cobras and humans resort to display.

It is a nonverbal form of communication and so is limited in its information content; however, it is usually easy to understand its basic meaning. Since it is nonverbal, it does not require a common language and thus is often the first form of communication initiated between different peoples in Earthly tradition.

Everything from parades in Red Square to a baby crawling into the center of a family gathering is a form of display. Often, its basic messages are, “look what I can do,” “or look at who I am.” Since humans are the Earth’s premier show offs, followed closely by dolphins, we would expect, under the HHM, that people at the Cosmos would exhibit a great deal of display behavior to each other especially at initial contact, before verbal contact can be established. Display is an attempt to initiate dialogue. In most situations, this is very friendly, sometimes playful. However, it is not always friendly, and I will discuss this shortly.

Struggles for dominance are universal among species on Earth and especially among social groups within species. It is a manifestation of competition with usually the dominant individual or group getting the best resources and the most opportunities to reproduce and pass on its genes. There are “pecking orders” within social groups, even among the most intelligent species. In a pecking order situation, abuse, like water, runs down hill from the most dominant to the most subordinate. This occurs in small human groups, among groups in society, and finally among nations.

Struggles for dominance occur between species also. Chimps and baboons share watering holes in some areas of Africa and chimps usually seem to dominate.

Anyone who has owned a dog or a cat knows struggles for power can occur between humans and other intelligent species. So we would expect struggles for dominance between peoples in the Cosmos.

These might begin even before verbal communication could be initiated and would consist, in mildest form, of military demonstrations of power or hardware and highly aggressive displays. These would be equivalent to U.S. and Russian destroyers playing “chicken” on the high seas or firing flares or weak (non lethal) laser beams at each other. So, struggles for dominance, power politics, seen on Earth between nations, should be expected between peoples in the

Cosmos. As on Earth, this can lead to either friendly competition in science and culture or to great tragedy.

Based on the HHM we would expect peoples in the Cosmos to move toward a higher technological advancement. As on Earth, we would expect this to be

20 driven by military competition as well as by desire for scientific knowledge.

Humans are social, intelligent, predatory, and technological and they have become spacefaring. We intend to become better and better at spacefaring. Thus, by this model we would expect other people in the Cosmos to become spacefaring. If they have a big head start, they might already be here.

Encounters in the Cosmos

The HHM would say that encounters between ET nations and Earth nations are similar to encounters between less advanced nations and European explorers and exploiters.

Generally, the more advanced and organized the less advanced nation was, the better it fared.

Example: Japan was politically united, and on its own islands, militarily fearsome, despite having lower technology than the Europeans. However, faced with a massive display of American naval power (the ships were carefully painted white and black to look impressive), the Japanese government agreed to open up for trade and diplomatic relations ( ref. 13 ). They reorganized their society and held the Americans and other foreigners at bay militarily, thus preserving their sovereignty while most other small Asian nations were conquered by the Europeans. They adopted Western technology and finally became a great power. This did not prevent them from getting into trouble later, but they did very well during the European Colonial period.

The American Indians present a tragic counter example. They were politically disunited, had no concept of the world view and ambitions of the Europeans and were technically backward. However, it was not lack of technology that caused them to lose their land; it was a lack of comprehension of the threat they faced.

If they had known what they were facing from the beginning, they could have swept the Europeans into the sea. Instead, they lost almost everything, land, heritage, and most of their population, to a slow but relentless advance of the white man.

War in the Cosmos

The HHM tells there will be power politics between peoples in the Cosmos.

Sadly, it also tells us that since “war is merely politics extended by other means

( ref. 14 ), there must be war in the Cosmos between nations. I have already referred to the Bible where it tells of war in heaven in Revelations; Thus, it is written that Earth is not the only arena of war.

I have often referred to the Bible in this talk and will do so again; however, I also have spoken, in general, of books of ancient wisdom of Earth and how they would be useful in advising us concerning the Cosmos. I will now begin referring to such a useful book of ancient wisdom. It is a book of the East where the Bible is primarily a book of the West, but it is ancient and wise in my view and along with the Bible and other books I think it offers humanity great help.

This book is Sun Tzu, the Art of War. I commend this book to your study. Sun


Tzu writes to us, “military action is important to the nation—it is the ground of death and life. The path of survival and destruction, it is imperative to examine it” ( ref. 15 ).

War occurs in the Cosmos as part of a struggle for dominance; it is an aspect of the law of competition of survival of the fittest. On Earth, nations go to war for territory and resources so they can pros per and grow and their competitors will wither and shrink, or be absorbed. According to the HHM, wars occur in the

Cosmos over stars and planets and the space containing them.

We know that stars like the Sun that are single and

of its special range F through

K type are best for having life bearing worlds around them, like the Earth ( ref.

16 ). The hotter stars are too short lived and the dimmer, cooler ones are too unstable. We also know that planets like Earth, that are living planets, with oxygen atmospheres, and favorable temperatures, are rare. Only one such planet exists in this star system which contains nine planets. Mars may have once been a living planet, but it is now dead. According to the HHM, people will fight over land and ocean and resources like those found on Earth. Therefore, the HHM says that the space containing stars like the Sun around which orbit planets like the Earth, with intelligent beings or not on them, are the things over which people of the Cosmos probably fight wars. They fight, because if you can have such a planet, you can settle a million individuals on it, and they will become a billion in a few centuries. If they can have ten such planets, a people can prosper and become great; if a people loses ten such planets to a competitor, then they will become weak and despised... their seed will not be as the stars of heaven.

War between advanced peoples both of whom may possess nuclear weapons is probably highly risky, even if one side’s space technology is highly superior.

Nuclear weapons, like gunpowder on Earth, is probably a great equalizer in the

Cosmos. In addition, space, by definition, allows cultures to develop in great isolation from each other, and thus have very different levels of technology. For these reasons, wars in the Cosmos probably seldom take place between equals.

War on Earth most often comes about from a perceived imbalance of military capabilities. Life on Earth is not fair; probably neither is life in the Cosmos. So we would expect some peoples will carry out wars of conquest or extermination against their weaker and less advanced neighbors. Since these wars will involve armed conflict between very different cultures and species, they will probably be very cruel, as such wars are on Earth. In predicting this, I am supposing that some peoples of the Cosmos will act more like biological entities rather than moral civilized states. In saying this, I do not say all peoples of the Cosmos will act ruthlessly towards their neighbors, only some of them.

On Earth we have nations that are great and powerful and others that are merely powerful. It is a dream that scientific knowledge and technological power lead to moral enlightenment in a nation, but we know on Earth that some nations can have enormous wealth and scientific and technological power, yet commit unspeakable crimes and aggression against their own people and others. Nazi

Germany was for a period the most technologically advanced power on Earth, with ballistic missiles, jet fighter planes, and an active program to build nuclear weapons. No power on Earth could rival it for a period. Germany before this had

22 been considered a center of theology and culture. Yet in a few years, Germany regressed into a nightmare and committed unspeakable crimes against humanity.

Technology and morality do not go hand in hand on Earth or probably anywhere-else in the Cosmos. One has only to look at our own society to see this. For some nations, technology merely provides ir resistible temptations to abuse other nations.

Nor does the fact that a people dwell among the stars make them moral and just.

We dwell on a star, and it sits among other stars, but we must constantly struggle with ourselves to do right, and some times we fail at this. Therefore, according to the HHM the Cosmos is as harsh and desperate a place as it is beautiful. The laws of biology dictate this, and Earth merely reflects it. Morality and enlightenment must struggle against criminality and darkness in the Cosmos as they do on the Earth, and sometimes this struggle is armed.

Given the preceding discussion, a likely scenario for war in the Cosmos is as follows: (1) an advanced space power encounters a less advanced power; (2) the more advanced power displays its power hoping to cow the less advanced power into submission; (3) if this ploy succeeds, the advanced power subjugates the lesser power without war; and (4) The subjugated people may be merely enslaved or else exterminated and the planet settled with the victorious species.

Sun Tzu says, “The best policy is to use strategy, influence, and the trend of events to cause the adversary to summit willingly” ( ref. 17 ). That is, a military victory can be had at little cost by first achieving psychological victory over the enemy.

One successful psychological ploy that was used with great success on Earth in analogous situations was to convince the less advanced natives that the more advanced were gods. This ploy was used by Cortez, who made ingenious use of the Quetzacoatl legend in his attack on the Aztec empire. Cortez also used calculated displays of cannon fire, horses, and other technologies to convince the

Aztec envoys that he possessed supernatural powers. Montezuma, the King of the Aztecs was almost hypnotized or “spooked” by the Spanish. Finally, when the Aztecs realized too late that the Spanish were just gold-hungry flesh and blood people like themselves, the people killed Montezuma for betraying them to the Spanish. Cortez by this time had raised up the Indian nations long enslaved by the Aztecs, and so managed to conquer an empire of millions with only 800 men. Pizarro also pulled off such a conquest again by “spooking” the

Inca emperor into believing he was divine. So, a former pig farmer with a few hundred men conquered another empire of millions.

However, let us suppose that the less advanced power is very tough minded and refuses to be cowed by the advanced powers’ superior technology. Let us suppose also that the lesser power rejects as psychological ploys the advanced power’s attempts to claim divinity, and that these attempts to gain psychological advantages merely harden the will of the less advanced people to fight. In this case, two things could happen: (1) The advanced power will withdraw or decide to establish normal and respectful diplomatic ties with the lesser power. (2) The advanced power may choose to wage war on the less advanced power when

23 psychological ploys used alone have failed. Here the outcome is not nearly so predictable as one might imagine.

War between technological unequals is probably the norm in the Cosmos rather than the exception. However, as on Earth, technology is only one of many factors in war. The factors are primarily:

ï‚· Relative numbers of military forces

— does one side have overwhelming numbers?

ï‚· Moral and discipline of the forces

— can it be maintained in the face of losses?



Length of supply lines

— can a large military effort be sustained for long by both sides?

Political unity of opposing power groups

— can one side exploit divisions in the other?

ï‚· Technology

— can the high tech of one side be easily countered by the low tech of the other?

ï‚· Will

— are the less advanced people more willing to resist than the more advanced are willing to press attacks?

ï‚· Other Powers

— will other powers stay out of the war or intervene on one side or another?

ï‚· Which side chooses the Way

— one side or neither ( ref. 18 )?

As was discovered by the United States in Vietnam and the Russians in

Afghanistan, technological superiority alone is not a deciding factor against adversaries who are tenacious, clever, are willing to die rather than submit, who have high morale, and who confront the advanced power on their home territory.

These wars also showed the sensitivity of advanced powers to casualties, even when the advanced power may not be known for its concern for human life, as was the case with Russia. One Russian was quoted as saying “30,000 dead was one day’s losses at Stalingrad, but in Afghanistan it seems too much.” The difference was that 30,000 Germans died also and the Russians were fighting for their homes and lives. Death on foreign hostile territory, far from home, at the hands of primitive natives is especially grievous to advanced peoples, because, economically, a trained member of their society is more costly to replace than a member of a more primitive society, especially, if he must be trained in the use of high tech weaponry and transported great distances onboard expensive transports. Therefore, if a less advanced society can maintain ferocious, longterm resistance against an advanced aggressor operating far from home, with limited forces, the less advanced people can triumph. The more advanced people will simply find they are bogged down and taking losses in an unwinnable war far from home, and they will leave. In such a triumph, morale and, if possible, religious zeal on the part of the less advanced people is a decisive factor. I repeat, in a conflict where a technically advanced power is waging a war of aggression on a less advanced power, the morale and will of the lesser power is what is decisive, not technology alone. Sun Tzu, though he wrote of war, was also a great moralist.


To him, a key factor in war was to follow “the Way” ( ref. 18 ):

“The Way means humaneness and justice. In ancient times, a famous minister of state asked a political philosopher about military matters. The philosopher said, ‘Humanensss and justice are the means to govern properly. When government is carried out properly, people feel close to the leadership and think lit tle of dying for it.’”

He also said ( ref. 19 ):

“Those who use arms will cultivate the Way and keep the rules. Thus, they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt.

A nation that uses its superior technology to try and oppress and destroy less advanced neighbors does not know of the Way. This is true on Earth, and I think this is true throughout the Cosmos.

If a people departs from the Way to oppress their neighbors, then neither the brilliance of their technology and intellect, nor all their clever words can disguise it. Sadly, this brings us to the subject of the present situation regarding humanity and some of its fellow peoples of the Cosmos and what forty years of

ET contact have taught us.

Forty Years of Ufology: What Have We Learned?

A goal of this paper was to factor into our view of human destiny what we have learned from forty years of contact with ETs. In particular, what does the HHM do to unravel for us what is reported concerning the last forty years. Several observations can be made.

The first and primary observation is that, at least on the surface, everything appears well. Humanity rules and occasionally misrules, the Earth. No overt signs of ET contact are seen. In the last forty years, humanity, itself, has become spacefaring, advanced in power, and in some ways, has gained wisdom. Except for a popular preoccupation with ET contact fantasies, no outward sign of ET

Earth dialogue is apparent. The second observation is that, like many situations on Earth, much is being concealed. Concealment is usually a sign of conflict.

Sun Tzu wrote ( ref. 20 ):

“Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby, you can be the directors of the opponent’s fate.”

The groups of extraterrestrials who seem to have

long term interests here seem to be concealing their true intentions and the governments of Earth are concealing their true posture toward the extraterrestrials.

To learn anything from the past forty years of Ufology, one must have a method of interpreting both the government’s and the ETs’ actions. We have such a method in the HHM. What does the HHM tell that we have learned about the past forty years? It tells us the following:

ï‚· We are not in a region of space controlled by any one ET nation; we




ï‚· know this because many species visit us.

Most ETs seem to have adopted a policy of benign non-interference in

Earth’s affairs.

Most ETs are quite humanoid.

Three groups seem to be attempting to carry out a long term activity here:


Reticulians or “grays” — a species reportedly from Zeta Reticuli 36 light years from Earth. (Reference 16) These are the short, big-eyed, bigheaded aliens.


The Talls

— similar to the Reticulians but more humanoid, blonde, blueeyed

— origin unknown.



— very humanoid, Scandinavian appearance

— star of origin unknown.

ï‚· It must be stated that it is not clear to what extent these three species’ intentions towards Earth coincide.

ï‚· Some ET contact has been extremely positive and strongly suggests that we will one day become a part of some community of cosmic peoples of like beliefs to our own.

ï‚· There does not appear to be any Galactic government protecting primitive planets like Earth from ET contact.

ï‚· Some ETs appear to be quite hostile to humanity.

This last point is an unpleasant and difficult one. However, it merely means the

Cosmos is like the Earth, and you live on Earth, so you can deal with this possibility. Unfortunately, it appears that the ETs with the most interest in Earth are also the most hostile. How could it be any different if humanity is involved?

The Secret Star Wars: The Real Truth About the Last Forty Years

It is my analysis, based on the HHM, that the Reticulians (or grays) are implacably hostile to humanity ( fig. 1 ). As to the Reticulian goal, there can be little doubt, for they have come far, stayed long, suffered great losses, and expended great resources, yet they will not reveal it to us. But, their actions reveal their goal: to have the Earth for their own. Their actions are not consistent with anything else. Our government apparently realized this at some point in the distant past, perhaps as-early as 1947. The government has kept this secret locked up in Dreamland with its captured discs. It is my belief that the fact of

Reticulian hostility is the actual great secret underlying the entire government coverup concerning UFOs. However, this truth can no longer be kept secret; it is apparent from both Reticulians’ behaviors that are widely known in Ufology and the government’s reactions to them. I would argue that while it may have been useful to have kept this secret in the past (that is, the fear engendered by the knowledge of hostile aliens might have been more dangerous than the aliens themselves), it is now more dangerous to keep it secret, because secrecy is now a hindrance to effective defense.


Ufology has withheld judgment for a long period concerning the behavior of the

Reticulians. This was justified because, in the past, data was scanty and unreliable. We have avoided judging the Reticulians’ actions by human standards because they were not human, and we like to withhold judgment even on humans until we have some basic level of knowledge about them. We also have tended to place less credibility on reports of Reticulians’ atrocities and hostile acts because they frighten us, and because they are at odds with our picture of ETs as the hoped for “space brothers,” the angelic saviors of humanity. However, the truth appears to be that the truly benevolent ET nations want little to do with us, and that humanity has only God and itself to look to for salvation. It appears our government has been involved in a Secret Star Wars with the Reticulians. This Star War is sometimes cold, sometimes hot and has been punctuated by cynical truces and cease fires, but Star War is the best term for it. Is this government posture justified; I would argue, yes, absolutely.

The time is now ripe for Ufology to make a judgment regarding the behavior of the Reticulians and their cohorts. I give you my judgment: the emperor has no clothes, the Reticulians and their crimes are naked. It is widely and reliably reported now that the Reticulians are engaged in horrifying behavior.

ï‚· They abduct and terrorize people beginning often with children ( ref. 21 ).

ï‚· They mutilate cattle and leave them for their owners to find ( ref. 22 ).

ï‚· Their breeding program is an abominable crime against humanity ( ref.

23 ).

ï‚· They kill people; only whether it is murder 1, 2, or 3 is debatable ( ref.

24 ).

ï‚· They invade our airspace and destroy our warplanes and pilots sent to defend our airspace ( ref. 25 , ref. 26 ).


FIGURE 1. The Hostile Reticulian. Out of numbers of peoples in our cosmic neighborhood, the Reticulians have demonstrated implacable hostility to humanity. But this hostility is not irrational, we both want the Earth and only one can have it. They must be, and will be, opposed by all means necessary.

This pattern of behavior by the Reticulians indicates a complete disregard for human rights, life, or dignity. Some have said that those are crimes by human standards, but perhaps not by Reticulian standards.

I argue that this is Earth, and humanity and its standards rule on Earth, so if they are crimes by human standards, then as far as we are concerned, they are crimes by any standard. I further argue that murder, mutilation, abduction, and hostile intrusion into a planet’s airspace are crimes on any planet.

The HHM gives an astonishing and horrifying interpretation of Reticulian behavior:



Human Parallel Primary





Kidnapping and



Talk in Riddles to Abductees:

Old Human

Interrogation trick





Psychological power plus maintaining emotional distance





Mutilation: from victim

To “cut” someone Demonstrate power

Old human ploy Terrorization — frustrated expression of rage

Claims of divinity and to have influenced history:

Desire for


Cortez in Mexico and “I made you everything you are today”

Mafia, Terrorist


Psychological warfare to induce surrender

Disguise military weakness

It is even reported that the Reticulians have claimed to have invented Jesus

Christ ( ref. 27 ). If this is what the Reticulians have claimed, it is a contemptible lie. The Reticulians by their actions have shown themselves to be completely ignorant of Christ’s teachings. Even the devil can quote scripture, and appear as an angel of light ( ref. 28 , ref. 29 ). This claim concerning Christ is in my opinion, again, a naked attempt to gain psychological domination over humanity. As awful as such behavior is, it clearly indicates their utter disrespect for human religious beliefs and is thus clearly a warning. For Christians this makes our conflict with the Reticulians particularly apparent and mortal. For it is written.

“And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of the a ntichrist...” I John 4:3

To a Christian, what could be a simpler decision. Either the Bible or the

Reticulian is lying, and the Reticulians are commonly reported to be liars about even petty things. So, it would not surprise me if the Reticulians soon claim to have invented Moses, the Ten Commandments, and the electric light bulb.

Ignore these claims. Our conflict with the Reticulians is a mortal one in that we are dealing with a power that wishes to destroy everything we regard as precious and holy in the Earth. In my view, surrender to the Reticulians is suicide and holocaust; it is unthinkable.

It is obvious that, when analyzed by HHM, the Reticulians’ actions have strong parallels in every record of human oppression and terror. The Reticulians resemble an Earthly terrorist state such as Iran, Libya, North Korea, or the

Mafia. I would argue that its strongest parallel is Nazi Germany, because of its utter disregard for human values and its abominable crimes against humanity seen in its breeding program. This would mean that humanity’s introduction to the Cosmos has actually become a confrontation with a latter day Axis alliance with the Reticulians playing Nazi Germany, and the Talls and Nordics playing the roles of Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. Like the Nazis, the Reticulians are bent on conquest. There can be little doubt as to their goal: to seize the Earth for themselves.


This, I would argue, is the real secret of the past forty years, not that ETs have come to Earth, but that hostile ETs have come to Earth. In response, the government has tried to lock this terrible truth away from public awareness. Like the publicly known Star Wars concept, it has a bizarre dual existence as the stuff of both tabloid headlines and the blackest of the black programs.

The arrival of this Reticulians Axis has triggered every possible defensive action by our government and other world governments, and I think this is justified.

The government has particularly made every possible attempt to gain understanding of Reticulians technology. It has been reported that the government has even entered into agreements with the Reticulians and allowed them sanctuary on some military bases. Why would a government do such a thing if it believed the Reticulians were vile and hostile? They would do it because they must have knowledge, as Sun Tzu states ( ref. 30 ):

“A major military operation is a severe drain on the nation, and may be kept up for years in the str uggle for one day’s victory. So to fail to know the conditions of opponents because of reluctance to give rewards for intelligence is extremely inhumane, uncharacteristic of a true military leader, uncharacteristic-of an assistant of the government, uncharacteristic of a victorious chief. So what enables an intelligent government and a wise military leadership to overcome others and achieve extraordinary accomplishments is foreknowledge.

Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.”

So, our government may have done such things. This covert Star Wars involves espionage and counter espionage, and it is not pleasing to look upon. However, the more vile and hostile the Reticulians, the more necessary such dialogue with them becomes. In addition, the government would attempt to keep this situation secret from its own people by whatever means possible. The government, in a sense, has been trying to preserve the “Prime Directive.” Unfortunately, this has required the government to lie continually to its people, among other things that it has done. Our government has, in general, done what governments do when they are threatened with war by a powerful and unknown enemy. Now, it is becoming plain that this situation can no longer be kept secret.

One would immediately protest that if the Reticulians are implacably hostile to humanity, why don’t they attack since they are so powerful? My first response is that many of us have enemies, but when they attack openly, it is usually a relief; for the most part, treachery and intimidation are the rule in conflicts between individuals and nations. My second response is that humanity has enormous military power on Earth’s surface and in its atmosphere, and the Reticulians are a space power, with few forces available and far from home; so they are powerful but so are we. They are more advanced, but they are not as powerful as they want us to think. My third response is that the Cosmos is probably a complicated place, and these complications place constraints on Reticulian actions just as they constrain the actions of Earth nations.

What can be done about this situation? I would argue that much can be done and this situation is neither hopeless, nor beyond us in Ufology from making a

30 contribution. However, one must not avoid the impact of this realization—that humanity is probably confronted with a powerful and merciless enemy.

God, Guts, and Guns Against the Reticulians

For me, the impact of the Secret Star War, the concept of the Reticulians as implacable enemies of humanity and of our government, brought me closer to

God. However, I went through a classic grief reaction. First, there was fear and white-hot rage alternating with denial and terrible grief. Then, there was despair and nights of prayer. Then, there was courage and hope. Finally, there was also resolve: God is with humanity; if we must fight the Reticulians, God will fight for us also. I would argue that he already fights for us, and that the strength of

His arm was seen at Roswell, before anyone even knew we had an enemy ( fig.

2 ). For there, in one stroke, a Reticulians’ craft fell even as we celebrated the

Fourth of July, and our

government found the Reticulians’ craft shattered and the bodies of Reticulians scattered about as food for the buzzards and coyotes. We thus knew from the onset that the Reticulians were flesh and blood and not invincible or infallible. We also knew they had crashed while spying on what was then one of our most secret defense installations, showing our government their possible hostile intent. So, God has helped us from the beginning, before we even knew we needed help.

We are much stronger militarily than we were in 1947. The human race has never been more technologically advanced or more united than it is now. I believe we are only a breakthrough away from a unified field theory that will allow us to control gravity with electromagnetism. When we achieve this we will be able to duplicate much of the Reticulians’ technology and eventually improve on it. I am myself working on such a theory, and I know many others are also working on it; may God help us in our work. Finally, it is known that weapons we already possess are effective against the Reticulians and their ships. Many of the reported crashes of alien ships were not accidents; they were victories in a secret war with a secret enemy. Many brave men have died already to defend their country and their people. Let us remember their sacrifice.

So, with God’s help, I found courage and resolve to fight the Reticulians and their Axis. I see reason for grave concern, but I see reasons to be encouraged also. We will win. We will win, because God is with us, and we seek His help.

We will win because we are strong and brave and ready to die, if necessary; and we will win because we have already shown our weapons are powerful against the Axis; and while they may rule in space, we rule on Earth, and in its atmosphere. We will win because necessity is the mother of invention, and we do not need to duplicate Reticulians technology to render it useless to them. So

God, Guts, and Guns are our key allies in victory.

Much more could be said about this matter and will be said; however, this paper is not about the present but about the future. So, let us now consider how what we have learned in the last forty years will impact our future. In particular, what can we in Ufology do to positively impact the human future, given our knowledge of the past forty years.


Concisely summarized: The past forty years of Ufology have taught us that the

Cosmos is like the Earth and that the dynamics of nations in the Cosmos resembles the dynamics of nations on Earth. On Earth we have seen powerful advanced nations try to oppress weak and less-advanced nations. We now see a repetition of that struggle of nations in a vaster arena with the past forty years being a struggle between two astonishingly powerful groups of nations in the

Cosmos, humanity and the Reticulians’ Axis. There are apparently a cloud of other cosmic nations, “silent watchers,” also monitoring these events. So, we have learned something, but what can we do with this knowledge?

You in Ufology are the only group outside of the government that has the slightest inkling of what the real human situation is. I have spoken of a problem:

I will now tell you what positive step you can do to help this situation. The key concept is that humanity’s destiny, so far as it is under the control of flesh and blood, is in its own hands. So, it is human intentions, not the intentions of the

Reticulians, that are important. So, what are your intentions?

FIGURE 2. The evening of July 4, 1947, in a field near Roswell, New Mexico. The irony of fate dictates that as the

Reticulians and their craft lay fallen and broken, the nation celebrates Independence Day.

The Rainbow Declaration

The Rainbow Declaration was written as an attempt to declare what the people of the Earth, humanity, should agree amongst themselves and what they should declare to their fellow peoples of the Cosmos as to their beliefs and intentions.

Its themes are equality and fellowship before God of all peoples of the Cosmos and the basic rights of all peoples. The prominent mention of God in this document is wholly appropriate, I believe; and I cannot conceive of a document discussing such basic rights and truths without mention of God. If there are laws that are universal, then only God can establish them and command respect for them. If all people are part of a great family, then only God can be its head. I borrowed heavily from great works of our human heritage and science fiction.

Such borrowings are intended as acts of homage rather than plagiarism.

The Rainbow Declaration is also dialogue. It is a declaration to God that we

32 recognize His law and truth. It is a declaration to ourselves that we recognize our oneness and our place in the stars. It is a declaration to the government that we want to known the truth, even if it hurts, and that we want the extraterrestrials to be dealt with in a unified front with the other nations of Earth. Finally, it is a declaration to the extraterrestrials themselves that we are ready for an open and equal dialogue with them, that we expect the rights of all peoples to be respected, and that our expansion into the Cosmos will not be at their expense. In particular, it will put the Reticulians’ Axis on notice that we view their conduct here as unacceptable.

The Declaration Analyzed

The Preamble to the Declaration is essentially a statement of who we are as a people and our concerns as people of how precious the Earth and its environment is to us. I call for an end to slaughter of the whales, because I want all victimization of intelligent beings on Earth to stop; and the first step is to end our victimization of these intelligent, friendly creatures of the sea, who were honored by special mention in Genesis as one of God’s great creations ( ref. 31 ).

The first article states that relations between humanity and other peoples of the

Cosmos should be open and public. There should be no secret treaties between terrestrial and extraterrestrial powers. The document states that all of these relations should be handled through the General Secretary of the United Nations, acting in consultation with the Security Council, and that the Security Council should ratify all agreements.

This may strike some of you as a surrender of American sovereignty to the

United Nations, which many of you have a poor opinion of. However, the United

States sits on the Security Council as a permanent member and has veto power over anything it does not like ( ref. 32 ). Reportedly, in the present situation, the

United States is acting as an ambassador to the Cosmos on humanity’s behalf.

Considering all that has reportedly transpired, I do not think this reflects well on us, and we should give up the job. The United Nations is a human organization and like humanity has many flaws and frailties, but the United States, in my opinion, would do better leading humanity as a loyal member of the United

Nations than trying to pretend it speaks for humanity. Much of humanity would probably resent this deeply if they knew the United States were acting in this role.

Article two begins by greeting our fellow peoples of the Cosmos and asking them to pay careful attention to the list of basic rights.

It also says that we think all peoples are equal in God’s sight and this may be a revolutionary concept to some in the Cosmos. Much of the rest of the document is self-explanatory, except for the part about genetic code.

The reference to genetic code deserves special explanation. It was decided that this code must be protected because the genetic code of a people is an instruction book on how to live on their planet of Genesis and how to fight the many bacterial and viral infections found there. Therefore, to take a people’s genetic

33 code, outside of an open scientific exchange, is a hostile act and indicates an alien power is considering colonization of a planet with its own species.

The final right is the right to assert and defend the rights listed. This is not a fairy tale document; it was written in recognition that some people, some nations, and some species, understand only force. Some in the Cosmos obviously believe that might makes right; this is not a new idea on Earth. Many have believed it in our history, but they were proved wrong. Right makes might, friends, and I have written The Rainbow Declaration that its truth might strengthen you.

Finally, the Rainbow Declaration closes with the statements: that all peoples ought to treat all other peoples as they themselves desire to be treated, and that humanity’s highest goal is to join, as an equal partner, in the community of the peoples of the Cosmos. The Rainbow Declaration is as follows:



We, the people of Earth, do make this solemn Rainbow Declaration. We

Acknowledge our common childhood before the Creator, God, and Judge of all the Cosmos, both visible and invisible. We recognize the planet Earth as our

Planet of Genesis, our home, and our hereditary treasure. We pledge to ‘keep and preserve the Earth for all humanity for all generations. We call upon all humanity to treat one another with kindness, justice, and peace. We call upon all humanity to work together to ease the effects of hunger, disease, and overpopulation. Let there be no more killing of the whales, great and small, and let humanity seek to preserve the whole family of living things on the Earth.

This declaration takes its name from the Rainbow, which symbolizes the promises of God to humanity, the unity within diversity that is humanity, and the beauty of the Earth which is humanities.

Article One

In true Unity there is strength and general benefit; therefore, on all matters concerning extraterrestrial peoples we shall be as One. We recognize the office of the Secretary General of the United Nations, acting with the advice and consent of the Security Council, as the sole representative of humanity in all dealings with extraterrestrials. All relations and agreements will be open and public, and all agreements must be ratified by the Security Council to be in force.

Article Two

To our fellow peoples in the community of the Cosmos, we extend greetings; we recognize you as fellow children of the Creator of the Cosmos. Please give careful consideration to our declaration that it might serve as a basis for good relations.

Section One


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all peoples are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights.

Section Two

The right of Possession of their homeworld, their Planet of Genesis. No one shall take any portion of their world from them.

Section Three

The right of Sanctity of Planet of Genesis from alien intrusion or interference.

No alien visitation shall occur until the people realize their Unity and achieve space travel of their own; this is the Prime Directive for all space-faring peoples.

No alien spacecraft shall make close approach, or assume close orbit, or make any landing, except openly and by consent of global authority.

Section Four

The right of Possession of Genetic Code. No alien shall take a people’s Genetic

Code for any use, except under reciprocal scientific exchange, negotiated openly by global authority.

Section Five

The right to permanent occupation of all bodies orbiting their Planet of Genesis of the sun of their Planet, which is their Star of Genesis, and permanent authority over the space containing these bodies. No alien bases may be established permanently on bodies or stations orbiting a Planet or Star of Genesis, but must be evacuated upon landing by the people of this Planet or Star, except there shall be negotiated a treaty granting temporary lease.

Section Six

The right of Freedom of Peaceful Navigation of Space shall be enjoyed by all peoples except where it conflicts with the Sanctity of Planet of Genesis.

Section Seven

The right of peoples to Assert and Defend the aforementioned rights and the right to give and receive aid consistent with these rights, when these rights shall be endangered. In case of dispute, the burden of proof-of-innocence shall fall on those who are alien, for it is the burden of the strong and advanced to help preserve the rights of the weak and less advanced.

Final Article

We pledge to uphold these rights and principles in all relations with all peoples we shall encounter, whether we be aliens or they in these encounters. We declare that all peoples should seek to treat all other peoples as they themselves would desire to be treated, and that all peoples of the Cosmos should seek peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with each other. We declare that it is our deepest

35 desire that humanity might take its place as an honored and valuable member of the community of peoples of the Cosmos.


Ownership of the Rainbow Declaration

The Rainbow Declaration was written by my hand, and I am very proud of it; however, it does not belong to me. It belongs to whomever embraces it and believes its truths and affirmations. The Declaration is, for this reason, not copyrighted and anyone may reproduce or sell copies of it with my blessings. It is my gift to humanity, because of humanity’s faith and courage and strength.

Perhaps a better declaration could be written; I encourage anyone to try, but I desire, rather, that the Rainbow Declaration will be embraced by you for now, so that humanity can move forward into its destiny.

The Rainbow Declaration as Necessary

I believe the Rainbow Declaration, or some similar statement of principles, is vital to the future of humanity. Without such a document it will be harder for humanity to find the Way to its true destiny The history of humanity is a history of great documents that state transcendent principles. These documents and declarations have served to light the Way of humanity and not only articulated the consensus of the people but helped form it.

I therefore urge that the Rainbow Declaration or some similar declaration be endorsed by the major organizations of Ufology and from them to the Congress, and then to the United Nations, so that all of humanity might come together on these vital issues while we have time to discuss them objectively.

Before the future can occur, it must be imagined. This is self actualization. Let us imagine and proclaim for ourselves a future where humanity is a light to the

Cosmos, rather than a blot upon it or a victim of it. Let it be that when other peoples of the Cosmos think of us they imagine a “Rainbow of Light.” Let us look into the future.



You are a young vigorous species and new to the cosmic scene. You are strong and full of promise. Here is some advice for you.

Trust in God, Guts, and Guns to preserve you among the stars.

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

Do justly to all people and preserve the family of life on all worlds.

Never, never give in to bully boys with fancy toys.


Talk softly, but always carry a big stick.

A people becomes great because of what it loves —not because of what it hates.

Boldly go where no one has gone before, and seek your kindred and your destiny among the stars.


Summary and Conclusions

I have tried to convey to you my understanding of the human situation and the destiny of humanity. I hope I have succeeded in causing you to think in new ways about the past, the present, and the future.

I have spoken to you of the future and of an increase of knowledge. I have spoken of the day when Ufology as we know it, will pass away and will become exoanthropology, the outstretched hand of humanity to other peoples. For

Ufology represents knowledge in part, and when knowledge that is whole comes, that which is in part must pass away. Exoanthropology will then become the forefront of humanity reaching out to other beings in the Cosmos.

I have told you we are most likely involved in a dialogue with other people of the Cosmos. I think you are participants in this dialogue. I have given you the

Rainbow Declaration, which you can choose to be your own positive contribution to this dialogue. I think that if this is done, our long journey to reach humanity’s destiny will begin on the right path and with the right guide.

Life on Earth is sometimes harsh and brutal. Good does not survive or triumph on Earth merely because it exists. It must continually struggle. I see no reason to believe life in the Cosmos should be any different.

I see on Earth the triumph of good, Godliness, justice, and democracy, but only after a long and bitter struggle that sometimes looked hopeless. Earth is part of the Cosmos—not an anomaly of it—and good triumphs here. It must also triumph elsewhere.

It is possible that Mars holds the same drama recorded there as we see on Earth, but this drama ended tragically there. If this is the case, let us never forget what

Mars teaches us.

Our participation in the dialogue of the Cosmos tells us the same message. I think there is much good in the Cosmos as well as evil; we know this from the reports of friendly, respectful contacts we have heard, and we know it from the good we see here on our own world and in our own people. This is how I know things will be well in the end.

However, if we are to achieve this good, we must strive for it, and we must declare our allegiance to it. We must be prepared for struggle to ensure the triumph of good. To see our true path, we must have open eyes and minds. We must be brave and force ourselves to comprehend what we do not want to

37 comprehend, but which is true and must be accepted. Only then can our light truly shine in the Cosmos.

I tell you again that based on my analyses, the Reticulians and their Axis allies mean to destroy humanity and possess this planet for themselves. The character, depth, and duration of their activities here can indicate nothing else. You must be prepared to use any means necessary to stop them in this intention; to surrender is death—to fight them is life.

I say further that if you are not prepared to accept this sad truth, even as a possibility, then you are not really ready to know the truth about the last forty years. I believe our government can no long er keep this Star Wars Secret any longer; to fight the Reticulians will require a level of resources and public sacrifice no secret program can ask. To gain victory over the Reticulians, mobilization, not secrecy, must become the government’s first priority. The terrible truth must be let out to be confronted by the government and ourselves and all of Earth in the broad daylight. It is only then that this threat can be overcome.’ You have a role to play in this conflict. I have given you the

Rainbow Declaration. It is a powerful weapon; use it.

I believe, with God’s help, humanity is strong enough, and brave enough, and clever enough, to triumph in this conflict which we did not begin. The

Reticulians may be a Goliath technologically, but morally and ethically, they are pygmies; this is the root of their defeat.

You may see in the Reticulians an ancient and brilliant race; I see a forlorn and empty people, fallen and corrupted from the state wherein they developed the technology they now possess, debasing themselves on the Earth, victimizing the helpless and crudely terrorizing the defenseless. Their actions reveal their weaknesses—as it is said “what you are shouts so loud I cannot hear what you are saying.”

The fact that a nation should come to us from another star, riding in vessels of brilliant technology and yet commit unspeakable crimes here is shocking; yet it is quite consistent with our understanding of elemental evil from the ancient books. It is curious that Reticuli means “net,” and the net is used throughout the

Bible as a symbol of evil, misfortune, and also testing. As it is written in

Ecclesiastes 9:11.

“I returned and saw under the Sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happened to them all. “For a man knoweth not his time: as the fishes are taken in an evil net and as the birds that are caught in a snare; so are the sons of man snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon the m.”

We also see the net used as symbol of testing in Matthew 13:01 and in the last, gentle moment of John’s record of Jesus ( ref. 33 ), as perhaps an allegory of a testing of the nations of Earth, which like the fish netted in the story number roughly 150. So, perhaps someone who has known this all would occur has left these mysterious symbols of this knowledge. So, let us seek the Way and the

38 truth and the light, and oppose evil with all our might.

The Reticulians and their Axis do not know the Way; if they did, they would not do the things they have done here. As it is written, “by their fruits you shall know them ( ref. 34 ).” So comfort yourselves in God and in the brave heritage of

Earth. Perhaps a great storm comes, but all is calm now, and after forty years of the Reticulians’ attempts to dominate here, the Earth still stands, and humanity still stands, more brilliant and more powerful than ever before. So, let us be of good courage; if the Reticulians are here to destroy us, then they are obviously having a difficult time. For Sun Tzu instructs us ( ref. 35 ):

“Therefore I have heard of military operations that were clumsy but swift, but I have never seen one that was skillful and lasted along time. It is never beneficial to a nation to have a military operation continue a long time.”

If it is so, and I suspect it is, our government, rather than being a villain, is actually a hero in many ways as are many of our abductees, who have resisted the terror tactics of the Reticulians. It is mainly the government that has opposed the Reticulians for forty years. Let us remember also that if the Secret Star Wars scenario is true, then many brave men of our nation and many other nations have died fighting in a war that few even guessed existed, their loved ones never knowing why they died or how. This same government made up of men and women like ourselves and prone to the same mistakes, has struggled mightily to both hold the Reticulians’ Axis at bay and at the same time carry on a dialogue with them to try and gain desperately needed knowledge of their technology. If this is so, then it is little wonder that the truth has been hidden and why those who knew it have kept this truth with such determined secrecy. For no one can keep a secret like a man who believes he holds truths that will devastate those whom he loves. So, let us not judge our government nor condemn them for the mistakes they may have made in this struggle. I have not walked in their shoes and neither have you, so let us stand with them.


In summary, I have stressed three main points:


That it is the destiny of humanity to find its greatness and its kindred among the stars.


That humanity is prepared for this destiny because the Earth is a microcosm of the Cosmos and its people, with the dynamics between people in the Cosmos resembling the dynamics of nations on Earth.


That in order to find the Way to its destiny, humanity must make a document similar to the Rainbow Declaration its creed and guide. It is only in this way that humanity can find the right Way to its true destiny in the stars.

Finally, trust in God, for He made the Cosmos both seen and unseen and all it contains. Surely He has helped us already against the dangers of the Cosmos.

But He has also allowed these dangers to come upon us for His own mysterious reasons. Let us not disappoint him in our dealing with these dangers. God

39 delights in courage and bravery. Be people of faith, like it is written, who

“turned to fight the armies of the aliens ( ref. 36 ). Joyfully go forth to seek the wonders and challenges that lay beyond the present and which are our destiny.

So humanity, beloved children of Earth, reach for the stars ... boldly go ...



1. John E. Brandenburg, MUFON UFO Journal, p. 15, October (1989).

2. T. Walter Wallbank, Alistair M. Taylor, and Nels M. Bailey, Civilization Past and

Present 3rd Edition, p. 14, Scott, Foreman, an Company, Glenview, Illinois (1967).

3. Preston Cloud, Oasis in Space , p. 402, W.W. Norton and Company, New York


4. Whitley Strieber, Transformation: The Breakthrough, p. 10, Beech Tree Books,

William Morrow, New York (1988).

5. Ananda Sirisena, Beyond Science, U.K. (out of print).

6. Carl G. Jung et al, Man and His Symbols, p.55, Doubleday and Company, New York


7. James Strong, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, p.1189, Abington Press,

New York, Copyright 1890.

8. Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, P. 293, William Morrow and Company, Inc., New

York (1988).

9. Jane Goodall, The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior, p. 529, The

Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, London (1986).

10. Robert T. Bakker, The Dinosaur Heresies: New Theories Unlocking The Mystery of the Dinosaurs and Their Extinction, p. 371, William Morrow and Company, New York


11. Civilization Past and Present , p. 16.

12. Carl Sagan and Iosef S. Shkolovskii, Intelligent Life in The Universe , Holden Day,

San Francisco (1960).

13. L.S. Stavrianos, The World Since 1500, A Global History, Prentice Hall, Inc.,

Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1971).

14. Carl Von Clausewitz, On War , p. 119, Penguin Books, London (1968).

15. Sun Tzu, translation by Thomas Cleary, The Art of War, p. 41, Shambhala, Boston, and Shaftsbury (1968).

16 . Terence Dickenson, “The Zeta Reticuli Incident,” p. 7, Astromedia Corp. (publishers of Astronomy Magazine) Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1976).

17. The Art of War , p. 67.


18. Ibid. p. 43.

19. Ibid. p. 91.

20. Ibid. p. 104.

21. “Transformation: The Breakthrough,” p. 94.

22. Linda Moulton Howe, An Alien Harvest, p. 355, Pioneer Printing, Cheyenne,

Wyoming (1989).

23. Budd Hopkins, Intruders: The Incredible Visitations At Copely Woods, p. 118,

Ballentine Books, New York (1987).

24. Jacques F. Vallee, MUFON 1989 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, p. 32.

25. Jorge Martin, MUFON UFO Journal, p. 20, January 1990.

26. Above Top Secret, p. 273.

27. John Lear, Private Communication. 151

28. The Bible, Luke 4:9-12.

29. The Bible, II Corinthians 11:14.

30. The Art of War, p. 168.

31. The Bible, Genesis 1:21.

32. John A. Garraty, The American Nation, p. 777, Harper and Row

33. Publishers, New York (1975). 33. The Bible, John 21:6-11.

34. The Bible, Matthew 7:20.

35. The Art of War, p. 58.

36. The Bible, Hebrews 11:34.






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Neil Freer

NEIL FREER - White Paper on Sitchin and ETs

l http://www.neilfreer.com/

WHITE PAPER - by Neil Freer

The Alien Question: An Expanded Perspective

A White Paper

Addressed to:

The Arlington Institute

The British UFO Research Association

The Brookings Institution

The Center For The Study Of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee

The Fund For UFO Research

J. Allen Hynek Center For UFO Studies

The Human Potential Foundation

Institut des Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale

The International Association For New Science

The McClendon Study Group

The Mutual UFO Network

The National Institute For Discovery Science

The National UFO Reporting Center

Operation Right To Know

Paradigm Research

Program for Extraordinary Experience Research

Stargate International

Skywatch International


Neil Freer

Author: "Breaking the Godspell",

"God Games: What Do You Do Forever?"

"For the most part, UFO researchers try to deal with the micro, they are event oriented. That is important, but someone also needs to be looking broadly, excluding nothing."


C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D - Human Potential Foundation

"The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside."

Allan Bloom - The Closing of the American Mind

Synopsis: The current context within which The Alien Presence Paradigm is viewed and dealt with is too narrow and limited. The Alien Presence

Paradigm should be seen as having two parts, separate but related:

1> the recognition of the presence of an alien culture or cultures from outside our solar system, and the ramifications of that presence and contact. In this paper this part of the paradigm will be called the

UFO/Alien phase.

2> the recognition and restoration of our true history as a genetically engineered species, half alien Annunaki, half indigenous Homo Erectus, according to the thesis paradigm of the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia

Sitchin, and its ramifications for our future. In this paper this part of the paradigm is called the Human History phase.

These are two artificial problems because the overwhelming evidence for both is patent but the obstruction of both by vested interests prevents closure. The same type, sometimes identical, patronizing vested interests and authorities obstruct the processes of revelation of the alien presence as obstruct the restoration or our half-alien history for similar and identical reasons. The resolution of the latter "problem" will relieve the political pressures on the obstructing authorities and facilitate the revelation of the former "problem".

Only by regaining our true species identity and a generic definition of human nature will we attain the global unity and unassailable integrity that will allow us to interact with an alien culture no matter how strange.

Without prejudicial religious or cultural filters, we will be able to know what is good or bad for us and able to understand what is good or bad for the alien species. We may not be accepted into stellar society until we reach that level of species maturity.

The two parts of the paradigm are defined, developed, their ramifications examined, and their interrelationships explicated. Practical measures for expediting and accelerating both processes are outlined and suggested, and species beneficial goals, in keeping with the fullness of human dignity and freedom, are defined in an evolutionary progressive context.

The intention of the author in this paper is not to instruct but to

44 suggest. The following is based on fifty years of interest, research, intense study, involvement, and reflection on the human condition as a generic human and professional philosopher. It is respectfully submitted for consideration as a means of facilitating a breakthrough to resolution of these matters which are now effectively and detrimentally at a standstill.

The Status Quo Of The UFO/Alien Phenomenon

A preliminary caveat: it is fully recognized that some of the sighted

UFO's, reported abductions, encountered "aliens" may be not alien but human action, technology and human events. This paper focuses only on the actual alien presence, technology and interactions.

The position of the author regarding the UFOA presence paradigm agrees with that held by the majority of the organizations addressed herein: alien civilization(s) from outside of our solar system have been visiting the Earth for an indeterminate time, the current one in focus being the grey type(s). The author has been intensely interested in the phenomenon since 1947 when, at the age of 17, he read the first report issued from Roswell, NM of a saucer being captured after crashing. Some

50 years of research and study of the subject leaves no doubt in the mind of this author that contact by probably multiple alien races with humans has been made (the military first because of the danger of aggressive response). Information and technology has been exchanged, the population of the world gradually acclimated to the alien presence by both the aliens and the human command structure given charge of the matter.

The entire UFOA subject has been covered up and disavowed, at first because of fear of the unknown and possible anarchy and chaos on the part of the population, subsequently because of the difficulty of revelation and taking of blame for cover-up. The alien bodies that have been examined, autopsied and the live aliens interacted with have demonstrated that some are humanoid at least in appearance if not in physiology and some are actually androids. The "problem" is artificial in that it is only a problem because of the obstructive denial by the government. The evidence for the alien presence has developed to such a robust degree and the data is so vast that the government's final acknowledgement is hardly needed.

Even though we have the testimony of Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, Capt.

Jesse Marcel, Maurice Chatelain, Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean, Col.

Phillip J. Corso, Admiral James Woolsey, Astronaut Gordon Cooper, to name only a tiny government, military and NASA handful, the supreme irony of this situation is that we continue to look to the very government which has been covering up the phenomenon for validation, verification

45 and authentication. The reason why we have done so is due, to a great degree, to the conditioning, over thousands of years, to submit to authority stemming from the peculiar nature of our origins in subservience as brilliantly elucidated by the thesis of the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin. The perpetuation of this subservience in the form of a sublimated "fear of God" through the religious institutions founded on it has shaped our world so profoundly that we fear to even reconsider it. We therefore rely on authority when we should not and we tend to look to anyone showing up here from off planet as masters or saviors.

A fundamental question, seldom considered due to our conditioning to look to the three classic criteria bases, theology, philosophy and science which are themselves brought into question by it: Is it possible to arrive at a new world view which corrects, completes and subsumes all our previous worldviews? Explains all our previous explanations? The answer is, unequivocally, Yes. But Thomas Kuhn (The Structure Of

Scientific Revolutions) , who examined the nature of scientific revolutions is painfully correct. We almost have to wait for the older generation to die off rather than see an orderly and rational transltion to a new paradigm.

Those with vested, academic teaching or scientific reputations or religious, political or economic interests are not going to acquiesce easily or at all. We operate far behind the evolutionary leading edge in this regard because of this inertia.

The Status Quo Of The HH (Human History) Sitchin Paradigm Of

Our Own Half-Alien Species History

The Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, published his first work in

1976. From his knowledge of Sumerian, the Semitic and other ancient languages and his research and study of the archaeological and Biblical data acquired over the last one hundred and fifty years he put forth his thesis that the transcultural gods known to all the ancient cultures were not mythological but real flesh and blood humanoid aliens, very much like humans, who had come here from the tenth planet in our solar system,

Planet X in the popular press, called Nibiru by the Sumerians. They subsequently genetically engineered our species, originally as slave animals to work in their gold mines, by crossing their genes with those of

Homo Erectus.

The Historical Background Necessary For An Understanding of

Sitchin's Thesis

An introductory note: Consider a typical reaction to this analysis: what is said here by this author has been presented as carefully and reasonably as possible. However, by the very fact of it being an analysis of our history and, almost incidentally, religion, it will often first be perceived as

46 the breaking of a taboo, perhaps a suspect attack, perhaps atheistic, or somehow less than "American" in its spirit, perhaps even "against God" -- even though the evidence brought is no different in kind than that brought against the UFOA conspiracy and, perhaps, is even more robust.

The godspell is the deepest dye in the fabric of our culture.

There was literally no such thing as the discipline known as

Archaeology in Western culture until the 1800's. The Roman Church controlled and determined the view of the past. Bishop Usher's view, that the entire planet and life on it as described in Genesis came into existence through the auspices of a cosmic creator in 4004 B.C., was doctrine and one could be branded a heretic for disavowing it. Not until paleontological findings forced that view to be reevaluated and

Schliemann, a wealthy German merchant, refusing to admit that the ancient cities and peoples were legend, dug up a reasonable facimile of

Troy, was a window into the past opened and the mythic view questioned.

Scientific Archaeology as we know it came into existence only when academics reluctantly had to acknowledge the past being dug up and collected by amateurs in the Middle East. Archaeologists came to be mistrusted and hated by the religious institutions who feared revelations that would contradict their teachings and the history of the Old


The Demise Of The Mythological Explanation Of The Gods

(It is trivial that quaint local myths concerning many subjects exist all over the world among both more and less primitive peoples. We consider here only the latter day interpretation of the transcultural "gods" involved in human history as mythic, unreal. We note also that the ancient civilizations did not call the Anunnaki "god" . They referred to them as masters, lords, in the sense of rulers.)

Those still holding the mythological interpretation are in an unenviable position. They find themselves having to hold that the same citizens of the first civilizations who, they claim, invented -- or hallucinated -- the gods through their primitive imaginings and naive proto-scientific projections of personality on the great forces of nature were the same primitives who somehow could build the stupendous Giza pyramid; somehow quarry, cut and move into place the one thousand ton stones of the Baalbek "temple" (rocket platform) which even our modern technology cannot begin to lift; somehow know the great precessional cycle of the heavens, the existence of all ten of the planets of our solar system and how our solar system was formed (Enuma Elish document).

To escape this awkward dilemma, some fall back on the explanation that there "must" have been an even earlier civilization, lost now in the mists of time, the identity of which we cannot know which "must" have

47 been destroyed or declined --- but which somehow left just enough technology and knowledge laying around to jump start the early civilizations we know. But they must hold this interpretation against the clear declaration of the Sumerian and all other ancient peoples that the gods were real flesh and blood, present to them, who gave them civilization.

The physical locations of the ancient legends as mythic has been gradually disproven beginning with the work of and completed with the re-discovery of all the ancient cities and centers on all continents.

The events involving the "gods" of ancient times and the technology attributed to them, considered as myth and naive legend, has been gradually disproven, beginning with the discovery of documents from the most ancient cities and reinforced with the discovery of the great library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh and the gradual accumulation of some two million pieces of artifact and document confirming those events in great detail. The discovery of ooparts, high tech tools, toys, artifacts, and technology along with documentation of advanced scientific knowledge ostensibly out of place in time along with astronomical knowledge of the entire solar system beyond our current level has reinforced the negation of the mythic interpretation.

The interpretation of the "gods", the Anunnaki themselves, as mythic, unreal beings (academic mythologists) and Jungian archetypes (Joseph

Campbell) and the relegation of them to schizophrenic hallucination (

Julian Jaynes ) has been gradually disproven beginning with the acknowledgment of the reality of the events attributed to them; the discounting of the arguments for their unreality due to the seeming fantastic deeds attributed to them by the development of our technology

(rockets, lasers, radio communication, genetic engineering, atomic and particle beam weapons) that duplicate those feats. This interpretation has been implemented further by the pioneering exploration and questions posed by von Daniken and then completed by the comprehensive and brilliant demonstrations of Sitchin and Sir Laurence Gardner, the English historian and genealogist. The mythic interpretation has been supported by religions because to recognize the Anunnaki as real would be to open the door to a radical reinterpretation of the entire phenomenon of religion and put into question the real identity of the very deity at center of their belief system. Gardner has brought to light, however, the fact that there exists a robust, highly documented history carrying all the way back to the Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox tradition of Christianity. This tradition is the one branded heretical and murderously persecuted by the

Roman Church before and during the Inquisition. There was no Dark

Ages for this tradition, only for those whom the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real nature of human history.


Now that we have begun by walking on the moon and exploring the solar system and have probes going starward, the possibility of an alien civilization coming here is taken for granted and one coming here from inside our solar system trivial, rather than unreal myth.

"Mythinformation", after two hundred years of failure, although still hiding behind tenure in the university, is a dead issue.

The Essence Of The Sitchin Paradigm

Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and recovered records as archaeologists and linguists have for two hundred years, Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of this author --that the

Anunnaki (Sumerian: "those who came down from the heavens"), an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some

250,000 years ago the recovered documents tell us their lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Annunaki directorate decided to create a creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist and Ninhursag their chief medical officer, after getting no satisfactory results splicing animal and homo-erectus genes, merged their

Anunnaki genes with that of Homo-Erectus and produced us, homo sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as slaves.

Because we were a hybrid we could not procreate. The demand for us as workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce.

Eventually, we became so numerous that some of us were expelled from the Anunnaki city centers, gradually spreading over the planet.

Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more precociously than, perhaps, the Anunnaki had anticipated, the Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans as sexual partners and children were born of these unions. This was unacceptable to the majority of the Anunnaki high council and it was decided to wipe out the human population through a flood that was predictable when Nibiru, the tenth in our solar system and the Anunnaki home planet, came through the inner solar system again

(around 12,500 years ago) on one of its periodic 3600 year returns.

Some humans were saved by the action of the Anunnaki, Enki, who was sympathetic to the humans he had originally genetically created. For thousands of years we were their slaves, their workers, their servants, their soldiers in their political battles among themselves. The Anunnaki used us in the construction of their palaces (we retroproject the religious notion of temple on these now), their cities, their mining and refining complexes and their astronomical installations on all the continents. They expanded from Mesopotamia to Egypt to India to South and Central

America and the stamp of their presence can be found in the farthest

49 reaches of the planet.

Around 6000 years ago they, probably realizing that they were going to phase off the planet, began to gradually bring humans to independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its "sudden" and mature and highly advanced character was set up under their tutelage in

Mesopotamia, human kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations answering to the Annunaki. Some humans were taught technology, mathematics, astronomy, advanced crafts and the ways of civilized society. The high civilizations of Egypt and Central

America arose.

The Anunnaki became somewhat more remote from humans. By around 1250 B.C. they had gone into their final phase-out mode. The human population and the foremen kings, now left on their own, began to fend for themselves. For some three thousand years, subsequently, we humans have been going through a traumatic transition to independence. Proprietary claims made by various groups of humans as to who knew what we should be doing to get the Anunnaki to return or when they returned, perpetuated the palace and social rituals learned under the Anunnaki and sometimes disagreement and strife broke out between them. Religion, as we know it, took form, focused on the "god" or "gods", clearly and unambiguously known to the humans who were in contact with them as imperfect, flesh and blood humanoids, now absent.

It was only much later that the Anunnaki were eventually sublimated into cosmic character and status and, later on, mythologized due to remoteness in time.

What Evidence Supports The Sitchin Thesis?

The Astronomical Evidence

A key underpinning of the Sitchin paradigm is the existence, now or in the past, of the tenth planet in our solar system, the home planet of the Anunnaki with the size, orbit,and characteristics described, as Sitchin has demonstrated, in the Enuma Elish and corroborated by Harrington.

Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S. Naval

Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto's moon, in 1978. The characteristics of Pluto derivable from the nature of Charon demonstrated that there must still be a large planet undiscovered because Pluto could not be the cause of the residuals, the "wobbles" in the orbital paths of

Uranus and Neptune clearly identifiable. The IRAS (Infrared Astronomical

Satellite), during '83 -'84, produced observations of a tenth planet so robust that one of the astronomers on the project said that "all that remains is to name it" -- from which point the information has become

50 curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval

Observatory, working with all the information they had at hand, published their findings and opinion that there is, indeed, a tenth planet, even calling it an "intruder" planet. Andersen of JPL later publicly expressed his belief that it could possibly be verified any time. The search was narrowed to the southern skies, below the ecliptic. Harrington invited

Sitchin, having read his book and translations of the Enuma Elish, to a meeting at his office and they correlated the current findings with the ancient records and Harrington acknowledged the detail of the ancient records while indicating where the tenth planet may now be in the solar system.

The Technological Evidence

Ooparts is the term used to describe the purportedly out of place in time artifacts, toys, tools, technical devices, depictions and documents which have come to light through archaeological excavation or discovery.

Almost everyone is familiar, through published works or documentaries, with the clay pot batteries still containing the electrodes from the Iraqi desert dated at 2500 B.C., the flyable model airplane from a pyramid tomb, the sophisticated machining of stone requiring the most advanced techniques we know today, the 1000 ton precision cut blocks of stone in a temple foundation that we could not even handle, an ancient relief frieze from an Abydos temple depicting rockets, airplanes and even a helicopter, etc. The most recent and quite amazing oopart is the rediscovery of monoatomic gold by David Hudson (Monoatomics are superconductors at room temperature, have anti-gravitic properties and are only now being investigated by the advanced physics community)

Hudson's discovery, correlated with the bringing to light, by Gardner, of the suppressed discovery of the Anunnaki gold processing plant on Mt.

Horeb by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1889 demonstrates that the monoatomics were already known at least 3000 years ago.

There are also ooparts that date, apparently, to millions of years ago that require serious evaluation and interpretation. Relative to the purpose of this paper, however, consideration is focused on that constellation of ooparts dating from no more than 450,000 years ago, the approximate time of the first Anunnaki arrival on Earth, and primarily on those from the time of the first "sudden" civilizations, 6000 years ago. We have accumulated almost an encyclopedia of such ooparts

These ooparts, coupled with evidence from many disciplines and the historical records indicate that an advanced civilization existed in those times possessing a high technology and that that civilization was indeed the Anunnaki. Sitchin has no doubt that, all the evidence and the testimony of the early humans themselves, indicate that that civilization

51 was, indeed, the Anunnaki.

The Documentary Evidence

The documentary evidence, i.e. the historical documentation for the existence and deeds of the Anunnaki, has been available to us since the early 1800's. The excavation of the ancients sites of Mesopotamia brought to light the amazingly advanced civilization of Sumer and, with it, thousands of clay tablets containing not only mundane records of commerce, marriages, military actions and astronomical calculation systems but of the history of the Anunnaki themselves. It is clear from these records that the Sumerians knew these aliens to be real flesh and blood. The library of the ruler, Ashurbanipal, at Nineveh was discovered to have burnt down and the clay tablets held there were fired, preserving them for our reading. Even to this day, more and more records are discovered. One of the most impressive finds, in very recent time, has been a sealed, nine foot by 6 foot room in Sippar holding, neatly arranged on shelves, a set of some 400 elaborate clay tablets containing an unbroken record of the history of those ancient times, a sort of time capsule. Again, the evidence is so overwhelming and robust that , if it weren't for those with power enough to suppress, it would have been accepted and our world view changed a century ago or perhaps sooner.

The Genetic Evidence

The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki laboratory where the first humans were literally produced in east central Africa just above their gold mines. This falls precisely on the map where the mitochondrial DNA "search for Eve" places the first woman homo-sapiens sapiens and in the same time frame. The evidence of advanced genetic engineering is all there in the ancient documents. Our rapid progress from inception to going to Mars soon, after only 250,000 years, does not correspond to the million year periodicities of slow evolutionary development of other species such as homo erectus before us. The HH paradigm shows that the Creationists were only half wrong and the

Evolutionists only half right: there was a creation event but it was a genetic engineering process; there is an evolutionary process but it was interrupted in our regard by the Anunnaki for their own practical purposes. We shall be forced to introduce an additional category: a synthesized species.

Two Definitive Protocols for Proving or Disproving the Sitchin


A straightforward approach to prove or disprove the Sitchin paradigm

52 is available from astronomy. A thorough, professional search of our solar system should be able, with current technology, to determine the existence or non-existence of a tenth planet with the characteristics of size, orbit, orbital periodicity, and declination from the ecliptic, as Sitchin has determined from the translations of the ancient records and particularly the Enuma Elish document. If that planet is not in our solar system or no evidence can be found for an ejection or cataclysmic destructive event then the Sitchin paradigm falls. This search should be undertaken with highest priority. The matter is sufficiently important to clearing up our historical situation that the academic world should be involved as well as the scientific community. It is the opinion of this author that, in light of the evidence already obtained through the use of the Pioneer 10 and 11 and two Voyager space craft, the Infrared Imaging

Satellite (IRAS, '83-84) and the data available to Harrington when consulting with Sitchin that the search has already been accomplished, in fact that the planet has already been found. It is interesting that

Harrington dispatched an appropriate telescope to Black Birch, New

Zealand to get a visual confirmation, based on the data leading to the expectation that it would be below the ecliptic in the southern skies at this point in its orbit. On Harrington's early death the scope was immediately called back --- as one observer noted, "almost before he was cold". To acknowledge a tenth planet is to open up the possibility of the

Anunnaki's existence.The reason for the downplaying of the data, the difficulty of obtaining it , the performance of the scientists publicly speaking about it, all have the same flavor as the Air Force's handling of the Roswell matter.

Obviously, even before any official confirmation of the existence of

Nibiru/Planet X in our system and certainly afterward, a focused scan in its direction by a modified SETI type search that used all appropriate parts of the energy spectrum including our own radio and TV common frequencies would be productive in determining the existence of intelligent life continuing to exist thereon. To anticipate a possible mystery: even if the planet is confirmed, it is possible that no intelligent signals may be received. This is a conjecture, only, on the part of the author but, in light of the kind of summary withdrawal and lack of subsequent contact by the Anunnaki, it is not inconceivable that any artificial signal output has been masked. This hypothesis is based on a conclusion that one of the major reasons for their phasing off this planet was not just because they needed a ballistic rocket launch window to reach their planet when it came through the inner solar system last time but because they had come to realize that we needed to be left on our own to find our own species identity. A scan of this type should be undertaken immediately. It should be assumed that our signals have been monitored since their phase-off.

A second mode of proof or disproof is available through genetics. We

53 will shortly have the entire human genome read out. That process and the information available as a result should afford us the opportunity to examine the entire genome for the evidence of the merging of the two species gene codes, Homo Erectus and Anunnaki. A protocol for such a novel determination would have to be developed. A potential problem may lie in the fact that the melding took place some 250,000 –200,000 years ago. A practical spin-off of the effort may be not only the identification of the two codes or, at least, the indication of the basic merging, but evidence for why we have some four thousand cataloged genetic diseases and other species on this planet hardly any at all. It is at least a reasonable speculation that imperfections due to the complexity of the major merging of the two genomes is the cause of those defects in the first place. We recommend that this investigation be implemented again with highest priority for the sake of proving or disproving the

Sitchin paradigm.

The Negative Factors Still Operant In Human Cultures Springing

From Our History As A Genetically Engineered, Subservient Race

The First Factor: Background Of Conditioning to Subservience

The overwhelming evidence from the Sitchin paradigm demonstrates conclusively that we were genetically engineered by the Anunnaki and treated as slaves and then limited partners but always as subservient to them. The major ramification (Neil Freer: Breaking the Godspell) of the

Sitchin explication is that "religion", as we have known it, is the transmutation, the transmutation of the Anunnaki-human relationship of master-subject servitude, of slavery and then limited, subservient partnership. The Anunnaki phased off this planet at the latest around

1250 B.C.

Since then, we have been going through phases of a traumatic transition to species maturity and independence. The major characteristic of this process has been the transmutation in all cultures of them, in particular

Enlil/Jehovah in Western culture, into a cosmic deity, commonly called

"God" in the Judaeo-Christian tradition. (Is this atheism? No, not as such. It simply is a long overdue correction of some local, intra-solar system politics, relatively rather pedestrian in cosmic perspective.

Garden variety atheism can now be understood as an early sign of precocious species adolescent rebellion and questioning of the authority of the obviously all too humanoid characteristics of the particular local

Nefilim "god" of the Hebrew tribe and Christianity, Yahweh/Jehovah. The new paradigm, once the ancient, subservient godspell is dispelled, simply frees us to go one on one with the universe and to seek directly whatever unthinkable or thinkable ultimate principle is behind it.) In a later phase we have mythologized them into unreal beings and then,

54 more "sophisticatedly" into psychological archetypes. Only with cumulative evidence and restored history through modern scholarship have we now been enabled to grasp the true nature of our genetic creation, our traumatic transition, and the opportunity to emerge from species adolescence and amnesia into species maturity.

The Second Factor: The Babel Factor, The Splintering Of The

Human Race Into Hostile Religions

And then they phased off the colony planet. Pretty much just left without closing the laboratory door, apparently beginning around 1250

B.C.. The foreman-kings are suddenly depicted in the stone carvings standing where they used to stand when listening to instructions from the master pointing to the master's now empty chair in utter dismay.

The laments are still engraved in the clay tablets "What do I do when my master is no longer here to instruct me...what shall I tell the people."

We went into grief, despair, denial. We blamed ourselves and looked to the sky for their return. The good kings did their best, the leaders sometimes were told to go up the mountain to get some instructions long distance from space or make a wooden box lined with metal just so to act as a receiver. "Now hear this". Finally we were alone and in confusion, beginning to fight over who still knew what the master really said, really meant, what we really should be doing if he did show up.

Service at their table transmuted into ritual sacrifice of food, attendance at their baths turned into bathing and clothing of surrogate statues of them and gradually the routine services turned into cargo-cult rituals and their palaces became empty temples. And the less than good kings began to take advantage, began to swagger. Sometimes they got away with it on their own. Sometimes the people, in desperation, raised their king to a symbolic god. And the god-king and the seed of the notion of the divine right of kings became. And the chief servants went along with it because it was to their advantage to become known as priests or to preserve their jobs and status. And those who had been taught, seeing that the advanced knowledge of technologies and science and the arts, learned as part of their function, of writing, mathematics, astronomy, science, metallurgy, and the fine crafts in general was being lost set an agenda to preserve it. In the face of misunderstanding and threat they disguised it, withdrew it, hid it. And the "occult" became.

Eventually, the situation evolved to a very macabre stage. In an effort to demonstrate our subservience and zeal to make things right if they would just come back we kept the rules, we maintained the routines of service but , after a long time of disappointment, we reached a point of abject, abysmal desperation where we would do anything to get them to come back -- and we did. Remembering the Nefilim males' attraction to our young women, we began to cut their hearts out on top of the

55 empty pyramidal palaces in a collective craven pleading shriek to the heavens from whence they had come and gone. But that unspeakable and unappreciated horror could not last: we began to doubt, to entertain frightening cynicism, secret thoughts of independence and why bother.

Slowly a classic dissociative process developed due to separation in time and we began to sublimate the flesh and blood Nefilim into cosmic absolutes and their personalities into mythic archetypes. Looking back over the history of our species the traumatic transition we have gone through might well be characterized as the creation of the concept of a cosmic God by us, through a series of psychological mutational phases.

Eventually, we simply began to forget.

The transition from species amnesia to species maturity has been a very traumatic passage. Breaking the godspell has seen us go through the stages of abandonment to dissociation, to transmutation to religion to rebellion and now to recovery. It is analogous to the dysfunctional family syndrome on a planetary scale.

So, down to our day, incredibly, we have remained still Babelfactored for good crowd control, broken into tribes each proprietarily telling the other that ours is the only accurate tradition of what some particular "god" intended, what rules to follow, what we should be doing to demonstrate we are still loyal and docile servants. Sometimes we just kill each other over it. And persecutions, Crusades, Jihads, Inquisitions, evil empires, the saved and the damned, the martyr, the infidel, the saint, the protestant, the fundamentalist, the atheist, became -- and remain.

The Third Factor: A Tradition Of Absolutism, Suppression and


It is the nature of the historical events by which Yahweh/Jehovah became the monotheistic (single, supreme-- and alien) "god" of the Hebrews which furnishes the third key to how the UFO/Alien and the Sitchin

Human History Paradigm are interrelated.

Modern scholarship, working on the foundations laid as far back as the

German school, has reassessed the Old Testament. When the

Mesopotamian records began to be unearthed in the 1800's, it was realized that the history revealed from 4000 B.C. forward, was the source of the history of the Old Testament. The Jews, allowed to be confined to captivity by the Babylonians by their "god" Jehovah, had drawn on that history and committed forgery (Sitchin) by rewriting it to their need to establish Enlil/Jehovah as their supreme ruler. That history shows clearly that two Anunnaki brothers, Enlil and Enki had always been at odds with each other personally and politically. Enki was the Anunnaki

56 scientist who, together with his half-sister scientist sister, Ninhursag, had created humans and had always been favorable to them. Enlil had always had reservations about humans and dominated them with severity.

Gardner has made the case (Bloodline Of The Holy Grail, Genesis Of the

Grail Kings) that when the Old Testament referred to The Lord (Adonai,

Enki) it was when good things were being done to or for the Hebrews.

When terrible things were being done or allowed to happen to them, the reference was always to Jehovah/Yahweh, Enlil) and it was to Enlil's dominance that they finally capitulated and worshipped in fear. Enki (The

Lord, Adonai) initiated a bloodline of human leaders, further enhanced with Anunnaki genes and taught the advanced scientific knowledge they possessed (Gardner). This royal bloodline, coming down through David and the anointed messiahs (anointed ones) was recognized but treated ambiguously by the large faction of the Hebrews who paid allegiance to

Enlil. The Old Testament, a collection of books from which some considered unacceptable were excluded because they would contradict the forgeries necessary to establish Enlil as supreme, promulgates a religious attitude based in subservience and "fear of God". It is this attitude, an extension of the ancient master-slave relationship which is at root of Western culture and the pervasive looking to the holders of power and dominance as ultimate and often absolute authority.

The scenario replayed itself when the strain of Judaism that eventually became known as Christian allied itself with Rome and became the

Roman Church. It perpetuated the Enlil type fear of God tradition and, in its turn, suppressed, persecuted and brutalized the human-centered strain of Christianity springing from the tradition fostered by Enki.

It was this powerful religion of the Bishops and the Inquisition which could torture, maim and kill to dominate and control that also controlled and dictated to the early Universities. Our schools of higher "learning" still parade the trappings of the Medieval university on ceremonial occasions and, unfortunately, all too often still in their limitation of discussion to approved subjects.

This policy and position of dominant absolute authority on the part of the

Roman Church extended itself gradually in the modality of the Roman political and military way and controlled and formed governments and government policies through kings and queens whose crowns were bestowed by the Church. Its policies unchanged, the Inquisition exists under the title of the Sacred Congregation. The latter day solution to the religious mayhem, always just under the surface, developed in the U. S.

Constitution, still saw it necessary to give deference to the fearful God of the Judaeo-Christian tradition, Yahweh/Jehovah -- Enlil the Anunnaki, alien "god".


Strong Similarities And Critical Interrelationships Between the

UFOA and Sitchin HH Paradigm

The focus of the control and suppression of information turns out to be identical: the existence and presence, action and interaction of an alien, intra-solar system civilization in the past and possibly contemporaneously

(HH); the existence and presence, action and interaction of an alien, extra-solar system civilization in the past and contemporaneously


The type of authority and their agenda in enacting the control and suppression are similar: the dominant power players in the Judaeo and

Christian contexts working to patronizingly consolidate a proprietary religio-political regime in self-interest and corrupted from the original ideal; the dominant power players in our society working, probably sincerely at first but, subsequently, patronizingly, to consolidate a political regime in self-interest and corrupted from the Democratic ideal.

The methodology of the use of suppression of information, manipulation of the pertinent history, deception, the use of threat , intimidation, and force is similar and sometimes identical: the billy-club slapped across the palm to emphasize the threat of death to a witness' daughter at Roswell echoes the Inquisitional threats and execution of "heretics"; the Project

Blue Book agenda mirrors the Egyptian Exploration Fund's suppression and expunging of Petrie's publication of his find of the Annunaki gold processing plant at Mt. Horeb (Gardner: Genesis Of the Grail Kings)

It is not surprising, therefore, in light of our half-alien but subservient slave background, that we have tolerated the patronizing forgeries and abuses of authority that have been exercised by those who have controlled the UFO/Alien situation since at least the '40's.

It is not surprising that so many react, almost reflexively, to the possibility of another race coming here from the stars or a tenth planet in our own solar system by immediately assuming their superiority and benevolence or power to control. If we have been looking to the sky for some three thousand years for Daddy to return from where the Anunnaki went when phasing off the planet, waiting for their return to make everything right and tell us what to do, we put ourselves in the dangerous and highly vulnerable position of being taken over by anything that happens to show up here --- even if they are androids. We must break this godspell to become fully effective and independent.

It is not surprising that even those who recognize the reality of the alien presence now and the half-alien nature of our own genetic background can still be taken in by demands for subservience. Some new age

58 lecturers would lead people up the mountain where they expect the space ship to land and the rescued to be incorporated into some alien subculture. Some would claim that we should allow ourselves to become GI-

Joes in some alien conflict between purported light and dark forces so that we can be rewarded by the victorious light leader and given advanced technology at the victory picnic.

Consider even the U.S. Constitution in the godspell perspective: it was constructed to create a society where a religiously pluralistic population could coexist with the minimum of inter-denominational mayhem. A result of this enforced acceptance of Babel-factored plurality has been an uncomfortable protocol of avoidance of discussion and an attitude that any criticism is automatically partisan prejudice. This makes extremely difficult any impartial reexamination and evaluation of the history of the race because it is, in effect, inescapably, some denomination's "religious" history.

The religious background and belief systems of UFO investigators, politicians, scientists cause internal conflicts that often enervate their efforts . The degree of evolvement of the consciousness of the scientist, the scholar, the politician, the philosopher, the UFO investigator determines the level of effectiveness of their actions. The most expert of

UFO investigators who is still looking for some superior being to show up to help us out , "save" us, instruct us, is looking through an outmoded and restrictive, even submissive filter. The scientist who ignores or denies the evidence for the alien presence, present and past, due to peer, grant, government or religious pressures is just as limited. The denial or ignoring of the evidence of alien presence, present and past and directly connected with our own origins by SETI is analogous to the denial or ignoring of the archaeological evidence for the presence and role of the Anunnaki in our past by the sciences and religions of the world.

The attitudes we have exhibited, the ways in which we have acted and the way in which we have let ourselves be manipulated by the controlling powers with regard to UFO/Alien presence and our own species history and the postures we continue to exhibit clearly are the direct offshoot of our ancient subservient godspell background and history.

Integration Of The Two Parts Of The Alien Paradigm Can Move Us

To A New Plateau Of Species Existence

It is the conviction of this author that, unless and until we restore our true history, attain a generic, consensual definition and understanding of what a human being is and step out of species adolescence thereby, we shall not resolve the current UFO/alien questions fully because we will not

59 have the species maturity and planetary unity to be able to interact gracefully with a strange species, knowing easily what is acceptable and unacceptable for both of us. This is simply another facet of the reasoning by those who felt desperately compelled, militarily and diplomatically, to deal with the incoming alien greys elected to keep the matter as secret as possible

Restoration of our true half-alien history, however, will free us to attain the unassailable species integrity to enable us to demand and present credentials, determine intent, agenda, and negotiate confidently so that we are accepted into stellar society with full dignity. It will enable us to have the individual and species self-confidence and perspective that will prevent us from being manipulated, intimidated or conquered by whomever is here or shows up here in the future. Only this kind of integration will allow us to gain explanations and understanding of many details of both the HH and UFOA scenarios.

Practical Advantages Derived From the Integration of the UFOA and HH Paradigms

The elucidation of the Anunnaki alien presence in the past explains the presence of ooparts, the puzzles concerning "sudden" civilizations, our non-standard evolutionary progress and our unique gene code, and resolves the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict. The understanding of our bicameral racial heritages, homo-erectus and Anunnaki and our genetic creation for pragmatic Anunnaki purposes may explain why we have four thousand plus genetic diseases due to imperfections in the genetic synthesis while other species on this planet have few or none.

A more precise and complete overview of our past enables us to differentiate between myth, mythic beings and aliens of whatever type have manifest or come here in the past and present and will aid us in differentiating and dealing with aliens in the future. That we are literally half-alien genetically throws the entire question of the alien reality into a far different perspective.

Some Possible Scenarios Opened Up By The Recognition Of The


There are several possible reasonable scenarios presented by the expansion of the alien paradigm. They are simply listed here, without weighted evaluation, for the consideration of the reader.

A preliminary note: Not long ago, one could be in very serious trouble with religious authorities by expressing belief that there could be other

60 races from other places -- much less other dimensions (Giordano Bruno, a monk who claimed that was burnt at the stake by the Church only a few years before the founding of Harvard University). The notion of dimensions beyond our comfortable three is relatively novel and still partially speculative; physicists still holding for various actual counts. It is understandable, therefore, that a sort of aura of mystery and awe, sometimes almost transcendentally religious, is projected on

"dimensionality". The added precision of differentiation afforded by this expansion of perspective removes the mystical halo from the concept of

"interdimensional" applied to some aliens. It may well be true, quite probably is true, that some aliens and their technologies and, therefore, their relative consciousness, involve modalities which use or operate in dimensions other than the three which we are accustomed to perceive.

Physics, human or alien, however, is still physics – whether of this subuniverse or another. It will be easier to deal with whatever physics manifests or is discovered as the subliminal mystical elements are dismissed from out thinking and the knee-jerk – or, perhaps, kneebending – subservient godspell reflex is eliminated.

If Nibiru, the Anunnaki home planet and tenth in our solar system still exists in orbit in our solar system (not having been involved in some destructive catastrophic or ejection event) there is reasonable expectation that the Anunnaki still exist. The evidence gathered by the investigation using the IRAS in 83-'84 for that planet still existing in our solar system was enough to convince Harrington of the Naval

Observatory. The " Nordic" alien type correspond in physical appearance most closely to the Annunaki. It is easily conceivable that they could, at this stage of their technological development, come here, either as monitors or even as tourists any time they wished (although, in earlier times, apparently possessing only ballistic, rocket technology they were limited to certain orbital constraints.)

Some greys and other types may be found to be robots and androids of the Annunaki, used as remote probes or perhaps routine monitoring of this planet, as cautiously used envoys, perhaps sacrificed in crashes as a safe, sterile and non-threatening introductory manifestation (Roswell).

The correlation with the recorded prophecies in the Mayan Codex of the appearance of many videotaped UFO's over Mexico at the time of the

1991 eclipse of the sun and subsequently, because of the association of the Anunnaki with the Central American early civilizations, may point to these saucers being Anunnaki.

Some greys and other types may be from extrastellar societies and fully humanoid or android and to be differentiated from Anunnaki associated androids. Some extra-solar system types may be known to, unknown to, friendly with, antagonistic to, have an active relationship with the



It may be that there is. as has been alleged or claimed by some, direct cooperation/collusion with an alien species on the part of some humans of socio-economic international influence, for the purpose of controlling the population and, perhaps, even the planet. In the cases where those aliens turn out to be Annunaki, the two parts of the paradigm will merge completely.

Representations of some creatures in the Annunaki time period in the

Middle East bear striking resemblance to the descriptions and depictions of the grey type aliens known in modern times. Sitchin's interpretations of some of these images and detailed descriptions are that they were robots and androids developed and used by the Annunaki.

It is this author's opinion that the alien presence matter is simply old and, at the present stage of our collective understanding and reaction to it, becoming rather boring. The progress we are making with these artificial problems is far behind the leading edge of our evolution and we suffer from the artificial retardation

It is evident that those who found themselves with the responsibility for handling the UFOA phenomenon from at least the time of Roswell conspired to conceal it for the general purpose of learning the technology for weapons and defense but equally because of the concern that the general population would be devastatingly disrupted. Restoring our true half-alien history will remove the naive, parochial and religious handicaps and afford a species maturity, cosmic perspective and independence that may reassure those charged with dealing with the UFOA matter that the disruptions and chaos in the general public anticipated on revelation will definitely not take place. That they have been acting in a patronizing way toward the citizens of this country is, in a real sense, a reflection of their own limitations, a product of their military type approach which, as Corso said, challenged on a simple "friend or foe" basis. They need an opportunity to inform the public that will save enough face for them and this could be the item that affords it. They will advance the argument that the public had and has no concept of the dangers and threats from the aliens, no concept of the strangeness of their science and their society and their intentions and the degree of advancement of their evolution over ours. This level of species consciousness and independence disengages the individual from subservience to and reliance on this kind of patronizing authority and they will no longer be even needed. We will see the inevitable struggle to preserve their power on the part of the least evolved of them, a graceful recognition of the requisite species maturation and resultant resignation of that power on the part of the more evolved of them.


It is not as if they have possessed exclusive knowledge of the situation all along. The UFOA phenomenon has always manifest an element of direct contact with the general public through physical manifestations of craft, abduction, direct communication of information, quite clearly on a gradual, planned and orchestrated basis at least on the part of some species. Perhaps if those who control realize that we will simply go on without them they will understand that it is no longer either necessary to patronize the general public or "protect" that classic fiction the "ordinary person".

The Next Step

The evaluations of the information contained herein and decisions whether to consider and incorporate it into the agendas of the various organizations addressed, ironically and paradoxically, will be influenced by the same factors elucidated herein as counterproductive and suppressive.

Some will look to academia or establishment science as a criterion and reject it for fear of loosing contact with those worlds that survive on government grants.

Some will deem it too difficult because the UFOA matter is already so controversial that to incorporate it will, in their minds, complexify the situation to the point of being unwieldy -- or too politically incorrect.

Some will reject it simply because they feel it will offend religious groups and alienate those who might otherwise give support or at least be open to influence. It is a thing of great mystification and awe to witness a champion of the UFOA cause who is ready to take on any governmental authority cower before "religious" institutional authority.

Some in the UFOA community will reject it, most ironically, because it contradicts their personal religious or metaphysical or philosophical or new age belief system without a serious consideration of the facts.

There are, however, a growing number of those who have freed themselves from the imprints and conditioning of their cultures and their religions sufficiently to be able to integrate both halves of the alien paradigm into their thinking and worldview. They have reached the genetic enlightenment afforded by the restoration of our true history and it has enabled them to expand to integrate the UFOA phase. This expansion has empowered them to think and decide for themselves concerning the overwhelming mass of evidence for both the UFOA presence and the HH Sitchin worldview, and to move beyond both governmental and religious obfuscation and obstructions. For them, the


Paradigm Clock has struck twelve long ago and they are about the business of becoming their own evolutionary artists and preparing to meet the aliens and prepared to restore relations with the Anunnaki. They have already experienced and passed beyond the profound paradigm shift anticipated and predicted by so many. In a real sense they are the paradigm shift: they are finished with this phase of investigation, speculation, the forcing of revelation. The current UFOA situation is like an old '40's movie: the resistance to the HH Sitchin phase like an academic soap opera in the faculty room. They are free to answer the question "What does it all mean?" with "Whatever we wish to make it" because they are free to experience the universe as a plenum of radical freedom in which interaction with other species is only another significant activity.

If the aliens choose those with whom they will make first overt, public (national TV?) contact it will most likely be from this group. They are their own persons with an unassailable integrity and self-knowledge and confidence and sensitivity that will allow them to interact easily and intelligently without fear, subservience or cramping preconceptions.

It is from within this group that the clarity of vision for the next phase will come, is already manifesting: the simple, logical, gathering and implementation of contact ready teams. They know who they are and they easily recognize their kind. They know that they must be beyond the archaic divisions of parochial, national, political, and social turf borders. They know they cannot be without a common human history, cannot be at odds with each other in their basic conception of what a human being is, cannot be separated on the basis of religious belief.

They know they cannot wait for the masses of the bell curve because they are the vanguard and they know their genetic evolutionary role well.

It is this expanded, radically free, self-confident and fully independent consciousness that is the key to the next step: direct, overt, contact and communication and species interchange with whomever chooses to initiate it first in that mode. It may be a species from outside our solar system, it may be a species from inside our solar system and, therefore, most probably in that case, the Anunnaki. It will make little difference to these futant humans because they will have the information and perspective to comprehend and evaluate and interact.

The first project of these new humans will be the development of a universal translator modality based on the principle of self-reference. The general principles and practical application have already been established. The author intends this to be the subject of a second paper.


Selected Reading

Freer, Neil, Breaking the Godspell (New Falcon Publications, '87, '90',


God Games: What Do You Do Forever? (The Book Tree, '98)

Gardner, Sir Laurence, Bloodline of the Holy Grail (Element Books, '96)

Genesis of the Grail Kings (Bantam Press, '99)

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Twelfth Planet

The Stairway To Heaven

The Wars Of Gods and Men

The Lost Realms

When Time Began

Genesis Revisited

(Divine Encounters)

(all Bear & Co. or Avon Paperback, '76- )

The Author

NEIL FREER is a researcher, writer, lecturer, philosopher and poet living in Santa Fe, NM. Neil and his wife, Ursula, have lived in the Eldorado area since 1994. Neil holds a BA in English and did his graduate work in

Philosophy and Psychology at the New School for Social Research. He has taught college courses in Philosophy and History of Religion, gives private and public seminars and lectures and has done over one hundred forty radio and TV interviews. Neil is the author of Breaking the Godspell, a book which explores the ramifications of the archaeological, astronomical and genetic proof for our being a genetically engineered species and presents the ramifications of this new paradigm of human nature that resolves the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict.

In his second book, God-Games: What Do You Do Forever? he explores the ways in which we will live when, individually and collectively, we attain the unassailable integrity afforded by the restoration of our true genetic history. He outlines the species maturity of the new planetary civilization and describes the "god games" of immortality, four dimensional consciousness, life after the Law Of Everything, alien contact, that the new human will play.

Neil's work appears as part of the symposium, Of Heaven and Earth

(Book Tree, 1996) which includes the paper he presented as invited guest speaker at the Zecharia Sitchin Day special event at the International

Association For New Science conference in 1996. An essay "In The Middle of Whose Ship Are You Standing?" is included in David Pursglove's Zen

And The Art Of Close Encounters. Neil's most recent public presentation was at the Sedona Millennium Conference. A one hour interview with

Jeffery Mishlove on Thinking Allowed was aired nationwide on PBS TV


September 13th, 1999.

Neil Freer

28 Avenida Las Nubes

Santa Fe, NM 87505-2116

505-466-1819 email: neil@neilfreer.com website: http://www.neilfreer.com/ <a href=http://www.neilfreer.com> AOL Click Here </a>

This paper is copyrighted by Neil Freer, but it may, by the author's permission, be freely downloaded, translated, printed, copied, quoted, distributed in any appropriate media providing only that it not be altered in any way in text or intent and the author is properly credited .

© 2000 - Planet Colaw Productions - all Rights Reserved. "UFO Disclosure" and "UFO

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John Colaw.

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arXiv:physics/0308078 v2 20 Aug 2003

IMAFF-FM-03/16 physics/0308078

Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the

Undetectability Conjecture

Beatriz Gato-Rivera

Instituto de Matem´aticas y F´ýsica Fundamental, CSIC,

Serrano 123, Madrid 28006, Spain _


In the recent article ‘Conflict between anthropic reasoning and observa- tion’ (gr-qc/0303070) Ken D. Olum, using some inflationbased ideas and the anthropic premise that we should be typical among all intelligent observers in the Universe, arrives at the puzzling conclusion that ‘we should find our- selves in a large civilization (of galactic size) where most observers should be, while in fact we do not’. In this note we discuss the intriguing possibility whether we could be in fact immersed in a large civilization without being aware of it. Our conclusion is that this possibility cannot be ruled out pro- vided two conditions are met, that we call the Subanthropic

Principle and the


Undetectability Conjecture. The Subanthropic Principle states that we are not typical among the intelligent observers from the

Universe. Typical civi- lizations of typical galaxies would be hundreds of thousands, or millions, of years more evolved than ours and, consequently, typical intelligent observers would be orders of magnitude more intelligent than us. The


Conjecture states that, generically, all advanced civilizations camouflage their planets for security reasons, so that no signal of civilization can be detected by external observers, who would only obtain distorted data for disuasion purposes. These conditions predict also a low probability of success for the

SETI project. We also argue that it is brane worlds, and not inflation, what dramatically could aggravate the ‘missing-alien’ problem pointed out first by

Enrico Fermi.

August 2003

_e-mail addresses: t38@nikhef.nl, bgator@ima_.cfmac.csic.es

Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun.

Living beings inhabit these worlds.

Giordano Bruno, 1584

1 Preliminaries

Do mountain gorillas know that their ‘civilization’ is embedded in a larger ‘civilization’ corresponding to a much more evolved and intelligent species than themselves? Do they know that they are a protected species inhabitating a natural reserve in a country inside the African continent of planet Earth? The answer to these questions is certainly no,

68 they do not know anything about our social structure, our countries, borders, religions, politics, ..... nor even about our villages and cities, except perhaps for those individuals living in a zoo, or adopted as pets.

In the same way, the human civilization of planet Earth could be immersed in a much larger civilization unknowingly, corresponding to much more evolved and intelligent species than ourselves. After all, the sun is only a young star among thousands of millions of much older stars in our galaxy and the possible existence of such advanced civilizations is only a question of biological evolution doing its job, slowly but relentlessly through the millennia. If this happens to be the case it is quite sensible to assume that these individuals regard our planet as a natural reserve, full of animal and vegetal species, the

Solar System being nothing but a small ‘province’ inside their vaste territory.

In this situation, the answer to the usual remark ‘if there are advanced extraterrestri- als around, why they do not contact us openly and o_cialy and teach us their science and technology?’ seems obvious. Would any country in this planet send an o_cial delegation to the mountain gorilla territory to introduce themselves

‘openly and o_cially’ to the gorilla authorities? Would they shake hands, make agreements and exchange signatures with the dominant males? About teaching us their science and technology, who would volunteer to teach physics, mathematics and engineering to a bunch of gorillas? In ad- dition one has to take into account the limits of the brain capabilities, independently of the culture or education. For example, let us ask ourselves how many bananas would be

69 necessary for the most intelligent gorillas to understand the Maxwell equations of elec- tromagnetism (even if they watch TV or listen to the radio).

In the same way we may wonder how many sandwiches, potato chips or cigarretes would be necessary for the most intelligent among our scientists to understand the key scientific results of a much more

1 advanced civilization. Our intellectual faculties and habilities are limited by our brain capabilities that are by no means infinite. Therefore it is most natural and sensible to assume that there may exist important key scientific concepts and results whose under- standing is completely beyond the brain capabilities of our species, but is within reach of much more evolved and sophisticated brains corresponding to much more advanced civilizations.

The motivation for this idea has been the recent article

‘Conflict between anthropic reasoning and observation’ by Ken D. Olum [1]. In this article the author presents some computations regarding the probabilities that typical intelligent observers belong to a large (galactic size) civilization at the present time. The underlying idea is that in the observable Universe, because of the existence of thousands of billions of stars older than the Sun, there must be huge civilizations much older than ours which could have spread widely through the Universe. (Although not mentioned in

[1], Enrico Fermi was probably the first scientist to consider similar arguments, leading to some ‘missing-alien’ problem or paradox_.) In particular, using the assumption of an infinite Universe, like in models of eternal inflation, and doing some conservative computations, Olum predicts that ‘all

70 but one individual in 108 belongs to a large civilization’.

Then he invokes the anthropic premise that we are typical individuals and, as a result, he predicts that there is a probability of 108 versus 1 that we belong to a large civilization. Dropping the infinite

Universe assumption, but keeping still inflation, the author claims that the predictions are not very di_erent than for the previous case. After analysing several possibilities of where the problem might lie the author concludes: ‘A straightforward application of anthropic reasoning and reasonable assumptions about the capabilities of other civilizations predict that we should be part of a large civilization spanning our galaxy. Although the precise confidence to put in such a prediction depends on one’s assumptions, it is clearly very high. Nevertheless, we do not belong to such a civilization.

Thus something should be amiss....... but then what other mistakes are we making.....?’

In this note we present what we think is the simplest possible solution to Olum’s and

Fermi’s ‘missing-alien’ problems and paradoxes. As we will discuss in detail, we could well be part of a large civilization spanning our galaxy (or a large region of it) without being aware of it. Therefore one obviously natural solution is that we do belong to a large, very advanced civilization, but we are not ‘citizens’ of it because of our primitive low status. The two major mistakes of Olum’s, therefore, would have been to assume: first, that we are typical intelligent observers, and, second, that to belong to a civilization implies to be a citizen of it.

Besides, Olum’s arguments implying that inflation must necessarily aggravate the


(very serious) ‘missing-alien’ problem do not seem very convincing and it is some brane world scenarios[2], in our opinion, what could in fact aggravate dramatically this problem.

_We thank Juan Luis Ma˜nes and Cumrun Vafa for pointing out this fact to us.


The reason is the following. If there exist thousands, or millions, of parallel universes separated from ours through extra-dimensions, it would be natural then to expect that some proportion of these universes would have the same laws of physics as ours (presum- ably half of these would be of matter and the other half of anti-matter), and many of the corresponding advanced civilizations would master the techniques to travel or ‘jump’ through (at least some of) the extra dimensions. This opens up enormous possibilities regarding the expansion of advanced civilizations simultaneously through several parallel universes with the same laws of physics, resulting in multidimensional empires. It could even happen that the expansion to other parallel galaxies through extra dimensions could be easier, with lower cost, than the expansion inside one’s own galaxy†.

In many other universes, however, the laws of physics would be di_erent, correspond- ing perhaps to di_erent vacua of the ‘would be’ ultimate

Theory of Everything, resulting probably in ‘shadow matter’ universes with respect to ours.

This means that shadow mat- ter would only interact with our matter gravitationally, in the case it would be brought to our Universe using appropiate technology. This does not mean, however, that the shadow universes would be necessarily empty of intelligent beings. If some of them had

72 advanced civilizations, some of their individuals could even

‘jump’ to our Universe.... but we could neither see, nor talk to, the shadow visitors

(and the other way around), although they could try to communicate with the ‘would be’ intelligent beings of our

Universe through gravitational waves, for example.

Regarding anti-matter universes, the intelligent anti-observers would not send colonizers either‡.

We must also point out that in [1] there is a continuous, repeatedly use of the concept

‘intelligent observer’ without a definition of its meaning.

This fact makes di_cult to follow Olum’s arguments and computations properly. For example, do the Cro-Magnon and Neandertal mankinds qualify as civilizations of intelligent observers? How about the very primitive human beings living nowadays in some forests? Do they qualify? Do they belong to ‘the civilization’ of planet Earth even if they know very little about it?

For the discussion in next sections we will use the following intuitive definitions:

Primitive civilizations: Are those civilizations that have a remarkable use of technol- ogy in everyday life but are uncapable to leave their planets to colonize other ones in di_erent stellar systems. Their scientific knowledge can have many degrees, ranging from zero to remarkable high levels. In our planet it seems that only the groups of human beings from, approximately, the last 20.000 years qualify as primitive civilizations, corre-

†The first scientists to consider extra-dimensions and parallel universes were probably Maxwell and

Faraday in the 19th century. Outside the scientific realm this idea is many thousands of years old. At present we are still in a very premature phase in the study of brane worlds and we do not know whether

73 these ideas are in fact realistic. Cumrun Vafa thinks that the fact that we do not see aliens around could be the first proof of the existence of brane worlds: all advanced aliens would have emigrated to better parallel universes (our Universe has zero measure)[3].

‡although they could send unwanted anti-prisoners, their arrival being known as gamma-ray bursts.

3 sponding to what anthropologists call the Modern Man, not so the groups of the various versions of the Early Man, who would only qualify as very primitive civilizations. We call the individuals of the primitive civilizations primitive intelligent observers.

Advanced civilizations: Are those civilizations technologically capable to colonize other planets from di_erent stellar systems, ranging from a few planets until thousands of them or more in the case of very advanced civilizations.

Depending on their technological level they could even travel through extra dimensions (if they exist) and they could visit and colonize planets located in ‘would be’ nearby galaxies in parallel universes. In this case, they could even expand and colonize more e_ciently through some extra dimensions than inside their own galaxies. We call the individuals of these civilizations advanced and very advanced intelligent observers, respectively.

2 The Main Ideas

Let us discuss in detail the possibility that our small terrestrial civilization is embed- ded in a large civilization unknowingly. This will lead very naturally to the the proposal of two major ideas that we call the ‘Subanthropic Principle’ and the ‘Undetectability


To start let us come back to the main argument. In our galaxy there are thousands

74 of millions of stars much older than the Sun. Therefore, it seems most natural to expect, without the need to invoke inflation, that in a reasonable amount of stellar systems technological civilizations should have appeared, and a fraction of them (even tiny) should have survived enough to spread to, at least, large regions of the galaxy. It is then very remarkable the fact that the Solar System has never been encountered or colonized by any advanced civilization,..... or has it?

In our opinion there is an important flaw in Olum’s

(implicit) assumptions about the relations between the di_erent civilizations put into contact in the process of expansion.

Although he does not mention this crucial issue, one gets the impression that he believes that the more advanced civilizations will push the less advanced ones to their own level in order to integrate them, or rather they will exploit, damage, or annihilate them in order to conquer the planet, in the case of aggressive colonizers.

We fully agree that aggressive advanced civilizations will exploit/damage/annihilate the less advanced civilizations as much as it is convenient for them. In the case of nonaggressive advanced civilizations, however, the possibility that they will integrate the less advanced ones only makes sense if those ones are not that inferior. That is, if the gap between the two civilizations is not very big, then it is realistic to expect that the superior civilization will push the inferior one to their own level, to some extent at least. In some cases, however, the non-aggressive

4 advanced civilizations will encounter planets with primitive or very primitive civilizations, with an enormous gap (technologically, scientifically and genetically) between them. In

75 particular, the di_erences between their brain capabilities and those of the primitive individuals could be pathetic. In these circumstances, it is completely unrealistic and naive to expect that the advanced individuals will try to integrate the primitive ones into their own civilizations. They rather will behave

‘ecologically’ towards them, treating them as sort of ‘protected species’ and not interfering (or only very discretely) with their natural evolution.

With this insight it is now much easier to accept the possibility that the Solar System could have been encountered or colonized many thousands, or even millions, years ago by, at least, one non-aggressive advanced civilization, who treated and still treat our planet as some protected natural reserve. As a matter of fact, they could have even brought many plants and animals to planet Earth, including our ancestors, presumably to improve their life conditions (they could have been in danger of extinction in their own planet, for example). Perhaps the Solar System has been visited by aggressive colonizers, as well as non-aggressive ones, resulting in battles or just pacific negotiations between them. Perhaps the aggressive losers will come back in the future, to try again ....

This view about ourselves, a small primitive civilization immersed in a large, advanced civilization, leads straightforwardly to the realization that we could find ourselves not among the typical intelligent observers of our galaxy, but only among a small proportion of primitive intelligent observers instead, completely ignorant of their low status. The typical intelligent observers would be the citizens of the advanced and very advanced

76 civilizations who would ‘own’ the galaxy. But our galaxy is just one typical galaxy from our observable Universe. This leads very naturally to our first proposal:

The Subanthropic Principle: We are not typical among the intelligent observers from the Universe. Typical civilizations of typical galaxies would be hundreds of thousands, or millions, of years more evolved than ours and, consequently, typical intelligent observers would be orders of magnitude more intelligent than us.

Observe that the Subanthropic Principle is almost equivalent to the proposal that, at present, all typical galaxies of the Universe are already colonized (or large regions of them) by advanced, or very advanced, civilizations, a small proportion of their individuals belonging to primitive subcivilizations, like ours. Whether the primitive subcivilizations know or ignore their low status will, most likely, depend on the ethical standards of the advanced civilization in which they are immersed. If the standards are low, the individuals of the primitive subcivilizations will be surely abused in many ways, in the same way that in our civilization large groups of human beings abuse other human beings in weaker positions, as well as animals in general.

Therefore, in this case the primitive individuals will be painfully aware of their low status. If the ethical standards of the advanced individuals is high instead, then very probably they will respect the natural

5 evolution (biological, social, cultural) of the primitive subcivilizations, treating them

‘ecologically’ as some kind of protected species. In this case, that we think could well describe the situation of the terrestrial civilization, the primitive individuals would be

77 completely unaware of the existence of the large advanced civilization in which they are immersed.

Now there is an important remark: if the Solar System is part of the territory of an advanced civilization, why we do not detect any signal of civilization in any of the solid planets and large satellites in it? It would be most natural if they had built bases all along the Solar System (including underground and submarine bases in planet Earth) and maybe some colonies here and there on, or beneath, the surface of some solid planets and large satellites (this is exactly what we plan to do in the future ourselves!). The simplest answer would be that they do not find the Solar

System attractive enough to live themselves and, as a consequence, they have only a few tiny bases di_cult to detect. However, independently of whether or not they find the Solar System attractive to build colonies, we believe that all advanced civilizations must be necessarily aware of the existence of aggressive advanced civilizations and, as a result, they should have developped very sophisticated camouflage systems, so that no signals of civilization can be detected by any external observers (neither by their space probes). Probably, in many cases they even manipulate and distort the global data of their planets (temperature, air composition, etc.), to fool external observers for disuasion purposes§. This is the content of our second proposal:

The Undetectability Conjecture: Generically, all advanced enough civilizations cam- ouflage their planets for security reasons, so that no signal of civilization can be detected by external observers, who would only obtain distorted data for disuasion purposes.


Observe that, if this conjecture turns out to be true, then we cannot be sure whether the terrestrial civilization is the unique civilization inhabitating the Solar System, as we firmly believe (this statement is independent, in fact, of whether or not our civilization is embedded in a large advanced civilization, we only needed to have ‘advanced neighbors’).

In fact, the inconsistency in the scientific reasoning used in the astronomical observations of planets and satellites is remarkable. One uses as input the non-proved assumption that, at the sources, there are no intelligent beings manipulating the data that we receive, and then one concludes that there is no signal of intelligent life, as the data prove. But this assumption could turn out to be wrong. The right claim would be in this case that

§It may sound strange that advanced civilizations would need to protect themselves against aggressors.

However, there is not a single proof or indication that the ethical development of a civilization or an individual, grows in parallel with their level of material well-being or with their technological and scientific development. One may also argue that advanced aggressive civilizations must annihilate themselves, what seems a sensible guess. The crucial issue, however, is not whether they will annihilate themselves but how much damage they can produce to other civilizations (primitive as well as advanced) before they annihilate themselves.

6 there is no signal of primitive civilizations, like ours, who would allow themselves to be detected by external observers, but nothing can be said about the possibility of advanced civilizations, capable to fool our telescopes, detectors and space probes, and who would not allow themselves to be detected.


Finally, we must mention that the first scholar, at least in western history, who suggested that many stars out there could have planets similar to ours: with plants, animals, people, etc., was Giordano Bruno, in the 16th century. He claimed that the

Sun was only one star among the many thousands, and therefore, like the Sun, many other stars would also have planets around and living beings inhabitating them[4]. To appreciate the genius of Giordano Bruno one has to take into account that he lived at the time when more than 99% of the intellectuals believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe, and a few others, like Copernico and

Galileo, believed that it was the

Sun, instead, the center of the Universe, the stars being some bright heavenly bodies of unknown nature¶. Nowadays we know that the Universe has no center and that our planet is only a tiny particle of dust in its inmensity. In spite of this, for many human beings the

Earth is still the center of the Universe, the chosen planet inhabited by the most perfect and intelligent beings all over the Universe: the Crown of the Creation. (There are even regular scientists and ‘intellectuals’ who wonder whether the whole Universe was created just for us, terrestrial human beings, to exist!).

3 Conclusions and Final Remarks

We have discussed the possibility that our civilization could be embedded in a large advanced civilization spanning (at least) a large region of our galaxy. This should be expected, in fact, since in our galaxy there are many thousands of millions of stars much older that the Sun. Using two simple and natural assumptions we see that this possibility cannot be ruled out.


The first assumption explains why the members or citizens of the large civilization would not interact and socialize with us (openly and o_cially, at least). The reason would be that we do not qualify as full members, neither as associates, nor to be in the queue for applications, although we perhaps qualify as pets or ‘little friends’. This situation we generalize, taking into account that we live in a typical galaxy, resulting in the Subanthropic Principle that states that we are not typical among the intelligent observers from the Universe, but much below the standards.

The second assumption, that we call the Undetectability

Conjecture, explains why we

¶For these and other ideas Giordano Bruno was imprisoned eight years and finally burned at the stake in Rome, in piazza Campo di Fiori, the 17th February 1600.

The catholic church, which some years ago apologized for the treatment given to Galileo, has never apologized, however, for the treatment received by Giordano Bruno.

7 do not detect any signals of this large civilization in which we would be immersed. The reason would be that, generically, all advanced civilizations are undetectable for security reasons, due to the existence of aggressive advanced civilizations. In any case, why would advanced civilizations allow alien civilizations to watch their cities, laboratories, military installations, etc., when they could fool them very easily instead?

The Subanthropic Principle is almost equivalent to the proposal that all the typi- cal galaxies of the Universe are already colonized (or at least large parts of them) by advanced, or very advanced, civilizations, which is a most natural guess taking into ac-

81 count the very old age of many thousands of millions of stars which populate the typical galaxies. In these large advanced civilizations there would always exist, generically, a small percentage of individuals which belong to primitive subcivilizations. If the ethical standards of the advanced individuals are low, then the primitive individuals will be abused in many ways (maybe even annihilated). If the ethical standards of the advanced individuals are high instead, then probably they will treat the primitive individuals in an ecological way; that is, like a protected species living in a natural reserve. In this case, which could well describe the situation of our civilization, most of the primitive individuals would completely ignore the existence of the advanced civilization in which they are immersed.

We have also argued that the idea of brane worlds, although still in very premature stage, could in fact aggravate enormously the ‘missingalien’ problem pointed out first by

Enrico Fermi. The reason is that, if other parallel universes exist with the same laws of physics than ours, it could happen that advanced civilizations could be technically capable to ‘jump’ through the extra dimensions to our galaxy for expansion and colonization purposes. As a result, it could even happen that the

‘owners’ of the Solar System (if they exist) had come from another universe and had created a huge multidimensional empire, with large pieces of territory in several ‘parallel’ galaxies. It could also happen that advanced civilizations would find more e_cient

(cheaper, energetically preferable) to expand along extra dimensions than inside their own galaxy.


Finally, in the Appendix we discuss the issue of possible contacts and interactions between advanced civilizations or individuals and primitive civilizations or individuals.

It seems very unlikely that non-aggressive advanced civilizations would ‘introduce them- selves’ to any primitive civilization. Nevertheless, we have identified three major causes or reasons which could motivate individuals of advanced civilizations to seek interactions or relationships with primitive individuals: scientific purposes, entertainment purposes and criminal purposes. We also point out that the

Subanthropic Principle and the Unde- tectability Conjecture predict a rather low probability of success for the SETI project, the reason being the low percentage of technological civilizations susceptible to be detected

(the period of detectability of an average civilization could last less than 500 years).



In what follows we will discuss the possible sources of contacts and interactions be- tween advanced civilizations or individuals and primitive civilizations or individuals. As we argued in the preliminaries, it is very unlikely that a non-aggressive advanced civi- lization would contact any primitive civilization ‘openly and o_cially’ (at least until the latter reaches a remarkable degree of development that our civilization has not reached yet). Aggressive advanced civilizations, however, would

‘introduce themselves’ before, after, or during the strike, for their own convenience. (The fact that our civilization has never been attacked by aggressive aliens, as far as history knows, could be indeed a clue that we belong to an advanced civilization which protects planet Earth, as part of its

83 territory).

If we now consider possible contacts and relationships between individuals of advanced civilizations and primitive individuals, rather than between their civilizations, many more possibilities appear. Trying to identify which advanced individuals could seek interactions or relationships with primitive individuals, and for which reasons, leads us to distinguish three main sources of contacts:

1) Scientific research by regular scientists related to lifesciences, such as biologists, medical researchers, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, etc. Whether or not the corresponding research activities could damage the primitive individuals (physically or mentally), would depend on the legal regulations of the advanced civilizations regarding ethical treatment towards individuals of primitive civilizations.

2) Entertainment, a_ection, etc. That is, one reason for an individual of an advanced civilization to establish contact with primitive individuals could be simply to have fun and relax. The advanced individual could have, with respect to the primitive individuals, the kind of feelings that push us to interact and play with cats and dogs and many other animal species. In addition, if in our planet there are millions of cat-lovers and millions of dog-lovers, and there are even snake, pig, .... and gorillalovers, it is most natural to expect that there may exist some terrestrial-human-lovers among advanced aliens. Why not? This would apply specially to those advanced individuals who must spend long periods of time working in primitive planets, living in underground or submarine boring bases, which surely would exist in our planet in the case that our civilization is embedded

84 in a large civilization (the workers in the bases being the

‘guards’ or militars that take care of the planet).

3) Criminal purposes of all kinds, including activities by regular scientists which would be forbidden by their legal ethical regulations. We can imagine dozens of di_erent criminal purposes for which the primitive individuals could be kidnapped, tortured and even killed, including abject topics such as ‘high gastronomy’ and sadist games. To be

9 realistic, one only has to think of the treatment that some cruel human beings give to their victims, be either other human beings (often children) or animals. The point is that the ethical level of an individual, or a civilization, does not necessarily grow in parallel with their technological and scientific achievements, or with their level of material well-being.

In the case that our civilization is embedded in a large civilization, one of the tasks of the ‘guards’ living in the bases would be, undoubtely, to chase away the human-hunters and other outlaws.

Regarding the SETI - search for extraterrestrial intelligence

- project, if the Unde- tectability Conjecture turns out to be true, then SETI turns into SETPI: search for extraterrestrial primitive intelligence. The reason is that, in this case, only primitive civ- ilizations could be detected by external observers. On the other hand, if the Subanthropic

Principle is correct, then the primitive civilizations would be very scarce compared to the total amount of technological civilizations, and even more scarce would be the ones with an appropriate technological level to produce electromagnetic emissions to be detected by

85 distant civilizations. (Observe that the period of

‘detectability’ of an average civilization could last less than 500 years). Therefore the probability for one primitive civilization to detect another one would be very small. For these reasons the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture predict a rather low probability of succes for the

SETI project.

A last remark is that we have never done any investigation in the subject of alledged alien contacts. As a result we have essentially no opinion about the true or false alien nature of those circulating through the media.

Nevertheless, we believe that it must be an impossible task to identify true alien contacts (if they exist at all) just by reading the reports given to, or written by, their terrestrial partners. The reason is that, for our intuition, the claims of civilizations much more advanced than us must necessarily sound ridiculous, hilarious, crazy, science fiction ideas. But the same would have happened if we had described our TV sets, our planes, our microwave ovens, our computers, etc

.....to people only 100 years ago!. Let us also notice that many persons, including many scientists, have a very deep rooted reluctance and aversion to accept the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial species much more advanced and intelligent than us, who could even visit our planet. We call this prejudice the

‘Crown of the Creation Syndrome’

(CCS), for obvious reasons. Curiously, whereas many religious persons are not CCS su_erers, many atheists are (the reason could well be that they grew in very religious families which implanted in their children’s minds strong impressions of the greatness and uniqueness of the human species).




[1] K. Olum, ‘Conflict between anthropic reasoning and observation’, gr-qc/0303070.

[2] N. Arkani-Hamed, S. Dimopoulos and G.R. Dvali, Phys.

Lett. B429, 263, 1998; Phys.

Rev. D 59, 86004, 1999; Phys. Today 55N2, 35, 2002.

L. Randall and R. Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4690, 1999.

[3] C. Vafa, private communication.

[4] G. Bruno, On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, 1584.









Una ley vigente en los Estados Unidos obliga a la radio y televisión a interrumpir los programas en caso de desastre o calamidad pública , a fin de que la defensa civil imparta a los ciudadanos las instrucciones de rigor. Con objeto de preparar a los radioyentes y telespectadores para un momento de crisis , de vez en cuando las cadenas cortan por

88 sorpresa sus transmisiones y emiten un típico zumbido durante diez segundos , seguido de la habitual explicación : "Atención , señoras y

señores : acabamos de ofrecerles un simulacro del

"Sistema Nacional de Emergencias" (

"Emergency Broadcast System" o E.B.S ).

Un test de otro orden aunque también de alcance nacional tuvo lugar en la tarde del 14 de Octubre de 1988. De forma indirecta fue asímismo una constatación de previsibles actuaciones de emergencia, en la que se auscultaron las actitudes del hombre de la calle con respecto al sensible problema del contacto extraterrestre. Quién sabe si en el porvenir la información recogida con este experimento psicológico no será utilizada en las telecomunicaciones a través del citado "Emergency

Broadcast System".

A diferencia de las rutinarias comprobaciones del

"E.B.S." , que reiteran cada vez idéntica fórmula verbal buscando condicionar la memoria , en una suerte de monótono lavado de cerebros en relación con una hipotética catástrofe , en esta ocasión no se aportó a las cobayas televisivas el menor indicio sobre el propósito subyacente en la evaluación popular organizada el 14-10-88. Muy pocos de entre los millones de norteamericanos que tomaron parte sin advertirlo en este ensayo masivo se dieron cuenta -entonces o más adelante- de que han participado como sujetos pasivos en una

89 sofisticada prospección psicosocial , que en un futuro pudiere causar un extraordinario impacto en sus vidas.

El presente artículo es una advertencia , y pretende aportar una interpretación personal , desde luego no sancionada por el "establishment" , de lo que en verdad se tramó en aquel memorable atardecer otoñal.

Pese a la desafiante política reaccionaria de la administración Reagan , la guerra fría ha dado paso a un irreversible deshielo entre las superpotencias , y una epidemia de distendidas relaciones internacionales ha trastocado la vieja entente de la amenaza y la disuasión. Los americanos comienzan a vislumbrar que en un par de años -o tal vez antes- la Unión Soviética pudiera convertirse en una nueva tierra de promisión , donde la libertad y la igualdad de oportunidades florezcan con más pujanza aún que en la patria de Abraham Lincoln. Una imprevista revolución de paz y armonía flota en la atmósfera , y el peligro de una hecatombe nuclear parece haber remitido. Y todo ello de la mano de la URSS, implacable antaño con sus jactancias antiimperialistas.

Para contrarrestar -entre otras cosas- el inopinado descenso de la tensión internacional , fue

90 orquestada la provocación televisiva del 14 de octubre , un show de costa a costa con un par de horas de duración , emitido también en Canadá ,

Australia y Nueva Zelanda , que bajo el título : "El

encubrimiento oficial sobre OVNIs , en directo" (

“The UFO Cover-up : Live" ) , fue promocionado en

Washington D.C. por Michael B. Seligman

Productions. Este programa , repetido dos dias después en horas tardías , ha sido distribuido por

"Lexington Broadcast Service" ( LBS ) , y lo transmitieron 42 de las 200 emisoras afiliadas a la cadena NBC.

En los últimos tiempos venía dando la impresión de que los investigadores rusos se proponían adelantarse y confiar al mundo , antes que nadie , trascendentales revelaciones en torno a una supuesta colonización del orbe por comandos del espacio exterior , secretos que el gobierno americano resguarda bajo siete llaves desde el fin de la segunda guerra mundial.

El test de credibilidad de la presencia alienígena perpetrado el 14-O , diseñado en parte con miras a quitarle hierro a un posible "catecismo cosmosférico" a divulgar por la Union de

Repúblicas Socialistas , fue uno de los espectáculos en directo más carentes de espontaneidad en la historia de la televisión. Consistió en un torpe aunque bien ensayado ejercicio de amateurismo audiovisual. Mostraba unos personajes actuando

91 con evidente falta de naturalidad , como si el director de escena presintiera aterrorizado que los actores -en los que a todas luces no confiaba- iban a desertar en cualquier momento de su papel en el guión, como en el drama de Pirandello "Seis

personajes en busca de autor" , para encararse acto

seguido con un público estupefacto endilgándole una lunática diatriba acerca de la "auténtica verdad tras el misterio de los OVNIs". Lo que a su vez daría pie a que los censores suspendieran de inmediato tan herética retransmisión.

El programa mostraba no obstante algo tan extraordinario que ni siquiera los cargos públicos más encumbrados habían visto hasta entonces : una grabación en vídeo cedida por William L. Moore, escritor en temas de ufología y a la vez colaborador encubierto de los servicios de inteligencia americanos , versión actualizada para la puesta en onda de Octubre. Se trataba de una cinta inédita para el gran público aunque ya conocida -al menos de oídas- por los profesionales mejor informados de la ovnilogía.

La película exhibía a una pareja de miembros de la inteligencia estadounidense , con nombres supuestos tomados de la ornitología , de espaldas a la cámara y con el rostro y la voz camuflados , que durante 120 minutos y a intervalos estratégicos van dando buena cuenta de sobrecogedores descubrimientos en torno a una pretendida

92 interacción de los ocupantes de los objetos no identificados con la élite del poder de la sociedad terrestre. Confidencias que , de ser ciertas , resultarían sin duda altamente explosivas.


Falcon y Condor son presentados en la cinta como dos de los nueve agentes secretos adscritos a una trama de ocultación pública del contubernio que habría mantenido el gobierno U.S.A. con una determinada facción ( o tal vez varias ) de la abigarrada "fuerza de ocupación extraterrestre" , desde una época tan remota como la década de los sesenta.

Tras colaborar un tiempo empleados como "topos" del camuflaje institucional de los ovnis , llegó un momento en el que estos "pájaros de cuenta" comprendieron -aducen ellos como falsa coartada justificativa- la abrumadora trascendencia de lo que se preserva al margen del conocimiento público.

Actuando en conciencia y en pro del bien común , la pareja habría decidido denunciar la actitud paranoide de las autoridades en cuanto a un desfasado secretismo a ultranza sobre los UFOs , a

93 sabiendas de que arriesgan en el intento sus puestos de trabajo e incluso la propia vida , al filtrar la verdad alienígena por la T.V. y del mismo modo a través de prestigiosos ufólogos como William L.

Moore , Linda Moulton Howe y Robert


Falcon y Condor divulgan en el audiovisual eventos

tan pasmosos como incomprobados :

- Recuperación por la U.S. Air Force de varios vehículos interplanetarios estrellados.

- Cadáveres de sus tripulantes , sometidos por reputados biólogos y otros especialistas a autopsias y toda suerte de análisis , se preservan desde entonces en instalaciones gubernamentales de alta seguridad.

- Descripción detallada de al menos un humanoide vivo mantenido bajo la custodia de Washington.

- Plena vigencia de un tratado en toda regla , con mutuas concesiones de intercambio , suscrito desde

94 hace muchos años entre los EE.UU. y ciertos grupos de entre los viajeros siderales.

- Como mínimo un ser humano está siendo estudiado en otro planeta. Platillos volantes ensamblados con patente cedida por entidades del cosmos se han ensayado durante años con el mayor sigilo en Nuevo Méjico y en zonas del desierto de Nevada conocidas como Area 51 y Dreamland .

Indicios sobre el contenido de tan alarmistas declaraciones han venido circulando bajo cuerda desde hace décadas entre discretos y bien informados miembros de la comunidad ufológica.

He tenido ocasión de conversar recientemente con numerosos investigadores de todo el país , y la impresión generalizada es que el programa resultó decepcionante al no satisfacer las expectativas despertadas , tal vez excesivas. Y lo que era de prever es que entre los millones de espectadores legos en la materia debería haber producido una conmoción inolvidable.

Las primicias aireadas en la película , si contuvieren algo de verdad , representan sin lugar a dudas el acontecimiento más trascendental en los últimos

2.000 años de la historia humana : el que se

95 admita públicamente que desde el decenio de los sesenta los poderes fácticos han instituído un intercambio regular y sistemático con algunas facciones de seres inteligentes de otras regiones de la Vía Láctea , contacto que se mantiene en el día de hoy.

Paradójicamente esta nueva "Revolución de

Octubre" no ha despertado la menor reacción detectable en su vasta audiencia. Ninguna reseña crítica ha aparecido que sepamos en la prensa ni en los populares magazines de programación que devoran los teleadictos. Tampoco se ha dado a conocer el menor comentario al respecto de portavoces autorizados de la Administración, ni se facilitó desmentido oficial alguno.

¿ Se debió tan inexplicable falta de respuesta popular al hecho de que el impresionante espacio televisivo coincidió con las elecciones presidenciales de 1988, cuyas estrepitosas campañas acaparan a tope la atención de los americanos y se "comen" cualquier otra noticia ?. ¿ Fue más bien la causa una sobreabundancia de comunicados acerca de los graves problemas que aquejan a la actualidad mundial , los cuales desplazan a los pintorescos eventos ufológicos y copan los medios de información ?. ¿ U ocurrió simplemente que a la gente le traen sin cuidado los curiosos platos voladores , actitud popular que no le entra en la cabeza a los expertos , obcecados en su creencia en

96 un mundo irreal con ovnis hasta en la sopa , prefabricado por su misma deformación profesional

?. La respuesta a tales interrogantes es sin embargo algo que pocos sospechan.

Cuando nos referimos a personas reales aunque sin nombres y apellidos concretos , que por la autoridad que ostentan afectan a nuestras vidas , solemos identificarlas con el vocablo Ellos , pronombre ambiguo mas harto expresivo. Pues bien , en nuestro caso tras el aparatoso escenario del acontecer ufológico se esconden también Ellos , los coreógrafos sin rostro que dosifican al pueblo el extraño baile de máscaras del síndrome extraterrestre. A lo largo de medio siglo , They han venido elaborando un vasto plan de adoctrinamiento de la alegre y confiada mentalidad popular.

El 14 de Octubre mandatarios del cónclave del poder oculto teatralizaron una prueba colectiva con ánimo de evaluar los resultados de su campaña de cuadriculación cerebral de las masas. Este magno esfuerzo de aleccionamiento global , aunque complejo y multifacético , es tan sólo uno de los aspectos de un ambicioso programa de mucho mayor alcance , delineado en orden a controlar todas las

áreas de manifestación de la cultura humana. He aquí sus objetivos esenciales:


1. Toma de conciencia por el gobierno invisible de la súbita presencia en nuestra biosfera de escuadrillas de objetos volantes no conocidos , comandados por una inteligencia exterior , tras la explosión de las primeras bombas atómicas.

2. Ante la sorpresiva invasión transplutoniana en

1947, el


reaccionó mediante oportunas correcciones estratégicas en el aparato de condicionamiento psicosocial de los ciudadanos , desplegado ya en la década de los cuarenta.

3. Asumir , con una pragmatismo muy americano , que las repentinas oleadas de enigmáticas aeroformas representaban una inesperada ventaja en relación con el plan del dominio del mundo , literalmente caída del cielo , un novedoso instrumento servido en bandeja que, aprovechado con inteligente maquiavelismo , bien podría ser utilizado como un atajo capaz de acortar , quizás en varias décadas , el complot del grupo dominante muñido con miras de infiltrar el conformismo en la civilización de la postguerra.

4. Establecimiento a tales efectos de un proyecto multidisciplinar a largo plazo , orientado a inducir en la mayoría de la población un radical desinterés por los hipotéticos habitantes de exóticas esferas de vida y sus incursiones en el hábitat terrestre. La erradicación de los objetos no identificados y sus ocupantes del alma terrenal se pondría en marcha

98 mediante una sabia constelación de tácticas simultáneas y a veces contradictorias entre sí :

****Drástica censura de las pruebas incontrovertibles resguardadas en los archivos estatales ( evidencias sobre aterrizajes , encuentros con humanoides , contactados, aeronaves accidentadas , cuerpos de tripulantes , exoformas agresivas , etc. ) , con el socorrido pretexto de la

"seguridad nacional" , en la certeza -Goebbels lo sabía muy bien- de que un ganado humano desinformado abdica sin resistencia de sus responsabilidades y preferirá ser engañado a esforzarse en pensar por sí mismo y adoptar decisiones propias .

****Paradójicamente , otorgar libertad de expresión a los especialistas en ufología. Con tan hábil concesión se soslaya de entrada la fascinación que ejerce todo lo prohibido. Habido cuenta de que tan sólo una ínfima minoría de los expertos ha logrado averiguar la auténtica realidad del fenómeno E.T. y las turbias intrigas que se cuecen detrás de sus bambalinas , los contados estudiosos al cabo de la calle no constituyen una seria amenaza para el férreo corsé impuesto a la temática exobiológica. Sus descubrimientos , a primera vista tan extravagantes y fuera de contexto , son incapaces de despertar a una opinión sometida a narcosis por el grupo dominante , ya que el hombre de la calle , nos recuerda Jean-Pierre Petit , crea anticuerpos ideológicos capaces de defenderlo , ignorándolos y dándoles de lado , de las noticias y

99 conceptos extraños y no familiares que pudieran perturbar su placentera tranquilidad mental y emocional. Entonces , ¿ para qué perseguir a los ridículos platillólogos y convertirles así en mártires ?.

****Financiar , con el dinero del contribuyente , un cuerpo de detractores profesionales y fabricantes de desinformación con respecto a los ovnis , oficiantes camuflados en esta gran ceremonia de la confusión impulsada por el baluarte del poder secreto , cuyos roles serían :

++++Enfriar eventuales recalentamientos excesivos del sentir popular en favor de nuestros homólogos interplanetarios , pergeñando al efecto una imagen demoníaca y perversa de los malditos E.T. .

++++Contaminar los genuinos datos ufológicos con niebla conceptual , semiverdades y toques de absurdo y ridículo , para lo que basta entreverar reportajes espúreos , flagrantes exageraciones e inverosímiles "bombas" sensacionalistas.

++++Desacreditar de rechazo a los servidores concienzudos y honrados del análisis exosférico , contratando a una nómina de platillistas excéntricos encargados de exhibiciones mediáticas a cual más demenciales , increíbles y disparatadas. De este modo la gente seria tomará a choteo no sólo a dichos estudiosos de opereta , sino también a todo lo que se relacione con extraterrestres.


++++Taponar , mediante una estratégica diseminación de noticias-antídoto , las eventuales fugas imprevistas de auténtica información sensible acerca de la fenomenología alienígena , datos prohibidos que se pudieran filtrar accidentalmente desde el santuario institucional de la contraufología.

++++Al mismo tiempo patrocinar en la sombra una secuencia de superproducciones cinematográficas, culebrones televisivos , comics y letra impresa , urdida , cuando interese llegado el caso , con miras de :

A). Blanquear con cínico oportunismo la maltrecha imagen de los marcianos. Reconvertirlos , cuando según las circunstancias resulte útil , de monstruos repulsivos y malévolos antihéroes en tantos filmes y tebeos , en inofensivos personajes rebosantes de ternura y bondad , "humanos" y normales ( dentro de lo que cabe ) , criaturas razonables y encantadoras que sólo desean establecer lazos de amistad y cooperación con los terrícolas.

B). Amortiguar el previsible trauma social frente a una ostensible inmigración de ufonautas. Se pretende educar a las masas de tal modo que vayan asumiendo lentamente , con calma y sosiego y sin que se dispare una estampida social , que antes o

101 después tendremos que relacionarnos pacíficamente con intrusos del espacio exterior.

Más vale curarse en salud y amaestrar a "la clientela" de antemano con respecto a los hombrecillos verdes , antes de que se desate un pánico irreversible . Mejor administrar de antemano y con cuentagotas arteras dosis de información cautelar que actúe a modo de vacuna , que el estallido de una incontrolable histeria colectiva que trastoque los fundamentos del orden social.

C). Con tamaño bombardeo hasta la saciedad de ufo-ficción , mezclado con andanadas paralelas de hechos contrastados ( ofrecidos por los ufólogos responsables , quienes gozarán de una privilegiada libertad para airear sus veraces opiniones ) , se consigue de paso anestesiar aún más a la audiencia mediante la saturación psíquica , por la via de una sobrealimentación de comunicados discrepantes que impregnen de confusionismo al paradigma extraplanetario.


D). Seguimiento de los resultados de la

Operación Triple M ( Moldear la Mentalidad de las

Masas ) por medio de auscultaciones periódicas de la opinión pública y la temperatura social. El kilotón informativo del otoño del 88 , con efectos

-asombrémonos- de simple pólvora de fogueo , fue uno de estos termómetros sociológicos.

E). En el propicio momento crítico , activar la penúltima fase del Plan MMM , que consistirá en anunciar de improviso , por boca de los presidentes de las grandes potencias , que la Tierra está siendo invadida por criaturas hostiles oriundas de otras dimensiones. Los partes de noticias deberán dramatizarse con documentales "en directo" que exhiban ovnis capturados , humanoides prisioneros y fingidas confrontaciones holográficas entre la aviación y supuestos discos interestelares. En tan provechoso escenario de crisis los líderes políticos gozarán de una oportunidad sin igual en orden a manipular a su mejor conveniencia el atribulado estado de ánimo de los ciudadanos. Para ello han de prodigar las arengas y urgentes llamamientos en pro de la hermandad incondicional de todos los pueblos en una suerte de confederación mundial regida por un fuerte gobierno único , con olvido por el momento de las diferencias religiosas , culturales , económicas , ideológicas y nacionalistas

, como única opción defensiva ante la inventada

“amenaza cósmica”.


El moderno trucaje de los "efectos especiales" ( rayos láser tridimensionales , hologramas atmosféricos, simulacros de "batallas espaciales" filmadas con discos volantes montados en el desierto de Nevada ) coadyuvará a demostrar a la atemorizada grey un inminente desembarco extrasolar. Sin tal espectacular despliegue histriónico en los cielos , no sería posible convencer a las más recalcitrantes naciones para que se aglutinen sin antagonismo en una sola patria de dimensión planetaria , única alternativa capaz de salvar a la especie humana de su inevitable destrucción a manos de los “invasores de mundos belicosos”.

F). Una vez lograda la voluntaria capitulación de las banderas nacionales ( la unión hace la fuerza contra las hordas ultraterrestres ) , la cúpula de la

"mano invisible" adoptaría draconianas medidas con tal de monopolizar el poder de forma permanente. En esta aparencial "coyuntura transitoria" procederá formular solemnes promesas de restauración de las soberanías

104 territoriales y libertades democráticas , en cuanto haya remitido el acoso espacial.

Pero por de pronto , como una "decisión temporal" y bajo el imperio de alguna Ley de medidas

excepcionales y poderes extraordinarios en tiempo de

guerra , los países independientes dejarían de

existir. En virtud de la simulada ofensiva galáctica , y a fin de evitar el colapso de la civilización , se decretaría seguidamente la expropiación inmediata de las libertades ciudadanas

, de consuno con el secuestro sine die de los derechos humanos. Todo ello complementado con la neutralización tanto de los colaboracionistas con el atacante exterior como de los disidentes que con su contestación física o intelectual “traicionen a la

Patria Terrestre ayudando a la extinción del homo sapiens”.

G). Una vez consolidado el flamante poder absoluto en el globo terráqueo , la dinámica imparable de una situación sin retorno exigirá la erradicación a perpetuidad del mapamundi y sistemas políticos del antiguo régimen. En tal emergencia , y por una lógica de hechos consumados , se organizaría con métodos científicos un nuevo Holocausto orwelliano : la callada y sistemática eliminación de los "saboteadores de nuestra legítima defensa contra el universo" : ufólogos insumisos , radicales , inconformistas , librepensadores y otros

105 perturbadores del orden establecido , cuya desaparición se disfrazaría como "bajas de guerra".

En un cierto período de "acomodación eugenésica" la población del orbe se desharía de los tarados genéticos, vagos y adinámicos , inadaptados al trabajo industrial , enfermos mentales y elementos improductivos del cuerpo social. Segmentos enteros de la "zoología erecta" acabarían borrados de la faz de la tierra , como los criminales , delincuentes , degenerados , drogadictos , "etnias irrecuperables" y menesterosos del tercer mundo.

El darwinismo impuesto por los "salvadores de la humanidad" dejaría la demografía del globo

"estabilizada" en un ínfimo estamento dirigente, acaparador de los más escandalosos privilegios y con autoridad omnímoda sobre una saludable clase productiva , y millones de proletarios en aceptable estado físico , encargados de las labores manuales y de las más degradantes tareas. Semejante resíduo de "tracción sangre" sería mantenido de ahí en adelante en calidad de esclavos tratados con pragmática benevolencia , como un imprescindible factor de producción de crecimiento cero. A estas alturas se habría instaurado , al fin , la huxleyana utopía del "Mundo Unido".

A partir de la última contienda mundial el cenáculo de la "milla de oro" del poder inauguró la primera

106 fase de un proceso gradual de domesticación de la cabaña homínida. Medio siglo de premeditada descerebración del homo-poco-sapiens ha puesto de relieve la enorme escala geopolítica y temporal de este ancestral proyecto de sojuzgamiento intelectual y dominio del mundo.

La maquinación hegemónica no se ha iniciado al finalizar la contienda 1939-45 ( era de los turistas alienoides ) , sino que se inauguró en realidad siglos atrás , durante la Baja Edad Media y el

Renacimiento, con el enriquecimiento de poderosas familias de mercaderes y banqueros europeos.

Poco a poco , a lo largo de sucesivas generaciones de deliberada manipulación del entorno social , avanzando tres pasos en pro de sus objetivos acaparadores y retrocediendo a la fuerza otros dos ,

Ellos han sitiado a los cinco continentes y aguardan

con paciencia la postrera rendición de su factor humano.

Unos pocos lustros más y el linaje bípedo acabará aherrojado por los grilletes del fin del milenio , siervos atrapados en una desesperación cuya única salida es la muerte. De ahí en adelante , si todavía respiramos, viviremos y pensaremos sólo para nuestros amos. Otra vez Ellos nos habrán arrebatado hasta el libre pensamiento , los derechos inalienables como indivíduos , y cualesquier medio de expresión disconforme con el código imperante.

No será ya posible leer , aprender ni enseñar , y sólo

107 se nos ofrecerá la dádiva y escape del trabajo , en beneficio exclusivo de los pocos dueños de todo.

Cumplir órdenes a rajatabla serán los únicos actos lúdicos permitidos a la nueva raza de vasallos.

Cualquier resistencia física o ideológica será contestada con severas condenas y pena de muerte.

He aquí el precio que la civilización del tercer milenio habrá de pagar al dejarse seducir por una abdicracia generalizada aunada a las sensualidades de lo mundanal , estímulos aletargantes inducidos por intangibles opresores de faz anónima , con idea de dopar a la manada antropomórfica y evitar de este modo que descubra por sí misma las tortuosas intrigas que se fraguan más allá del telón.

Por otro lado , los pasatiempos de la política y el opio religioso , una historia sesgada , la literatura y otras facetas de la vida cotidiana , son ofrecidos a la atención pública por los medios de difusión , después de arrebatarnos la capacidad de discernimiento , buscando que asimilemos la versión predigerida de la realidad que los monitores paternalistas decidan desplegar ante nuestros cinco sentidos narcotizados. La liturgia de la distorsión de la verdad , que ha funcionado tal como

Maquiavelo predijo , no ha sido más que una treta pensada con ánimo de embaucar a millones de desprevenidos ignorantes víctimas del lavado de cerebros.


En este contexto de la subrepticia manipulación de la voluntad popular fue publicitado el globo sonda de la citada encuesta del 14 de octubre. Y la llamativa ausencia de respuesta entre los particulares y medios de difusión demuestra que una importante etapa del magno experimento psicosociológico ha culminado en victoria.

La notoria realidad del fenómeno OVNI fue aprovechada por los marionetistas sociales con el propósito de incorporar tan influyente variable a sus tenebrosos designios. Esta decisión histórica fue adoptada tras advertir con justificada preocupación que la sorpresiva exhibición aérea a finales de los cuarenta podría obstaculizar sus planes en pos de suprimir la autonomía mental de las muchedumbres. Los responsables de cloroformizar a la ciudadanía contraatacaron sin pérdida de tiempo , reestructurando sus planes sobre la marcha a fin de reconvertir los novísimos objetos volantes no identificados en una flamante arma psicológica a su favor. Les ha costado más de cuarenta años de sofisticada ingeniería social , pero en la raya del siglo XXI han alcanzado un brillante éxito.

En esas cuatro décadas los conspiradores han desplegado ante los boquiabiertos espectadores perspicaces dosis de "Era del Espacio" , tecnología punta y desinformación exobiológica , entremezclándolas tan sutilmente con los estímulos

109 aportados por los viajeros intergalácticos , que llegado el 14 de Octubre hemos sido incapaces de distinguir entre lo real y el montaje simulado por el lobby del poder. De algo han servido las 50.000 horas ( 420 minutos diarios ) que el americano medio ha invertido en dejarse sofronizar por la

"caja tonta" de propaganda encubierta durante los

últimos cuatro lustros.

A la vista está el tributo que los incontables John

Smith de este mundo han devengado por trasegar pasivamente, sin someterla a juicio crítico , cuanta desinformación emponzoñada les ofrecen los magos de las tinieblas desde la pequeña pantalla , a fuer de no molestarse en discriminar entre lo genuíno y lo amañado. Por tal causa , tras el happy end de la fábula del 14-O la audiencia se quedó inconmovible frente al televisor , con los ojos del alma en blanco entre la idiocia y la estulticia , huera de inquietudes y afán de plantearse preguntas , a la espera del próximo espacio de intoxicador atiborre de cráneos.

Por lo bien que hemos procesado dos horas de adoctrinamiento en un ya célebre catorce de

Octubre, podemos deducir que estamos maduros para digerir con mansedumbre el siguiente acto del drama a representar por los controladores : la trepidante "Invasión del Enemigo Alienígena" , y la subsiguiente arriada de las banderas nacionales en pro de una coordinación política global , antesala de la unificación totalitaria.


Así pues el telón puede alzarse en cualquier momento, aunque según parece los vuelos de prueba de los superavanzados prototipos desarrollados con técnica foránea en el Area 51 no han dado hasta el presente resultados satisfactorios , tras años de pretendida puesta a punto. ( ¿ Les están tomando el pelo los tecnócratas ultraterrestres a nuestros agentes de inteligencia , militares y sesudos hombres de ciencia ? ).

Esta dificultad podría retrasar una competente escenificación en el firmamento de la "guerra de las galaxias". Algo más de tiempo y costosos proyectos de investigación van a ser necesarios hasta botar los platillos volantes del Pentágono copiados de los oriundos de Ganímedes. No sabemos tampoco si se encuentran ya perfeccionados los dispositivos de proyección holográfica celeste , imprescindibles para siluetear en los cielos los rutilantes "efectos cinematográficos" de esta repetida simulación de

La Guerra de los Mundos de H.G. Wells , que ni el

genio imaginativo de Orson Welles se hubiera atrevido a soñar.

De cualquier manera la ingeniería básica para coreografiar el paranoide ejercicio de persuasión colectiva se ha venido fraguando con sigilo desde

111 hace años. Sospecho que el verdadero papel de la llamada Alien Technology División de las fuerzas armadas de Washington no consiste como se ha insinuado en analizar discos interplanetarios siniestrados , sino más bien en optimizar la eficacia de vuelo de sus facsímiles terrestres en fase ( ¿ perpetua ? ) de experimentación. Cuando los revolucionarios modelos salgan al fin de la línea de montaje del ejército americano , vuelen y no se caigan ( ojo , habrá que verlo ) , seis o siete centurias de paciente confabulación de los opresores ocultos contra los desposeídos habrán dado a la postre sus esperados frutos.

Por otra parte el ominoso silencio de los gobiernos sobre el proyecto en marcha de decepción colectiva lo interpretamos como el desvergonzado desdén que alimentan los arquitectos de la opinión pública hacia sus víctimas , las multitudes anónimas que trotan alegres y confiadas camino del matadero.

Hasta hace bien poco , cuando una persistente oleada de No Identificados atraía la atención en demasía , un portavoz de las altas esferas se encargaba de desdramatizar urbi et orbi el hostigamiento platillista. En los últimos tiempos , empero , se han invertido las tornas. De forma subrepticia , jerarquías en el vértice del ranking del poder han comenzado a propagar adrede, a través de hombres de paja , la más tremendista información

-y/o desinformación- acerca de una supuesta relación bilateral gobierno/alienígenas.


Estas escandalosas revelaciones al estilo del

Informe Matrix han sido complementadas por la

aparición de una hornada de libros sensacionalistas sobre el impacto extraterrestre en la sociedad , que antaño hubieran sido secuestrados sin contemplaciones "en interés de la seguridad nacional" , amén de la adopción de enérgicas medidas de represión contra los antipatriotas diseminadores de los arcanos de la CIA y los servicios secretos. Y sin embargo ahora.....

¡ ni un solo desmentido oficial !. Ni tampoco acción alguna intimidatoria contra los propagadores de rumores tan descabellados.....que para colmo contienen mucho de verdad.

La pasividad de la oligarquía decisoria pone de manifiesto su profundo desprecio por los borregos con cabeza , tronco y extremidades que pagan sus impuestos , confiada hasta la insensatez en haber anulado para los restos toda disidencia pensante.

Sus todopoderosos jerarcas conocían de antemano el

"buen fin" del sondeo de Octubre , la inercia anímica inculcada en el pueblo mal llamado soberano. Cual avisados prospectores de la condición humana , han extraído el más despiadado provecho de las flaquezas del hombre.


Los corruptores psíquicos estaban en lo cierto.

Ya no tendrán que contender con el sensible problema de los Nunca Identificados. Su significativo hermetismo tras el 14-O da a entender que el siguiente ciclo del colosal experimento de control mental está próximo a inaugurarse.

Por todo lo anterior , a los trabajadores avisados de la ufología , pensadores independientes y autónomos , les conviene permanecer alerta , y vigilar las próximas maniobras esperables en la aparatosa "ofensiva uránida" de ciencia-ficción.

Instamos a los lectores de estas prevenciones a que reflexionen con rigor acerca del golpe de estado planetario , que so pretexto de una fantasmal

"conjura extraterrestre" , está siendo preparado por la crème de los conspiradores en la sombra , alias sabios de Sión.

Ellos orquestaron el tan mentado test del 14 de

Octubre, y se aprestan a adueñarse de la conciencia y la voluntad de 5.000 millones de incautos. Pronto resultará peligroso ser tachado de ufólogo que no comulga con ruedas de molino , o simplemente

114 comportarse como indivíduos de pensamiento propio ajenos a la manada. Preparémonos en consecuencia para el apocalipsis de la nueva

Inquisición que se aproxima en el fin de siglo , el galope de cuyos cuatro jinetes se barrunta ya por los que gozan de oídos para escuchar.







[ Artículo de Robert C. Girard publicado bajo el título This is a Test.... en la revista The MUFON

UFO Journal , Mutual UFO Network , U.S.A. ,

número 251 , March 1989.

Traducción libre de Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-


Bob Girard es también autor de las siguientes obras


The Cosmic Sheepdog ( 1985 ) ; Phenomena

Conspiracy ( 1988 , 68 páginas ) ; Mice : an

Allegory ( 1988 ; 72 páginas ) y Revolt of the

Free ( 1990 , 147 páginas ).


Girard y Mónica Williams-Girard son los propietarios de la mejor librería del mundo especializada en materias de ufología : Arcturus

Books Inc. , 1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd. , Port

St. Lucie , Florida 34952 , U.S.A. , teléfono

(772) 398-0796 , fax (772) 337-

1701 , e-mail rgirard321@aol.com ]







Ignacio Darnaude Rojas – Marcos

Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro , 9 ( 2º B )

41004 - Sevilla ( Spain )

Página Web : http://ignaciodarnaude.galeon.com e-mail : ummo@hispavista.com








Meriting "Citizenship" In Our Galactic Community

A New Human Paradigm by Daniel Sheehan


In June of 1989, when the Soviet Union was still very much an active power in our planetary world order, Professor Francis Fukuyama, then a Professor of Political Science at the University of

Chicago, wrote a nationallydistributed article in Public Interest Magazine entitled: “The End of

History”. In this now very widely-discussed article, Dr. Fukuyama startled the leaders of the

Western World by boldly predicting that the Soviet Union was going to collapse in the very near future, much sooner than any of the socalled “experts” in Western Civilization were then predicting. He predicted, as well, that this soon-upcoming sudden collapse of the Soviet Union was going to confront the political, economic, academic, religious and cultural “Leaders” of Western

Civilization with a very serious, but still entirely unanticipated, dilemma.

This dilemma, Professor Fukuyama predicted, was going to be the fact that Western Civilization - while cheering the collapse of Communism - was going to suddenly find itself, at the sudden conclusion of The Cold War, deprived of its last credible “enemy” upon whom it could credibly continue to blame any furth er delay on the part of Western Civilization in “delivering on” its

“promise” to bring to our planet the long-alleged “special benefits” of Western Civilization.

Professor Fukuyama, in this nowfamous 1989 article, therefore, issued a “clarion call” to all leaders of Western Civilization to immediately take up the task, in 1989, of self-consciously attempting to “identify” the most essential “defining Principles” of Western Civilization and to then come to an express agreement as to the concrete social-ethical Public Policy Principles and

Programs which would naturally flow from such Principles – in order that Western policy-makers might be concretely prepared to move into action to put into immediate effect those Principles,

Policies and programs immediately upon the up-coming collapse of the Soviet Union.

This “crash program” was necessary, Professor Fukuyama argued, because the “window of opportunity” which would open immediately at the conclusion of The Cold War [1][1] would remain

“open” for only a very brief period of time following the end of The Cold War. And, when it closed,

Western Civilization, Dr. Fukuyama argued, would have “lost” its opportunity to place the lasting

“stamp” of the Principles of Western Civilization on human civilization.

Few world leaders paid any real serious attention to Professor Fukuyama’s prediction in 1989 – simply because they believed, in 1989, that the Soviet Union was going “to be with us” for a very long time indeed... even if it might be going to be so only in a considerably weakened condition from its condition at the zenith of its power in the mid 1960’s – when it and the United States

118 threatened to blow up our planet.

However, in December of 1991, a mere thirty months after the publication of Professor

Fukuyama’s then largely-ignored article, the Soviet Union did, in fact, “collapse” - suddenly and dramatically, just as Professor Fukuyama had predicted - leaving the leaders of the Western World literally agasp...and (exactly as Professor Fukuyama had also predicted) totally unprepared to cope with the “vacuum” which was, in fact, immediately created by the sudden disappearance of

“The Last Enemy” upon whom leaders of Western Civilization had for historically depended for the entire previous century to “blame” for their failure to deliver to the world their long-promised


Into this 1992 “vacuum” would immediately step the most prominent advocates of the traditional

“Liberal” and “Conservative” Western human worldviews.

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor to the “liberal” 1976 American Democratic

Party Administration of President Jimmy Carter, was the first to set forth his “prescription” for a

“New Organizing Principle” to replace the now-outdated organizing principle of mere “Anti-

Communism” of the West - which, alleged “New Organizing Principle” he argued, would generate a “New World Order” on our planet.

Dr. Brzezinski set forth his prescription for this New World Order in a nationally-published June

1992 White Paper entitled: Out of Control: The Threat of Global Chaos on the Eve of the 21st


Professor Samuel P. Huntington, the conservative Olin Institute Professor of International

Relations at Harvard University, a well-known spokesman for the cause of the conservative

Council on Foreign Relations of Chase Manhattan Bank owner David Rockefeller and also the

President of the conservative American Association of Political Science, immediately responded to

Dr. Brzezinski’s “offering” by setting forth his own, alternative, “Conservative” prescription for such a purportedly superior “New Organizing Principle” which, new organizing principle, he argued, would generate an even superior “New World Order” to that offered by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and his “Liberal” associates.

Professor Huntington set forth his prescription in a highly controversial June 1993 Foreign Affairs

Magazine article (and, later, in a 1996 full-length book of the same title) entitled: The Clash of

Civilizations and the Remaking of The World Order.

However, upon close examination, neither the “Liberal” prescription offered by Dr. Zbigniew

Brzezinski nor the “Conservative” prescription offered by Professor Samuel Huntington for such a supposedly “new” “Organizing Principle” for our planet at the conclusion of The Cold War, offered any really “new” Principle at all.

Dr. Brzezinski’s 1992 prescription, with all due respect, was nothing more than a sophisticated restatement (in somewhat softer and “fuzzier” 1990’s terminology) of the classic “Liberal Ethic” enunciated decades earlier by Harvard Professor Louis Hartz in his 1955 book entitled The Liberal

Tradition in America and again, in 1973, by Harvard Professor John Rawls, the Chairman of the

Department of Philosophy of Harvard University, in his now very famous book on the Liberal Ethic entitled A Theory of Justice.

At base, Dr. Brzezinski called for the adoption of an “Organizing Principle” which recommended nothing more revolutionary than the mere “supplementing” of the continued pursuit of the Western

Ideal of “Permissive Cornucopia” (i.e., the pursuit of crass commercial material self-interest, greed and avarice) by the application, as a mere “afterthought” (while still pursuing crass material selfinterest, gr eed and avarice as the primary “organizing principle of one’s actions) of “doing, at the same time, at least something for the least welloff”. This “something”, Dr. Brzezinski advocated, ought to be directed toward the “better addressing of” [though conspicuously NOT to the actual

“solving” of] our major planetary human problems of: the still-unjust distribution of our world’s natural resources; the stillaccelerating destruction of our planet’s environment through the

119 materialist exploitation of our natural resources to serve, again, the private interests of personal greed and avarice; and the potential permanent destruction of our entire human race itself through the uncontrolled and un“nettered” pursuit and application [again, for immediate personal private financial gain] of untested technological advances in the fields of genetic engineering, biochemistry and weapons and energy technology).

Professor Huntington’s Conservative proposal was, if anything, even less satisfactory.

For, in his 1993 proposal , Professor Huntington proposed drawing a virtual “Maginot Line”, tracing the physical boundaries of the “high-water mark” of Western Civilization (which he identified, with maps, as the physical boundaries of Western Europe delineated in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia), and then establishing a veritable “Fortress America” within these physical boundaries within which the “pure” “Western Values” of State Capitalism; Private Property; Bi-Cameral Representative

Parliamentarian Democracy and constitutionally-enumerated Individual Rights would be practiced to the self-conscious exclusion of all other alternative Principles (especially Asian or Islamic values). He argued, further, that, within these specifically-identified physical boundaries, these uniquely “Western” values should be unabashedly promoted and strengthened, to the intentional exclusion of all other values, through the creation and enforcement of a conscious program of official government policies and practices. This “prescription”, Professor Huntington argued, was absolutely essential if “Western Civilization” was going to prevent the uniquely “Western” values of

Western Civilization from being “overrun” and eventually “overwhelmed” (socially, culturally, economically – and, eventually, even militarily) by the “alien” values of “The New Asian Empire”... which, Professor Huntington insisted, was going to be led into existence by China during the first

50 years of the New Millennium.

This allegedly “new” Conservative governing “Paradigm”(or “New Organizing Principle”) advocated by Professor Huntington is, of course (again, with all due respect), as old as the principle of

“Dialectics” itself within Western Civilization and represents nothing more than a simple restatement of the most “Conservative” of all possible organizing principles for a culture: that is, the principle of simple nationalistic, even “racial”, dialectical conflict between the racial and cultural majorities within nation states.

As a former undergraduate student of American Foreign Policy and International Relations at

Harvard College who took my Harvard degree during the reign of Dr. Henry Kissinger at Harvard

College in the 1960’s; as a Masters Degree and Ph.D. student of Comparative Social Ethics who studied under Dr. Ralph Potter (the Social Ethicist of the World Council of Churches) at Harvard

University’s Graduate School of Divinity in the 1970’s; and as a graduate of Harvard Law School in the field of American Constitutional Law who studied under Professor Lawrence Tribe who later b ecame General Counsel to the United States Jesuit Headquarters’ National Office of Social

Ministry in Washington, D.C. during the 1980’s under global Jesuit Father Superior General Pedro

Arrupe, I was privileged to be invited by President Mikhail Gorbachev (the man who actually brought to reality Professor Fukuyama’s extraordinary 1989 prediction) to participate in the international dialogue stimulated by Professor Fukuyama among Western political, business, academic, religious and cultural leaders seeking to attempt to identify just a genuinely “New” New

Paradigm – a “New Paradigm” genuinely “newer” and more promising than either of those that were being offered to our new post-Cold-War-World by the spokespersons of the old and threadbare “Worldviews” of Classical Liberalism and Classical Conservatism.

This 1995-to-Year 2000 dialogue in which I was privileged to participate with our World Leaders was designed to discern and to identify a genuinely new human “Worldview” which was to be a genuine alternative t o all of the old “tried-and-tested” traditional human Worldviews of our past and present human civilizations on our planet – including the Worldviews of: “Liberalism”,

“Conservatism”; “Capitalism”; “Anti-Capitalism”; “Communism”; “Anti-Communism”; “Fascism”;

“Socialism”; “Royalism”; “Theocracy” and all others.

The most promising potential “Candidate” for the position of such a genuinely “New” New

Paradigm for our Post-Cold-War World, to me, seemed to be obvious.

At the outset of these discussions among our global leaders of the 1999’s, there seemed, to me, to

120 be three primary “candidates” for the position of this new “Master Identifier Principle” of a genuinely “New” “New Paradigm” for our 21st century following the conclusion of the Cold War.


Each a nd every one of our past historical Human “Worldviews”, upon close examination, have shared one common underlying supposition:

No matter how “different” from one another might be the respective Cosmologies; Teleologies;

Epistemologies; Modes of Ethical Reasoning; Ontological Theories; Philosophies; Theories of

Social Organizing or their variant Modes of Spiritual _Expression of these past historical human worldviews on our planet, one common underlying supposition of each and every one of these traditional Human “Worldviews” has been the factual assumption that our human species is the one and only self-conscious, intelligent sentient material life form which exists within our entire physical Universe.

All of our former historical Human Worldviews have agreed that WE ARE ALONE in the Universe as intelligent, thinking, self-reflective, sentient Beings.

What, then, could possibly be more truly “revolutionary”, as the genuinely “new” underlying and

“defining” Principle of a truly “New” Human Paradigm for The New Millennium, I believed, than the explicit, self-conscious affirmation of the now virtually-scientifically-undeniable fact that other sentient and intelligent species OTHER THAN OUR HUMAN SPECIES do, in fact, inhabit our

Universe - indeed, our very Galaxy – and that there virtually certainly exist, at least somewhere in our Galaxy, one or more species who are actually superior to our human species, technologically, intellectually...and even, more than likely, “spiritually.”

Taking this revolutionary FAC T as the a priori “Master Identifier” Principle of a truly “New” New

Human Paradigm, one immediately discovers emerging – literally towering above the previous paltry efforts put forward by proponents of such a “New” Organizing Principle as Dr. Zbigniew

Br zezinski and Professor Samuel Huntington purporting to identify an allegedly new “Master

Identifier” Principle of a “New Paradigm” - a genuinely “New” New Human Paradigm capable of replacing the old war-generating, poverty-generating and anguish-generating “Human Paradigms” identified, to date, by our human family emerges.


In April of 1968, the Chairman of Harvard Department of Intellectual History, Professor Crain

Briton, in the final lecture of his life, at the close of fifty years of intellectual research and teaching at Harvard University, was asked to identify, in his final lecture, the single most important “idea” that he had ever discovered to be present in Western Intellectual History. In response to this specific inquiry, he stated:

“I am convinced that the most astute intellectual leaders of Western Civilization subtly believe that our human species is in the very process of evolving a new “sixth” biological sense – exactly like seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touch – and that they believe that this new “sixth” biological human faculty will enable members of our species to directly experience – (in the exact same manner that we directly and personally “experience” the physical vibrational phenomenon of light by the direct experiential means of our biological “sense” of sight and in the exact same manner that we directly and personally “experience” the physical vibrational phenomenon of sound) the physical phenomenon (which is like “gravity” or “magnetism”) which bonds every single ultimately irreducible integer of matter in our physical universe (whether this unit is ultimately determined to be a “quark”, a “neutrino”, a “meuon or simply an ultimately non-divisible “inchoate quantum field” into one unitive harmonious whole.

And I have concluded that these intellectual leaders subtly believe that by direct physical means of the exercise of this specific new “sixth” biological human faculty, members of our species will ultimately be able to experientially discern (just like “seeing” light waves or “hearing” sound waves)

121 what specific human actions are either “in harmony with” or are “disharmonious to” the NATURAL


Indeed, I believe that, in this very Generation, we are seeing the reality of this long-developing belief within our human family coming to full fruition. This is why so many of our young people in this Post War Generation will not go fight in this war. [2][2]

With this, Professor Craine Brinton closed his notes and left the podium in Lowell Hall at Harvard.

He neither took nor answered any questions from the several hundreds of his students from over his 50-year history of teaching at Harvard University (who had gathered from around the world to hear Dr. Brinton’s final lecture). Nor did he ever expound upon his stunning April 1968 observations - for he died within a few weeks after delivering his Final Lecture.

While every one of the seven historic “Worldviews” or “Human Paradigms” assumes that our human species resides, alone, at the very “apex” of all biological evolution in the Universe, careful research reveals that Professor Crain Brinton was correct in observing, in his famous “Final

Lecture”, that the intellectual leaders of our human civilization have subtly recognized that the recognition of the centrality of the role played by a phenomenon identified as “human intuition” in the evaluation of human conduct plays an absolutely central role in distinguishing one human

“Paradigm” from each other.

Indeed, it is the thesis of The Cambridge Center of Psychology and Social Change, located at

Harvard University, that this concept comes to its full fruition in the “SIXTH PARADIGM”.

Thus, the identification of the role of this biological faculty o f “Human Intuition” as central to the most proper “Mode of Ethical Reasoning” is the second “Candidate” as the “Master Identifier”

Principle of such a genuinely “New” New Paradigm - rather than as simply “supplemental to” the more traditional “Utilitarian” (i.e. self-interested) Mode of Ethical Reasoning (as is advocated by Dr.

Zbigniew Brzezinski.)

And, finally, Third:

It seemed obvious to me that an absolutely primary fact was being overlooked by all of the human

Worldviews that had been articulated prior to 1923 - when Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrodinger discovered the basic facts underlying Quantum Reality.

The major operative human paradigms of the Post Enlightenment Period of human culture have simply not yet been “adjusted”, modified, or systematically “qualified”, to take into account the factual discoveries of de Broglie and Schrodinger made in 1923.

The pioneering work of Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, L. Rosenfeld and David Bohm have merely just begun this task.

Such an undertaking, it seemed to me, offered to generate a potentially entirely new and unique

Human Paradigm.

However, upon closer examination, it became clear to me that both the second and third of these three “Candidates” may well have been historically taken into account – at least intuitively - by the

SIXTH PARADIGM historically identified by our human family.


For this reason, I ultimately identified only the first of these three potential “candidates” as the most appropriate potential “Master Identifier” of a genuinely new New Paradigm (to be distinguished from an only relatively new “New Paradigm) ... a genuine “EIGHTH” Paradigm. This Principle was the full realization that we, as a species, are NOT ALONE in our Cosmos, or even in our Galaxy, as the only highlyevolved sentient, “intelligent”...and highly-technologically-advanced biological species.


It is to the characteristics of such a new EIGHTH Human Paradigm that I wish to address my remarks before this International Convention of the Mutual UFO Network in this White Paper.



Every student of Western Civilization knows that the publication, by Galileo Galilei of his famous

Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems in 1632 set forth his Paradigm-altering conclusion that our Earth (and, therefore, our human species) is NOT located in the physical center of the Universe... and that the entire physical Universe (including our Sun), therefore, does

NOT revolve around our Earth.

Every such student knows, equally, that the discovery of this fact marked the end of the “Old

Medieval Worldview” of Western Civilization and ushered in a new, “Enlightened” Worldview, one which recognizes that our Earth is located some where far out and away from the “center” of our

Universe...and that our Sun is located at the center of our solar system...with our Earth revolving around it.

Galileo was, of course, sentenced to life in prison by the Holy Roman Catholic Church in 1633 for this “discovery” and his book was forbidden ever to be published or read by Catholics under the pain of excommunication.

This dramatic reaction to Galileo’s 1632 observations was, of course, because his “discovery” - if it were to be accepted in its full implications by the population of our world - threatened to shatter the thenexistent dominant “Human Worldview” which located our human species at the exact physical center of all created reality... a Worldview upon which the power and influence of the Roman

Catholic Church was at least thought to depend and upon which Worldview, in turn, the authority of all of the Royalist governments of Western Civilization nation states was also thought to derivatively depend.

Indeed, with the collapse of this Earth-centered (i.e., human species-centered) pre-17th Century

Human Paradigm, the world-dominating power of the Roman Catholic Church – and the worlddominating power of the Royalist families of Western Civilization who derived their power and influence directly from the Midlevel Church – did, in fact, immediately began to wane.

It is not surprising, therefore, that any similar effort to alter the present Dominant Human

Worldview which governs “reality” in our time will be resisted, with equal vigor, by the legal guardians of our present legal and cultural institutions and “World Order”.

This, indeed, is the power of a Human Paradigm.

However, the 17th Century guardians of human culture succeeded in limiting the effect of Galileo’s discovery.

They did this by eventually conceding the fact that our Earth – and, therefore, our species – is not located in the physical center of our Universe – but, at the same time, preserving the fundamental premise that our species was still the sole “Being” in our physical Universe who are located at the metaphysical “center” of Reality – that is: at the very “nexus” between “matter” and


By means of this only partial concession, the secular and ecclesial guardians of Western Culture of the 17th Century succeeded i n salvaging the unique “centrality” of our species within the unfolding reality of our physical Cosmos.

We now, however, stand at the very threshold of a human discovery, within our very lifetimes, that is so overwhelmingly momentous that it is more threatening to the most fundamental common underlying upon which are based our present human institutions than was the discovery of Galileo

123 in 1632.

This, of course, is the discovery of the existence of an other highly-intelligent, highlytechnologically-advanced, sentient material lifeform within our physical Universe.

This is the human discovery which threatens, once and for all, to finally remove us, as a species, from our perceived unique “centrality” at the center of the created material order, and to remove us from our ferventlydesired position of “Absolute Superior” within our material Universe atop the pyramid of all other sentient life forms.

This discovery that we, as a species, do not reside alone at the metaphysical “center” of our material Universe is potentially even more ultimately dis“locating” for us, as a species, than was our 1632 “discovery” that we did not abide at the physical material center of our Universe. This now-threatened discovery is the ultimate religious, spiritual, and metaphysical revelation which was only the potential threat which was implicit in Galileo’s 1632 discovery – but which was temporarily avoided by the philosophical slight-of-hand performed by the guardians of our planetary culture in the 17th Century.

For the insistence upon the physical location of our human species in the geographic center of our material Universe was, in fact, nothing more than the mere “outward sign”, or metaphor, of the presumed metaphysical “location” of our species at the center of the matrix between the material and the spiritual world.

The belying of this fact was the “Dire Threat” which was only “posed” by Galileo’s discovery in

1632. But this “threat” is now upon us.

For, as was pointed out above, the cultural and religious leaders of our species successfully

“adjusted” our cultural “Worldview” to the 1632 discovery of Galileo – successfully designing a

“compromise” of our Old Worldview which was required by Galelio’s discovery to compromise simply the mere outward material “symbol” of our “location” at the very center of created reality.

We, thereby, temporarily succeeded in preserving our species’ belief in our central “location” at the metaphysical “center” of created reality (between “consciousness” and “matter”) by continuing to ins ist that we, as a species, are the only “self-conscious”, sentient, intelligent entity in our entire physical Universe --- thus postponing the recognition of the truly potentially Paradigm“shattering” fact that the very substance of our species’ alleged unique “centrality” to the interplay between

“matter” and “consciousness” in our Universe is simply NOT FACTUALLY TRUE.

For this reason, the most important unfolding historical event of our lifetime - our growinglyobvious public encounter with an Extra Terrestrial Intelligent Lifeform and its Civilization within our physical universe - by revealing that we, as a species, are NOT located at the “Apex” of the biological evolution of all known sentient life in our physical Universe, and that we, therefore, are

NOT THE species which is uniquely the most “central” species in the drama of the physical

“unfolding” of the phenomenon of “consciousness” within our physical Universe, is now squarely upon us... once and for all.

This upcoming potential revelation is, therefore, now presenting our species with the “clear and present danger” of undermining and altering the most fundamental “premise” of every single one of our historicallydeveloped “Human Worldviews” identified to date which have served our human family as the historical underpinning of all of our known civilizations.

This is, therefore, indeed, a very special moment for our species.

Indeed, as occurred in the case, in Western Civilization, with the birth of Jesus Christ, it is likely that time itself - for the entire future of our human species in our Universe - will be measured in relation to the date of the event of the official contact between our species and Extra Terrestrial


For a most threatening possible “Contender” to the title of “Absolute Universal Superior Sentient


Being” in the Universe has suddenly thrust itself into our human “Reality” within just the past 50 years of the many Millennia of our past-recorded history.

This “Contender” is, of course, the “E.T.” species – whoever, or whatever this is.

What are the full implications of such a dramatic new discovery ?

What is the reason for the emerging, into full fruition, of a new “sixth” human biological faculty, within just the past few human generations (that is, within the very same period of the recent

“acceleration” of “encounters” with Extra-Terrestrial Beings? [4][4]

And how do the implications of these two new human discoveries compare to the implications raised by Galileo’s threatened paradigm-shattering discovery of 1632 - which so dramatically transformed the Human Worldview of our species 400 years ago?

To begin to answer such profound human questions, we must, first, clearly identify the specific sub-categori es of human belief which are integrally “part and parcel” of a single, uniform, integrated Human “Worldview”.

For, only by answering this sub-question can we fully appreciate exactly how thoroughgoing a change in human thinking is going to be required by the upcoming “Paradigm”-shift.



Dr. Ralph Potter, the Chairman of the Department of Social Ethics at Harvard University, concludes that there exist four separate and distinct identifiable subco mponent “human beliefs” that go into making up a thoroughly unique and distinct integrated Human “Worldview”. These are, he argues:

(1) a distinctly unique “Cosmology”;

(2) a distinctly unique “Teleology” (or systematic Theory of the Potential Perfectibility [or “Unfolding

Role” or “Mission”] of our Human Species within our physically unfolding Cosmos);

(3) a distinctly unique “Ontology” (or theory as to how “Consciousness” arose from otherwise presumably non“conscious” matter); and

(4) a distinctly uni que “Epistemology” (or systematic Theory as to exactly what “means” are at the disposal of our Human Species by means of which we are able to gain “access” to The Truth of such Ultimate Questions, or to ultimate reality.) [5][5]

These “Pillar Beliefs”, taken together, will generate a distinctly unique “Mode of Ethical

Reasoning”, (or distinctive method of intellectually processing and comparatively evaluating data and “values” in order to determine what is “right” or “wrong”, “good” or “bad”, “better” or “best”, etc.)

A new discovery by our human family which radically “alters” any one of these four essential subcomponent “elements” of a truly integrated Human Paradigm threatens the bona fides of the entire

Human Paradigm of which such an elemental belief is an integral part.

However, a discovery by our human family which radically alters all four essential underlying subcomponent elemental human beliefs of a truly integrated dominant World Paradigm transforms such a mere “threat” to such Worldview into an absolute death sentence - thereby striking at the very heart and foundation of the entire human civilization which is built upon the four basic presumptions of that specific dominant Human Worldview.


This is exactly what is occurring, before our very eyes, within our lifetimes.

We must, therefore, fully appreciate the “threat” which is posed to our present human civilization on our planet here at the beginning of the 21st Century by the potential ir refutable “discovery” of the existence of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence - especially another highly-technologically -advanced

Intelligent Civilization capable of traveling to our planet from a distant Star System potentially tens of millions of light years away.

This present “threat” looms so large because, as we noted above, our post-Enlightenment

Civilization which has been “grown” by the leaders of our species to replace the pre-1632, pre-

Galileo Worldview of the Middle Ages has chosen to root the “uniqueness” (i.e. the purported supremacy) of our human species in all of our physical Universe squarely in the purported absolute “uniqueness” of our sole possession of the specific faculty of self-conscious “Intellect” among all sentient lifeforms in the Universe.

Thus, the discovery of any “OTHER” species in our Universe which also possesses this allegedly uniquely “human” faculty of self-consciousness, or Intellect, instantaneously destroys the uniqueness of our “place”, or “role”, in the Universe.

This dis covery, therefore, strikes squarely at the root of the Teleological “Pillar” of our present

Human “Worldview”. For, it is perceived that our unique human “role”, or “mission” in the Universe is to play the unique role of the being the ONLY Central Characte r (or Protagonist”) in the “Mystery

Play” of the unfolding of “consciousness” within the material reality of the physical Cosmos.

This “role” is directly threatened by the up-coming discovery of other Intelligent Life in our galaxy.

Moreover, this specifi c pending discovery strikes, as well, at the root of the Epistemological “Pillar” of our present dominant Human “Worldview” – because our “encounters” with these “Extra-

Terrestrial Beings” do not confine themselves to revealing themselves solely through the normal

“epistemological” means which we believe to be presently at our human disposal by means of which we normally experience material reality.

These Beings, instead, appear and disappear seemingly “out of thin air”. They pass through solid objects. th ey travel faster than the speed of light. They even seem to enter and exit our “minds” at will.

We are also proving unsuccessful in applying to these “encounters” our present dominant Human

Paradigm’s “Mode of Ethical Reasoning” in our effort to try to determine whether these Extra

Terrestrial Beings are “good” or “bad” or potentially “helpful” or “harmful” to us. These Beings certainly do not seem to respect our value of “privacy”, our value of “national security” – or even our value of “human decency” (when it comes to potential inter-species breeding and human fetus manipulation.)

Finally, we are also struggling to try to determine what the “Cosmological” implications are of this discovery.

Thus, all four of the fundamental “Pillars” of our present dominant “Human Worldview” are under direct attack by this phenomenon.

Therefore, until all four of these fundamental “Paradigm-determining” questions have been satisfactorily answered about the Beings from this (or these) Extra Terrestrial Civilization(s), the specific human beings who are intermittently charged, by us, with legal and political responsibility for making our human civilization on this planet function effectively and efficiently under our presently-dominant Human Paradigm will - quite predictably – vigorously resist so much as even acknowledging the existence of these Beings (unto the point of actively concealing dispositive information verifying their existence and presence on our planet from “the masses” – whom they assert cannot possibly cope with such a mind-shattering discovery.)


This being so, it will be up to US – the “civilians” of our culture - to discern and articulate satisfactory “answers” to these four critical Worldview-defining questions – without being able to expect any meaningful assistance from our official governmental and cultural “superiors”.

This fact would follow, entirely logically, from all of the assumptions upon the basis of which we have asked them to “govern” us.

In short, it will be up to US, as non-government civili ans, to construct the four “Pillars” of a genuinely “New” fully-integrated “New Human Paradigm” which fully integrates the fact of the existence of an Extra Terrestrial Intelligent Civilization into a “New” Human Worldview BEFORE we can reasonably expect t hose in charge of our planet’s legal, cultural and political institutions to

“let go” of the “old paradigm” upon which our human civilization presently functions – and on the basis of which we have asked them to “govern” us – only after which they can then publicly acknowledge the existence of this new sentient civilization.

For this is what they believe their “Job” is which we have assigned to them.

For this reason, the unexpectedly early conclusion to “The Cold War” (which has caught the leaders of Wester n Civilization “with its Paradigms down”) is the most propitious possible time which will ever exist during our entire lifetimes in which this most important of all possible human tasks can be accomplished ...before the “Champions of The Dialectic”, who root their entire worldview in fear, in personal greed and in commercial avarice and militarism successfully “regroup” and succeed, within our lifetimes, in collectively re-defining some allegedly “new” Paradigm

(which, in fact, does nothing more than re-ra tionalize their same “old” Order – either

“Conservative” or “Liberal”.)

Given these four “elemental” categories of human belief which underlie and define a truly integrated Human Worldview, what, then, are the “specifics” of such a genuinely New “New

Parad igm”, or Human Worldview, which not only accepts, but which actively welcomes and positively “integrates”, the discovery of an additional sentient and highly-technologically-advanced

Civilization of Sentient Beings, within our Galaxy ?

(1) B


Each uniquely discrete historical Human Paradigm possesses its own distinctive “Cosmology”.

By this, we mean that adherents to each genuinely distinct Human Paradigm (or “Worldview”) believe that our material Universe originated in the past, is presently physically maintained pursuant to, and will develop and operate into the future in accordance with a uniquely distinctive set of operative physical principles.

Adherents to the First Paradigm Worldview believe that our physical Universe is a strictly

“material” Universe, made up of a fixed, and finite, number of explicitly non-divisible, i.e. irreducible, “units” of matter.

Whether this ultimately irreducible “unit” of matter turns out to be an “atom”; a “quark”; a “neutrino”; a “meson” or some other, still-smaller “unit”, is not of ultimate concern to such First Paradigm

Worldview adherents.

What matters to adherents to this First Human Worldview is that all “matter” which makes up our strictly “material” universe is progressively dis-integrating from its larger composite “forms” of galaxies, star systems, stars, planets, compounds, mixtures, elements, quarks, neutrinos, mesons etc. down into this ultimately “finite” number of its total constituent sub-component non-divisible

“units” (through the process of “entropy”). AND they believe that our physical Universe is, at the same time, expanding out and away from the “locus” at which it originated.

The adherents to this First Paradigm Worldview, therefore, adhere to a “Cosmology” which

127 postulates that our entire material physical Universe is in the process of expanding – and disintegrating into its constituent sub-component ultimately nondivisible “units”...and that there will, one day, come a point at which every ultimately irreducible integer of matter in our entire physical

Cosmos will stand separate and apart from every other such “unit” of matter (thus existing in a state of “Absolute Energy”). The key element of this First Paradigm Cosmology is that adherents to this Firs t Paradigm believe that, at that specific point in time, the “units” of matter will continue to move out and away from every other such unit, expanding infinitely, out and away from one another, until no“Thing” exists at all, no-thing except “Chaos”.

Thi s is The Paradigm of “Impending Chaos”.

Members of our human species who are adherents to the Second Paradigm Worldview adhere to this same Cosmology – with the exception that adherents to this Second Human Worldview believe that, at the very moment in time at which our entire physical Universe dis-integrates and expands to reach this state of “Absolute Energy”, the impetus of the “Big Bang” (which imparted to each such “unit” of matter its original “outward” and “away from” impetus) will be totally “spent” – thus allowing the degree of physical attraction which every such irreducible “unit” of matter always has for every other such “unit” to cause the totally-expanded and dis-integrated Universe to stand in a state of Absolute Energy for only one brief micro-milli-second...before this attraction among all such “units” of matter causes every single irreducible “unit” of matter in the Universe to start moving back inward, and toward every other such “unit” of matter inn the Universe ...thus initiating the “collapse” of the Universe back in upon itself ...causing the ultimate total re-“integration” of the entire physical Universe back into “mesons”, “quarks”; “neutrinos”; “atoms”; “elements”;

“molecules”; “mixtures”; “compounds”; planets; stars; star systems; galaxies, etc....until every such ultimately irreducible integer of matter has collapsed back in upon each other, ultimately coming into direct physical contact with every other such “unit” of matter in the entire Cosmos, thus constituting a state of “Absolute Mass”.

According to this Theory of Cosmology, at the very next micro-milli-second, every single ultimately irreducible integer of matter within this “Absolute Mass” would then reverse its “polarity” – and would then, suddenly and immediately repel ever y other such “unit” of matter out and away from itself...thus recreating “The Big Bang” and re-initiating the expansion and dis-integration “phase” of The Cosmos.

According to this specific Second Paradigm Worldview, this process of “expansion” and

“contraction” repeats itself over and over again... eternally and un-endingly, repeating the exact same history over and over again, without change.

This is the Paradigm of the Radical “Dialectic”, or the “Infinitely Oscillating Cosmos.”

Adherents to the Third Human Paradigm adhere to a Cosmology which is identical to the

Cosmology of the Second Paradigm Worldview except that they believe that the phenomenon of

MIND (which materially “evolves” up out of the merely purely physical interplay of mass and energy) e nables each Human Being to exert an effect upon the otherwise “mindless” repetition of the purely mathematicallypredictable interaction among the physical “units” of matter in the


This action on the part of individual human beings is, thereby, potentially capable of altering the otherwise entirely predictable, eternally-repetitive mindless expanding and contracting of the physical Universe.


This is the “Existential” Paradigm of Mind.

At the opposite end of the Seven Human Paradigm spectrum, adherents to the Seventh Paradigm

Worldview adhere to a Cosmological Theory which postulates that there has eternally existed an

INFINITE “Sea” of Undifferentiated “CONSCIOUSNESS” – and that this Infinite and Eternal Sea of

Undifferentiated Consciousness somehow “enfolds into being” the original manifestation of material “matter”, which, in turn, then sets up a “perturbation” within this Infinite and Eternal Sea of

128 otherwise Undifferentiated Co nsciousness which “perturbation” then, in turn, generates still further

“perturbations” in this Infinite Sea of Undifferentiated Consciousness more material “matter”...until an initial “Quantum Field” manifests itself into physical, material being, creating, in turn, other such

“quantum fields” of “matter... thus generating the entire physical Cosmos (out of no-“thing”, indeed, out of Pure Consciousness).

Pursuant to this unique Seventh Paradigm “Cosmology”, the entire physical Universe IS

Consciousness, i ndeed, is ONE Consciousness, merely “manifest” in only apparent “separate” forms...including individual Human Beings.

In the same manner in which this “material” manifestation of the Universe “began” as a completely unconditioned and unexplainable gratuitous act of Infinite Consciousness, so, too, will it either end

– or NOT end – through an equally unconditioned and unexplainable gratuitous act of Infinite

Consciousness. This is the unique Cosmology of the Seventh Human Paradigm. This, of course, is the “Theistic” Paradigm expressed by Theistic Mystics.

Adherents to the Sixth Paradigm Worldview adhere to a Cosmology pursuant to which the entire external physical Universe is nothing more than the external manifestation of Consciousness which resides, eternally and infinitely, at the very center of consciousness which abides within you, the present reader of this article.

Pursuant to this Cosmology, there is NO Infinite Sea of Undifferentiated Consciousness “out there” which is in any way whatsoever “other” than YOU. There IS no “there”. There is only a “here” and

“now” within you – which is NOT “you” at all, but merely a “manifestation” of Infinite Being (which is not a “noun” but merely a “verb” [indeed, an eternally non-“transitive” verb]).

This is the “Radical Monist” Worldview expressed through Buddhism in the East and through the

Stoical Philosophers of ancient Greece in the West.

Adherents to the Fifth Paradigm Worldview adhere to a Cosmology pursuant to which they assert that there exists a “Realm of The Forms” which exists somehow non-“contiguous” to our materially-observable physical Universe (as if in some coexistent “parallel” dimension to ours).

Our observable physical Universe, pursuant to this specific Worldview, is a mere “reflection” (or ph ysical “shadow-play) of this “Ideal”, non-material realm.

This is the Idealist Cosmology espoused by Plato.

The Fourth Paradigm - being located squarely in the “center” of the Spectrum of Human

Paradigms - adheres to a “Process Cosmology”- which holds “open” the question of exactly what

Cosmology obtains, insisting, instead, that, for “operational purposes” only, adherents to The

Fourth Paradigm acknowledge the physical Cosmos which we are able to see, measure, discern with our technological instrumentation, reach and/or photograph with our interstellar spacecraft and space-based telescopes and project through mathematics and scientific principles...but they still hold open the possibility that what lies beyond the present reach of our physical senses and our technology may comport with the Cosmologies intuited by adherents to the Cosmological theories to the left of the Fourth Paradigm but might also comport, instead, more accurately with the Cosmologies to the right of the Fourth Paradigm. Thus, it is a Cosmology rooted in materialist scientific-logical-positivism - subject to “open” in the direction of the intuitive, even the spiritual.

However, playing it on what they perceive to be the “safe” side, adherents to the Fourth Paradigm

Cosmology work, practi cally, from a point of view rooted firmly in the “materialist” (first Three

Paradigms’) Cosmological Worldviews, standing open to potential persuasion that the

Cosmologies espoused by the Fifth, Sixth or even the Seventh Human Worldviews might possibly be true. However, they are not willing to bet on it.

Fourth Paradigm Worldview Adherents are, therefore, the “Doubting Thomases” of the Human

Paradigm Spectrum. They are willing to believe...but only after they have been able to “place their

129 hand in the side ” of the Reality espoused by adherents of a Fifth, Sixth or Seventh Paradigm


What, then, might be the “Cosmology” of a genuinely “New” Human Paradigm – an “Eighth

Paradigm”, which accepts, indeed actively welcomes and fully integrates, the now veritably undisputable fact that highly-technologically-advanced intelligent civilizations in addition too our own exist within our galaxy ?

First of all: the fact that Beings from some other Star System – even within our own galaxy – can travel here to our planet utterly destroys one of the absolutely essential premises of our presently dominant Worldview’s Cosmology.

This is the premise that Beings who are made up of “matter” (i.e. mass and energy) and whose vehicles (such as the widelyreported “UFO’s”) which are made of “matter” as well, could not possibly travel to our planet from any vastly distant foreign Star System – because this would violate the absolutely bedrock principle of the “Cosmology” of our presently-dominant Human

Worldview which postulates that matter can not possibly be accelerated to a rate of speed in excess of the speed of light...and the nearest possible Star System from which such Beings might possibly travel to our planet would require a travel time of many thousands of years!

If these Beings ARE “material” and they ARE able to travel faster than the speed of light, then the

“Paradigm” of which they are a part would be grounded in a “Cosmology” in which “time” and

“distance” were NOT in any way “absolute”.

Or - if some method of “folding” space-time has been discovered by such an Extra Terrestrial civilization - then this, too, would fundamentally “alter” fundamental premises of our present


Thus, the “Cosmology” of The “New” Paradigm which will be mandated by the acknowledgment of

Extra Terrestrial Intelligence will have to acknowledge that “matter” can, indeed, be accelerated to speeds greater than the observed speed of light within our Cosmology and/or that “space” and

“time” can be “folded” in some as-yet entirely undiscovered manner.

Thus, within the “New Paradigm”, both time and distance will no longer be strictly “linear” - and travel, both over “distance” and through “time”, will be understood to be able to be accomplished effectively “instantaneously”.

This dest roys two very important former “absolutes” of the “Cosmology” of our present dominant

World Paradigm.

Pursuant to this “New” Worldview, it is possible that there even exist one or more additional

“Universes”, entirely “outside” of (or even exiting in the same physical space as) our “known” physical Universe...but somehow vibrating simply at a different “frequency”, thus making this

“Other”, or “Parallel”, Universe effectively “invisible” to us – but, from this “other” Universe, Beings have somehow learned h ow to transit into and out of “our” Universe at will.

This is a “Cosmology” which is truly radically different from any Cosmology recognized by any of the presently-operative Worldviews.



As discussed above, perhaps the foremost among the four indispensable elemental “Pillars” of our present dominant Human Worldview which is under the most obvious “assault” by the potential discovery of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence is the “Teleological” premise of all of our past and present operative human worldviews which postulate that, somehow, our human species resides at the absolute “center” of whatever cosmologically “unfolding of consciousness” is underway within our physical cosmos, and, therefore, at the “Apex” of all biological evolution within our

130 physical Universe.

This essential “Pillar” of our present dominant Worldview is totally “shattered” by the discovery of a highly-intelligent sentient civilization which is so technologically superior to ours that it has conquered the scientific mysteries of space and/or time travel to the extent that members of their species are capable of traveling through time and space to our planet in transparent defiance of what we still view to be absolute scientific barriers to our inter-stellar travel out into space.

This is daunting indeed.

Indeed, as was discussed above, this aspect of the discovery of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence throws into complete confusion our previous absolutely unique place and role in our physical


From a “teleological” point of view, our “New” Paradigm, therefore, requires that we either identify that special unique human quality or characteristic which we possess (other than mere

“intelligence”) which makes us EQUAL to members of this conspicuously-superior intelligence

(thereby entitling us to equal respect by and participation in whatever form of galactic governance obtains within the Extra Terrestrial civilization of which these Beings are members) – OR that we prepare ourselves to play a self-consciously subservient role to this intellectually and technologically superior species ( a “role” which is totally contrary to all of our human training and history). [7][7]

I believ e that the “New Paradigm” to which we must move, as a species, in preparation for our official encounter with this Extra Terrestrial Civilization requires that we “shift” the placement of our teleological “uniqueness” as a species in our universe from our “Intellect” to our human ability to directly effect material reality through the application of our directed human intention “ethically” informed and guided directly by our unique “intuitional” access to the Infinite Sea of

Undifferentiated Consciousness a s the “source” of “normative” principles.



The “Ontological” Theory of the Seventh Human Paradigm which is presently operative on our planet (but which, however, has been actually adopted and is presently being actually utilized as the operative Ontological Theory on the basis of which real people actually make real daily decisions by less than 1% of our entire human population) is that each seemingly “individuated” experience of human “consciousness” is merely a “droplet” of the overall Unified, Infinite and

Eternal Sea of Undifferentiated Consciousness which has been “incarnated” into an again only seemingly “material” body. This Ontological Theory is most commonly articulated in the aphorism,

“We are NOT material beings having a ‘spiritual’ experience. We are, instead, spiritual Beings having a ‘material’ experience.”

The origin of human “consciousness”, pursuant to our present Seventh Paradigm Ontological

Theory, is, therefore, this: that eac h only “apparently” separate and distinct “noun” of individuated individual human consciousness is, in fact, nothing more than the on-going action of a verb

(indeed, an eternally non“transitive” verb, the only “action” of which is engaging in the act of

“being”) which “verbal being” always has been – and will always continue to be. Thus, pursuant to this Worldview, the “Ontological” Question of the “origin” of Consciousness is misplaced, since there is no “origin” of this Consciousness...and, since your “consciousness” is not a “separate” consciousness from this one, single Universal Consciousness, “it”, too, had no “origin”. This query is akin to asking at what point a circle “begins”

This Infinite and Eternal “being” has no “origin”.

To attribute to this verbal phenomenon of “being” the noun-like quality of a “beginning” is, pursuant to this Ontological Theory, to commit the ultimate error, indeed, the ultimate “heresy” – which threatens the party committing this particular error to “perdition” (or the eternal “loss” of the

131 essential reward of right knowing).

Each of the other seven human paradigms possesses its own unique “Ontological” Theory.


One might assume that it is impossible to ascertain any Ontological Theory which is more allencompassing than the Ontological Theory of The Seventh Paradigm. However, this new “Eighth

Paradigm” raises a distinct possibility that we, as “conscious” beings, may be the created “product” of an ingenious genetic engineering project having been (indeed, even still being) undertaken by this seemingly almost infinitely more “intelligent” and more technologically-advanced Extra

Terrestrial Species. [9][9] This thought had occurred to us, previously, only in purely “Theological” terms prior to our “encounter” with this new species of material Beings. It is, of course, also equally possible that both we and our newly-discovered Extra Terrestrial neighboring species are the coendproducts of some even more “esoteric” process of creation than that which has been imagined by adherents to The Seventh Human Paradigm.

It is even possible that we and our newly-discovered Extra Terrestrial neighbors are the same

“species” [10][10] , simply “separated” from one another by some, as-yet, entirely undiscovered event in “our” distant past – or even possibly in our distant future.


What, then, IS “The Ontological Theory” of this New “Eighth Paradigm” ?

I must say simply that I truly do not have any idea...yet.

This is one of the most important possible areas into which we must direct our human inquiries over the next decade.



The encounters, to date, which members of our species have had with members of the Extra

Terrestrial Species have exposed the limited number of the members of our species who have directly encountered them to experiences which not only challenge the Epistemology of our presently dominant Human Worldview, but totally alter this Epistemology. For, it is entirely clear that something is going on in the presence of thes e Beings which is part of a “Reality” which lies utterly outside of the present means which we have at our human disposal by means of which to

“access” this Reality.

These Beings (and what we believe to be the vehicles in which they come and go to and from our planet) “appear” and “disappear” in ways that totally defy our ability to “track” them to and from their place of origin.

What we believe to be the vehicles in which these Beings come and go from our planet maneuver in directions, and at a rate of spe ed, which function on a plane, or in some “dimension”, which lies totally beyond our present human means of apprehension or comprehension.

And the means by which these Beings engage in apparently “telepathic” communication, both with us and between and among themselves, constitutes an epistemological phenomenon which extends our present level of understanding about “extra-sensory perception” considerably beyond the boundaries of the Epistemology of our present dominant human Paradigm.

In short, the epistemological phenomena displayed by these Beings demonstrate that there exists a means by which sentient Beings can directly “access” realms of “Reality” (such as the direct personal internal states of an other Being’s personal “consciousness”) which lie totally outside our presently dominant Human Paradigms.

From our answer to the “Teleological” Question presented above, it would follow that the answer to the “Epistemological” Question” of the New Paradigm will be that we, as a species, must direct our

132 attenti on to the further development of what we presently understand to be our “spiritual” faculty – but which is, almost certainly, a biological faculty which has been evolving within us over the recent-past 10,000 years.


If we accept the full logical implications of the data which effectively shatters all three other elemental “Pillars” of our presently-dominant Human Paradigm, then we must, logically, be prepared to amend the fourth primary “Pillar” of our present Human Paradigm: our present dominant Mode of Ethical Reasoning.

Whichever of the presently-operative seven human paradigms one endorses or adopts as the proper container of the referent one uses to determine “Right” and “Wrong”, “good” or “bad”,

“better” or “best”, it is clear that the Extra Terrestrial Beings whom we have been encountering over the past 55 years (or, more accurately, who have been “encountering” us over the past 55 years) are operating on the basis of a Mode of Ethical Reasoning which is entirely different than any of ours.

Indeed, IF what appears to be going on IS, in fact, going on, then WE must prepare ourselves to adopt an entirely new Mode of Ethical Reasoning.

Pursuant to the operative principles of the Mode of Ethical Reasoning which would be generated by the data making up this “New Paradigm”, we, as a species, “ought” no longer to attempt to discern and select (from among potential alternative choices for our individual or collective human conduct): (1) that choice which most directly and immediately serves only the immediate and obvious short-term best personal individual interests of each one of us; (2) that choice which most directly and immediately serves the immediate and obvious short-term best interests only of the

Family to which we, as an individual, belongs; (3) that choice which most directly and immediately serves the immediate and obvious shortterm best interests of only the specific “Extended Family, or Tribe”, to which our Family belongs; (4) that choice which most directly and immediately serves the immediate and obvious short-term best interests only of the State or Nation to which our Tribe belongs; (5) that choice which most directly and immediately serves the immediate and obvious short-term best interests of the specific Continent on which our State or Nation is located; (6) that choice which most directly and immediately serves the immediate and obvious short-term best [12][12] interests of the Trans-Continental Racial Alliance of which our Continent is a member; or, now, even (7) that choice which most directly and immediately serves the immediate and obvious short-term best interests even only of our planet.

For, if the data are cor rect which are presently “coming into us” from our encounters with this Extra

Terrestrial Intelligence, then the time has arrived for us to make a crucial choice which directly serves the immediate and most obvious both short and long term best interests of our human species as a whole – whether confined to this planet or not.


This is the Mode of Ethical Reasoning which, I believe, must be generic to this “New” Paradigm.

What, then, in su m, does this new “Eighth Paradigm” Worldview suggest that we do in light of what we are experiencing at this moment in human history ?

First: I would advocate that we “flesh out” this new “Eighth Paradigm”, identifying all of the other major sub-component “belief systems” which are, in my opinion, also “part and parcel” of a whollyintegrated “Worldview”, or Human Paradigm.

I believe that these include at least four additional categories of essential human belief in addition to the four identified by Dr. Ralph Potter and other traditional professional Social Ethicists identified and discussed above. These four additional essential categories of human belief are: (4) one’s

Ontological Theory (or Theory as to the origin and nature of human “consciousness”); (5) one’s

Psychological Theory which derives from this Ontological Theory ; (6) one’s “Philosophy” (or the entire tapestry of understanding into which one “weaves” all seven of the other sub-component

133 parts of one’s overall human belief system; (7) the “Spiritual Manifestation” of one’s Worldview; and (8) one’s Political Theory and the specific Social Order into which this translates.

I believe that the four additional essential belief systems which would flow from the aboveidentified principles of the “New Paradigm” or “Eighth Paradigm” are the following:



We are obviously looking toward the discovery of a potential “School” of Psychology which eclipses the seven schools of psychology which have been generated by our seven present

Human Worldviews.


This might be an entirely “Genetic” School of Psychology, a “School” of psychology which postulates that we, as a species, are genetically “programmed” by the intentional insertion into our physical genetic “coding”, by biological scientists of this Extra Terrestrial Civilization, of specific

“chip”-like “genes” which “signal” us to unconsciously have certain thoughts and to carry out some s pecific set of tasks which are of ultimate “usefulness” to the galactic civilization of which we are a part - indeed, of which we may be mere “servants” (in either the good sense of this term OR in the

“bad” sense)...like the “Replicants” produced for “off-world” assignments in Philip Dick’s futurefiction novel “ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” (the more well-known motion picture version of which was entitled “Bladerunner”). This is the same issue that was being addressed in the motion picture THE MATRIX .

At the other end of the spectrum of possibilities, the generic School of Human Psychology which might be generated by this new Eighth Paradigm might require us to “adjust” to some as-yet entirely inconceivable “reality” which is analogous to the Seventh Paradigm realm of Infinite

Consciousness “enfolding” us into being “squared” in its complexity which we can not possibly grasp in our present state of consciousness.

This, of course, opens onto the potential “Theological” Pillar of the New Paradigm.



What might be the ultimate “theological”, or “spiritual” manifestation of our full realization that there exists one – or even hundreds of millions – of other sentient, highly-intelligent, highlytechnologically-advanced civilizations right here within our own galaxy of 500 billion Star Systems

– and literally billions of other such civilizations in the vast reaches of the 500 billion trillion other galaxies which surround us within our Universe ?

Some theologians (rather too casually, I believe) assert that such a discovery should have no great impact on altering our basic “theological” outlook upon our “being” at all. Others (equally too casually, I believe), assert that the discovery of even one such additional other highly-intelligent species of sentient life in our Universe will utterly “shatter” our theological outlook upon our


I believe that the development of this “theological” Pillar of our new, post-“Discovery” Paradigm constitutes one of the most important challenges of human endeavor facing our Generation (and the Generation of our children) in the 21st Century. This I believe to be true because – like a complete “Psychology” or a complete “Philosophy” – a complete “Theology” provides a “ground”, or foundation, upon which each individual thereinafter

“builds” his or her “Reality” from which all of his or her other conduct, thereinafter, springs.

Based upon the “evolution” of our human “theologies” over the span of the several millennia of our recorded history, it is my considered judgment that there is a full 25% chance that our human family will attribute “God”-like qualities to the members of the much more highly-intelligent and

134 much more highly-technologically-developed species which we are just beginning to consciously encounter within this century. Such a development (if it develops into the truly “dominant” theological interpretation of our “encounter” experience) would, eventually, generate, I believe, a

“spiritual manifestation” within our new civilization very similar to that which obtained during the

Golden Age of The Roman Empire.

At that time, the “gods” were revered by the citizens of Rome, but they possessed very “humanlike” attributes: alternatively loving and fighting; drinking and throwing temper tantrums or conducting themselves driven alternatively by jealousy, lust or sympathy for us, their “children”.

Given my presumption that members of the Extra Terrestrial Species whom we are presently encountering are almost certainly less than totally perfect (even if they are so vastly superior to our species, intellectually, technologically – and, perhaps, even spiritually, that a significant percentage of our human family will attribute “god”-like qualities to them), it is my assumption that members of this new species, like all imperfect Beings, will, eventually, strive to take some form of improper personal advantage of the “worshipful” response which they might receive from our species and will, therefore, at some time in the future time, conduct themselves in such a way that our human family will, eventually, begin to place this species in a less “elevated” position – thereby eventually generating a condition very similar to that which obtained in the late Roman Empire – when the “gods” were “revered” but, at the same time, were seen to be very much “flawed”, and, thus, they grew to be more and more ignored by the people...as “gods”.

There is also, in my considered judgment, a distinct possibility – at the other end of the spectrum of “theological” possibilities - that this species IS in fact, OUR “GOD” and that all of our historical human “Theological” ruminations have, in fact, been mere fictionalizing and fantasizing rooted in this disquieting fact.

While I do not personally believe this to be true, this thesis has been expressly adopted by researchers in this entirely new field of human thought ranging from Erich Von Daniken, to

Zecharia Sitchin to William Bramley. And it might, just possibly, be true.

I personally believe, however, that the higher probability is that something like the present Seventh

Paradigm theological view of our Universe is true ... with the “amendment” that the particularized

“enfoldment” into material manifestation of Infinite Consciousness which took place to “create” our physical Universe has generated conscious, sentient life forms on literally trillions of planets within trillions of galaxies throughout our Universe.

I also assume that many of these sentient species have gone through – and are still presently going through - a “theological process” which is very similar, if not indeed identical, to the very process which our species has been, and is presently, going through - during which our awareness of exactly what the biological/spiritual experience is that we are undergoing will gradually unfold within us.

So, I, therefore, assume that we will eventually meet species that are at various “levels” of what we would call “spiritual consciousness”, or spiritual evolution, as we proceed out into our galaxy...and, then, out of our galaxy into our Universe.

This strikes me as a Supreme Adventure.

The specific “level” of spiritual consciousness that has been achieved by the specific species (or species) whom we are presently encountering is a “fact question” (or, at least, a specific “judgment call”) which will have to be determined based upon the “data” which we are able to accumulate concerning this species, or these species, over the coming decades.

This, indeed, was the topic of a three-hour, closed-door Seminar which I was privileged to attend with the top 50 scientists of SETI (the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Project) at the Jet

Propulsion Laboratory in California back in 1977.


There is also, however, the possibility that the “theological” position which has been taken by The

Mormon Church, by The Church of Scientology, and, to a somewhat modified degree, by Dr. J. J.

Hurtak and by others is true.

This is a variation on Theological Option #2 above which asserted that this Extra Terrestrial

Species may be OUR “GOD”.

Pursuant to the Theological Position of The Church of The Latter Day Saints and The Church of

Scientology, our “god” ideas are mere human discernments of the actual activities which are going on in the relationship between us and these Extra Terrestrial Beings. Our Earth is, therefore, a

“battlefield” where there is being “fought out” a gargantuan “struggle” between “The Powers of

Darkness” and “The Principalities of Light” – which are, in fact, simply two competing Extra

Ter restrial sentient species (the former being “Beings of Light” and the latter being a “Reptilian” species.) This, of course, would be a graphic material-plane manifestation of the purported

“Struggle Between The Powers & Principalities” of which The Bible (The Book of Mormon and the

Scientology Publications by L. Ron Hubbard) all speak – which most members of our species believe simply to be a “myth” or a mere allegorical tale.

This Theological Thesis asserts, in the “concrete”, that this “Struggle” is real and that it is going on

– “out” in outer space - between two warring planetary Extra Terrestrial cultures consisting of two entirely different material Extra Terrestrial species...and that this struggle is for the loyalty of our species (to one or the other of these galactic Opponents).

On the “Theological” plane, what we see going on, pursuant to this theological interpretation – as we begin to consciously acknowledge the “reality” of the existence of this other intelligent Extra

Terrestrial Species – is an attempt to “incorporate” their “reality” into our presently-existent

“theology”...by interpreting these Beings, “out there”, as our “God”, or a material explanation of all of our “god”-related ideas.

Conversely, adherents to these theological theories m ight be merely “projecting upon” these

Beings several of our prior and existent “theological” ideas...such as “Armageddon”, “The Garden of Eden”; Christ (as “Alien”) etc.. This would cause our people to “project onto” these species qualities of “good” and “evil” which we have historically developed relating to “Angels” and “Satan”.

This is dangerous “theologizing” indeed, generating a potentially disastrous Armageddon Fixation.

My own personal belief is somewhat similar to that of Dr. J.J. Hurtak’s (if I understand Dr. Hurtak’s work correctly as it is set forth in his The Keys of Enoch and his Pista Sophia). This is: I believe that there exist entirely “material”, mass-based Extra Terrestrial Beings, from different planets within different Star Systems within our own galaxy – (who may, or may not, be “competing” with each other over the ultimate “loyalty” to one or the other of their two competing civilizations of our species “down here” on our planet); there exist certain non-“mass” Beings within our galaxy made up entirely of “energy” (or “light”), which is still, of course, “material” – but whom we would perceive as being “Beings of Light” (who may even exist is a different “dimension”, or vibrational frequency, than we do). And I believe that there exist, separately and distinctly from these two categories of

“material” Beings, purely “spiritual” Beings who exist in some entirely non-“material” realm or dimension which is not included in the “material” realm.


Therefore, I believe that there exists entirely sufficient “grist” for the “mill” of our future human

“theological” ruminations, thus assuring that some, entirely new and distinct Theological Belief is going to be developed by our hum an family to “integrate” and to “context” the existence of this (or these) Extra Terrestrial Beings into a New Human Paradigm...while still not totally eliminating the separate and distinct category of the “spiritual” world - which is the realm of “Theology”.



We, as a species, are just beginning to discern the vague contours of the specific sub-component elemental “belief systems” which might go into making up “The New Eighth Paradigm” which will

136 arise within our human civilization as we fully and consciously embrace the presence, within our

Universe – and within our galaxy - of another fully intelligent, highly-technologically-advanced...and even “spiritually” mature ...other sentient civilization.

I hope that, with the “discovery” of this other intelligent and highly-technologically-developed civilization within our galaxy (which appears to be developed vastly in advance of ours) will NOT cause our civilization – or our species – to go the way of other cultures (such as those of the

Native North American Indigenous Culture, the cultures of the remote Amazonian Rain Forests, or the cultures of only recently-discovered primitive tribal cultures discovered on tiny remote islands in the South Pacific Ocean) when they were “encountered” by the vastly more highly-developed, technological and intellectual cultures of our Western Civilization.

For any Extra Terrestrial Civilization which is capable of traveling to us from the distant stars may exceed the development of our civilization on our planet by many millions of years. And those cultures identified above – and those peoples – were totally decimated, dispersed and destroyed by their encounter with our Western Civilization which was only mere hundreds of years more advanced than theirs.

On the other hand, those of us who are cognizant of the almost unimaginable advances that might be offered to us by such an inter-stellar civilization, also hope that our human civilization will not respond to officially-confirmed contact with this civilization with a undue bellicose and potentially self-destructive show of attempted military force or hostility.

This is my major present concern.

Some “Third Option” must surely be open to us...a path into this other civilization.

It is the task of those among us who recognize the extraordinary positive potential of this momentous moment in our human history, but who are also aware of its potential dangers, to set about doing the difficult and disciplined work that will be necessary to discern and identify the ways in w hich our present dominant human “Worldview” will have to be “modified” to accommodate this

“new reality” without shattering us and leaving us, therefore, defenseless and unduly subservient to this new Extra Terrestrial Species – or, on the other hand, instigating us, through fear, to conduct ourselves in an unduly bellicose and hostile manner to their approach to us.

This task will require long and difficult work. But this task can, and will, be accomplished – if we focus clearly on: (1) identifying exactly what the component elemental beliefs are which go into making up a fullyintegrated Human “Worldview”; (2) identifying the dominant Human Worldview(s) which are presently operative within our human culture at the present time (which will have to be

“supplemented” or “modified” in order to integrate the “reality” of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence into them; and (3) objectively constructing new beliefs pertaining to each of the component “elements” which are essential to the construction of a new, fully-integrated Human Worldview.

This must be accomplished within the lifetimes of those of us who were born in the 20th Century and are presently reading this essay - in order to prepare our human family for what is coming to us in the 21st Century. If we perform our task well, our human species will survive and we will successfully take our place, as equals, among the numerous civilizations which populate the stars.

If we do not, we shall surely perish – through either our complete subservience to and dissolution into a much more vast and sophisticated civilization than ours which has been created, over millions of years, by a species, or by numerous species, of Beings so far beyond our human comprehension and appreciation that we prove to be totally incapable of offering to this civilization that quality of being which makes us, as a species, uniquely “worthy” to participate in that larger civilization as equals...or through a vain and senseless effort to engage this highly- advanced civilization in war, through the construction, deployment and utilization of some new generation of what we view to be “sophisticated” human weaponry - perhaps “back-engineered” from devises seized or recovered from members of the early expeditionary forces of this Extra Terrestrial

137 civilization to our world whom we have encountered over the past 50 years.

As former General Counsel of The United States Jesuit Headquarters’ National Office of Social

Ministry in Washington, D.C. and a Candidate for the Catholic Priesthood in the Jesuit Order, I share Jesuit Priest Teilhard de Chardin’s optimism about the evolutionary potential of our human species. I do not wish to see our species “swallowed up” in the vastness of space or dissolved into a larger and ultimately “alien” species or civilization. Nor do I wish to see us destroy ourselves through the wrongheaded attempted application of “advanced” human technology (nuclear, “zeropoint”, cold-fusion or other) in a vain effort to isolate ourselves from this species and from this larger civilization.

As a believer in the ultimately spiritual “mission” of our human species “incarnated” within our physical Universe, I wish to see (and to participate in) our human family’s “earning” of our rightful and unique “place” among the pantheon of sentient species in our Universe who have, like us, been “incarnated” in our Universe.

To this end, I dedicate myself – and my remaining years within this “incarnation”- to the task identified in this essay.

I hope that you will join with me in this endeavor – and with my brothers and sisters, here on our planet and out among the stars – who join with us in this noble task.

May God (whatever you might believe this phenomenon to be) bless us all in our going forward to achieve this important mission.

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[1][1] during which short “window” of time the people of the world might stand open to the

“leadership” of the nation states of Western Civilization in identifying the Principles, Policies and

Programs of a “New Paradigm” (or a “New Organizing Principle”) pursuant to which a new global civilization and a set of new global institutions might be organized and “powered” after the conclusion of The Cold War to replace the by-then 75year old “Western” organizing principle of

“Anti-Communism” and the “Eastern” organizing principle of “Anti-Capitalism” as our planet’s two

20th Century dominant global organizing principles

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[2][2] Meaning the Viet Nam War, in 1968.

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[3][3] The explication of all of these Seven Human Paradigms will, hopefully, be the subject of the work of The Cambridge Center for Psyc hology and Social Change at Harvard Medical School’s teaching hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts between the Year 2003 and 2004 during which time The Center may explore the relationship among the potential on-going physical evolution of a new “Sixth” biological human faculty, human intuition and the principles and characteristics of

Quantum Physics as the defining criteria of the classical Sixth Human Paradigm.

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[4][4] This is one of the questions which will, hopefully, be the subject of the work of The

Cambridge Center for Psychology and Social Change over the next two years.

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[5][5] i.e., these “means” have been argued to be: only our five human senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell; the technological means of the “amplification” of our five human senses, such as telescopes, microscopes, radiotelescopes, etc.; our human “mind”, or “intellect”; our human “intuition”; and our human “spiritual” faculty


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[6][6] Adherents to this Third Paradigm Worldview do not, however, believe that our Human

Species has at our disposal any form of experiential access to any “referent” in harmony with which any given individual might determine the “direction” in which to direct or guide his or her physical effect upon the ot herwise “mindless”, physically predetermined, expanding and contracting interplay among these irreducible integers of matter. (This, of course, is an

“Epistemological” Question.

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[7][7] There is, of course, a “Third Option”. We could undertake a military effort to repel this new species from coming to our planet and seek to isolate ourselves, and our planet, from this Extra

Terrestrial Civilization, thus attempting to “artificially” maintain our ultimate planetary superiority through artificial means. This possibility will be addressed below.

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[8][8] For example: adherents of The First Paradigm Worldview believe that the phenomenon of human “consciousness” is simply a random phenomenon generated by the random interaction of the finite number of ultimately nondivisible “units” of matter which make up the dis-integrating and expanding Universe. Adherents of The Second Paradigm Worldview believe that the phenomenon of human “consciousness” (i.e. our individuated consciousness of our “selves” as separate and distinct from all of the rest of the Universe) is simply an illusory manifestation of the “dialectic” (or the Tao) which underlies the all-determining physical reality of the physical oscillation of our universe between the stage of Ultimate Mass and Ultimate Energy. Etc. on through the seven

Human Paradigms.

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[9][9] Indeed, this is the express Thesis of certain scholars in this new field of the study of this

Extra Terrestrial Species. See, e.g. Zecharia Sitchen’s Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, New York,

1990 and William Bramley’s The Gods of Eden, Avon Books, New York, 1990.

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[9][10] After all, they certainly do look an awfully lot like us: two arms; two legs; a trunk; a head; two eyes; two feet; two hands with digital fingers, etc.

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[11][11] This theory poses the possibility that our Extra Terrestrial “visitors” are, indeed, “US”, coming back in “time” to try to warn “us” to avoid engaging in certain specific potentially dangerous activities which might result in “our” becoming “them” (such as: genetic engineering; nuclear weapons research; zero-point energy research; time travel...or even extra terrestrial space exploration and/or settlement itself.

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[13][13] While this choi ce might strike one as “pulling up short” of the “Ideal Paradigm” of measuring, or “valuing”, our potential human conduct according to the standard of inter-planetary,

“galactic brotherhood” (or “inter-galactic sentient Being-hood”), the logic of our historical human progression to date argues strongly on behalf of our making this strictly tactical decision at this time – rather than “over reaching” and failing entirely to bring our human family to its next logical step of ethical evolution. This prescriptive principle is consistent with he concept proposed by

Donald Beck and Christopher Cowen in their 1996 work entitled Spiral Dynamics, Blackwell

Publications, Malden, Mass.

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[12][14] These are: The Lorenzian (Instinctual) School of Psychology; the Skinnerian (Behavioral)

School of Psychology; the Existential School of Psychology; the Gestalt School of Psychology; the

Freudian School of Psychology; the Jungian School of Psychology and The Theological School of


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[15][15] In this regard, I believe that Plato was correct – and that Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas were not.

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[ Text from the files of Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos

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by Donald M. Ware Jan. 25, 1994




In 1952, at age 16, I developed a strong curiosity about flying saucers after observing seven of them over Washington, D.C.

They were in the restricted area over the White House. I later attended Duke University, and the greatest lesson I learned was how to think. I read all I could find about UFOs throughout my 26 years as an Air Force officer, and I came to know six people in the service who had seen alien vehicles up close. In 1970 I earned a

Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering with the idea in the back of my mind that it would help me to understand the advanced science of our visitors. After exploring much of the world, I retired at age 47 and became a UFO investigator. With more time to use as I chose, I soon realized that man's greatest invention is the book, any non-fiction book. Books allow us to condense the knowledge gained during a lifetime and then to pass it on to seekers of that knowledge.

In 1989, after studying and learning more about the non-physical aspects of the universe, I was used by a higher intelligence to send a message to the generals at Eglin Air Force

Base. I had worked there for three years as a test manager. I did not understand what the message was about, because it was slightly garbled by the channel through which it came. However, I chose to act upon it. The message was apparently of considerable significance to those for whom it was sent. I now see that that choice of mine was the passing of a test that allowed me to have further participation in the transformation process. I then received 15 messages through seven different sources that appear to have come from a higher intelligence, each using one of three telepathic processes. I started to pay attention. One of the messages said, "...Individuals such as Donald Ware have a mission whether they have yet fully recognized it. They are to show that science and spirituality are two sides of one coin and cannot be separated..." This is quite a challenge, but I chose to accept it.

I think that many people, some in important positions, have been given similar challenges.

General Assessment


I see a connection among the various "UFO" stories that have survived through the millennia, stories often recorded in religious writings. Some involve transformational issues. I accept the idea that intelligent life is abundant throughout the universe, in both incarnate and discarnate forms. We continue to live after shedding these physical bodies. Our true being is the spirit within us, rather than our bodies. For example, we do not become less of a human being if we lose an arm or a leg. Evidence from thousands of

"UFO" cases and related phenomena indicates that the normal means of communication by higher intelligence is telepathic, whether that intelligence is an alien in physical form or an unseen spiritual teacher. The direct projection of thought allows communication between beings with different physical form.

A higher intelligence that chooses to read our thoughts can do so. Communication with higher intelligence now involves many people around the world. Millions of Americans are participating in a hybridization program with short beings from Zeta Reticula. The resulting hybrid has a larger brain and greater telepathic ability.

The new body is being developed to house our souls as many of us

Earthlings join a galactic society. This same body will house some

Zeta Reticulan souls. This is a joint human/Zeta program. I think that communication with some world leaders long ago led to alien liaison.

I think that galactic societies have a "prime directive" that limits interference with lesser-evolved species such as we. This concept is fed to us repeatedly on the Fox network through the Star

Trek series. The main reason alien liaison is increasing now is because our planet is being transformed to support a new world order. This process involves the evolution of the soul. The new order is destined to support a learning process that is one step beyond the human experience of free-will choices. It is the experience of learning to develop unconditional love of others.

I think this outcome is unlikely unless the selfish or negative souls stop re-incarnating here. I hope, for the sake of our stressed environment, that we will get this kind of divine assistance. If this happens, then the new world order can become what Jesus described as heaven on Earth.

Many of the above ideas have inspired secret societies. For centuries the secrecy has been required for self-protection. I think the Bilderburgers, the Tri-lateral Commission, and the

Council on Foreign Relations in America is influenced by alien liaison. I think some of their members have accepted a challenge

143 to help bring about a new world order just as I accepted a personal challenge in 1989 to help bridge the gap between science and spirituality. I think many members of these groups recognize that having a government that can speak for all of the people of the world is a prerequisite to joining a galactic society. However, because of strong nationalistic feelings, there is strong resistance to establishing a world government. This resistance is driven primarily by greed, hate or fear. I think these are feelings that we can overcome, given some divine assistance. Fortunately,

I see progress being made. We now have only one super-power in military might. Economies are coalescing into three major economic blocks, and advanced communication and transportation systems are allowing a great inter-mingling of societies.

I think the US government did recover an alien vehicle in

1947. I think the aliens flew around in the restricted area over the White House in 1952 because they wanted to make us aware of their presence. I think President Eisenhower did have a meeting with aliens after being given a demonstration of their technology at Edwards AFB in 1954. Most people did not accept this story, because the widest exposure was in the National Enquirer. (I wonder who put it there.) MJ-12 must have existed in the 1950s much as described in Admiral Hillencoetter's briefing document [1]. I think

MJ-12 continues to exist in some form.

In 1953 the Robertson panel found, in essence, that it is in the national interest to keep the public from getting too excited about our alien visitors. While some people insert disinformation into major "UFO" cases, others are covertly raising our awareness of a larger reality through a variety of means. The disinformation provides a control lever for our covert agents to influence public reaction to major "UFO" events and to covertly released documents.

And the educational programs are carefully designed to mold our thinking about our visitors without forcing us to accept any ideas, without violating the prime directive of the aliens with whom some people had liaison.

The Friendly Spook Letter

In February 1989 Wendelle Stevens, well-known UFO investigator and publisher received a letter from someone he has chosen to call a "friendly spook," a government intelligence agent [2]. The letter concerned the US government's investigation of the Billy Meier case in Switzerland that Stevens had investigated. It also had much to say about the development of government policy on “UFOs".


144 are a few paragraphs from that letter:

"...In 1945, when it was first proven that UFOs were real, from space, operated by intelligent beings, most of whom were in human form, the American Government did a soft touch check to see what the great unwashed public would say, and how the public would respond to UFOs, and space people, if the President informed the public over national radio.

"...The public's response was all bad. Ninty-seven percent of the public took one of two approaches. Shoot first and ask questions later. Or call the UFOs agents of the devil, the prince of the power of the air, the anti-Christ, and set up an even worse situation, where UFOs would become a real negative religious issue.

What was surprising was the response of the religious leadership, which was by far worse than the general public's response. It could only be called grim news.

"The science community showed no leadership at all, just a super case of stupidity, and prejudice.

"As you might guess, the original investigations were by military men, under orders from General Marshall, under the direction of the President. And if you know your military men, finding one who wants to get into a fight with the preachers, over what is or is not the anti-Christ, when neither the military man nor the preacher knows a hell of a lot of factual information, about either the anti-Christ or the UFOs, would be like sending a blind person out to spot UFOs...

"...To say that the military community successfully avoided a fight with the religious community over UFOs would be an accurate observation. To say that the military was real damned sneaky about how they informed the public about UFOs would also be an accurate observation.

"...The military mind drew one conclusion. The single most important thing to do, in the situation it was in, namely sitting on some hot, highly controversial information, was to keep the general public from getting a bad response by controlling the public’s response to UFOs. In other words, keep the damned religious mentality out of the issues involved, as long as possible.

"But, do not ever say that the military never did anything about informing the public about the existence of UFOs. That will

145 mean you have not figured out the methods used by the government to spread the word about UFOs. You might say the military took the

Bible's advice about not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

"The military pulled the very same trick Moses pulled, when he did not like the attitude of his troops after crossing the Red

Sea. He took the time to grow a new batch of troops, whose response and thinking was more to his liking. And that is what the military did about UFOs..."

I think the concept of educating a new generation has merit, and is supported by history. Consider how alien vehicles and aliens have become a part of our society with minimal adverse impact.

Cartoons have included them for decades, and now Ghostwriter is influencing the young, and some older folks too. Advertisements of all sorts show alien interaction with us. Even our most commonly reported aliens have beer parties with Miller Lite. I was told that

Bob Oeschler knows an individual, apparently in some government service, who visits CEOs around the country to encourage such advertisements. And Jamie Shandera said he was told that government agents influenced the making of "The Day the Earth Stood Still",

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and "ET" to help shape public perceptions.

Educating Leaders of the DOD

While taking the time to change the thinking of the public about our alien visitors, those few people who were managing the educational program apparently found it necessary to change the thinking at the top levels of the Department of Defense through covert means. The following story describes one event in that program.

In 1988 a friend brought a recently retired lawyer from New

York to my home so he could tell me about his personal UFO experience in 1959. After listening to his story, I asked him if he had had any other encounters. He said no, but his neighbor, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, told him about an intriguing experience. His neighbor said he flew large aircraft (I don't recall if it was C-135s or C-140s) out of Peterson AFB, Colorado in 1968 when he got a strange mission. He flew a large group of high-ranking generals and civilians from the Pentagon to a

TACAN/DME position over the southwest desert and was told to listen on a certain radio frequency. When he got there three alien

146 vehicles appeared, and everyone on the plane was able to see them.

Then over the assigned channel came this message, "There are many concepts of God in the universe." The alien vehicles departed, and the Air Force plane returned to base.

Now consider this mission carefully. If it really happened, and I have no reason to believe it did not, someone at a very high level in our government either coordinated that mission with the aliens or accepted the coordination of a known non-government individual. And why did this happen? I can only presume that someone wanted the top levels of our Department of Defense to associate UFOs with that message. I find this believable, considering all the other data I have collected. This event also made me wonder if the Pentagon Working Group that Howard Blum wrote about in Out There was another covert educational program for lower-ranking officers [3].

Educating the Troops

In the August 1992 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal, Bob Gribble described an event that occurred on Tulagi Island in the South

Pacific in August 1942. According to Stephen J. Brickner of the

First Marine Division, a flight of 150 disk-shaped vehicles flew over the troops who were expecting Japanese bombers. They were in straight majestic lines of 10 to 12 craft each, one behind the other. The gleaming objects seemed to "wobble slightly, and every time they wobbled, they would shimmer brightly from the sun." The formation disappeared swiftly, leaving the excited witnesses open mouthed. Was this a demonstration by some alien folks to raise the awareness of the soldiers?

I vaguely recall several stories from the mid-fifties where airmen on various Air Force bases reported to the base theater for

"Commander's Call" and were shown about 30 minutes of slides and film clips of alien vehicles. When the show was over, an officer came on stage and said, "Don't talk about it! Dismissed."

I also know a prominent, well-educated civilian named George

Gaines who had a UFO sighting in 1955. He was 12 years old, and he reported it in a letter to the "UFO Office, Eglin AFB." A few days later, at 0900 on Saturday, he got a call and was asked if he reported the sighting. When he said yes, he was told to stay right there, rather than go to swim practice at the YMCA as he had planned. Five minutes later a new white Cadillac arrived with a

147 colonel and a captain in uniform. They spent hours questioning him and showing him UFO film clips and albums full of UFO photos. His parents were asked to stay in the next room. There was one album they did not show him before they started to leave. He asked what was in it, and they asked if he had seen any aliens. He said no and was told they only show that to people who report seeing aliens.

He insisted on seeing it, and they complied. George said it was full of alien photos. Some were dead, and some appeared alive.

I have also heard reports of highly skilled people, such as

SR-71 pilots, being taken to a set of bleachers in a desert by a bus with blacked-out windows. A squarish object without wings rose up to the desert floor on an elevator and was entered by a human-looking pilot. It ascended silently and "flew" away. Again, they were told not to talk about it. I wonder how many other people are now willing to talk about similar experiences.

More recently, the MidOhio Research Associates found at least two sources that talk about a "UFO" demonstration given to the troops of Desert Storm. A retired US military officer, using the pseudonym "Frank", said it happened two days before the start of the ground war. This must have been a time of boredom and nervousness for the ground troops. "Fran" said he learned from reliable sources that about 8000 soldiers saw a huge "UFO" over their four tank battalions in Saudi Arabia. It was oblong and bluish-green. Its size was 1/4 mile long and perhaps 200 yards wide. It suddenly appeared and hovered silently over the troops for a long time. Then "the light show began" as it rose upward and quickly disappeared. Many soldiers took pictures with their privately owned cameras. The next day security people arrived. They formed everyone up into small groups for a de-briefing, and they confiscated the film.

If some group had a mission to change the thinking of the public without causing too much excitement, what better way is there than influencing military troops? They can most easily be restricted from going to the media where the audience could be an unmanageable 50 million. The timing of the above event indicates they may have even known the planned date of the start of the ground war.

The WWT Letter

On 18 Oct 90 Gary Schultz, a California investigator, was sent a letter from Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. signed by "William

F. Hines, III". The letterhead reads, "U.S. Government Data


Correlation Office, Office of Foreign Relations, Frances Perkins

Bldg., 200 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210." Mr.

Schultz had been taking vanloads of people on tours to Area 51 in

Nevada to see strange lights in the night sky. He felt that knowledge of the alien vehicles rumored to be there should not be kept from the public.

The letter states:

"According to our representatives, you have expressed an interest of late in a particular geographical region. We understand fully the concerns of ordinary citizens such as yourself, but rest assured, Mr. Shultz, your focus is quite unwarranted under the circumstances. It may put your mind at ease to know that our elite panel of scientists, politicians and educators is very much on top of this situation. At the same time, however, it s the consensus of these top flight personnel that your ongoing visits to the southern Nevada region can serve no useful purpose, and may in fact subvert the common goal by disrupting the delicate matters at hand.

[Exopolitics? – DMW, July 2005]

"Therefore, we must ask you kindly to please refrain from making further visits to the region in question. Most assuredly, we are doing everything possible to support the general welfare and achieve the interests of the community-at-large. Your continued presence will only complicate matters and possibly sabotage the productive inroads made so far. In any case, Mr. Schultz, we feel

- and we're sure this is something with which you will agree - that this matter is something clearly best left to professionals. With the cooperation of loyal citizens, we feel confident that the

United States can stay the course."

The Wackenhut Corporation has a contract with the U.S.

Department of Energy to provide security for many of our government's most classified facilities. Humans and aliens have been reported to be working together at some of these facilities.

After receiving the above letter, Gary Schultz continued his visits to southern Nevada. He also planned a UFO seminar starting 30 Apr

93 at the Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel, Nevada, near Area 51. Prior to the seminar, Schultz received a copy of the letter that the

Wackenhut Corporation sent to all of their security guards in the area. I presume this was done to avoid any misunderstanding by seminar attendees that might result in an incident.

The Warwick Research Institute Letter


In 1992 John Schuessler, a Deputy Director for the Mutual UFO

Network, Inc., received a large package of information from an anonymous source. This package included the following letter:

TO: Policy Committee, November 1990

Subject: Observations on Public Acclimation Program

The metered release of information to the public through various

unofficial channels continues to generate much interest and an

increasing level of awareness, with few if any observable

side-effects, other than healthy skepticism on the part of some people.

We respectfully suggest continuing the present approach, as it

is making information available to those who are psychologically

ready for it, without causing undue stress on those who are not ready.

The present approach is also proving helpful to those who are

having first-hand encounters. It is providing them with

a context in which to put experiences they cannot other-

wise explain or understand. Having some conception of what

has happened to them is an enormous psychological relief to

these people -- and helps them get on with their lives, as

best as possible. Providing information which helps people

to cope will become increasingly important as the percentage

of the population having these encounters continues to rise.

As you know, some assistance in this area is being rendered by interested parties.

Over time, it may be appropriate to increase the accuracy and

the consistency of information in circulation. The very good

groundwork laid over the last few years has made it possible

to acclimate the public at the current accelerated rate. As

the public becomes more comfortable with IAC and other sightings,

"crop circles," etc., additional types of information might be

released. It appears most of the research community is running

one to two years or more ahead of the mainstream media. This

gives some timeframe for possible disclosures to the general

public -- while providing advance details to those who are ready for it now.

Having a certain number of informed citizens among the population

could very well prove to be an invaluable resource in the face

of unpredictable future events. Indeed, history may record that

it was these aware people who set aside their differences and


worked together the most to help humanity, their country and

their government in the changing times and challenges ahead.


MAJIC Attn: MJ-8

I think the content of this letter is the result of a sociological study conducted by the Warwick Research Institute, associated with Warwick University in Warwick, England. I think the incomplete date and lack of a proper signature are part of the disinformation that should be expected in such releases. This allows people who are not ready for the truth to continue living with their comfortable, narrow perspectives. A MidOhio Research

Associate questioned the Institute receptionist about their clients and was told they are primarily the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund [4]. The package received by

Schuessler, and apparently a number of other prominent UFO investigators, that contained this letter also contained a list of names and addresses that included a Christian Warwick. This was done, I believe, to help keep inquisitive investigators off the back of the Institute in England.

AMOCO Advertisement and the Alien

In November of 1989 AMOCO placed a full-page advertisement in

Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine headlined

"Technology so advanced it will help you answer some big questions." On the back was a full-page color photo of an alien head and shoulders with his four-fingered hand raised in a gesture of friendship.

Spokespersons for AMOCO said this is a photo of a ten-inch model.

One NASA employee who received a copy of the photo in the mail said he thinks it is a photo of an alien taken by another alien with a camera provided by a NASA source. High quality copies show moisture in the corner of the left eye and thin hairs on the neck. Many people think this is not a photo of a ten-inch model. I asked the lady on the advertised 800 number if this ad sold much of their product. She said no, but they got a tremendous number of inquiries about the alien picture. This ad was repeated in Aviation Week and other aerospace magazines, some in even larger format. While I was in the Air Force we knew this as "Aviation Leak" magazine; because, much information, when declassified, reached the public through its pages without being released at a press conference. This

151 insured responsible and accurate reporting.

What I find most interesting is that on 23 Dec 89 a lady named

Renee photographed her daughter on a hobbyhorse next to a 19-inch

TV. She saw nothing unusual; but, when she got the picture back there was a full-screen head of an alien on the TV. The TV was not on. This appears to be a case of instrumented transcommunication

(ITC), a phenomenon studied by several groups in various countries and written about recently in The Quarterly Review of the Institute of Noetic Sciences [5]. This is alien technology. Both images look like they could be the same alien species. The lighting on each picture emphasizes a circular area on the side of the head above the area where we have ears. Perhaps this circular area is an organ associated with the direct projection of thought. It makes me wonder. These images seem to be influencing our thoughts. I wonder it they could be a part of a joint human-alien program to do so.

Star "Treknology"

A Knight-Ridder Newspapers article was published in Fort

Walton Beach on 3 Sep 92. The title was "Star 'Treknology'. What's possible, what's not?" It listed many technologies that large numbers of people have become familiar with through Star Trek and follow-on TV series. These shows have been appearing on Fox and other networks almost nightly for many years. The technologies listed are; Two-way Video, Medical Scanner, Faster-than-light travel, Holodek, Matter-antimatter propulsion, and a Transporter that assembles molecules to specification. The article describes each technology and then the prospects for us acquiring it. The prospects range from "almost in our living room" to "way out there". Some of the technologies that seem less attainable are technologies that our alien visitors appear to already have, as reported by people who have been on their vehicles or communicated with some higher intelligence.

On 16 Aug 92 another Knight-Ridder article was in the

Northwest Florida Daily News. The headline was, "Are alien abductions common?" This was a highly informative article that listed phone numbers for experiencers seeking support. It won the second-prize Journalism Award from the Fund for UFO Research. If

I had an interest in raising people's awareness of such on-board experiences and providing support where needed without getting the public too excited, this is the kind of article I would write. It is interesting that in 1992 Knight-Ridder Newspapers was a growing organization at the same time many other newspapers were

152 struggling to avoid deep reductions in manpower.

Are Tabloids Used to Introduce Us to Reality?

Supermarket tabloids have almost-zero credibility among thinking people, because many of their stories are embellished with fiction. They are written in a manner that prevents follow-up investigation. If you were MJ-1, and you wanted to slowly condition the public to the fact of alien liaison, what would you do? Perhaps you would arrange for a tabloid to publish pictures of an alien with the President on the front page so that everyone who bought food would see it. This method would fairly well assure that you would not get an invitation to a national press conference. Then you might follow up with pictures of presidential candidates and perhaps a president's wife with a not-so-threatening-looking alien.

Most people scoff at such “revelation”, but the subtle conditioning of the mind is real.

In 1988 the World Weekly News published a photo of a crater on the Moon with an apparently fake US Navy PB4Y-2 Privateer nearly filling the crater. The story indicated the picture was taken from a Soviet orbiter in 1970. In 1990 the same Toronto-based tabloid published another photo of the same crater with a real-looking

PB4Y-2. However, this time the aircraft was rotated about 10 degrees and moved back from the center uncovering more of what appear to be constructions. A diligent researcher, John Anderson, found the crater, named Daedalus, in Fred Steckling's 1982 book,

We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon. The photo of the crater was made from Apollo 11 in 1969, and it is 48 miles in diameter. Both photos are fake. So why would two different aircraft photos be superimposed over a crater on the moon in a manner that calls attention of the researcher to the constructions in the crater?

Perhaps, using a tabloid seen by many millions of people plants a seed of thought not only about an alien presence, but also about constructions on the Moon, a seed that had only reached a small audience through Fred Steckling's book.

Statements by Our Leaders

The Louisiana Mutual UFO Network newsletter for Nov-Dec 1992 contained an article, "Authoritative Quotes Hint at UFO Secrets

Government Can't Tell." The article said that in 1950 President

Harry Truman is quoted as saying, "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power

153 on earth." Dr. Herman Oberth, father of modern rocketry, is quoted as saying in 1954, "(UFOs) are conceived and directed by intelligent beings. They probably do not originate in our solar system." Years later he was quoted as saying, "We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped." When asked by whom, he replied, "The people of other worlds." Then Dr. Wernher von Braun, reflecting on the deflection of the US Juno 2 rocket from orbit in 1959, stated,

"We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us.

More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers, and in six or nine months time it may be possible to speak with some precision on the matter."

Both President Ford and President Carter spoke about UFOs before being elected but failed to shed further light on the subject after becoming president.

Chapter 11 of Brad Steiger's book, The Philadelphia Experiment and Other UFO Conspiracies is called "Government UFO Coverups-- A

Summary." It says that in June of 1982 Stephen Spielberg screened his soon-to-be released film "E.T. the Extraterrestrial" to

President Ronald Reagan at the White House. After the movie had ended and the lights had been restored, Reagan confided to

Spielberg, "You know, there aren't six people in this room who know just how true that really is." Before the President could elaborate, their conversation was interrupted by well-wishers.

I have heard from a credible private source that in 1985 two

"Ascended Masters" appeared in a meeting between Soviet leader

Gorbachev and his top advisors. They said he was personally responsible for the nuclear threat to this planet, and he must change his ways. Before they "disappeared", they said just to make sure he understood how serious they were, they were going to cause an accident to happen at Chernobyl. Less than a year later an

"accident" did happen at Chernobyl and Gorbachev did change his ways. This story sounds ridiculous to most people, until they understand the concept that a nuclear fireball can blow apart a soul. It can affect things beyond this planet, as many of the

1950s' contactees were told. I find it interesting that now

Gorbachev, along with Carl Sagan, are leaders in establishing Green

Cross International to help save our planet from destruction. Also,

Gorbachev is reported by the Associated Press to have had his movie debut in Munich where an angel appeared to him and spoke to him about the meaning of life.

Later in 1985, in December, while addressing high-school

154 students in Fallston, Maryland, President Reagan recalled his recent conversation with Gorbachev. Reagan said, "I couldn't help but say to [Gorbachev], how easy his task and mine might be if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences...and find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth." Again, in

September 1987, in a speech before the entire UN General Assembly,

Reagan said, "Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize the common bond that unites all humanity. How quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not an alien threat already among us?"

More recently, according to USA Today and other newspapers,

Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderbergers meeting at

Evian, France on 21 May 92, stated, "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all the peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing that every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." It seems evident to me that some of our leaders know a lot that many people are not ready to hear. Perhaps our alien visitors can decide who is ready for the truth and who is not. Perhaps it is a matter of individual choice.

Carl Sagan - Skillful Writer

Those who appreciate Stanton Friedman's research into the

Majestic-12 briefing for President-elect Eisenhower will realize that Donald Menzel, an astronomer, was the member responsible for managing public opinion about our alien visitors. In those days the use of ridicule and the spreading of bunk about the subject was effective in keeping the public from getting too excited. Menzel wrote three books debunking the subject, and he countered responsible magazine articles by scientists and researchers. He bought time for people with secrets. When Menzel died in 1976, who do you think replaced him in carrying out the policy codified by the Robertson panel? I think it was Carl Sagan. When I was flying my first combat tour in Vietnam in 1966, I recall that Sagan was head of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. For a very long

155 time he has been serving our government in highly responsible positions. Perhaps he also serves those concerned about the planet on an international level. After Menzel died, Sagan established himself in the public mind as the authority on space with the highly popular Cosmos series on TV. In 1985 he wrote the novel,

Contact, about man's first contact with alien beings. I think it is meant to be educational. On page 142 he makes a statement that

I consider very important: "There were many interpretations of

Scripture and many interpretations of the natural world. Both were created by God, so both must be mutually consistent. Wherever a discrepancy seems to exist, either a scientist or a theologian - maybe both - hasn't been doing his job."

Now Sagan is using the widely distributed Parade newspaper magazine to make us think about what's going on. His 7 May 93 cover story asked, "Are They Coming For Us?" It included intriguing photos from three movies that evidence indicates had government support; "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "Close Encounters of the

Third Kind", and "E.T.". The first movie was designed to help us overcome the shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later attitude. Jamie

Shandera told me that he was told two government technical advisors helped "Close Encounters...” dramatize historical events, and

"E.T." showed our children that an "ugly" extraterrestrial can be adorable and should not be feared. This article on UFOs and alien abductions is written in a manner that can appear to support those who want to believe that the millions of Americans who, polls indicate, have been on board alien vehicles were just hallucinating. Yet, Sagan's last sentence, "There is genuine scientific paydirt in UFOs and alien abductions - but it is, I think, of distinctly terrestrial origin,” seems to support my opposite view. My 41 years of UFO research has provided ample evidence that aliens have been here for thousands of years, and our government has been secretly working with some for several decades.

This article is full of questions that should make us think. Sagan is a very skillful writer.

On 6 Jun 93 Parade magazine published another article by Carl

Sagan, "Is There Intelligent Life on Earth?" He compares signs of intelligent life on Earth as seen from space with our knowledge of other planets. One bold-print excerpt says, "Some signs of intelligent life are readily detected - but almost none of our art, literature, science and compassion. It's a parable for our time."

He says, "Something has gone wrong. They're destroying the forests and ozone layer, eroding the topsoil, altering the climate." He closes with these questions; "Haven't they noticed what's happening? Are they oblivious to their fate? Are they unable to

156 work together on behalf of the environment that sustains all of them?"

The Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control

The Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control by William M.

Kramer, Ph.D. and Charles W. Bahme, J.D. is a totally serious book found in fire and police department libraries across the nation.

In June 1993 a new chapter (pp.458-473) was added to this book.

Bahme saw the "UFOs" over Los Angeles on 26 Aug 42 that were attacked by ground defenses, which killed nine people. During the

Korean War he was Security Coordinator for the Chief of Naval

Operations, The Guide is published by the Delaware State Fire

School and made available through the Fire Engineering Book

Service, (800) 752-9768.

The first half of the chapter is about, "The UFO Threat - A

Fact". There are sections under the following headings: UFO

Discussion - Why Now? UFO Background Information, UfOs - What are

They?, UFO Classification System, Shapes of UFOs, History of UFOs,

UFO Organizations, Why the Secrecy?, and UFO Missions. The second part is on "Adverse Potential of UFOs:" with sections on: UFO

Hazards, Force Field Impact, Communications Disruption, Regional

Power Blackouts, Fireballs Over Syracuse - The Blackout Connection,

UFOs - The Panic Hazard, and Personal Hazards - Physiological.

Prior to the "Conclusion" there are some comments on "UFOs -

Emergency Action."

This document appears to me to put a lot of pertinent information in the hands of "regular folks" in communities around the country, Are we being told just what we need to know when we need to know it?

Promoting Better Thought for a Better World

Is there any doubt that this planet is facing tremendous change? Most of our problems are the result of too many people, too many people making selfish choices. Consideration for the well being of our planet and our fellow humans too often does not drive our thoughts and our actions. I think we won't have a better world until we have better people on it. If it is true that we are what we think, perhaps we should change our thoughts.

The changes taking place on this planet are easier to understand if you have a spiritual perspective that includes reincarnation. Although this is not part of the reality taught in

157 the most popular churches in America, thoughts on consciousness and the many lifetimes of an evolving soul are rapidly expanding among those seeking answers to our many mysteries. The Institute of

Noetic Sciences (IONS) was founded in 1973 by retired astronaut

Edgar Mitchell with the twin aims of fostering research on human consciousness and exploring its relevance to world affairs. The word noetic is derived from the Greek word nous, meaning mind, intelligence, or ways of knowing. Groups of members are creatively finding ways to link our social, ecological, and spiritual visions through action. IONS is one of the most effective of the various groups consciously promoting change toward a better world.

The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence headed by Steven M. Greer, M.D. is a civilian group promoting friendly liaison with our alien visitors. Their methods reflect a spiritual understanding that has led to phenomenal interactions with the higher intelligence in vehicles that appear in our sky.

The Human Potential Foundation (HPF) headed by Dr. C.B. Scott

Jones, and funded by Lawrence Rockefeller, is doing a great job of promoting a better understanding of our alien visitors. Dr. Jones has had a long history of government service. His 13 May 93 "UFO"

Briefing/Bibliography [written with Dick Farley] includes eleven pages of very thoughtful commentary. The 18 book titles are listed:

UFOs in the New Age, extraterrestrial messages and the truth of

Extra -Terrestrials Among



Report on Communion, The Facts Behind the Most Controversial

True Story of our Time

Encounters, A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of

Abductions by Extraterrestrials



God's Secret




Intruders, The Incredible Visitation at Copley Woods

Secret Life, Firsthand Documented Accounts of Abductions








The at






Angels and Aliens, UFOs and the Mythic Imagination

Into the Fringe, A True Story of Alien Abduction

Revelations, Alien Contact and Human Deception

UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union, A Cosmic Samizdat



Gulf Breeze





The first book summarizes concerns of some in the Evangelical

Christian community. In the commentary on that sector of society,

Dr. Jones points out that, "In analyzing the effects of such phenomena as UFOs, 'ETs', and 'abductions' on society, and in attempting to assess potential impacts of any new information about them on social and political processes, it is axiomatic to remember that 'Truth is what is believed,' in social-control exercises."

The Human Potential Foundation programs are carried out through a series of Centers. Those Centers operating and planned are the:

Center for Innovative Problem Solving, Center for Thanotology and

Survival Research, Center for Inter-Species Communication (CISC),

Center for Energy Abundance, and the Center for Independent

Creativity and Invention. The HPF brochure states, "The CISC will conduct inter-species communication research with dolphins and whales with anticipated applications to the research under way in

Communications with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI)." I find it interesting that the new TV series, Sea Quest, suggests telepathy is being used in communication with the dolphin.

Finally, I will close by saying I think there is a group of intelligent people on this planet working in liaison with higher intelligences, or alien visitors, to make this a better world. I think many people with powerful connections, such as the

Bilderbergers, the Tri-lateral Commission, and the Council on

Foreign Relations, understand the importance of success. Some of these people have gained much experience in international affairs through government service. Some are bringing people together through multi-national corporations. Some have established major foundations. Some have great influence on the media. I think we are being told through a wide variety of covert means a lot of what we want to know. For example, the recent Sci/Fi - channel movie,

"0fficial Denial," uses words that are too well chosen to be pure entertainment. Perhaps we should view this movie as having an educational purpose. [Now available in Video Stores]


1. Good, Timothy; Above Top Secret, William Morrow & Co., New York,

1988, pp 546-551

2. Stevens, Wendelle; UFO Contact From The Pleiades - A

Supplemental Report, self-published, Tucson, AZ, 1989, pp 229-235

3. Blum, Howard; Out There, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1990


4. Jones, William E.; Ohio UFO Notebook, MidOhio Research

Associates, Dublin, OH, July 1992, pp 1-3

5. Macy, Mark; ~"When Dimensions Cross", The Quarterly Review,

Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sausalito, CA, Spring 1993


Update: August 2, 2005

I wrote the above paper over 11 years ago, so I will comment on some more recent evidence of government covert education for truthseekers concerning the alien presence. First, I will provide a follow-up to the important 1985 visit by “Ascended Masters” to

Gorbachev concerning nuclear weapons. Gorbachev called Reagan at the G-7 meeting in Europe, and they had a brief private meeting in

Vienna. Kissinger said in his book, Diplomacy, that when Reagan left the room he was obviously upset but would not talk about it. The report on the 6 Apr 86 Chernobyl accident said that during a test three poor-judgment decisions caused loss of control of the reactor. I know that telepathy can influence such decisions. In a 19 Dec 85 response to a world government inquiry (in my files), Gorbachev said that he was willing to eliminate 50% of the Soviet nuclear weapons.

However, when he and Reagan met in Iceland after the explosion,

Kissinger said that Gorbachev’s opening position was that he was willing to eliminate all Soviet nuclear weapons now if Reagan would do the same. Reagan was only willing to go half way. These events are what caused Reagan to make statements at his next public appearance, a Maryland High School, and then at the UN General

Assembly about a possible alien threat. UFO investigator Vladimir

Rubstoff from Kiev reported at the MUFON Conference in Austin, TX that three hours after the explosion a 6 to 8-meter diameter disk in a fiery ball hovered 300 meters over reactor #4 and projected two crimson beams into the flaming core for three minutes before slowly moving away. During this time the readings on the radiation recorders dropped from 3000 to 800 miliroentgens per hour. This indicates a removal of 73% of the hazardous material. It appears that whoever caused the explosion took some responsibility to help clean it up. My Russian friend, Nikolai LeBedev, told me that they now realize that dumping planeloads of boron on the flames greatly increased the radioactive fallout and should not have been done. I suspect this decision was made because the officials could not believe that aliens had already removed most of the radioactive material. In the 104 Q & A sessions that RA, the “Sun God” teacher of the


Egyptians, had with Don Elkins through Carla Reukert about 1983, RA said they were still trying to repair human souls that were

“disassociated” at Hiroshima in WW II. The RA Material tells us that if a human is engulfed in a nuclear fireball, the strong nuclear force will disassociate the energies of our “eternal soul.” This confirms what the 1950s contactees were told, “Nuclear weapons affect things outside of this planet.” Loss of our physical bodies by other means is not so serious from the perspective of higher intelligence. There is logical reason for an ascended master to take drastic measures to change the direction of governments. I see these events as a lesson in

Exopolitics backed up by action. Many now accept that the Chernobyl catastrophe triggered positive change throughout the world. The numbers of nuclear weapons continue to decrease, and Gorbachev has dedicated his life to eliminating them all.

As a student of world leadership, I gave considerable thought to who replaced Carl Sagan as MJ-8, the position responsible to manage public reaction to the alien presence. I decided that it was Sagan’s long-time colleague, Frank Drake. Drake now heads the Search for ET

Intelligence Institute (SETI), a “private” organization. Drake, and his public relations agent, Seth Shostak, are now used by the CFRcontrolled major media to “balance” information directed to the general public. The recent ABC special, “Seeing is Believing” is a good example. Drake occasionally feeds us some useful information. He stated in his Forward to Shostak’s book, Sharing the Universe, “Mix in some true observations with some fantasy, and the naïve will conclude that all is true…” However, the events of the “Oscar” case investigated by Forest Crawford are not mentioned in the book. In this case Frank Drake was the primary interrogator of an alien recovered from a crash near Phoenix in 1975.

I have further thoughts on The Human Potential Foundation

(HPF) and my friend, C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D. He is a spiritually oriented gentleman with experience in Korea as a Navy fighter pilot, in Navy intelligence, and in the War Room of the Pentagon. After retiring he worked for Senator Claiborne Pell, a CFR member, reporting to Pell on UFO conferences and Psychic Research conferences around the world. Jones was, for a while, President of the American Society for Psychic Research. Lawrence Rockefeller asked Jones to let him know when he was ready to work for him full time. That happened in 1993 when Bill Clinton became President.

Jones founded the HPF with Senator Pell, as a 501-3C organization, and he became the HPF President. Rockefeller gave the HPF $1 million to encourage the US Government to release to the public previously classified information about the alien presence. Jones was very effective in causing information to be released. However, it was done covertly, and it sometimes included disinformation. My assessment of some examples follow:



The “Alien Autopsy” film. – The film is real (obviously a dead alien), but all info associated is false.


The “Live Alien” film. – This alien dies on camera, probably in the 1950s (no longer of concern to those who might fear aliens).

All that “Victor” said about it is false.


The 1995 HPF conference at the Washington Sheraton, “When

Cosmic Cultures Meet,” was beautifully organized by Jones. -

Though Clinton, Sagan and various UN people were invited to speak, they declined, and George S. Robinson, a world-class lawyer, was the most important speaker, in my opinion. His subject was “Homo alterios spacialis, Extraterrestrial Progeny of Humankind and a Declaration of Interdependence.” He said that we could not take national laws into space. We have to determine what is natural or cosmic law, what law pertains to us out there, aliens down here, and human/alien hybrids here there and everywhere. Jones closed the conference by asking us all to stop trying to prove the evidence of the alien presence and to start considering how the alien presence affects all aspects of society. That was 10 years ago, and many did not get the message.


I arranged for George Robinson to speak at the August 1998

IUFOC Summer Seminar. He chose “Space Law and Astro Law” as his topic, but he mentioned eugenics and said that we humans have already made a new species and a new subspecies.

I think he was not allowed to mention aliens, though all 250 people in the room knew that aliens are involved in the hybridization program.


Linda Moulton Howe and Derrel Sims received hardware. – NIDS scientists proved it was of ET origin, because five elements had isotopic ratios “not of this planet.” This was announced at an

International Press Conference at the 50 th anniversary celebration of the Roswell crash. This1997 conference was given major media promotion to make it a newsworthy event for our general public. The media used the Phoenix lights of 13 Mar 97 as if they were recent, and a non-human face was put on the cover of Time Magazine 23 Jun 97. I think this drawing is Homo alterios spacialis, our future body.


Many previously classified documents were released and made available to seekers by Bob and Ryan Wood. - One of the most interesting is the 1954 MJ-12 Special Operations Manual 1-01, ET

Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal. I think the validity of this document was verified when a copy mailed through the US Post Office from Bob to Ryan was delivered to

Linda Moulton Howe. I think the same agents who sometimes make our mailed evidence of the alien presence disappear

162 redirected it. They knew she would make it public soon, and it was released as part of the public acclimation program.

Government “controllers” sometimes allow former service members to write about their unusual experiences even thought they had been classified. This allows those seeking the information to find it, while active government agents maintain deniability. When Dan

Sherman separated from the UASF because of the stresses of his highly classified job of telepathic communication in Project Promise

Destiny, he was allowed to publish Above Black, with some restrictions. He said that while in a two-week class at Ft. Mead,

Maryland, a man in a dark suit enlisted him in a class to hone his telepathic ability. He was told that his mother was picked up by aliens, and he was one of 70,000 worldwide who had been genetically engineered to be better communicators with unseen beings.

Charles Hall is another former military man whose unusual experiences with aliens are now documented in Millennial

Hospitality. His verbal orders when assigned to be the weatherman at Indian Springs AFB, NV gave him access to Area 53 and Area 54 located east of Area 51. “Tall White” aliens there used Hall to become acclimated to humans before they met humans for important negotiations or while visiting Las Vegas. He said that in 1967 their motherships stayed on the ground in Area 54 for two weeks while being re-supplied. He said Booz Allen apparently had the contract for providing the aliens what they needed. They must be well paid, because they sponsored a golf tournament recently. I find it interesting that James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA is now a

Partner and Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton.

Finally, I will mention a case of unseen beings promoting public acclimation about the larger reality represented by aliens. Years ago Wendelle Stevens and

Gene Roddenberry were speakers at the same conference. At breakfast Stevens asked Roddenberry, “Where do you get the story lines for the Star Trek series.” Roddenberry said, “I get them at about 2 o’clock in the morning. Sometimes they come faster than I can write. When I wake in the morning all I have to do is flesh it out.” I think that humans, aliens, and possibly angels have been slowly preparing us to join the galactic society for a long time.

Note: This paper may be reproduced in any media.

Donald M. Ware, donware@earthlink.net, http://home.earthlink.net/~donware


Ignacio Darnaude Rojas – Marcos

Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro , 9 ( 2º B )

41004 - Sevilla ( Spain )

Web : http://ignaciodarnaude.galeon.com e-mail : ummo@hispavista.com







The following URLs contain http://www.extraterrestrial.ca/exoone.html






By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd



All Rights Reserved


Lambremont eBook:




Books by Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Age of Cataclysm, (New York: GP Putnam’s Sons 1974);

(New York: Berkeley Medallion 1975); (Capricorn Books, 1975);



The Levesque


Cases, (Ontario:


PSP Books,



Earth Changes: A Spiritual Approach, (Universebooks.com, 2000)

Recovery: A Personal Journey, (Universebooks.com, 2000)


Caveat Lector

PART ONE Turning the Universe Upside Down



















- Introduction

The Infancy

A User’s to of



Exopolitics to Life

The Garden of

Spiritual and









UFO Phenomenon

Information War

Chapter Eight - The Planetary Rebellion and Its Causes

Chapter Nine - A Universe Career

Chapter Ten - Understanding Universe Organization

Chapter Eleven - Universe Politics and the Decade of Contact




Thirteen -




End of

We the



Chapter Fourteen - Reversing the Quarantine

Chapter Fifteen - Reaching Out to Interstellar Society

Chapter Sixteen - The Rebirth of Universe Consciousness

Chapter Seventeen - Toward A Decade of Contact

Chapter Eighteen - The end of terrestrial politics?

PART TWO — Universe Politics

Chapter Nineteen - Universe politics is like all human politics

Chapter Twenty - “Universe Politics does not stop at Earth’s edge”

Chapter Twenty One - “Exopolitics: Humans Are As Humans Do”


Caveat lector: Our human civilization is at the very beginnings of its era of Universe consciousness. Any factual errors in descriptions of the structure of a Universe government and of the dynamics of Universe politics, while they may be intuitively well grounded, are the sole responsibility of the author.


Looking at the Universe Upside Down


How most of the story modern man and woman know about Earth and its outer space environs is wrong. How it is logical and rational that we live in a highly populated and organized Universe society of life-bearing planets. How Universe politics have placed Earth in a planetary quarantine. How that quarantine may be lifting, and what we can do to hasten a universe reunion.

Chapter One

Introduction to Exopolitics

Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe? The true story unfolding in the Universe may turn our concepts upside down.

In reality, Earth appears to be an isolated planet in the midst of a populated Universe. Universe society consists of highly organized and consciously evolving, advanced civilizations. Universe civilizations

167 function within our own interstellar Universe, as well as within other dimensions in the Universe at large. Advanced Universe civilizations exist in other dimensions parallel to our own. They access our own planet, galaxy, and all of interstellar space.

Life-bearing planets such as Earth are part of a collective Universe whole, operating under Universal law. Think of Earth as part of a

Universe commons. Life is implanted and cultivated here under the tutelage of more advanced societies, in accordance with the over-all principles of Universe ecology.

Where necessary, Universal law applies restrictive measures to a planet that endangers the collective whole. Universe government can remove a planet from open circulation within Universe society. This fate appears to have happened to Earth in our distant past. Earth has suffered for aeons as an exopolitical outcast among the community of Universe civilizations.

Earth is isolated because it is under intentional quarantine by a structured, rational Universe society. There are signs around us of a

Universe initiative to reintegrate Earth into interplanetary society. It is possible that Earth may be permitted to rejoin Universe society, under certain conditions, or at a future time certain.

The above version of our Universe reality may sound vaguely familiar to you. It is the stock of most science fiction, after all. The notion of a populated Universe may have the ring of truth for you. It may raise a tingle along the back of your neck, a truth too close for comfort. Or you may react to the concept of a populated Universe as flaky and unscientific.

Your own beliefs about a populated Universe - whatever they might be - fall along a spectrum of public opinion that is frequently measured. A

1996 Gallup poll showed that 72 percent of the U.S. adult population believes there is some form of extraterrestrial life, and 45 percent believes the Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial life. There are indications that public opinion about extraterrestrial visitation is similar in other regions of the planet. The proportion of extraterrestrialsensitive world youth may be even higher than the adult populations

168 who believe in an extraterrestrial presence.

Nearly 100 million adult humans in the United States of America (45 percent of the adult population) believe that extraterrestrial civilization has visited Earth. Approximately 100 million U.S. citizens vote in a U.S.

Presidential election (the U.S. Federal Election Commission reports that

96,277,634 people voted in the 1996 presidential general election)! About

100,000,000 persons voted in the disputed 2000 U.S. Presidential election.

It is safe to assume that the 100 million US adults who believe in extraterrestrial life could not all be delusional, pre-programmed, or brainwashed. These extraterrestrial-sensitive humans are responding to something they sense is true, deep in their intuition – that extraterrestrials have visited Earth. It is also safe to assume that human intuition is reality-oriented enough to filter out false propaganda from

Universe reality. For example, some extraterrestrial “visitations” are actually psychological warfare operations conducted by human militaryintelligence agencies.

Other public opinion polls confirm the role of intuition in belief about extraterrestrial life. An October 2000 ABC-NEWS poll found that 47% of

US adults believe that intelligent life exists on other planets in the

Universe. Demographically, the poll found that belief in extraterrestrial life is held by more men (51%) than women (43%); more collegeeducated (51%) than high school graduates (43%); more Democrats

(53%) than Republicans (38%).

The ABC-NEWS poll found that sixty percent of those who think intelligent extraterrestrial life exists believe that extraterrestrials have visited earth. Overall, 27% of U.S. adults believe that extraterrestrials visit Earth. (The poll excluded “spiritual alien” and “telepathic alien” visits.).

As with the 1996 Gallup poll, personal intuition appears to be a key component of human opinion that extraterrestrial intelligent life exists and visits Earth. In the 2000 ABC-NEWS poll, fully two-thirds of those who think extraterrestrials visit Earth base their conclusions on

“speculation.” One third of respondents base an opinion on external evidence they have read or seen. Inner intuition may thus be a basis for

169 the insights of at least two-thirds of extraterrestrial-sensitive persons.

Estimates of the U.S. population that thinks extraterrestrial civilizations visit Earth range from 45% in the 1996 Gallup poll, to 27% of the adult population in the 2000 ABC NEWS poll. Somewhere between

50 and 100 million adults in the United States alone believe extraterrestrial civilizations visit Earth. The United States is only five percent of the world’s total population.

On November 11, 1999, a less statistically based poll (which included a number of leading astronomers and astrophysicists) was released in the

United States on a documentary cable television program. Seventy percent of those surveyed said they believe there is intelligent life in the

Universe, including in our own Milky Way galaxy. Eighty percent believe alien civilizations are more advanced than Earth’s. Sixty-five percent of the participants think Earth would be conquered if aliens chose to

“invade” us. Twenty-six percent think Earth would fight back and win.

These polls may in fact indicate a bottom-line reality about the Universe, which the poll participants intuitively sense: We humans are actually part of a highly advanced, organized interstellar civilization, from which we are in deliberate isolation. This Universe society of intelligent, planetary civilizations is a highly organized and civilized interstellar government that would not attack Earth. It is not violent, war-like, or destructive. Although we are currently in isolation from the rest of interplanetary society, we are part of a peaceful Universal government.

Chapter Two

The infancy of Exopolitics

Exopolitics, the study of political process and governance in interstellar society, is in its infancy. Yet exopolitics is a key channel to transforming our human future. Exopolitics’ immediate goal is a decade of human

170 education and community politics about the extraterrestrial initiative – a Decade of Contact.

Earth may be only one of countless populated planets in an organized

Universe that is under the guidance of an advanced Universe society. A near majority of the human population intuitively knows the truth.

Extraterrestrial civilizations visit Earth, and an interplanetary federation governs Earth itself. Humanity does not know of or see this

Universe government, because Earth has been under deliberate quarantine, isolated from the rest of interstellar society.

We do not yet know the official reasons for this Universe quarantine.

Earth may be quarantined for evolutionary reasons, as a planet not yet advanced enough for social interaction with the rest of Universe society.

Perhaps a “minimal interference” rule may be at work, whereby more advanced civilizations are prohibited from interfering with a less evolved Universe civilization. Or Earth may be quarantined for essentially exopolitical reasons – reasons of Universe law or politics.

For instance, Earth may have somehow violated interplanetary norms in our distant past, and now must prove itself worthy of participation in the body politic of the Universe.

We humans may be historical victims of Universe politics. To date, humanity has not been deemed ready to resume Universe citizenship and the exopolitical game. These are major “what if” issues in extricating ourselves from Universe isolation.

? What if our planet Earth is part of an organized society of inhabited planets?

? What if we have been kept deliberately ignorant, in quarantine?

? What if the key to reintegrating us with our fellow planets lies in our own power to change our society?

? What if we can become ready for Universe citizenship, and Universe politics?

? What if there are steps we humans can take to make our Universe reunion come true?

The human transformation brought by addressing these issues will be profound. If Earth is part of a well-governed Universe, our entire human civilization – including our governance, our technology, and our ways of

171 life – can be transformed. The discovery that we are not alone but are part of an organized society will be the greatest single transformation in the long history of humanity – greater than any prior scientific, political, or social shift.

Re-entry into Universe society means that substantial aspects of contemporary human life will be changed. Our re-entry into interplanetary society will be an evolutionary quantum leap. Our evolutionary blueprint is as an interstellar species. As a practical matter, we can actualize this blueprint only as part of organized interstellar society. As we break through our Universe isolation, we will be ejecting millennia of social and emotional baggage in our awakening to Universe citizenship.

Every morning, six billion humans wake up to a false or incomplete story of who we are. Our conventional history tells us that we are the only intelligent species in the entire Universe. Our collective intuition tells us we are in a populated Universe. A majority of U.S. adults tell us that we are not alone in the vastness of space. . The scientifically measured intuitions of between 50 and 100 million U.S. adults seem to know that we are part of a highly organized interplanetary society.

Presumably, an equal proportion of the rest of the world’s population also knows this intuitively. Yet for evolutionary and political reasons, humanity seems to have been deliberately kept officially in the dark.

Chapter Three

A User’s Guide to Life

It is little wonder that there is so much confusion on this planet about our role in the larger Universe. Our personal confusion starts at birth.

Our parents, who themselves have been confused all their lives about the

Universe role of this planet, pass on their own pre-programming to us.

As we grow, more confusion comes our way from our schools, religions,

172 governments, institutions, media, and peers. We ourselves eventually become transmitters of confusion, and pass more advanced Universe confusion on to our peers, families, friends, and children.

How much easier and less confusing life might be if we each were issued a User’s Guide to Life at birth, updated in real time. A User’s Guide to

Life for every human being on the planet would contain standard instructions for at least four elements of our life on Earth:

1. How most of the story modern man and woman know about Earth and its environs is wrong.

2. How it is most logical and rational that we live in a highly populated and organized Universe society of life-bearing planets.

3. How Universe politics have kept Earth in a planetary quarantine.

4. How that quarantine may be lifting, and what we can do to hasten a universal reunion.

A Users Guide to Life would reassess and contradict key tenets of contemporary human civilization about the Universe circumstances of planet Earth. Paradoxically, each of humanity’s contemporary worldviews, from evolutionist to creationist, contains an element of truth about the origin and structure of the cosmos. Our User’s Guide to Life would show how every dominant cosmology we now hold about the relationship of Earth to the Universe is wrong or incomplete – because humanity is in fact not alone in the Universe.

Interplanetary society may not come as much of a surprise to the fifty to one hundred million extraterrestrial-sensitive persons in the United

States. If you are one of the extraterrestrial-curious elsewhere on the planet, you may likewise see the Universe in its true, populated interconnectedness.

In an evolutionary sense, the ability to see that this planet is under

“invisible” extraterrestrial political and administrative control means that you have probably activated your Universe consciousness. Your extraterrestrial-friendly vision is somewhat like the vision of round-

Earth believers during a flat-Earth era.

Science, not religion, is the archetypal discipline for exploring space.

Religion, however, as an expression of the collective human intuition,

173 may be one of your more fruitful access points to working models for the study of intelligent civilizations in interstellar space. Exobiology and exopolitics contain ancient, new, and emerging disciplines for the study of the Universe. The disciplines of human religious traditions –

Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism – contain ancient and potentially fruitful models of the first principles under which the

Universe is organized.

Religion was humanity’s first science and first cosmology. Sacred, religious models of intelligent life in the Universe are a starting point.

Religion is the repository of the collective intuitive reality. It often claims to be influenced or created by higher intelligence. You can trust this collective intuition, and guide it with the principles of the scientific method.

The truth is that our Universe is filled with intelligent civilizations. In fact, advanced civilizations consciously participate in the continued evolution of our Universe. The vast expanse of interstellar space may appear ordered to you, but devoid of other intelligent life. Our contemporary science tells you the physical Universe appears ordered because it is ruled by the natural laws described in physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and related human sciences. Biased science holds that reality is devoid of other intelligent life.

We on Earth do not officially recognize that our Universe is populated and organized because:

1. Our inability to perceive higher civilizations in our Universal environment is an illusion, an evolutionary mask, deliberately fostered by interplanetary society. Earth is under Universe quarantine imposed by the interplanetary government. We have not been allowed to interact overtly with other civilizations. This has had profound effects on our perceptions of our world.

2. Humanity has not been able to perceive other intelligent civilizations in the past because we are only now evolving to the stage of acquiring the science necessary to locate other intelligent civilizations. We simply have not known how and where to find other civilizations.


3. The Universe may appear to humans as devoid of intelligent life because we are not yet able to understand or perceive the ongoing signals to and visitations of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth.

4. Our perception of extraterrestrial visits is blocked by covert intelligence agencies and other human forces wanting to keep Earth isolated from the rest of interstellar society for their own reasons. One way of psychologically blocking human perception of Universal society is to “flood” humanity with misleading and “disinformational” UFO sightings and phony alien “abductions.”

Each of these factors is a potent force in keeping Earth physically and psychologically isolated from Universe society.

The laws of physics, astrophysics, and astronomy represent only one mode of determining the true realities and dynamics of the Universe.

Universe law is even more fundamental to the workings of the physical

Universe than the laws of physics, astrophysics, and astronomy.

Humanity’s evolutionary circumstances and exopolitical status are subject to Universe law. The ancient models of the world’s religions and philosophies also provide very suggestive models for exopolitics.

A more appropriate approach to Universe society is the intuitive method of knowledge. This intuitive approach to our Universe is not what the contemporary human scientific establishment wants you to pursue.

Since time immemorial, our human culture has used intuition to survive.

Our User’s Guide uses the inductive, intuitive method to build a working model of what the Universe is really like.

As you study exopolitics, try constructing your own working model of the Universe government. Use your own intuition in evaluating whether

Earth is part of an interplanetary society of advanced civilizations. Your own intuitive together with the revelations of humanity’s great religion can suggest key aspects of Universe society.

There is one way you can create dramatic personal change in your life on this planet. Let go of the illusion that outer space is empty and devoid of organized intelligent society. Let go of the illusion that there is no organized Universe society monitoring Earth now. In releasing your false illusions about planet Earth’s isolation, you can develop a more

175 natural relationship to your own full Universe heritage.

Grasp hold of your intuition. It is as powerful as your intellect, if not more powerful. Let your intuition wander freely over the vision of a populated and regulated Universe, with travel and commerce among lifebearing planets, with interplanetary organizations, universities, and communications media. Visualize planetary societies and intelligent species that may differ widely in their evolution.

Visualize the workings of an interstellar federation of planets. Every school child on Earth knows that interplanetary federations mean interstellar government, laws, and politics. Interplanetary government directives are under Universe law, whose rudimentary workings we humans can understand. Universe courts and administrative tribunals adjudicate conflicts under Universe government directives. Universe officials use the enforcement technology of interplanetary society to carry out Universal law.

On the surface, Universe government functions much the same as governmental bodies and courts on Earth. That is because Earth is under

Universe law, and terrestrial government is derived from Universe government. Human culture is currently unaware of its Universe heritage, which provides the blueprint for our Earthly institutions.

Your intuition can help you access knowledge about Universe society, knowledge that can lead to your personal liberation. Your intuition can understand the basics of how Universe society functions. Your intuition can lead to the realization that interplanetary space is populated. The

Universe has a government that functions according to principles we on

Earth can understand.

Chapter Four


The Garden of Eden Hypothesis

The story of the Garden of Eden is set out in the Old Testament’s Book of

Genesis. After the Devil manipulates Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve are ejected from the Garden. They fall into a world of disease, ignorance, violence, and poverty.

Suppose the Garden of Eden story contains fragments of actual human history. Picture the historical Adam and Eve as interplanetary colonizers. They are on Earth as part of a Universe government mission to an evolving planet in its early stages of intelligent life development. A rogue clique under command of a brilliant Universe mission lieutenant

(the “Devil”) succeeds in tempting the colonizers into rebelling. Earth secedes from Universe government. The forces of interplanetary government ultimately defeat the Devil-led rebels. As a precautionary measure, the victorious interstellar government places Earth and its contiguous rebel planets in a Universe quarantine that has lasted to this day.

This Garden of Eden hypothesis suggests a radical interpretation of our planetary isolation. The fragmentary myths of our great religions may contain the historical truth that our planet Earth (Sol 3) is in the

Universe penalty box. We are in temporary quarantine, isolating our planet from communication with organized interplanetary society. The purpose of the quarantine is, in part, to prevent the rebellion that occurred on Earth from spreading out into the Universe. The quarantine allows the effects of interplanetary rebellion on Earth to take their natural course and eventually to heal.

You may ask, “Why don’t I see the Earth quarantine and the interplanetary government?” The quarantine is rendered by the superior technology and advanced evolution of Universe society. Universe government enforces an interplanetary quarantine of Earth through

177 application of two advanced parascientific principles: reflectivity and dimensionality.

Reflectivity uses the holistic energy of a being, a planet, a constellation for deep understanding of or communication with that being, planet, constellation, etc. In present Earth terms, the principle of reflectivity comes into play when a human psychic healer attunes to the aura or energy field surrounding a human patient, and obtains a holistic picture of the patient’s being. In human health care, this branch of science is known as “energy medicine.”

Dimensionality is based on the dimensional aspects and construction of the Universe, and utilizes the multi-dimensions of the Universe for everything from advanced space travel to intelligent, spiritual “soul” evolution. Even in conventional Earth science, dimensionality is supported by recent human scientific advances, which now predict the demise of “time” and “space” in favor of a multidimensional reality.

Advanced Universe civilizations can gauge and monitor the relative

“holistic state” of human society and planet Earth. Through technologies and intelligence based on the principles of reflectivity and dimensionality, interplanetary civilization can monitor humans on

Earth. If we think no one is watching Earth, we are in error. Universe government appears to be continually monitoring Earth, and has been monitoring our planet and our species since our inception.

This monitoring is positive and caring, like a gardener with a greenhouse or an ethical scientist with a cherished life experiment.

Earth is a life-experiment planet, and most of the life forms of Earth have been seeded and carefully cultivated by Universe society scientists.

These Universe scientists are advanced beings that specialize in the growing and cultivation of planets. Reflectivity is one principle and technology by which they monitor the ups and downs of the planet and, where necessary, of individuals and groups of humans.

The Garden of Eden hypothesis supports dimensional interstellar travel as a reality of interplanetary society. Interstellar travel to and from

Earth uses the inner dimensions of the Universe. This way, visitors and permanent observers to Earth do not have to traverse the full distance of interstellar space. What we know as outer space is only one of reality’s

178 dimensions in the time-space continuum and beyond. Dimensionality is probably one of the most useful technologies that advanced societies can offer to humans.

In the Garden of Eden hypothesis, Earth’s humanity is not yet sufficiently morally evolved to be unilaterally included in a Universe

“dimensional” role. Universe society does not want us to export war or violence into interstellar or interdimensional space. The powerful nations of Earth, led by a secret command and control network in the

United States, are attempting to continue the militarization of outer space. These Earth nations are on a collision course with Universe society’s ethics and law on the peaceful nature of space. The militarization of outer space may be the single most important factor preventing the end of Earth’s isolation from civilized space society.

Chapter Five

Spiritual and Material Reality

As the society of a life-bearing planet matures and evolves, it comes to understand the Universe as a sacred realm. Understanding that the

Universe is sacred and spiritual in nature is fundamental to the evolution of a higher intelligent species. At core, the Universe is created as a place for growing Souls.

Human religious traditions provide key concepts for understanding how the Universe and its advanced society are “spiritual” and not only

“physical” in nature. You may ask if there is any fundamental difference between the spiritual and the material. Some say the spiritual world is actually more “real” than the material world. A Swedish physicist has reportedly even weighed the human soul (about two ounces). It seems that the soul, a spiritual entity in most of Earth’s traditions, coexists in the material world of the body. What we know as “spiritual” and


“material” might just be other words for energy-life dimensions.

The User’s Guide tells us that evolved dimensional beings, emanating from “spiritual” domains in the Universe, are permanently stationed around Earth, as part of the Universe society’s presence. These beings carry out functions of monitoring our life-experiment planet and enforcing the quarantine. Although at times it may seem that human events on our planet are chaotic, these dimensional spiritual beings are crucial to Earth’s evolution, and ultimately to our re-integration into

Universe society.

We humans are immersed in a very real spiritual-material ecology around Earth. This spiritual-material ecology, based on the twin energy principles of reflectivity and dimensionality, may be a key reason why we humans are not perceptually aware of the Universe society and its quarantine of Earth. Advanced civilizations can monitor us from afar through reflectivity, and can travel to Earth without being observed by us, by navigating through the Universe’s multiple dimensions.

There is also a deeper reality to Universe society’s enforcing Earth’s quarantine and monitoring Earth’s evolution. More advanced civilizations within the Universe can be based in other “dimensions.”

Human religious traditions would call these advanced dimensions

“spiritual” or “Heavenly.” The Garden of Eden hypothesis suggests that these “Heavenly” domains are actual dimensions within the Universe that are different from the dimensions of time and space that we humans inhabit.

Our spiritual-material ecology makes it easy for a Universe society to communicate with an increasingly aware human population. Universe society has the technology to psychologically induce humanity into mass awareness of higher intelligent civilizations, through a mode of communication our psychology calls “peripheral cueing.” Universe society uses a psychological reinforcement schedule to communicate subliminally with humans.

Covert human military-intelligence forces have also learned to mimic

Universe society’s communications. Their purpose is to fool us and thereby control our mass experience of what it means to be

“extraterrestrial”. At this stage of recovery from the planetary rebellion,

180 there may be still negative organized extraterrestrial forces within

Earth’s dimensional ecology, operating outside of Universal law.

A covert information war - carried out both by secret terrestrial power structures and by extraterrestrial forces themselves - has sharply divided humans about the existence of extraterrestrial visitors, and the wisdom of integrating into Universe society. Some researchers hold that a hostile, colonizing extraterrestrial force is carrying out a secret genetic takeover of Earth, under cover of psychological warfare and

“alien abductions.”

Other researchers hold that “alien abductions” are psychological warfare operations of a paramilitary nature, designed to sow confusion among humans about the extraterrestrial presence. The truth is that both sides - terrestrial and extraterrestrial - are engaged in an ongoing information war, with human attitudes as its target.

Exopolitics holds that all intelligent life in the Universe is subject to

Universal law, much as all human life on Earth is subject to what philosophers call natural law.

Exopolitics also holds the existence of a Universe-wide government.

Thus, extraterrestrial visitors to Earth are subject both to Universal laws of justice, as well as the specific directives of a Universe government.

On Earth, a state of armed conflict may exist between certain governments; international gangs may carry out violent agendas; vandals may destroy the beauty of their urban targets. Yet the evolution of international law and natural of justice preserves our evolution.

It is the same situation with regard to Earth’s position in the Universe.

There may be extraterrestrial visitors who see our planet as an economic and genetic prize. Whatever their specific intentions may be, they are subject to Universal law and to Universe government’s ancient plans for this planet. We can best defend our position vis-à-vis these visitors through exopolitics. We must become conscious we live in a multi-party

Universe, and that we can have the power of Universe law on our side.


Chapter Six

The UFO Phenomenon

The Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) phenomenon, for example, began in full force around the planet in 1947. The Garden of Eden hypothesis holds that UFOs are an integral part of humanity’s reintegration into interplanetary society. Some UFO phenomena appear primarily to be deployed by a higher intelligence as psychological conditioning tools.

Psychologist Carl Jung saw UFOs as essentially “Mandalas” or spiritual conditioning symbols meant to facilitate humanity’s spiritual evolution.

The UFO phenomenon operates as a key force in raising human awareness of Universe society, regardless of whether its specific source is terrestrial or extraterrestrial. Our Universe awareness is automatically increased by a UFO experience, as created by a higher intelligent civilization, by natural phenomena like electromagnetic pulse energy, or by military-intelligence disinformation programs.

Disinformation military-intelligence UFO or alien “abduction” experiences may momentarily trick human subjects into thinking “bad” aliens are occupying Earth. At the same time, these disinformational

UFO encounters are driving forward humanity’s awareness of higher intelligence in the Universe.


Operationally, the UFO phenomenon appears to be a mix of all of the following:

1. Dimensional Psychological Conditioners. UFOs are electromagnetically generated “virtual reality” images of spacecraft, as well as spiritual symbols (such as Mandalas). These are created by Universe society, by advanced dimensional beings, or by the collective human mind, to condition us into Universe awareness that we are part of an interplanetary society. The “UFOs” function as peripheral cues to our collective consciousness.

2. Interplanetary Spacecraft. Actual interplanetary spacecraft are part of an extraterrestrial initiative to integrate Universe society.

3. Covert Military Craft. Top secret, black-budget military-intelligence craft, masquerading as extraterrestrial UFO “spacecraft.” These secret craft implement a covert disinformation scenario, including mindcontrol UFO abductions (MILAB), and a Psy-ops extraterrestrial

“invasion” of Earth.

4. Natural phenomena. Some UFOs are caused by natural phenomena like electromagnetic pulse energy, shaped by the Jungian collective unconscious into the archetype of “spacecraft” and archetypal symbols.

Chapter Seven


The Information War

The UFO phenomenon itself can provide a psychological exit strategy from the effects of Earth’s interplanetary quarantine. UFOs are a key to awakening humanity’s awareness that Earth is part of a populated, advanced Universe society. It seems that many parties - both terrestrial and extraterrestrial alike - are competing for control of humanity’s mass attention. The UFO phenomenon, however, is at the center of a secret information war that has raged continuously among various terrestrial and extraterrestrial parties for the last 50 years.

An information war is a conflict of perceptions waged with the weapons of propaganda, mind control, disinformation, and misinformation. The strategic objective of the 50-year information war against Universe society has been to enforce total secrecy about an extraterrestrial presence in Earth’s environment. Where secrecy has failed a secret terrestrial command and control network has resorted to misinformation, lies, and black propaganda about UFO sightings.

Terrestrial commandos have also undertaken disinformation operations against the civilian population, such as the MILAB, or military “fake alien abductions.” MILAB is designed to portray the extraterrestrial presence as hostile or colonizing.

Violence is used against individuals who attempt to break the information barrier. Mind control weapons are used to mentally and economically destroy individuals who might break the extraterrestrial information embargo. Individuals are threatened, tortured, assassinated. These state terrorists feel safe in doing this under the cover of secrecy and plausible deniability.

The information war is the most acute reason why our integration with

Universe society has not occurred. The principal aggressors in the antiextraterrestrial information war appear to be military-intelligence authorities of the Anglo-bloc countries, led by the United States, and including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

These are the so-called “Echelon” countries, named after a secret surveillance system they all operate on their own populations and the rest of the world. The ultimate goal of this bloc is to deny humanity its

Universal heritage.


The term “Extraterrestrial” refers to organized Universe society as it exists in interstellar and multidimensional space. Extraterrestrial societies are the participants in the exopolitical process. Exopolitics is a fundamental organizing, mediating, social and governmental process in our interplanetary and interdimensional space.

Exopolitics is how a highly populated and regulated Universe governs itself.

The information war is designed to sow confused, negative human attitudes about Extraterrestrial reality. As we are discovering, our planet is still subject to many negative “alien” influences in the aftermath of the planetary rebellion. Universe quarantine refers to our disconnection from Universe energy circuits, and from normal interaction with Universe society. We are still under the protection and over-control of Universe authorities.

The information war has as its goal to sow confusion about the

Extraterrestrial presence on Earth. The war’s first goal is to keep the existence of Universe society an official secret. Its secondary goals are to sow confusion about whether the Extraterrestrial presence is benevolent or malevolent, or a mixture of both - to demonize the Extraterrestrial.

Universe society operates according to rules of law. Its intentions toward Earth are benign - we are its creatures. However, there are remnants of the planetary rebellion and quarantine that may operate within Earth’s near environment. Some researchers hold that alien abductions are part of a secret alien genetic plan to develop a “hybrid” intelligent species. This new species is to replace the human race on

Earth after its extinction in an coming ecological or near space catastrophe, such as asteroid collision. Others hold that “rogue extraterrestrials” are secretly threatening Earth, though benevolent extraterrestrials will not let humanity be harmed.

As in all information wars built on secrecy, propaganda and lies, it is difficult to know whether the information war scenarios are factual, distortions, or psychological projections. Some of the effects ascribed to

“malevolent Extraterrestrials” could in fact be products of the information war. These effects may in reality be classic psychological warfare operations, and a phenomenon of the information war.


Reported “Alien Abduction” experiences may be a mixture of other effects. They may be growth-oriented dimensional experiences of an archetypal nature. Abductions may be virtual or psychological operations by various sides in the information war, terrestrial and extraterrestrial alike. They can be disinformation MILAB, or terrestrial military-intelligence operations, mimicking “Alien abductions” as part of the information war. Actual abduction by extraterrestrial forces may itself be “Psy-War”, or psychological warfare against terrestrial military-intelligence networks. Alien abductions, in short, may not at all be what they seem.

The legacy of confusion from fifty years of information war has a practical antidote: the Decade of Contact. The information war must be ended and replaced by an education-based era of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research and education about Extraterrestrial reality.

Chapter Eight

The Planetary Rebellion and Its Causes

The Garden of Eden scenario is a working hypothesis of our actual planetary history and present Universe reality. Our quarantine affects our entire reality - physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Our present-day culture may well be the product of a rogue planetary leadership that revolted against Universe society in the distant past. As

186 a consequence, we have evolved under conditions that are the opposite of the normal life-bearing planet.

Although a new sun is created each day in our galaxy, life-bearing planets like Earth do not appear willy-nilly in the slow evolutionary cycles of the Universe. Life-bearing planets are conscious experiments of advanced Universe society. Designated Universe scientists routinely monitor planets deemed capable of bearing life. When a planet like

Earth appears to have favorable life-bearing conditions, Universe society formally incorporates the planet into a life-creation program. Then, a slow, patient intelligent life-implantation program begins.

Planetary life-implantation programs are not solely biological. Where planetary conditions are appropriate, life-implantation process can produces intelligent species like humans, who are both biological and spiritual. Advanced species like us have both biological and spiritual components – body, mind, soul, and spirit.

Planets are grown like gardens. Much of life development on planet

Earth is the product of conscious intervention by advanced, sophisticated techniques of the life-technologists of Universe society.

This process takes billions of years. As our human scientists uncover more of the scientific past of our planet, they are actually discovering the work products of highly advanced agents within our Universe.

At a certain point in planetary evolution, intelligent life comes into being as part of the life-experimentation scheme. With this intelligent life comes the human soul, a trans-temporal entity that experiences life as a human, and survives bodily death into other dimensions of the

Universe. A new life-implantation phase accompanies the appearance of intelligent souls on a planet. The planet is placed on a different lifeexperiment track. Intelligent soul-creatures have evolved who can themselves eventually help further creation in the Universe.

The Garden of Eden hypothesis holds that soul-bearing planets are visited and developed by formal planetary representatives of Universe society. These Universe representatives – in our case mythically known as Adam and Eve – are charged with “civilizing” the planet into Universe citizenship. Universe representatives are formally delegated to the lifebearing planet to oversee and guide its entrance into organized

187 interplanetary society. On normal life-experiment planets, general knowledge of and participation in interplanetary society occurs from the outset of civilization. On non-quarantined planets, an aspect of being civilized means consciously being part of interplanetary society.

The Garden of Eden story suggests that Earth did not integrate into

Universe society in the normal way. We humans are the children of a

Universe mishap suffered in the course of our planetary evolution. Our subsequent planetary isolation accounts for the severely conflicted, violent, ignorant, and confused state of our history and our society. It is no accident that humans are cursed with war, violence, poverty, ignorance, and death. The violence of the last century would not have occurred on a normal life-bearing planet that had not experienced such an evolutionary mishap.

A planet-wide rebellion by key officials took place in our distant past, overthrowing the Universe representatives on this planet. The planetary rebels sought to secede from Universe society, and to control Earth and its contiguous life-bearing planets. Our primeval planetary rebellion lives on in human mythology in the Adam and Eve story of Genesis.

The Garden of Eden story is actually a fragmentary portrayal of historical rebellion against Universe government, and probably the key event of planetary exopolitics to date. “Adam and Eve” are metaphorical designations for the chief Universe representatives to planet Earth. The

Genesis rebels have lived in human mythology as the “Devil,” a key part of the interplanetary drama surrounding expulsion from the “Garden of

Eden,” the Universe government’s last headquarters on post-quarantine planet Earth.

The expulsion from the Garden of Eden is a metaphor for expulsion of

Earth from the regular path of social integration into Universe society.

Our social heritage then became a planet of cosmic ignorance, violence, disease, and poverty. We on Earth devolved.

The Universe government threw the book at the planetary rebels, and hence at our unfortunate planet. Earth’s Universe circuits of communication and advanced energy were cut off, throwing us into devolution. Earth was isolated from the rest of interplanetary society, and placed in quarantine. As a planet, Earth has been historically

188 deprived of normal planetary evolution and education. We have been kept in the dark about Universe society, and the advanced technologies and quality of life that normal planets enjoy.

In our individual lives and collective culture, humans have had to face more ignorance than a comparable intelligent civilization would confront on another planet. Our planetary quarantine allows the full effects of the planetary rebellion to play themselves out.

The flip side of Earth’s enforced isolation is that we humans have emerged as a hardy species of intelligent spiritual entities, or souls. At the core, life-bearing planets are designed as laboratories for growing souls. The Universe is ultimately a spiritual domain, and a key goal of developing life-bearing planets is to provide developmental opportunities for growing souls (the non-temporal components of created beings).

With the isolation of Earth from hands-on guidance from Universe representatives, this planet has become a brief and intense testing ground for new and old souls alike. Apparently, Earth has quite a reputation in the Universe as a challenging, but rewarding place to live through a human life.

Chapter Nine

A Universe Career

One long-term benefit arising from Earth’s quarantine is that our isolation has helped build a soul that can live on hope alone. Our human souls must reach deep into inner resources to overcome many of the lingering tendencies of the planetary rebellion such as war, confusion, poverty, violence, and ignorance.

From the viewpoint of a Universe career, Earth’s challenges may be ideal

189 circumstances for our lengthy evolution.

A Universe career spans much longer than a single human lifetime on planet Earth. Human souls progress on a path of development in a multidimensional Universe, depending on our choices and actions in our

Universe lives.

Looking at your life fearlessly as a Universe adventure deepens its meaning. Planning your life is more than a cradle-to-grave exercise. A successful life career includes activities and in-depth orientations that endow the soul for its continued career into the next lifetime(s). Life on

Earth is part of one continuous cycle for the human soul, extending into other non-temporal dimensions.

Human religion has always spoken of the extended existence of the soul.

But a Universe career is certainly not part of the modern scientific canon. Conventional science holds that all life ends with death, a concept that parascience, the new science, now disputes. Because of our disrupted quarantined past on Earth, our human awareness of a

Universal career was truncated and buried.

Modern materialism is but a developmental stage of a lower intelligent species into a higher-order intelligent species. An advanced planetary society has it all. More advanced planets have a high level of civilization and standard of living, along with the knowledge that a material life is but a transitory stage of development for a more fundamental, nontemporal being known as the soul.

There is no challenge greater for modern human beings, caught up in the materialistic daily chaos of Earth, than to acknowledge the soul as the inner center of their being. Our human body, persona, identity, and desires are but costume that the soul uses in its inexorable development toward union with universal Source. Advanced civilizations in interplanetary (and interdimensional) society know these soul-lessons well. For the Universe is a spiritual realm, and its core tasks are spiritual.


Chapter Ten

Understanding Universe Organization

It is not by accident or delusion that between one-quarter and half of adult humans intuit that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial civilizations. Viewing the whole of the Universe, the most logical and rational conclusion is that we live in a highly populated and organized

Universe society of life-bearing planets. Like most basic decisions about reality, we can best arrive at this conclusion viscerally and intuitively.

Earth’s dominant belief that the Universe is unpopulated is only as strong as the information on which the belief is based. The modern human belief that Earth is in a chaotic, denuded Universe is based on our own human projections. Using a common psychological defense mechanism, we project that advanced civilizations are like ours.

We project that the Universe conforms to our human views of scientific laws.

Our science and our imagination possess only the barest glimmerings of what advanced civilizations are like and what they know. The principles of reflectivity and dimensionality, for example, are officially unknown in our reality, although parascience has increasing knowledge of these principles.

What every intelligent life-bearing planetary society knows – that we are part of a highly organized Universe composed of billions of life-bearing planets – is treated as scientific heresy and madness in the establishments of our planet. What is more, modern human society is unaware that we have been intentionally isolated through quarantine

191 from interplanetary society.

The false illusion that we live in a lifeless Universe is in effect a conceptual artifact from past millennia in which humanity has thought that the Earth is itself the center of the Universe. This illusion, or mass delusion, is a lateral consequence of the Universe quarantine under which Earth has been laboring.

Were the planetary quarantine to be suddenly dropped, we would have interplanetary commerce, interplanetary transportation, interplanetary communication, and interplanetary participation. It is time for a fundamental re-assessment of what we know about the Universe in which we live. We are isolated Universe hermits only in the delusional blinders of the quarantine of Earth.

Chapter Eleven

Universe Politics and the Decade of Contact

The end to our planetary quarantine will be based on open interaction between Universe society and Earth. The master - Universe society - appears when the evolutionary student Earth is ready. The Universe is designed as a living environment for the education and evolution of consciousness. Our Universe isolation will end when we are ready for the next lesson. There is good reason to believe the end of Earth’s

192 isolation in the Universe is now approaching.

We humans can reassess whether we live in a populated Universe simply by empowering ourselves to do so. Barring a massive overt demonstration on Earth by extraterrestrial society, we must make it socially and scientifically safe to reassess the issue of extraterrestrial civilizations in our environment.

Exopolitics is our best strategy to exit our planetary quarantine. As a central act of exopolitics, let us create the Decade of Contact, a ten-year social program officially dedicated to the issues of extraterrestrial contact, a decade of official world participation toward activating global consciousness and knowledge about Universe society.

Among the goals of the Decade of Contact would be the implementation of exopolitics on Earth, the study of Earth’s role in Universe government and politics. Through education, media, and grass-roots politics, a

Decade of Contact can bring awareness to public consciousness about

Universal society, and can reorient human science and institutions to be


The transition from quarantine to open interaction with Universal society is the central aim of exopolitics. Planetary reintegration involves active exopolitics with Earth’s participation in the politics of Universe society. This transition includes forces consciously opposing the quarantine’s end. Ignorance, pride, arrogance, jealousy, greed, and emptiness fuel Earth’s covert hierarchy of power, whose information war spans the last fifty years. Exopolitics includes evolutionary forces that consciously favor integration with interplanetary society.

Ending the Universe quarantine of Earth is in some ways like any other political process – messy, with struggle between opposing forces. There are forces on Earth firmly committed to stopping a reunion with interplanetary civilization.

Our entire military, nuclear and petroleum-based civilization is firmly against a reunion with a Universe society that cannot be controlled.

Admission to the advanced propulsion systems of Universe society – namely “free energy” – means that the vested interests of private ownership, cartels, and a petroleum-based transportation and energy

193 system would deconstruct.

Ultimately, breaking the quarantine means ending war and oppression.

Human military establishments become obsolete as war is outlawed. The narrow human elite that builds power by maintaining the monopolies of petroleum, nuclear power and military establishments would be deconstructed by interplanetary society.

Universe politics is the vehicle for our transformation into an interplanetary species and citizens of interstellar society. Crucial to exopolitical change is “mass awareness” on Earth. The polis, the human body politic, must become aware of its fundamental universal circumstances.

Mass awareness requires a critical mass of humans triggering a changed

Universe perception in human society. A sea change in human attitudes about Earth is crucial to our re-integration into interplanetary society.

We must achieve mass awareness that we are part of a larger organized society in interstellar space.

Our attaining a Universe relationship is key to human reintegration with interstellar society. That is, we must deliberately enter into conscious relationships with the other civilizations of space and build on these relationships. These interrelationships with interplanetary society must be conscious and interactive, characterized by awareness, emotion, feeling, reciprocity, and mutual interest – all the factors we presently deny about intelligent life in outer space. We must dissolve our barriers of ignorance and cultural apathy about things not related to Earth.

Although we live in a highly populated Universe, we humans send but the barest feelers out towards space. Our dominant official attitude is a hardened belief that we are the only intelligent species and are entitled to carry our war-like, polluting ways out into the Universe. These are precisely the kinds of signals that the United States, through its militarization of space programs, is telegraphing to interplanetary society on our behalf.


Chapter Twelve

Can We Heal ?

As we rejoin interplanetary society, our primary tasks will be to build a critical mass of human awareness, and to develop interactive relationships with the rest of the intelligent Universe. These tasks call for profound human therapy, our own planetary healing.

Universe law may provide some consolation about our planetary need for healing. If an interplanetary society has quarantined us for good reason, then we are likely to be “un-quarantined” for equally good reason. Earth is in quarantine not because we have violated some law of astrophysics. We are quarantined because Earth’s rebellion from

Universe society violated Universe law. Therefore, Earth has been subject to interplanetary legal consequences. Natural law tells us that these consequences can be reversed. Reasonable grounds exist for the reversal of the quarantine and allowing Earth to enter into knowing, conscious relationships with the rest of interplanetary society.

Human society has erected cultural barriers to understanding our true circumstances in the Universe. Our cultural barriers cripple science and knowledge regarding issues of Universe society. Cultural barriers prevent formal education about Earth’s period of isolation and planetary quarantine. As a planetary culture, we are in virtual ignorance about our fundamental condition in the Universe. The future now lies in our hands. You may be ready as an individual, but we must ready humanity as a whole for Universe society.

Historically, we humans have been unable to openly acknowledge the existence of Universe society. In retrospect, the Universe quarantine has

195 been successful. Our collective heads remain in a cosmic paper bag, and we have not been able to find our way out. After all, the plot of Earth’s history as a wayward planet is as plausible as any science fiction thriller about Good and Evil in the Universe. Our planetary quarantine is as old as the Adam and Eve story, if not older.

A Decade of Contact can create our collective breakthrough into interplanetary society. The most logical and intuitive insight is that the

Universe is populated and organized. Our Decade of Contact takes this life-affirming insight and gives it positive social reinforcement.

The Decade of Contact deconstructs the barriers between Universe society and human science, education, communication, government, community politics, and religion. During the Decade, we will rekindle our collective human desire to experience the unity of the Universe. The

Decade of Contact reaffirms Universe integration as a most profound duty of human governments, religious and educational institutions, and families.

Chapter Thirteen

The End of the Oligarchy

In Universe society, love rather than conflict is the central organizing principle among advanced civilizations. A heritage of our planetary rebellion is that military power, political oppression, and economic exploitation are the dominant means of self-government. Our conflict-

196 based human civilization persists because of quarantine and isolation.

We have come to accept conflict, oppression, and suffering as normal.

Earth’s culture of conflict is an aberration in the Universe. Earthly conflict will fall away with our admission into Universe society.

Earth’s slavery to a military, petroleum, and nuclear-based civilization will deconstruct with our open integration into Universe society. With access to the advanced technologies of Universe society, Earth will no longer be dependent on an energy infrastructure that is environmentally degrading. Earth’s energy infrastructure is owned by a narrow, terrestrially-oriented oligarchy, which resists Universe society.

One of the benefits of Earth’s integration into Universe society is that the military-industrial complex will no longer hijack a horrendous share of Earth’s gross product. Earth’s unaccountable system of corrupt, violent governments will be deconstructed and reformed. Earth’s educational, religious, and cultural power elite holds blinders of ignorance over the collective human mind. With integration into

Universe society, this ignorance will be dissolved.

In short, our planetary evolution will release an unprecedented era of development for humanity on Earth. An unprecedented democratization and expansion of individual liberties will accompany our integration into Universe society.

One of the untold planetary stories is how a reigning oligarchy and secret agencies work to keep humanity divided, and ignorant of its

Universe heritage. The oligarchy’s intent has been to prevent advanced

Universe technologies they do not own from transforming our way of life and standard of living. The oligarchy control Earth’s politics and resources, and delay humanity’s re-integration into interstellar society for as long as possible.

The richest 250 individuals or families retain more of the Earth’s wealth than does the bottom 2.5 billion persons. Restated, the wealthiest 250 persons or families own more than half of the entire human race. There is something fundamentally rotten in this equation. A malevolent spirit of avarice on Earth thrives within human plutocratic elites.

The information war perpetuates the effects original rebellion against


Universe society by keeping humanity ignorant and isolated from the rest of Universe society. In other words, the oligarchy and its covert military-intelligence agencies play a role not unlike the original rebels whose war against Universe society led to our quarantine in the first place. Perhaps the oligarchy’s consciously intends to impede humanity’s

Universe heritage. The oligarchy’s hidden objective may be to delay our planetary progress as conscious beings and trans-temporal Souls. We humans must seek the right to open reunion with our fellow Universe civilizations.

It is difficult to predict the full consequences of the reunion of Earth with interstellar civilization. We have no recent experience of open interaction with evolved civilizations. We can surmise that other planets have been placed in isolation. There is a regular, staged process of reintegrating planets into open participation with Universe society.

Earth may be embarking upon a path that has been tread before in the


We have experienced centuries and millennia of flawed social programming in Earth society. If you want to grasp that the Universe is actually highly populated and organized, then activate your spirit of the contrary. Contraire spirit leads one to turn dogma upside down, and to look past the accepted canon of misinformation.

Our complacency builds castles of cosmic misinformation in our collective human mind: Yes, the Earth is the center of the Universe. Yes, the Earth is the only populated planet. Yes, only fools believe that extraterrestrial civilizations know about and visit Earth.

In reality, only the under-informed believe the Universe is unpopulated.

Not much has changed in the modus operandi of the oligarchy enforcing earthly ignorance over the last several thousand years. Our dominant political culture – violent, conflict-prone, and terrestrially blinded – is like a dangerous obsessive abuser. Human political culture would rather keep humanity in the bondage of ignorance than allow the human race to advance to its next evolutionary destination.

Like any abusive relationship, our relationship to the dominant terrestrial civilization can be changed. We can leave behind our imprisoning terrestrial culture and transport ourselves into our real interstellar selves. We can affirm, as individuals and as a global body

198 politic, that we are citizens of the Universe. By changing our own consciousness, we can let go of the abusive programming of isolation.

Eventually, our new consciousness can grow into the mass mind of human Universe citizens. Humanity will join Universe society through a dedicated Decade of Contact.

Chapter Fourteen

Reversing the Quarantine

The adage says, “the world will always be with us”. Well, it is humanity’s exopolitical ignorance that keeps our world isolated and unaware. We can move beyond our collective ignorance. We must navigate our way out of isolation from the rest of Universe society. Our ability to do devise a path out of ignorance is a test as to whether we are ready to be released from this planetary quarantine.

Human science and technology are primed to discover that the Universe is organized around life-bearing planets. One key step in human science’s ability to discover planetary society occurred on November 5,

1999. Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley detected a planet near star HD 209458, in the constellation Pegasus, about 153 million light years (a million billion miles) from Earth. Astronomer

Geoffrey Marcy stated that the planet, observable through its eclipse with its sun, gave humankind its first independent scientific confirmation of a non-local planet. A few weeks later, on November 22,


1999, British scientists at St. Andrew’s University in Scotland reported isolating the light from a planet orbiting the star Tau Bootes, about 50 light years from earth.

With the ability to detect planets, human science achieved a milestone in creating building blocks to an early interplanetary understanding. In fact, Earth astronomers have discovered 28 extra-solar planets since

1993. Five of six planets discovered in 1999 are in the “habitable zone.”

This means their environments can support liquid water, a prerequisite for life. The scientists’ goal is to discover solar systems that have Earthlike, life-bearing planets.

Science’s ability to detect life-bearing planets seems synchronistic, coming as we are being prepared to leave behind our planetary quarantine. Advanced evolutionary laws guide Earth in its re-integration with Universe society. We are in a collective illusion, making it seem we are alone in a Universe void of other intelligent life. In fact, not only are we not alone, but we are guided in each step along the journey back into cosmic society.

The integration of intelligent life-bearing planets into Universe society follows a staged progression. Life-bearing planets such as Earth are constantly monitored by interplanetary society. The state of our planetary civilization – from our science to our wars – is played back in real-time to interplanetary society. It is within our power to secure our release from enforced isolation by transforming and fine-tuning how we behave as a planet. We can dramatically improve our quality of life by becoming openly aware that the rest of interplanetary society is monitoring us.

It is a genuine mistake to think that we are alone in our planetary destiny. No matter how long the Universe reintegration process takes, even millennia, we are guided by higher intelligence at multiple levels.

Our imprisoned culture may not allow us to express or feel this Universe guidance openly. Human culture will change as we expand into the

Universe and into new dimensions of parascience and evolving consciousness.

Soon it will no longer be considered taboo for a scientist to work openly on the tasks of reintegrating Earth into Universe society. We are guided

200 in our planetary evolution by our own nature as interstellar and interdimensional beings.

Advanced extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional civilizations are here to help us grow into new governmental, political, and social forms. Just because our culture does not acknowledge their presence does not mean they do not exist. Spiritual dimensions are as real as the material dimensions of time and space with which we are so familiar.

Multi-dimensional “spiritual” beings guide us in our planetary development. Our Universe is fundamentally a spiritual experience, and the material world is but one platform within reality. The spiritual dimensions of the Universe guide us outward into the reaches of interplanetary space, and inward into the reaches of the human soul.

We humans are interstellar beings with the potential of becoming a functioning interplanetary civilization. In this evolutionary task, we are guided by more advanced multidimensional civilizations. Officially, our human culture does not now acknowledge these higher civilizations.

Nevertheless the civilizations are there, communicating to us with symbols in the face of a hostile human authority. Their intent is not to overwhelm us, which they could easily do.

Higher civilizations intend to heal us from the mass delusion of separateness from the rest of intelligent creation.

We can make friends with these advanced forces of the Universe by allowing our unconscious and higher selves to accept their presence. A growing conscious relationship among humans and multidimensional

Universe forces is part of Earth’s ongoing spiritual revolution.

Nurturing our relationships with Universe forces is part of reintegrating

Earth with the rest of the Universe.

One way to strengthen your direct connection with the intelligent

Universe is by cultivating awareness of cosmic patterns. Contemplating the patterns of Earth’s connections with the cosmos can help bond you with a larger Universe society. Were you to live on a non-quarantined planet, the interconnectedness of intelligent life in the Universe would be more apparent. As it is, on Earth, our cosmic connections are hidden, visible only to “eyes that see” and “ear that hear.”


Earth grows souls that are extraordinarily hardy, and are highly regarded throughout the Universe. We grow a unique species of intelligent souls on Earth, souls that can live on hope alone. We humans possess extraordinary inner strength, the strength of the human soul.

Once we are made conscious of our Universe isolation, we will have the strength to move ourselves out of the cosmic paper-bag we are in. We will come to understand the scientific, historical, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our Earthly quarantine, and move collectively to end it.

Fear is a dominant emotion that still governs human civilization. Fear is a remnant of the planetary rebellion and subsequent quarantine.

Humans fear that one nation will attack another, that disease will destroy us, that we will be economically deprived, that we will fall behind our competitors, that our children will suffer. Fear is regressive.

It is the dominant emotion that keeps us in ignorance of our Universe heritage and consigns us to quarantine. Fear paralyzes us as a civilization, leaving us locked in global and personal insecurity. The political adage that we have “nothing to fear but fear itself” is a deep cosmic truth.

Rejoin interstellar civilization is our evolutionary heritage. We are destined for Universe citizenship because we are inter-stellar, dimensional beings with trans-temporal souls. Our own collective consciousness can speed up or slow it down our journey toward Universe society. If we insist on remaining enmeshed in planetary melodrama, we remain quarantined as we are now. We have reached a key evolutionary moment, as we perceive our past planetary history and our future as an interplanetary species. There is no logical reason for stalling any longer.

We can structure a systematic program to help Earth rejoin Universe society.

A powerful barrier keeping us locked within a terrestrial isolation is our

Earth-bound culture. Our imprisoned culture repeats its patterns of waging wars, building military establishments, supporting tyrannies, weaponizing outer space, oppressing populations, committing genocide, and engaging in mass mind-control of humanity. Our culture is now hijacked by elites, who maintain this destructive agenda and deny Earth its Universe citizenship.


Earth is monitored by Universe society, and there is a moral bottom line to our collective behavior on Earth. What keep us imprisoned in quarantine are the violent, regressive patterns of our war-like society.

War and ecocide have consequences negative consequences for human civilization in the eyes of Universe society. Conflict and ecological degradation of the planet marks us as a backward civilization incapable of participating in the advanced Universe scheme of things.

Earth’s behavioral transformation cannot happen overnight. A massive demonstration of Universe society’s presence would defeat an important purpose of our planetary quarantine. The path out of quarantine is interactive. The more we openly interact with Universe society, the less the quarantine.

Chapter Fifteen

Reaching Out to Interstellar Society

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program could be an important interactive step in reaching out to join interstellar society.

But SETI has its conceptual limitations. Universe society knows full well that Earth is populated. The deliberate isolation of our planet is well known and enforced throughout the universe.

But SETI’s very existence is a plus for Earth. SETI proves that humanity is at a developmental stage where it can acknowledge interaction other intelligent civilizations. SETI embodies our first institutional steps to

203 reach out to fellow civilizations in the Universe. Of course, these civilizations already know we are in enforced isolation. SETI’s true significance is that humanity can exhibit rational social behavior in outer space.

Programs like SETI are a starting point for interactive exopolitics. To search for extraterrestrial intelligence, we must first acknowledge Earth as a quarantined planet in an interstellar society. In order to achieve open contact with intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, a complete transformation of SETI’s conceptual framework must occur.

Scientists Frank Drake and the late Carl Sagan founded SETI in the

1960s. SETI’s concept of the Universe is in some sense founded on the famous Drake equation:

N = n* fp ne fl fi fc L

N is said to equal the total number of extraterrestrial intelligent beings that exist in the observable Universe with whom we might communicate.

As “N” turns out to be a relatively large number, it is this equation which is thought to justify the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Drake hesitates to estimate precisely how many civilizations there are in the Universe. However, he lists factors calculated in the Drake equation in arriving at the total of intelligent beings as: (n*) the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy; (fp) the number of stars whose environs can support life; (ne) the number of planets in each solar system that are suitable for life; (f1) the number of these planets on which life actually develops; (fi) the number of planets with life on which intelligence develops; (fc) the number of planets with intelligence on which a technological civilization develops; (L) the number of planets with a technological civilization which has survived until today.

Drake himself admits that the result of this equation is highly problematical. The entire formula is based on only one sample – that of the intelligent civilization of Earth. Thus, the result is apt to be either a human projection of evolution on Earth, or a total speculation about evolution elsewhere in the Universe. There are no factors in the equation on which SETI is based that reflect the true and practical determinants of human communication with Universe civilizations. The Drake

204 equation and the present SETI program do not contain a factor which states “Earth in quarantine; communication not permitted.”

SETI can search galaxy after galaxy for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, without apparent response, and conclude its efforts have gone unrecognized by intelligent civilizations. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. SETI is not fundamentally flawed; it is just incomplete in terms of its approach. Interstellar civilizations are busy monitoring us to see whether the conditions for response and dialogue are met.

SETI’s task is not just scientific communication. Rather, its true task is exopolitical. How do we humans present ourselves where higher intelligence would want to communicate? How do we begin the dialogue to end the quarantine and resume an open membership in interplanetary society?

Chapter Sixteen

The Rebirth of Universe Consciousness

“As above, so below” is one principle by which Earth facilitates its

Universe reunion. Earth can consciously connect to advanced interplanetary society (above), and mirrors its cosmic principle here on

Earth (below). Through open interaction with Universe society, we humans can transform Earth into free, non-quarantined planet. There is

205 no better way we could spend our time on Earth.

As individuals, we may not have to do anything as part of our reunion with Universe society. Universe consciousness is part of the growth of personal intuition among a large percentage of the human population.

The remarkable increase in intuitive awareness of an Extraterrestrial presence on Earth is a good example. Whatever the motivating source, the human population is becoming aware of Universe civilizations on


Major human governments are hostile to any extraterrestrial initiative toward Earth. Academia and the “knowledge” establishments have likewise been aggressively hostile toward an extraterrestrial role in our planetary affairs. A covert military-intelligence establishment seems to be running disinformational extraterrestrial masquerade programs with the intent of “owning” the extraterrestrial experience. Yet these masquerades do not dilute the intuitive human experience that genuine extraterrestrial civilizations exist.

Subliminal communication is one important source for increasing human awareness of extraterrestrial activities around Earth. Universe civilizations are communicating with humans subliminally and at the level of peripheral awareness. This peripheral cueing forms a stage in

Universe society’s over-all strategy to integrate humanity into open interplanetary society. Through subliminal awareness, a critical mass of humanity becomes consciously connected to the organized cosmos.

Advanced Universe psychologists gently work to trigger a cognitively retarded human species into full Universe consciousness, without overwhelming them with fear or paralysis. Up to forty-five percent of

Earth’s most affluent and educated human adults may have become

Universe conscious through extraterrestrial subliminal programs. If true, this is an extraordinary success rate, boding well for our full

Universe reintegration.

Humanity’s coming into full Universe consciousness is governed by

Universal law. Earth’s evolution differs from that of a normal evolving life-bearing planet in that we are in quarantine from interplanetary society. On normal life-bearing planets, open participation in Universe society starts at the very beginnings of planetary civilization.


From Universe society’s point of view, Earth is unique to intelligent civilizations.

We humans are now beginning open Universe integration. This is a process that occurs according to evolutionary laws governing advanced civilization. That we are ignorant of Universe laws does not make us any the less subject to them. We are an entry-level intelligent species becoming aware of the society of intelligent species in the larger


A critical mass, open to union with interstellar society is gathering. The truth is that we on a path to rejoin a greater society. As individuals, we can choose to experience this process as a positive opportunity, or we can resist and regress.

Fear and ignorance fuels most of the resistance to Universe integration.

Humanity’s open integration into the organized Universe is for our long run benefit. Our evolutionary cycle at this stage offers opportunities, providing we interact positively with Universe society. Of course, we can chose self-destructive reaction to the Universe society’s approach and plan. Even that would be but a temporary setback in Earth’s inevitable evolution into interstellar society.

Humanity is at a stage analogous to when we were first entering the

Universe quarantine. Only now, instead of being isolated from the organized Universe, we are rejoining Universe society. Our reintegration is made possible by our Universe awareness Exopolitics provides a conceptual structure that allows Earth’s Universe re-integration to take place. Major planetary transformation can occur within the framework of exopolitics.

Official science denies there is organized advanced life is actively involved with Earth. Secret military-intelligence disinformation about

Universe society mimic “extraterrestrial activity” in order to control public opinion’s psychological gateways to Universe reintegration.

Covertly orchestrated confusion feeds human attitudes and knowledge about extraterrestrial intelligence. Science fiction cinema and literature may paint a dark future for humanity in outer space. . Each of these visions seems to be founded on fear, ignorance, error, or vested power

207 interests.

Compare these false, negative portrayals of the Universe with our intuitive knowledge that the Universe is organized and benign. A positive vision of life in an organized Universe is extravagant and blissful. It is not dark, fearful, conflict-ridden, or slave-like.

The owners of our terrestrial petroleum-nuclear civilization are opposed to reunion with Universe society. Our military, petroleum-based and nuclear establishment may likely deconstruct when the dimensional

“free energy” of advanced Universal society becomes the technological norm on Earth.

Advanced interplanetary society does not allow war. Planetary evolution on Earth means an end to human war as a means of production, economic wealth, or social oppression. Universe society spells the demise of militarism on Earth and in our near space.

Reunion with Universe civilizations brings a closer relationship with

God. The most advanced scientific reality in all creation is that God is

Source. As our relationship of with the Universe expands, religious institutions must adapt as humanity learns that many of the details of their faith-belief may be myth and scientifically false. Humanity will finally cease to war against itself in the name of God, as Earth becomes part of interplanetary society.

Terrestrial power and war-making structures will largely deconstruct in the Universe reunion. Earth’s officially-enforced ignorance about

Universe society is no accident. You have not heard much about the organized Universe because there are powerful forces opposed to our union with Universe society. Information about Universe society has been kept from us to ensure the status quo for a narrow human ownership that is wedded to the past.

Universe politics - exopolitics - empowers us to our goal of reunion. We can join Universe politics by establishing open public venues for exopolitics. Public, community-based venues can provide the political tools to decide how public and private resources will be used in our integration with Universe society. A Universe reunion involves a commitment of our entire civilization, our entire planet, and our

208 collective future and way of life.

It is time that we humans play the game of Universe politics openly and collectively. You may understandably feel disempowered or disenfranchised on Universe issues. There is no more important human question than whether we join this greater society, and its advanced government, civilizations, technologies, and peoples. As an individual, you will want to have input into whether your planet rejoins interstellar society. In Universe politics, all movement is inevitably forward and ultimately to our collective benefit. Even momentary adversity and upset in the process of reintegration into the organized Universe can bring its own benefits.

The essence of Universe politics is simple: We humans are not alone; we are in a collective Universe society. As a species, we do not have ultimate title and property to our planet and to interplanetary space. Earth is a

Universe commons. We exist in the Universe subject to Universe laws.

We are in a multi-party Universe, on a multi-party planet.

As we embark on the process of mobilizing our human awareness, we will find that we have the help and resources of a very advanced civilization that is organized throughout Universe space. Universe politics is how we humans relate to Universe society; how we enforce our rights in organized interplanetary society; how we request and seek out Universe society’s resources and responsibilities for our planet.

Chapter Seventeen

Toward A Decade of Contact

Fear should no longer paralyze us from seeking our membership in

Universe society. One version of this fear, promoted by a militaryintelligence network, is that we should fear an “invasion” of hostile

209 aliens more than anything else.

Contemporary world leaders have said that such a hostile invasion would truly bring humankind together. Former United States Presidents have broadcast this message to the world in the early 1980s at the

United Nations, and as recently as late 1999. In a way, this “alien invasion” is the equivalent of the “Earth is the center of the Universe” message of the Middle Ages.

The “alien invasion” is a psychological war initiative, one more way that the vested interests of powerful terrestrial governments keep the human population isolated from the advances of interplanetary civilization.

What will bring humankind together is our accessing interplanetary government. There is no authentic “alien invasion” planned. That is disinformation. Universe government is advanced, organized, peaceful, and interested in our evolution. If there is any “rogue” extraterrestrial presence on Earth, it operates outside the confines of Universe laws and will end.

How can the human population get beyond the anti-extraterrestrial conceptual traps that our institutions and terrestrial leaders keep constructing for us? One way is to build a new, participatory exopolitical process whose purpose is to foment and structure humankind’s preparedness to enter interplanetary society. Exopolitics will deconstruct negative disinformation about an extraterrestrial presence.

Open research will shed the light of truth on alleged extraterrestrial plots to genetically enslave mankind.

The Decade of Contact is a ten-year participatory education-based process to facilitate integration with Universe society. We dedicate a ten-year period of education and community action around integrating

Earth into Universe society. The Decade of Contact is both a process and a public attitude. Extraterrestrial contact is our doorway into reintegration with Universe society. Extraterrestrial contact is an interactive process; it involves mutual interaction between our fellow humans and Universe society. Just how many decades it will take to reestablish working contact with the organized Universe is partially in our own hands.


The Decade of Contact is simple and straightforward. Any individual, group, institution, nation, or government can participate. Participants in the Decade of Contact will commit to transform their lives, their institutional focus, and resources to re-establishing integration with organized interplanetary society. Rejoining Universe society is an exopolitical process, and will happen only as political momentum gathers at the personal, local, regional, and global levels. The process of

Universe integration may take time in lift-off, like a space vehicle starting its long journey with slow lift-off from Earth.

Mobilizing the human species to integrate with Universe society will take place in many concurrent ways. A key task is the gathering of information, research, and scientific and educational resources about

Universe society. Our dominant terrestrial model of reality is functionally a legacy from the Middle Ages. Our collective new knowledge base must be assembled from an exopolitical context.

There are also important cultural components to the Decade of Contact, as human awareness builds to a critical mass. These will include political movements, public events, concerts, music, art, and media to celebrate Universe society. Our reunion with Universe society is a ground of our basic human rights. The Decade of Contact process will transform our civilization from within, from a terrestrial culture to a

Universal one.

Transformation of human society will occur when we reach a Universesensitive critical mass. With approximately forty-five percent of Earth’s population now extraterrestrial-conscious, can critical mass be far behind?

Chapter Eighteen


The end of terrestrial politics?

There are many cycles in Earth’s exopolitics. We are building on the spiral of a long planetary history. We are winning back our Universe citizenship, lost aeons ago and intentionally kept hidden from us over the years by terrestrial governments and power-greedy groups. Now, all that is about to be transformed.

During the last century, in 1977, a U.S. White House administration was open enough to acknowledge its ignorance about a wider Universe reality in our midst. The highest democratically elected authority in this land sought the most creative of our sciences to understand the open approaches of Universe society. An anti-Universe information war scuttled a Carter White House study of extraterrestrial communication.

That was one of my first personal experiences with the devastating effects on the information war.

Our exopolitics is also part of other, longer cycles. Historically, the fundamental rights of humankind, hard-won in political struggle and revolutions against old repressive orders of reality, are part of our exopolitical development. In ages past Earth was once a member of an interplanetary society. Each one of you will decide whether this possibility is worthy of your consideration.

Exopolitics brings us into our collective Universe bodies politic. Politics is a process of mediating among our various interests within a larger framework. Politics is more than an academic, analytic exercise. Politics is about the freedoms of our bodies from want, and the freedom of our minds from fear. Politics is about mutual empowerment. And our

Universal heritage is the ultimate empowerment in our known reality.

A narrow military-intelligence-plutocratic clique – hosted in the United

States of America – attempts to lead our entire generation of Earthlings into believing a planetary lie - that we are alone in the Universe.

The political process and governmental structures we have on Earth do

212 not stop at Earth’s geo-stationary orbit. Politics, government, and individual freedom extend throughout the interstellar and interdimensional Universe we inhabit. Government on Earth is derived from exo-government in the Universe, and we all have inalienable rights in the Universe.

We know that the era of terrestrial politics is over, and a new age is beginning. The age of Universe politics has now landed.

How this new exopolitical age will unfold – whether violently and repressively, or expansively in freedom – is in some sense up to us. We are a nucleus of politically sensitive terrestrials who are aware that the playing field is vast. We are a new dimension of Universe government as it dawns on Earth.

Remember: secret networks in some terrestrial governments continue to keep the people in darkness and ignorance of Universe government and

Universe politics.

Look to your own government in the United States and the Anglo-bloc – the governments of the U.S., the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and

Canada. This Bloc carries on a secret information war against our right to Universe participation.

These are same governments that manage Echelon, a global surveillance network. The Echelon governments seem to have the largest participation in waging the anti-Universe information war.

By contrast, unofficial Governmental networks like those in France, seem to be open to the Extraterrestrial presence. COMETA, a three-year study by former French space and air force officials validates an extraterrestrial presence around Earth.

The Echelon countries and the United States continue this anti-Universe war for global power and global wealth. Echelon hides a secret government network that exists to protect a global petroleum-nuclear civilization, a military-industrial complex. Its military-intelligence command and control is a private army. The anti-Universe war is a private war, committed to prevent an era of free energy and expansive

Universe citizenship from dawning on Earth. This oligarchy attempts to own the future and keep us in an oppressive past.


Every citizen of Earth is a victim of the information war against

Universe integration. This inter-planetary war exists in order to perpetuate the concentration of wealth and justify the mind control technology of a narrow, brutal, retrogressive elite. Some of us have suffered more directly than have others. Our entire planetary reality suffers environmental suicide, species extinction, war, disease, crime, and poverty, and a pervading ethic of selfishness.

The very knowledge that we are part of an organized, interstellar, multidimensional society makes our new Universe citizenship a reality.

Knowledge itself will begin to evaporate the power of our selfish and destructive civilization. Our so-called terrestrial power structure will no longer be big fish in a small pond, but micro-personalities in an infinite ocean of reality, the Universe itself.

Exopolitics’ essential message is that collectively we the human populations are all the exo-government, the planetary Universe society.

In the United States alone, between fifty and one hundred million adult

Americans are aware that Universe society visits Earth. Seventy percent of the U.S. population disbelieves the official government information war. In other countries where governmental mass mind control is not as great, such as Brazil, even larger percentages of the population knows we are Universe citizens.

Terrestrial government is a hollow shell game, an atavistic remnant of the planetary rebellion. The evaporation of terrestrial government and the birthing of Universe government is inevitable. There is no “take me to your leader” scenario. The entire cosmos knows that the leaders of the Earth’s information war are corrupt and unworthy to lead us further. Their perspectives are all about profit and control.

We the human populations can all land a new Universe reality and

Universe society into our terrestrial dimension from the inside. Our own inner awareness can shift its allegiance from terrestrial-based reality to a Universe-based reality. Ignorance and war are no longer acceptable problem-solving alternatives.

There are many tactical and strategic roadways exopolitics can take over the coming years. Best they be taken in a common Decade of Contact.


In the late 1970s, the U.S. White House under Jimmy Carter antedated the French COMETA study validating extraterrestrials in our environment. That prophetic effort was brutally terminated by the information war, using the mind control technology of the military.

Exopolitics now cycles back again, this time to prevail.

Let us set aside a special Decade of Contact to assimilate extraterrestrial contact. In all countries, let us push for legislative hearings, scientific and policy studies, community politics, and exopolitical process. There is no doubt that our present terrestrial fabric - educational, constitutional, scientific, entertainment - needs to be transformed as part of a new Universe-based reality.

Join in the vision of a Decade of Contact in all countries, a transformation of our human self-image. The Decade of Contact will be a proactive, education-based process of global integration with Universe society. Our entire terrestrial fabric – environmental, energy, governmental, educational, scientific, technological, and philosophical – calls out for a new Universe-based reality. Let us save our precious

Earth. Together let us birth a new vision, a planetary campaign for a

Universe-based ecology.

We are entering a new domain of politics – Universe exopolitics. We are shifting from a terrestrial-bound community to a Universe-directed body politic, which is our fundamental cosmic right. The transformation starts within each of us, for we ourselves are the Universe transformation. We are the exo-government. We are the new Universal human.

Copyright 2000-2001

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Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact - PART




A Treatise

PART TWO – Universe Politics

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd


Copyright © 2000-2001

Alfred Lambremont Webre

All Rights Reserved

Books by Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Age of Cataclysm, (New York: GP Putnam’s Sons 1974);

(New York: Berkeley Medallion 1975); (Capricorn Books,


(Tokyo: Ugaku Sha 1975)

The Levesque Cases, (Ontario: PSP Books, 1990)

Earth Changes: A Spiritual Approach, (Universebooks.com,


Recovery: A Personal Journey, (Universebooks.com, 2000)


Caveat Lector

PART ONE Turning the Universe Upside Down

Chapter One - Introduction to Exopolitics

Chapter Two - The Infancy of Exopolitics

Chapter Three - A User’s Guide to Life

Chapter Four - The Garden of Eden Hypothesis

Chapter Five - Spiritual and Material Reality

Chapter Six - The UFO Phenomenon

Chapter Seven - The Information War

Chapter Eight - The Planetary Rebellion and Its Causes

Chapter Nine - A Universe Career

Chapter Ten - Understanding Universe Organization


Chapter Eleven - Universe Politics and the Decade of


Chapter Twelve - Can We Heal?

Chapter Thirteen - The End of the Oligarchy

Chapter Fourteen - Reversing the Quarantine

Chapter Fifteen - Reaching Out to Interstellar Society

Chapter Sixteen - The Rebirth of Universe Consciousness

Chapter Seventeen - Toward A Decade of Contact

Chapter Eighteen - The end of terrestrial politics?

PART TWO — Universe Politics

Chapter Nineteen - Universe politics is like all human politics

Chapter Twenty - “Universe Politics does not stop at Earth’s edge”

Chapter Twenty One - “Exopolitics: Humans Are As Humans


Caveat lector: Our human civilization is at the very beginnings of its era of Universe consciousness. Any factual errors in descriptions of the structure of a Universe government and of the dynamics of

Universe politics, while they may be intuitively well grounded, are the sole responsibility of the author.

PART TWO – Universe Politics

How humanity is ultimately governed by Universal law, which operates much like other natural and governmental laws on Earth.

How politics and government do not stop at Earth’s edge. How our position in

218 interplanetary society is determined by what human society as a whole does on Earth – all politics are local, global, and then universal. How a planetary security system based on militarization and war effectively cuts us off from Universal society. How a progressive planetary society sets the stage for political reintegration into Universe society.

Chapter Nineteen

Exopolitics: Universe politics is like all human politics.

Exopolitics - like human politics - is a social food fight. In the case of

Universe politics on Earth, however, the food fight is onesided. As a politically captive population, we humans are officially oblivious to the governing process of Universe society. Unofficially, of course, somewhere between a quarter and a half of the human race intuit that

Earth is in a dynamic with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Innate awareness of a larger Universe society is part of our human makeup, our species evolution. Social forms in the Universe are holographic reflections of the Universe as a whole. Government and political structures on Earth are reflections, holographic fragments of larger forms in Universe society.

One of the remarkable qualities of Universe government is that its patterns and structure are holographic projections of the whole. The governmental structure of the Universe as a whole is projected in governmental and political structures of a constituent part, like planet Earth.


The legacy of Earth’s planetary isolation and quarantine differs, however, from a planet whose evolution has followed a more regular, overtly

Universal path. Earth’s governmental forms both reflect the quarantine period, and are fundamental holographic fragments of the

Universe ideal.

Earth is a life-experiment planet under the jurisdiction of

Universe society. Earth’s heritage as a life-experiment planet is the reason why both human intuition and our sacred religious traditions contain so many partial truths about Universe reality. Earth’s political forms have their holographic, essential origin in exopolitics, the political forms of Universe society.

Universe society’s governmental and political forms are deeply embedded in the design of Earth’s governmental structures.

“As above so below” is a fundamental axiom of exopolitical evolution. That

Earth does not openly participate in Universe politics is ironic. Humans are uniquely adaptive when it comes to politics. Witness our survival, for example, in the political twists and turns of the Twentieth century, let alone the entire planetary quarantine. As we achieve critical mass in human Universe awareness, it will seem like the human community has always intuitively known that we are part of a larger, structured whole.

Exopolitics’ principles are straightforward. The basics of

Universe politics are easily understood, even when applied to a quarantined planet like Earth’s with an irregular political history.


Human politics and government on Earth are structured after politics and government in the Universe. Human beings and human society are evolutionary descendants of Universe society. Universe scientists genetically seeded us. The early concepts of government were established on Earth under the guidance of Universe colonizers. We humans are much closer to Universe politics than our millennia of isolation from Universe society might suggest.

Exopolitics - Universe politics - is a structured process by which the evolutionary and social needs of life-bearing planets are mediated and determined. There are at least two sides to Earth’s extraterrestrial politics: the needs of Universe society, and the needs of our unique, quarantined planet. Earth’s exopolitics are elementary and simplistic, because humans are largely oblivious of our isolation in a highly governed


Earth’s exopolitics are those of an intelligent civilization that is only now becoming conscious of its potential role in the larger

Universe. A growing Universe consciousness on Earth means that an exopolitical process is beginning to unfold as well. Humanity is moving toward liberating itself from a quarantined isolation imposed from above. We are deconstructing the narrow social and institutional blinders that have kept

221 us in isolation from inter-stellar society. You and I are witnessing the beginnings of a Universe “process of liberation” of planet Earth.

Chapter Twenty

“Universe Politics does not stop at Earth’s edge”

An open mind is the best Universe navigation tool at this stage in Earth’s development. Politics and government do not stop at

Earth’s edge.

Exopolitics pervades the Universe. Universe governance is based upon rational principles. Universe society extends throughout known inter-stellar dimensions that, as well as to Universe dimensions our civilization has yet to discover.

Universe governance is based on a fundamental principle: that spiritual and material dimensions in the Universe are a single reality. Spiritual reality is actually more “real” than material reality.

Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are based on acknowledging the unity of spirit and the material. Universe governance is based on the principle that the spiritual and material aspects of planetary evolution are intertwined, and seeks common evolutionary goals.

Universe society extends throughout the entire cosmos. Its basic unit of organization is the life-bearing planet. Universe society continuously

222 monitors intelligent civilizations on life-bearing planets. At a certain stage of a life-bearing planet, its intelligent civilization becomes part of Universe governance. This is how Earth’s early civilization originally became part of Universe society.

Consider one very rough but useful analogy. As a member of

Universe society, our planet may be comparable to a town or city within a state or province inside a nation here on Earth. Of course, there are huge differences in this analogy. Governmental jurisdictions on

Earth do not necessarily follow the lines of nature. Many Earthly borders and boundaries between counties, provinces, states, or nations, for example, cut across the natural lines of rivers, mountain systems, and ecosystems.

Likewise, governmental systems of planets do not necessarily follow the physical structure of inter-stellar space.

Life-bearing planets in inter-stellar space form part of a vast, dynamic interdimensional federation, structured around organic quadrants of

Universe creation, and composed of vibrant, varied exopolitical networks.Inter-stellar society is generally built around locally contiguous networks of life bearing planets.

Local networks of planets are entry-level building blocks for a decentralized exopolitical structure.

Universe society operates across multi-dimensional realities, and includes many differing forms of Universe civilizations - both

“spiritual” and “material”.

Advanced multidimensional civilizations actually cultivate the myriad galaxies, stars, and planetary systems of the

223 physical Universe. Responsibility for conscious evolution of the Universe is decentralized.

Ancient multidimensional civilizations consciously evolve the Universe through advanced, scientific interventions in natural evolutionary processes. These interdimensional, “spiritual” societies create and cultivate intelligent civilizations such as our own. Humanity itself in turn has the potential to evolve into an advanced, multidimensional society. “Ye are

Gods in the making,” is one adage expressing this evolutionary truth.

Universe society plans and develops basic networks of lifeexperiment planets in contiguous quadrants of outer space. Lifeexperiment specialists develop these planetary networks over long aeons of time.

Life-bearing planets are formally incorporated into

Universe governance networks as their intelligent civilizations mature. Once a single planetary network reaches the limits of manageable size, a new life-planet system is started for an inter-stellar region.

Two fundamental principles of Universe governance form a paradox. One the one hand, the Universe is consciously evolved by decentralized, advanced civilizations. The principle of decentralized exopolitical evolution governs the development of intelligent civilizations in the

Universe. On the other hand, Source maintains ultimate centralized creation over all reality.

Thus, creation of the Universe is both centralized in One

Source, and decentralized in many multidimensional civilizations.


There is a deeper, dimensional structure to the Universe.

We humans are used to thinking of a physical Universe composed of such natural basic building blocks as solar systems and galaxies. Universe government cuts across such natural phenomena as solar systems and galaxies, and extends beyond the inter-stellar space we visually see. The Universe is a living, evolving entity, composed of many dimensions and realities. Universe society functions beyond physical inter-stellar space, and throughout the multiplicity of Universe realties and dimensions.

As holographic fragments of a living Universe, we humans are ourselves multi-dimensional beings. Humans exist in overlapping dimensions. Our physical bodies and our spiritual souls function together, but in radically different dimensions of the Universe. Think of

Earth and its planetary network as our “body politic”, and our network capital as our

“planetary soul.”

Like body and soul of the human being, networks of

Universe government co-exist in radically different dimensions of the Universe.

The principle of over-lapping multi-dimensionality applies as well to the design of

Universe governmental exopolitical. Universe society has its government capitals, much as the capitals of Earth’s governmental systems. The capital of Earth’s planetary network is located within another Universe dimension, invisible to our current human science.


Earth’s political systems are built around geographical

“capitals” where the interactive business of governments takes place, in judicial, legislative and executive forums. By contrast, the “capitals” of our interplanetary networks are located within dimensions of the Universe that

Earth has yet to discover. Planetary network capitals are located within older, more evolved dimensions of the Universe than the planets – like

Earth - it oversees. The Universe itself evolves, including the multiplicity of its inner, more advanced dimensions, as well as the familiar dimension of “outer space.”

Our interplanetary capital is more “spiritual” in nature than its member planets, such as Earth. Our planetary capital is located within a more spiritual dimension than interstellar space we know. Our capital carries out government and politics by means of advanced Universe technologies of dimensionality and reflectivity.

We planets are in a “virtual reality.” The location of our network capital is “virtual,” or in some more advanced dimensional reality, which our fragmentary religious traditions may call “Heaven”. The capital’s virtual

“location” in another dimension facilitates its overseeing both the physical and spiritual evolution of life-bearing planets in its jurisdiction.

We must be fearless in letting go of erroneous concepts embedded in our

226 science and religious traditions if we are to understand how the Universe evolves intelligent life. We carry unnecessary emotional and conceptual baggage as to how life-bearing planets are grown and organized. Think of the Universe as vast growing Mind, endlessly creating from its center Source; yet decentralized in its architecture and operations.

As individuals, we are actually part of that Universal mind.

The ultimate

Source of the Universe is a person inside the Universe (as each of us is).

The Source is the evolving Universe itself as well. A living, holographic fragment of Source is within each of our Souls. These are all aspects of the Source (known as God).

As we more fully evolve, we may actually come to meet

Source, face to face, within a dimensional world at the center of the known

Universe. This very real, dimensional location is known in our religious traditions as

“Paradise,” or the center of “Heaven.” Our current human science does not have the tools to understand or perceive this ultimate

Universe dimension.

The Universe is the most imaginative thriller known. The exquisite design of the intelligent Universe centers on the growth of our individual Souls.

The soul is our non-temporal navigator through the myriad dimensions of the Universe.

You can think of our planet Earth and the whole system of life-bearing planets as a hothouse for growing souls. One goal of Source is to share

227 its Universe with beings who can themselves evolve eventually into Source-like beings. In a word, the facts of science and the concepts of religion really do merge as we evolve in this Universe we inhabit.

There are perceptual barriers and doorways to humanity’s acquiring its next level of Universe knowledge. We will not be able to

“see” the structure of Universe society, our life-bearing planet neighbors, until we are ready. We cannot rush this process of our reintegration into Universe society. But we can create the conditions and social permission on Earth for our civilization and Universe society to interact in a shared reality.

Admission to interplanetary society may require that we openly acknowledge

Earth as an isolated planetary member.

To use another metaphor, we on Earth are in a mystery school. The mystery school is the Universe itself. Our human history and evolution is actually an unfolding tour, so deeply guided as to be beyond the comprehension of our mortal intellects. The goal of this mystery tour is our growth as non-temporal beings. The Source creates this Universe mystery school, and guides us through stages of planetary evolution.

Earth’s mystery school is designed to prevent the human community from venturing outward into the Universe without first becoming aware of its intelligent and moral order. To integrate with Universe society, we need transform ourselves to be open citizens of Universe society.

Without this

228 transformation, our community would not even become aware that it is in a populated and ordered intelligent Universe. Earth would remain within our planetary isolation, an evolutionary cul-de-sac.

Federal systems of government here on Earth reflect the design of Universe government. Under a decentralized federal system, a hierarchy of federal governments controls local governments. The design of federal governments on Earth is actually a holographic reflection of Universebased governments. Local networks of life-bearing planets are under the jurisdiction of “federal” Universe capitals, located deeper within dimensions of the Universe which humanity cannot presently perceive.

From their more evolved, spiritual dimensions, these federal Universe capitals oversee vast interplanetary federations.

Government on these

Universe capitals is analogous to the primitive governmental forms we know on Earth. The legislative, judicial and executive functions we know of

Earth all are holographically derived from the design of

Universe government. Earth’s governmental forms are flawed because of the heritage of our planetary quarantine. Our governments are primitive because humanity is a very, very young intelligent species in the Universe. Think of Universe capitals as being analogous to provincial or state capitals on Earth. Basic legislative, executive, and judicial powers are exercised on

Universe capitals, as they are at provincial and state capitals on Earth. Universe capitals serve as interdimensional legislatures, where the laws and statutes

229 of Universe society are formulated, debated, politicked, and enacted.

The Universe executive branch is analogous to a state governor or provincial premier. A Universe executive establishes its seat of governmental authority at these interdimensional capitals.

The executive functions of Universe government include overseeing the development and evolution of the life-bearing planets, and keeping the peace of Universe society.

Think of Universe executives as highly advanced god-beings with powers of

Universe creation, and authority over quadrants of

Universe reality. Traditional Earth religions often refer to

Universe executives as the “gods” or “God.”

Universe courts are located throughout the various federal levels of

Universe government, dispensing justice under public and private

Universal law.Among the many issues that these courts adjudicate, for example, are orders for the isolation or quarantine of errant planets, such as Earth.

Earth is now in political isolation, and does not participate directly in

Universe government. In effect we have defaulted on our

Universe privileges, including that of self-government. The more advanced and evolved civilizations tend to be more involved in Universe governance.

As a civilization advances in spiritual evolution, it also advances in governmental power and authority within the Universe.

This connection

230 between spiritual and political power is a phenomenon of

Universal law and planetary evolution. An advanced civilization possesses a sense of cosmic responsibility, and can oversee the creation and development of new intelligent planetary life. Our human community has been isolated from our cosmic heritage. Our re-joining Universe society can help us reacquire our cosmic responsibilities. A cosmic sense in turn feeds our evolution as a community of spiritual beings

Politics, then, does not stop at Earth’s edge. In fact, it appears that the higher we proceed within the Universe community, the more comprehensive is the scope of Universe exopolitics.

Consider the political dynamics operating at the Universe capital overseeing our planetary isolation. We can surmise that powerful Universe forces support our reintegration into interplanetary society.

Earth’s quarantine is the result of an extended governance process, analogous to a traumatic international political and governmental process on Earth – World War II, as an example. The specific conditions of our planetary isolation are contained in legislative statutes, executive regulations, and judicial case decisions of

Universe government. Our emerging from planetary quarantine is as much dictated by Universe government, as was our original isolation.

Universal law is the blueprint for politics, government, and law on Earth.

Universe justice and law are embedded in the deeper design of Earth’s

231 governmental structures. Earth’s governmental forms— legislative, executive, and judicial – have the potential to guide Earth into integration with Universe society. Earth’s governments need only be openly oriented toward Universe integration.

The initiatives of Universe government in turn impact us here on Earth.

Our predisposition to re-integrate Earth into interplanetary society grows, even as we may are unaware of the forces supporting our Universe reunion. Universe government guides us from its multiple dimensions, through the barriers and obstacles to our inter-planetary reunion.

Universe government extends inward to spiritual dimensions that are even more evolved than interplanetary capitals. At the more advanced capitals of Universe government, creation and government merge.

Universe executives here take on the creative functions—literally – of “gods”.

These advanced Executive beings can bring entire new physical quadrants of the

Universe into being. They establish governance processes, and develop these new, organic quadrants of space. Universe Executives oversee the development of this new reality over billions of years, and cultivate entire systems of life-bearing planets.

The inner structure of the Universe may well created and overseen by evolving “God-beings”. Human science does not yet know these secrets, but

232 fragments of secret knowledge about the inner structure survive in human religions.

Christianity, for example, holds that Jesus of Nazareth was a human incarnation of a “Son of God”. The historical Jesus could well have been the human incarnation of the Universe Son of God that created the local quadrant of the Universe we inhabit. Human incarnations by Universe god-beings may be a key part of the cosmic drama of the quarantine of


Human history appears to be a spiritual drama at its deepest level. Many of the historical spiritual leaders of Earth may well carry out important functions in resolving our spiritual isolation in Universe society. The fact that a Creator Son of our local Universe could have chosen Earth for his planetary incarnation makes Earth a unique spiritual theatre.

Universe politics plays out on multiple levels here on Earth.

Some exopolitical issues are so profound their resolution requires direct intervention by the Creator-Son of God of our local

Universe quadrant.

More routine issues of exopolitics are resolved through the decentralized authority of Universe legislation, judicial decisions, or executive enforcement.

Earth’s exopolitics are unusual in the Universe. Our status as an isolated

233 planet is officially unknown to us. Yet our reintegration into Universe society depends on our becoming collectively aware of our isolation. To end our isolation, a critical mass of us must be aware that

Earth is part of a populated, advanced, organized interplanetary society.

Human beliefs about extraterrestrial reality must expand beyond its present limits. Our next planetary frontier consists of a critical mass of humanity becoming collectively aware, and openly part of Universe society.

The evolution, development, and government of the

Universe are decentralized. However, a single, common Source maintains the vastness of the outer worlds of inhabited space and the inner dimensions of Universe governance and creation. That original Source is a Being called God, Dios,

Dieux, Allah and more in sacred religious traditions.

God is the ultimate political being in the Universe. The complexity of God is such that we can hardly comprehend God’s multiplicity.

At the transcendent level, God is the Universe as it evolves. At a more immanent level, a personal being God resides at the most central administrative capital within the entire Universe.

This exopolitical capital is known in some human religious concepts as

“Paradise”. This central Paradise is – scientifically – the ultimate source of all life, intelligence, and spirit that exists. Given the correct spiritual circumstances, each of us could come face to face with

234 the personal God at this central Paradise. A holographic particle of God resides within the intelligent, spiritual beings of the

Universe. This is what makes the human soul divine.

The principles of the Universe politics ultimately govern our politics on

Earth. Earth’s political institutions - flawed by our quarantine - are based on Universe politics. It may surprise you that an advanced and complex Universe would be governed by political institutions analogous to those here on Earth. Universe politics seem far away from

Earthly stereotypes of troubled religious institutions and corrupt politics. Advanced justice, laws, courts, legislatures, governmental executives exist out in the vastness of the Universe. Universe government is the source for all human political institutions, as they struggle out of our Universe isolation.

No wonder human science lack to tools for developing insight into intelligent life in the Universe. Exobiology, the study of the possibility of extraterrestrial life, is our contemporary tool for studying extraterrestrial life. The focus of exobiology is the microorganism, a fundamental building block of life. Exobiology in its present form seeks to establish the conditions of microorganismic alien life. It studies specialized planetary conditions to discover if conditions for primitive life forms has arisen.

If the microorganism approach of contemporary human exobiology were it only one of many exobiology’s specialties, it would be scientifically reasonable. Contemporary exobiology could not itself discover the advanced

235 intelligent civilizations that form Universe society.

Exobiology has no concepts for understanding how a more advanced civilization would approach a lower intelligent civilization, like Earth.

Our scientific establishment has a deep seated, antagonistic bias against the existence of more advanced civilizations in Earth’s environment.

Clearly the paradigms of exobiology must be transformed if we humans are to integrate into larger Universe society.

Expand exobiology to include the study of advanced civilizations in the

Universe, and their relation to Earth. The scientific enemies of Universe society have had their historical day and failed. Physicist

Enrico Fermi in 1939 stated his paradox– if Universe civilizations exist why have they not visited Earth? Fermi’s approach has a double bankruptcy. Universe civilizations have not appeared “officially” precisely because the Earth is in legal quarantine. However, Universe civilizations are in daily, profound and permanent contact with Earth’s ecology, overseeing our planet and its evolution, and raising the consciousness of the collective human mind.

Universe civilizations do not visit Earth episodically. They are a permanent part of Earth’s ecology. Earth is a lifeexperiment project of

Universe society, and is under Universe politics and governance. Our interplanetary capital is Earth’s closest level of Universe government.


Like local governments on Earth, local planetary capitals focus on broad issues of planetary welfare, as well as on biological and spiritual status of intelligent life.

Earth is a life-experiment planet, and homo sapiens is a life-experiment species. Universe scientists, who continue to monitor biologic and evolutionary conditions on Earth, biologically engineer humans to some degree. Intervention in human evolution takes place under minimal interference rules for life-bearing planets.

Monitoring facilitates Universe society’s control of the decentralized processes of planetary evolutionary.

These twin evolutionary principles – planetary nonintervention and planetary over-control – may seem mutually contradictory and paradoxical.

This apparent contradiction can be resolved through different Universe standards. Overcontrol of evolution is activated when the very existence of a desired evolutionary end is threatened.

We exist in a Universe that is simultaneously “physical” and “spiritual”, and there is no fundamental contradiction between the two.

The “physical” aspects of the Universe are its newer, less real creations, and the Universe’s spiritual aspects are its older, more real dimensions.

Spiritual and physical are along a spectrum of creation, consciousness, and energy. It is misleading to describe Universe government as an interplanetary federation, and not include government’s dimensional, spiritual aspects of government.


Higher Universe levels of government are responsible for the unification and stabilization of the vast systems of life-bearing planets under their jurisdiction. Planetary unification includes integration of life-bearing planets into interplanetary society. Planetary stabilization relates to the relative social, political and spiritual status of a life-bearing planet such as Earth. Planetary stability is of high concern in the case of quarantined planets such as Earth.

The turmoil experienced on quarantined planets such as

Earth conceals an inner truth. Universe governance closely monitors social and evolutionary conditions on life-bearing planets. The precise conditions triggering a planetary intervention may be very difficult for us to discern. We do not know with certainty why have Earth’s quarantine has been allowed to continue for so long, with its historical legacy of poverty, war, ignorance, disease, human suffering.

Obviously there is more to know, as the perspective of higher Universe government extends over epochs lasting billions of years and more.

Universe government is a deep mystery at this stage, as are its interventions into a quarantined planet. Oversight of a quarantined planet such as Earth is challenging, as the Universe administration must remain officially invisible.

Consciousness communication circuits are one of these mechanisms by which


Universe society acts invisibly on Earth. Circuits of

Universe consciousness can communicate desired cosmic insights, information, and inspiration to key individuals and society at large on a quarantined planet. For example, Universe consciousness circuits may be used to cultivate planetary attitudes where “poverty” and “war” are unacceptable as social conditions.

There are stages to the development of life-bearing planets.

Earth is about to reach that evolutionary stage where war and poverty are abolished. In Earth’s case, conflict resolution techniques and free energy production technology would abolish war and poverty globally, were Earth to be openly re-integrated with Universe society. The technology of “free energy” leads to a demise of the petroleum and nuclear civilization and the elite power structure that enforces and benefits from it.

Open integration with Universe society enforces the universal disarmament and the end of war as legally sanctioned conflict.

If human civilization does not acquire mass access to cosmic energy sources, Earth’s petroleum and nuclear-based power structure of Earth may endure. The top 250 families and individuals of Earth own more wealth than the bottom 2.5 billion persons do. One formula for maintaining Earth’s isolation consists of increasing the obscene concentration of power and

239 wealth, while keeping humankind ignorant about Universe society. Our ultimate liberation will largely depend on how exopolitics can free our institutions from the grip of these plutocracies.

The highest levels of Universe government are most concerned with the spiritual evolution of interstellar space, its vast networks of life-bearing planets, and its myriad civilizations of intelligent, spiritual beings. Earth has been the subject of special scrutiny within the higher Universe realms. In our history as a planet, we have been quarantined primarily for spiritual reasons. Hence, we are an unusual and fairly well-known life-experiment planet within Universe society. Earth is metaphorically the Galapagos Islands of spiritual evolution, because the species of Souls we produce are greatly affected by our isolation.

Parascience now confirms the existence of such energy entities as the human aura, spirit, and soul. Our physical bodies are nestled within an energy complex known as an aura, with cosmic energy gates known as chakras, from their sacred religious name. Our biological bodies eventually die. However, our non-temporal Souls survive and evolve in an eternal Universe adventure. After bodily death, evolving human souls inhabit the more real, spiritual dimensions of Universe reality. Humans are of an evolutionary class of intelligent beings, as are much of the civilizations of vast networks of inhabited planets.


The governmental structure of Universe society is both relatively simple, yet complex enough to deal with the multiplicity of dimensions and issues that come before it. Universe government’s judicial function is far-flung, and with multiple levels of jurisdiction. Evolving beings from intelligent civilizations can become judges in Universe courts that extend throughout its dimensions. These courts deal with important issues such as the readmission of isolated planets, and governmental crimes by high Executives within the

Universe. Evolving souls like us can be part of Universe legislative bodies, and set standards for life bearing planets.

Because of our history of planetary isolation, human souls from Earth may be temporarily underrepresented in the current structure of

Universe government. Once we overtly reintegrate with Universe society, these channels of participation will be more readily open to us.

Beneath this governmental structure lies a profound order.

Our human culture is such that we expect a useful career will be limited to a human single life span of 65-80 years. In fact, our

Universe careers are limitless, and the opportunities for growth, evolution, and service both profound and multiple. Bodily death on this planet is scientifically but a transition to a more real and fulfilling level of

Universe reality.

Our corrupted knowledge – the product of our planetary isolation - has treated death and the afterlife with fear and superstition.


“As above, so below” is a useful metaphor in understanding the structure of Universe society. Despite our isolation, the basic design of Universe structures – the “above” reality – is still mirrored here on

Earth, the

“below” reality. The basic underlying designs of Universe society are present, on every life-bearing planet. Planetary reality is indelibly interconnected, through inter-dimensional space, and inward to the common

Source of the evolving Universe we inhabit.

Interplanetary governance is reflected in the science fiction stereotypes of our literature, films, television shows, and popular culture. Some popular literature and films capture the spirit of multidimensional

Universe society more readily than others. Culture, music, films, literature, art are important modalities for raising

Universe awareness on


Universe society maintains an operating network of communication, diplomacy, and culture among its integrated planets.

Interplanetary networks are subject to a complex of Universe laws, regulation, and enforcement. Everything from interplanetary travel, to the requirements for interplanetary regulation are set out by federationnetwork rules.

Earth’s international laws, and its institutions, treaties, and regulations governing everything from diplomacy to air flight are a mirror-reflection of these Universe rules.


Universe government is particularly concerned with reintegrating isolated planets like Earth, as planetary quarantines. Isolated planets may lack a planetary governmental, political, and social infrastructure necessary to participation in interplanetary society. Very often the planetary stages of global integration cannot be rushed. Reintegration of isolated planets may come in lengthy stages.

Earth is part of an ancient, epochal community of lifebearing planets.

Our planetary community has a far-flung network of communication and interplanetary representation. Planetary self-government and its members are as diverse as Universal reality itself.

. Patience may be one of the key evolutionary qualities of intelligent beings incarnating on isolated worlds like Earth. Think of the individual pain experienced in the last century: global wars, totalitarian dictators, genocide, and political and social oppression. This is the evolutionary baseline Earth has endured as a consequence of planetary rebellion.

We have had to endure the evils of ignorance, disease, poverty, war, and oppression over the course of our isolation from the community of planets.

During this isolation, the planetary rebellion has come to a final, long-suffering conclusion. The rebellion is the source of many of the mythical fragments in Earthly religious traditions.

The “Devil” may have been an historical Universe official who rebelled against the Universe administration, and set in motion the isolation

243 imposed on Earth. Other Universe government representatives were ejected from the “Garden of Eden,” as, depicted in the “Adam and

Eve” mythology.

Historically, the Garden of Eden may have been a base for the re-establishment of Universe government on Earth.

Religious mythology that the “Devil” derailed Universe representatives Adam and Eve may be a fragmentary depiction of a true Universe civil war.

For a time after the rebellion, forces of the extraterrestrial ruler known as “the Devil” took over Earth’s administrative government. Our planetary rebellion is the historical source for themes of good and evil, God and Devil that appear throughout our religious traditions. Much of Earth’s religious heritage – Christian,

Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, and Moslem –comes from the legacy of this spiritual war.

Earth’s religions are ultimately right about the structure

Universe politics. God – the Source origin of all reality - in fact rules the

Universe through government. Politics and government in

Universe society are decentralized, and yet ultimately proceed from one original Source -


Universe self-government is a hologram. The whole of the

Universe government appears in its every part. Very roughly speaking, the legislative pattern of Universe government can be seen in

Earth’s legislatures, even corrupted as they are from the rebellion.

The executive

244 function of Universe government is reflected in Earth’s political structures. Concepts such as “the divine right of monarchy;” “the emperor as divinity personified” are cultural leftovers from some distant human memory of the divine aspects of Universe government.

Our science fiction novels, films and television series have made interplanetary federation familiar to us. We can readily understand how an interplanetary federation might work. Likewise we can understand the concept of a Universe judiciary. Universe courts decide disputes among planets such as liabilities for accidents or crimes in interplanetary jurisdictions.

Universe courts and legislatures are the holographic models for legislatures and courts on Earth. We can understand them because evolving humans are included as judges and legislators. Universe judges include evolving Souls from diverse planets in the interplanetary federation. There is nothing strange or faith-based about human judges and legislators.

The executive function of Universe government is mysterious. The rulers of the Universe are Gods – beings with the power of creation who have earned the right to create and oversee their own quadrants of

Universe reality.

There is a different between acknowledging Gods in the

Universe, and acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.


Science stereotypically rejects the possibility that God exists. The existence of interplanetary legislatures might be a subject for scientific, empirical research. The existence of God and

Sons of God – the factual creators and rulers of the Universe – is the subject of religious disagreement, scientific controversy, and of popular confusion.

We humans intimately participate in the executive governance of the

Universe, through inner spiritual circuits. Each level of

Universe government is under the oversight of an advanced Godbeing, with ultimate authority over all planetary governments, local universe creations, and the evolving Universe itself.

Each of us has a holographic entity of God within us, as does each of spiritual entity in the Universe. In each of us you will find the whole

(God), and in the whole (God) you will find the part (we humans). We humans can influence events in the Universe through conscious spiritual acts. This is not metaphor, but actual reality.

Earth has been long disconnected from Universe government. Reintegration with Universe society will bring us in contact with the network of fellow planets. Integration will also reconnect Earth to cosmic circuits of divinity, to a higher plane of conscious perception, to the divine aspects of Universe structure and government. This process of reintegration is gradual, and in stages. It is, however, a reclaiming of our original blueprint as divinely connected evolving beings.


Chapter Twenty One

“Exopolitics: Humans Are As Humans Do”

Earth has been long absent from open participation in the community of life-bearing planets. We lack interplanetary capabilities, ranging from adequate Universe awareness, to the advanced technologies for interplanetary communication, travel, diplomacy, and commerce. War is the principal mode for conflict resolution, as well as the resource and industrial base of our petroleum-nuclear civilization.

Military-intelligence behemoths disproportionate percentage of consume a national wealth. They corrupt our politics, economies and societies.

Hidden new military technologies, based on electromagnetic pulse energy and others, are now deployed for unspeakable environmental warfare, and mind control operations against Earth’s populations.

Universe politics on Earth are a legacy from our original isolation. This legacy explains the persistence of evil, oppression, deceit, duplicity, and conflict in human politics and political arrangements.

The planetary rebellion has left us with a legacy of unethical political cunning. Base cunning underlies the political decision to cover-up ongoing approaches by extraterrestrial civilizations over the last fifty years.

Patterns of our original planetary quarantine continue even unto the present. The original rebellion – think of it as a Civil War of outer space – continues to be fought by covert forces, hidden in networks of the

247 military-industrial establishments, governmental-political establishments, and the more selfish of Earth’s plutocracies.

If we call these military-intelligence forces were acting unconsciously, there might be grounds to forgive them the destruction they are causing.

Yet the evidence shows that the information war against

Universe society is quite deliberate. Or, we might forgive the militaryintelligence forces if they are sincere in a mistaken belief that extraterrestrial civilizations intend to destroy human society. Yet, the evidence shows that Universe civilizations are signaling their positive role. Earth’s integration into interplanetary society depends on how we ourselves act. All politics are local, global, and ultimately universal.

Human greed, avarice, violence, arrogance, emptiness can impact on our relationships with Universe society. A regressive human society can lengthen our isolation within the Universe.

The Universe politics game on Earth is convoluted and covert. Major terrestrial secret networks knowingly keep Earth in the dark about our

Universe heritage. These forces consciously keep humanity isolated from the rest of the Universe. Their war-like, destructive behavior is grossly immoral, hard to countenance. These major covert players are intentionally continuing the cycle of Universe isolation, in effect on

Earth since our original planetary rebellion.

Is our generation – early 21 st Century - the one to end this cycle of isolation? Perhaps. Whether our isolation is ended will all depend on the

248 process of Universe politics. Integration into interplanetary society is interactive, and requires a motivated human race seeking entry into Universe society.

The challenges of Universe integration are daunting, starting with the destructive politics of planetary isolation. Since the midtwentieth century, secret networks that span intelligence, military, and economic organizations, have waged a global information war to keep humankind in the dark about extraterrestrial contact. Their goal has been to maintain planetary secrecy about Universe society. Through this planetary secrecy,

(1) they reinforce their illegitimate power over human society, (2) they prevent humanity from becoming politically conscious of its potential choice to join Universe society, and (3) they appropriate advanced Universe technologies and advantages for their power uses.

Universe politics is a process whose goal is the liberation of

Earth from this captivity.

On the other side of the terrestrial military-industrial complex are the forces of Universe society, subtly awakening a critical mass of humankind to a Universe consciousness. Ultimately, this aware humanity may act as political counter-balance, allowing humanity to choose reentry into Universe society.

There is a spiritual dimension to the process of exopolitics.

“We are gods in the making” is a truth that well applies to the community of human souls, as they evolve spiritually over long Universe careers.


249 politics contain issues we would normally call “religious” or “spiritual.

Religious traditions on Earth may in fact be historical accounts of occasions when “the gods” or representatives of extraterrestrial civilization visited Earth. As Earth opens to Universe society, we may come to experience that Universe civilizations are composed of evolving spiritual beings.

One extraterrestrial version of our Universe politics process holds that a Universe Son of God incarnated on Earth, as part of his existential evolution. His incarnation was an exopolitical stage in the reintegration of Earth into Universe society. If Earth is in fact an arena for God incarnations, we can speculate that the timing of Earth’s reentry into open Universe politics may be part of some extended cosmic drama. The same advanced God-beings that imposed our quarantine may now be directing the

Universe integration of the planet.

The Universe politics of the last fifty years may have been the “last gasp” of the forces of darkness, of the original planetary rebellion on

Earth. Since the middle of the Twentieth century, a covert executive network has, for its own power, secretly controlled the management of

Earth’s interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations.

These executive networks have been in a state of active war against the

Universe administration. As a result, humanity has been excluded from participating

250 in its Universe heritage.

Universe politics is an historical and evolutionary spiral. In the same way that a militaristic plutocracy “caused” the original isolation of

Earth, our current militaristic plutocracy is attempting to continue the quarantine and their ultimately illusory control over

Earth’s civilization.

Well, let us expand this perspective. Suppose Universe society has been knowingly gaming with this militaristic plutocracy, with the goal of ultimately liberating humankind.

In the current phase of their “gaming” to bring humanity into Universe awareness, Universe governance pursues a dual track strategy. One track pursues raising humanity’s consciousness and political will to integrate with interplanetary society. This track is carried out mainly though large-scale psychological conditioning projects, like the

UFO phenomenon.

A second track targets the forces blocking humanity’s

Universe reentry. It seeks to “sucker-punch” the militaristic plutocracy opposing Earth’s re-entry. This strategy includes feeding the plutocracy a

“poison pill” of lower level reverse-engineered Universe technology, meanwhile cutting it off from Universe consciousness circuits. Thus Universe governance pays back Earth’s counter-evolutionary forces with some of the disinformation and psychological operations these forces of darkness have been playing on

251 humanity.

Psyops – psychological warfare – is the modality that this secret Earth force has used to keep mankind captive from the Universe society’s current wave of approach.

Progressive Universe politics are creative and resourceful.

There is a human force attempting to mobilize humankind into integration with

Universe society. They are a diverse, grassroots lobby for our collective future. This citizen’s lobby is a vanguard for our collective evolution.

We must involve our bodies politic in the process of achieving reunion with the Universe. A large part of the official deception and secrecy about Universe society is designed precisely to keep our body politic inert and apathetic about our interplanetary heritage. We need to activate

Universe awareness, and break through to interaction with

Universe society.

Breaking through to Universe society is about community politics.

Integration with Universe society comes about when a critical mass of humanity achieves the political will to seek its Universe heritage. Our is a time to commit our individual beings, our awareness to our cosmic citizenship. Playing Universe politics is based on trusting our inner judgment and intuition. By activating our cosmic bodies politic, we can

252 deconstruct terrestrial manipulation and deception about a positive future in interplanetary society.

Copyright © 2000-2001

Alfred Lambremont Webre

All Rights Reserved

To be continued in EXOPOLITICS: PART THREE


Alfred L. Webre : e-mail : alfred@exopolitics.com e-mail : exopolitics@exopolitics.com e-mail : webmaster@alienzoo.com







Randolph Winters





( Páginas 241 - 246 del libro de Randolph

Winters The Pleiadian Mission , publicado en 1994.

Traducción al español por Ignacio Darnaude )


PREÁMBULO : Los ciudadanos del mundo promulgan la presente Ley Fundamental en orden a garantizar en todo el orbe el respeto a los siguientes principios fundamentales de convivencia civilizada :

- Alcanzar una unión más armoniosa entre las naciones.

- Proteger los derechos humanos y libertades civiles.

- Organizar un sistema de defensa común.

- Promover el desarrollo espiritual de los indivíduos.

- Generalizar la educación para todos.

- Preservar el bienestar ecológico del globo y de todos los seres integrados en los reinos mineral , vegetal , animal , homínido y sobrenatural.

- Establecer relaciones institucionales con las humanidades de otras esferas de vida.

- Y asegurar una asignación equitativa y justa de los recursos naturales.

ARTÍCULO 1 : Todos los poderes de decisión serán conferidos por una Asamblea General de los Ciudadanos de

la Tierra , integrada por representantes de todas las naciones y presidida por un Consejo de siete miembros.

La Asamblea General

Será el cuerpo legislativo del Estado y cuenta con un representante por cada 50 millones de habitantes de cada país , con un mínimo de dos mandatarios por nación.

Los diputados , nativos y mayores de 24 años , resultarán elegidos para un mandato de seis años. Los emolumentos

257 por todos conceptos de los parlamentarios no sobrepasarán el salario medio mundial.

Los miembros de la Cámara adquieren la condición de

Ciudadanos de la Tierra , se someten al ordenamiento jurídico general y no gozarán de privilegios especiales.

El Consejo

Es el Gobierno ejecutivo del planeta y lo componen 7 vocales elegidos entre los que hayan sido diputados durante dos legislaturas. A los consejeros se les nombrará mediante los votos favorables de dos tercios de la

Asamblea General , por un período de diez años , y una vez expirados sus mandatos pueden prestar sus servicios como asesores voluntarios.

ARTÍCULO 2 : La Asamblea General fija su sede en

Groenlandia , comunidad que dona a estos efectos mil millas cuadradas de su territorio. Se constituirá cuatro veces al año , durante 45 dias por cada período activo.

Cualquier ciudadano de la Tierra puede dirigirse a la

Asamblea por escrito , o será oído en ella con cita previa.

ARTÍCULO 3 : Los ciudadanos de la Tierra gozan de los derechos de libertad de pensamiento y de palabra. Se permite manifestar las ideas mediante expresión oral o escrita en cualquier medio de comunicación , sin que nadie resulte perseguido por ello. Queda protegida la libertad ideológica , y no se autorizan dispositivos electrónicos , psíquicos o de otro tipo para espiar o interpretar los pensamientos y opiniones sin el consentimiento de los afectados. A ninguna persona se le negarán los derechos

258 civiles ni se le castigará debido a sus manifestaciones verbales o a su manera de pensar.

ARTÍCULO 4 : Se considera que un no nacido adquiere la condición de ser humano a los 21 dias de su concepción , y de ahí en adelante se le otorgará el derecho a la vida.

Una vez que el espíritu decide a las tres semanas encarnar en un organismo biológico de por vida , a ese futuro hombre o mujer se le valorará como a un ser vivo en el mundo de la materia , y será defendido por las leyes y la conciencia del universo. Matar a cualquier entidad viviente constituye una violación del orden establecido en la Creación.

ARTÍCULO 5 : Las fronteras nacionales rigen exclusivamente a efectos históricos y cartográficos. Los nacidos en la Tierra pueden desplazarse libremente a cualquier lugar del mundo e incluso a otros planetas.

ARTÍCULO 6 : La Asamblea General se responsabilizará de la emisión y control del mundólar , único dinero legal para las transacciones económicas en todo el orbe.

No circularán monedas alternativas de carácter nacional.

Cada país recibirá una cuota de mundólares en proporción al producto nacional bruto y a su contribución al bienestar general de la comunidad planetaria. A los países en desarrollo se asignará una compensación financiera adicional , hasta que alcancen el nivel de las potencias industrializadas.

El mundólar se emitirá como billete de banco o en formato electrónico , ambos con idéntica validez en todo el mundo.

Con miras a proteger los derechos de los ciudadanos , la

Asamblea General ostenta la potestad de emitir mundólares en el volumen adecuado a la mayor conveniencia de la población. El dinero al que tiene opción cada indivíduo dependerá de su contribución a la sociedad.


El mundólar se sustenta en el producto mundial bruto o valor de todos los bienes y servicios generados en el orbe.

Con el fin de elevar la calidad de vida del colectivo terrestre

, se producirán los mejores bienes y servicios con destino a todos los indivíduos , para impedir así que el sistema económico funcione como un arma de opresión contra los menos favorecidos.

A toda persona capaz de trabajar se le proveerá de un empleo adecuado a sus óptimas aptitudes naturales , preparación y experiencia , para que de este modo todos contribuyan lo más posible al bien común , se ganen la vida con su propio esfuerzo y mantengan a la familia. El salario del trabajador dependerá de la productividad y de su aportación a la sociedad. La sabiduría y la integridad personales , el servicio a la comunidad , la enseñanza , la planificación y el asesoramiento especializado , serán entre otras las tareas mejor remuneradas.

ARTÍCULO 7 : En orden a erradicar la explotación del hombre por el hombre , quedan abolidas todas las modalidades de crédito. Se establece un procedimiento de pago aplazado sin interés para la compra de bienes de alto precio como la vivienda. Se evitará la excesiva complejidad del sistema económico , ya que el propósito de la vida no consiste en poseer riquezas materiales ni en controlar a ciudadanos endeudados a través del préstamo.

ARTÍCULO 8 : La Asamblea General instituirá comisiones de Desarrollo Espiritual , Derechos Humanos ,

Relaciones con Otros Planetas , Educación , Progreso Social

, Economía , Agricultura y Ciencia y Tecnología , con el propósito de distribuir equitativamente los recursos naturales entre la población.

La Asamblea General garantizará el derecho de todo ciudadano a integrarse en el sistema educativo , a disfrutar

260 de un hogar propio , a eficaces medidas sanitarias y a una adecuada representación política.

ARTÍCULO 9 : No se autoriza a los gobiernos locales a promulgar normas que vulneren las leyes naturales o la

Constitución Planetaria.

ARTÍCULO 10 : Con miras a elevar el nivel de consciencia de la humanidad , se dispone impartir enseñanza espiritual a todo el que la requiera . Una alianza de sabios velará por la exaltación del estado de conciencia del colectivo humano. Dicho gabinete de mentores evolucionados estará compuesto por líderes de avanzado desarrollo interior , capaces de inducir altos niveles de pensamiento lógico y vínculos espirituales que constituyan ejemplo e inspiración para el pueblo. Esta elevada fuente de neutral energía amorosa deberá estar perpetuamente enfocada hacia la terapia espiritual y vibratoria de la Tierra y sus habitantes.

Se estimulará a los ciudadanos para que potencien la fuerza integradora de los maestros espirituales mediante la aportación al bien común de su propia energía personal.

A medida que la población terrestre evoluciona , se producirá un incremento gradual en la intensidad de este flujo energético de carácter unificador , que se aplicará a la mejora de la salud física , mental y espiritual de las criaturas , y a la comunicación con avanzadas formas de vida en otros mundos.

ARTÍCULO 11 : No se aprobará ninguna ley que ponga en peligro el equilibrio del hábitat terrestre , las especies biológicas y la pureza de la atmósfera , bosques , rios y océanos. Cualquier persona que atente contra el medio ambiente o la integridad del planeta será sometida a un proceso de rehabilitación educativa , hasta que sea

261 consciente de la crucial importancia de convivir en armonía con la Creación , la naturaleza y los demás seres.

ARTÍCULO 12 : La Asamblea General representará la voluntad de los ciudadanos de la Tierra en cuanto a las relaciones con todas las razas , alianzas y federaciones de astros y esferas de vida alternativos. Se construirá una ciudad especial en Groenlandia , regulada por un particular estatuto legal , con el fin de atender con todas las comodidades a los visitantes de otros mundos.

ARTÍCULO 13 : Queda abolido el ejército tradicional.

La Asamblea General mantendrá una Fuerza de Paz nutrida por miembros de cada una de las naciones , en la que han de servir dos años todos los ciudadanos con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 25 años. Los integrantes de este cuerpo altruista de ayuda pública rotarán cumpliendo variadas misiones por distintos países , con miras de familiarizarlos con las diferentes etnias , culturas y mentalidades de la Tierra.

La Fuerza de Paz se encargará de la defensa del planeta y del control de las comunicaciones , con ánimo de ofrecer al pueblo toda la información disponible. Intervendrá asímismo como órgano de pacificación en los conflictos locales , y sus laborantes prestarán servicios pedagógicos en las instituciones de enseñanza , desempeñando al mismo tiempo diversas tareas asistenciales y comunitarias.

Cada persona puede elegir el tipo de trabajo a favor de sus semejantes que prefiera ejecutar. Se pretende educar a la ciudadanía de tal manera que todos colaboremos en el bien común de forma eficaz , desinteresada y sin esperar nada a cambio.

ARTÍCULO 14 : La Asamblea General organizará escuelas gratuítas para la formación de los indivíduos que lo deseen.

La meta educativa consiste en elevar al máximo el nivel de

262 inteligencia crítica y conocimiento de todos los sujetos , a quienes facilitará el acceso a la enseñanza superior y estimulará a pensar por cuenta propia y a hacerse invulnerables a los sofismas , lavado de cerebros y propaganda sectaria de algún posible grupo dominante.

Los maestros figuran entre los profesionales mejor considerados y retribuídos de la comunidad , pues de ellos depende la formación intelectual , emocional y moral de la juventud , forjadora a su vez de nuestro futuro. Ninguna sociedad en su conjunto está en condiciones de superar el nivel medio de los seres humanos moldeados en sus instituciones didácticas.

ARTÍCULO 15 : El inglés será de dominio general y constituye el idioma universal. Las hablas locales serán preservadas como una segunda lengua.

ARTÍCULO 16 : La población mundial se mantendrá entre 500 y 1000 millones de habitantes , en orden a facilitar una existencia en más estrecha armonía con la

Creación y la naturaleza , y a atenuar la presión demográfica sobre el equilibrio ecológico , la convivencia social y la producción de alimentos , bienes y servicios .

Con similares criterios se regulará el volumen del reino animal.

ARTÍCULO 17 : Los impuestos desaparecen del sistema económico. Todo el mundo podrá recurrir al trueque directo de bienes y servicios , sin entregar ni tomar mundólares.

ARTÍCULO 18 : Se habilitarán hospitales o centros de salud en todo núcleo de población. Los médicos aplicarán los remedios de su propia elección , siempre que cuenten

263 con la necesaria experiencia sobre sus medidas terapéuticas. Prescripciones naturales y medicina preventiva tales como alimentación sana , ejercicio físico , la curación mediante vibraciones , la música , la energía lumínica y la conciencia ( sanación espiritual ) , serán promovidas como terapias prioritarias , habida cuenta de que con tales métodos saludables , inspirados en la naturaleza , ahorramos recursos y no se deteriora el organismo humano.

No se autoriza , salvo en casos especiales , el uso de productos químicos de comprobada toxicidad. Los medios de comunicación darán a conocer los descubrimientos sanitarios y los nuevos remedios curativos.

Los medicamentos y agentes terapéuticos resultarán gratuítos para todo el censo. La dedicación al mejoramiento de la salud pública será considerada como una de las máximas aportaciones al bienestar social , y se remunerará mediante una renta vitalicia.

ARTÍCULO 19 : Se proscribe el uso de energías contaminantes que deterioren la calidad de la naturaleza y envenenen el aire , arboledas y mares , y las que dañen la salud física y mental de la población. El suministro de energía es gratuíto y su control lo ejerce un consejo de ciudadanos. Sólo se fabricarán compuestos químicos y elementos industriales inofensivos para la vida y el medio ambiente. Generadores de campos , calor solar y convertidores de fuerza takiónica serán las principales fuentes energéticas por ser de coste nulo , inagotables e inocuas. El poder público estimulará mediante una considerable renta perpetua en mundólares a los inventores y agentes creativos que descubran nuevas energías de importancia estratégica , capaces de mejorar el entorno y la calidad de vida.

ARTÍCULO 20 : En Groenlandia se crearán ciudades para rehabilitación destinadas a reeducar a los delincuentes


, quienes allí se aplicarán al estudio y al trabajo hasta que logren reincorporarse a la sociedad sin perturbar la convivencia. Los transgresores de la ley recibirán en estos centros especializados una atención personalizada y los máximos cuidados , amor y comprensión , en orden a que puedan llevar de nuevo una existencia gratificante y satisfactoria.

Los reos de crímenes violentos de imposible readaptación debido a trastornos mentales , vivirán en recintos apropiados al margen de la comunidad. En tales instituciones los malhechores serán tratados con inagotable entrega , consideración humana , afecto y empatía , en la esperanza de que al final de sus vidas accedan a una actitud mental y emocional más positiva , que facilite una próxima reencarnación libre de problemas de ajuste social.

ARTÍCULO 21 : Se descarta exhibir en los medios de comunicación conductas que contradigan las normas éticas prevalentes. Tampoco se dará publicidad a la violencia , sexo explícito o comportamientos irracionales. Los medios serán caja de resonancia de los foros públicos , a fin de que el pueblo sea escuchado en toda circunstancia.

Los ciudadanos de cualquier edad gozan del derecho a emitir sus declaraciones en la prensa , radio y televisión públicas. Y al mismo tiempo serán estimulados a participar activamente en la solución de los problemas planetarios y de su comunidad.

ARTÍCULO 22 : Los ciudadanos gozan de plena libertad en el ámbito de su vida privada , siempre que no perjudiquen ni perturben a los demás. El tabaco , el alcohol , las drogas o cualquier otra sustancia estupefaciente , no se permiten en lugares públicos. Sin embargo se otorgarán licencias temporales de uso individual en el interior del hogar , revisables cada año previa consulta con expertos en desintoxicación.






Ignacio Darnaude Rojas – Marcos

Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro , 9 ( 2º B )

41004 - Sevilla ( Spain )

Web : http://ignaciodarnaude.galeon.com e-mail : ummo@hispavista.com