Outline for Book Report - Priestman St. Elementary

Outline for Book Report
Due February 28th 2011
Your book report can be handwritten or typed. Please double space your lines. If you type
your report please use font 12 and a font (style of print) that is easy to read. I have used
font size 12 and the Comic Sans MS font for your outline. Please staple your outline to the
back of your book report.
Please follow the outline in order when finishing your good copy. Don’t forget to put in the
headlines: Title Page, Introduction, The Theme, The Setting, The Plot, The Main Character,
Secondary Characters(s), Conclusion and My Thoughts.
Title Page (
Your title page should include the following: title of book, the authors’ name, a picture
that depicts your book, your name and the due date. Don’t be afraid to use colour, your
imagination, and creativity.
Title Page Description (
Provide a brief description of your title page and how it relates to your book.
Introduction (
Include the title (underline) and author of your book. Tell why you chose this book and
what kind of a book it is: humour, fantasy/make believe, horror, true life, fiction, family,
adventure, animal story, etc.
Body (
/20): In this section you need to describe the following…
1. The Theme (
/2): (main idea/message/lesson of the story)
2. The Setting ( /5): the time and place of the story, provide examples of the setting
– when or where it takes place
3. The Plot (
/5): You want to tell what the story is mostly about. What is the main
event or conflict? Include 1 quote & the page # it is on that describes your book.
4. The Main Character (
/5): Describe his/her part in the book, personality and
physical description.
5. Secondary Characters (
/3): Describe other important characters from your book.
My Thoughts (
/15) - Your thoughts on the book
1. What was the best part of the story? Why or Why not? ( /4)
2. Would you recommend this book to your friends? Why or Why not? ( /2)
3. What new things did you learn from this book? At least 2 new things!! Can be new
words, facts, ideas, etc. Please write down your new words with the definition (
4. Spelling and sentence structure (
My book report was handed in on time (
BONUS for cursive writing (
Name: ______________________
Book Report Rubric
Title page
Title page description
The Body:
The Theme
The Setting
The Plot
Main Character
Secondary Characters
My Thoughts
The best part
New information
My book report was handed in on time
My Final Grade
Bonus for cursive writing
Final Grade with Bonus